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Lesson Plan in English Grade 7

(Demonstration Teaching)

Prepared by:

Maria Luisa M. Macalma

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Classify sentences according to their uses.
2. Construct declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamatory sentences.
3. Read sentences correctly and clearly with expressions.
4. Show teamwork and cooperation through participating in a group activity.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Types of Sentences According to Use
B. References: Grammar and Composition 4 by Prentice Hall, Proficiency in English by Simeon
C. Materials: Visual Aids, Pictures

III. Procedure:
A. Routine Activities
1. Greetings
2. Prayer
3. Classroom Conditioning
4. Checking of Attendance
5. Checking of Assignment
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
The class will be divided into four groups. Each group will be given pieces of paper with
words written on them. They will be asked to arrange the words in order to make a sentence.
They will come up with the following sentences:
1. The Philippines is rich in natural resources.
2. When did you visit Taal Volcano?
3. Please give the certificate.
4. I can’t believe it! We won!

2. Discussion
The four types of sentences according to structure are:
a. Declarative Sentence – A declarative sentence states a fact or opinion and ends with a
period. They are also used to narrate and express ideas.
b. Interrogative Sentence – An interrogative sentence asks a question and ends with a
question mark.
c. Imperative Sentence – An imperative sentence expresses a request or gives a command
or direction. It also ends with a period or a question mark.
d. Exclamatory Sentence – An exclamatory sentence conveys emotion and ends with an
exclamation mark.
Using the pictures shown on the board, the students will form different types of sentences
according to function.
a. Picture 1: Picture of a famous actor
1. Declarative – Alden Richards is an actor.
2. Interrogative – Is he famous?
3. Imperative – Could you please give me his phone number?
4. Exclamatory – OMG! I saw Alden Richards!
b. Picture 2: Picture of Taal Volcano
1. Declarative – Taal Volcano is located in Batangas.
2. Interrogative – Is Taal Volcano still active?
3. Imperative – Please stay away from Taal Volcano at the moment.
4. Exclamatory – I see smoke coming out of the volcano!
c. Picture 3: Picture of a winning basketball team
1. Declarative – The team won the game.
2. Interrogative – Did they win the game?
3. Imperative – Let us clap our hands for the winning team.
4. Exclamatory – Hurray! They won!
d. Picture 4: Picture of a red car
1. Declarative – Honda is a Japanese car manufacturer.
2. Interrogative – Is that your car?
3. Imperative – Drive carefully.
4. Exclamatory – Wow! What a nice car!
3. Application
The class will be divided into four groups. Each group will make a short presentation
about the situation given to them using all four types of sentences.
1. Group 1: You and your friends are in a concert of a famous rock band.
2. Group 2: You are lost when you meet a group of friends having fun on the road.
3. Group 3: A famous actress visited your barangay.
4. Group 4: Your teacher informed you about your failing grades.

C. Generalization
There are four types of sentences according to function. They are declarative,
interrogative, imperative or exclamatory. A declarative sentence states a fact or opinion. They
are also used to narrate and express ideas. An interrogative sentence asks for information. An
imperative sentence expresses a request or gives a command or direction. An exclamatory
sentence conveys emotion or strong feelings. Remember to use the right punctuations when
forming a sentence.
IV. Evaluation
Directions: Read each sentence carefully and identify their function. Write DC if it is declarative,
INC if it is interrogative, IMC if it is imperative and EC if it is exclamatory.
1. Samar Island is known for its beautiful caves and waterfalls.
2. Did the organization approve her proposal?
3. Isn’t her voice magnificent!
4. It is a baby boy!
5. Call the insurance agent please.
6. Watch out for that car!
7. What harm did the delay cause?
8. Most people do enjoy taking risks.
9. Is there anything else that I can get you?
10. Keep off the grass.

V. Assignment
Write a short narrative about your most unforgettable experience. Use at least four declarative,
four imperative, four interrogative and four exclamatory sentences.

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