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A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of

Senior High School
Butuan City, Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)



April 2024
Chapter IV


This chapter presents the analysis, presentation, and interpretation of the

findings from this study. The presentation of the findings follows the statement of the


Table 2. The Level of Service Quality of the School Canteen.

The canteen staff to be well-
groomed, tidy, and to have
TANGIBILITY 3.14 High supplied them with a
comfortable, variety of facilities.
Additionally, the canteen's
physical space is acceptable, but
this also suggests that there is still
space for development.
ASSURANCE 3.21 High The canteen staff showed
friendliness, confidence, and
respect to the students they
served. Additionally, the staff
members of the canteen engage
in friendly and inspiring
interactions with the students;
nonetheless, even in that
situation, there is still room for
EMPATHY 3.25 Very High The canteen employees showed
empathy by being friendly,
genuine, insightful, and mindful
of the needs of the students they
served. The canteen personnel
must maintain this properly.
RELIABILITY 3.20 High The canteen staff occasionally
displayed reliability. The
employees of the canteen also
treat students with respect and
joy when providing their services.
Additionally, they maintain
services that are true influenced
and dedicated to meeting the
demands of the students, but
there is still a great deal of
opportunity for improvement.
RESPONSIVENESS 3.18 High The canteen staff members
address students' wants and
demands in a helpful and timely
manner. Additionally, they show
an eagerness to assist and serve
the students through providing
high-quality services, although
there is always room for
OVERALL MEAN 3.20 High The canteen offers excellent
facilities and well-groomed staff
who exhibit positive
relationships, confidence,
kindness, respect, sincerity,
empathy, and awareness of
students' needs. The staff is
dependable, demonstrating joy
and respect. The school's service
quality is good, but there's room
for improvement.

Presented in Table 2 is the data on the level of the service quality of the school
canteen. The overall mean shows that the result on the level of the canteen service
quality is good in terms of tangibility, assurance, empathy, reliability, and
responsiveness. This implies that the Service Quality of the School Canteen is highly
positive. Furthermore, it means that the current service quality of the canteen can be
maintained, but there is still room for improvement. It is indicated in the American
International Journal of Contemporary Research (2014), that service quality can be
succinctly described as a phenomenon considered when evaluating customers'
expectations and perceptions of the services provided. Furthermore, the quality of the
service is determined by the expectations and perceptions of the customers; if the
service does not live up to or beyond the customers' expectations, then the service
quality is low.

Table 3. Students’ Level of Satisfaction in the School Canteen.

The canteen offers affordable food
PRICING 3.10 Good for students, but some items are
overpriced and students often avoid
them. Although the students are
highly satisfied with this some
improvements are needed to ensure
the food is suitable for the students'
CLEANLINESS 3.11 Good The canteen is kept up nicely, with
personnel handling and preparing
meals while using gloves and hair
nets. There are easily accessible
garbage cans, and students are in
charge of their waste. But still
developments are required.
FOOD QUALITY 3.09 Good The canteen serves tasty, healthy
food that is clean, tidy, and
appealing. It does not, however,
provide enough nutrients for
students, highlighting the need for
staff to improve the quality of the
OVERALL MEAN 3.10 Good The canteen provides affordable
food, but some dishes are too
expensive for students.
Modifications are needed for
affordability. Despite positive
experiences, students are not
satisfied with the quality of food and

Table 3 shows the data on the level of students’ satisfaction. The overall mean of the
level of students’ satisfaction in the school canteen in terms of pricing, cleanliness,
and food quality is positively good. The data from the table implies that the students
are good with the canteen in terms of the indicators, but they are not overly satisfied
with all of it. There many room for improvement and adjustments, to make students
more content and satisfied with the canteen. The feedback of the students shows a
positive feedback with the canteen's tasty food, environment, and pricing. This
suggests that the canteen is catering to student needs. Kumaradeepan (2015) et al,
stated that customer satisfaction in marketing is the most commonly used instrument
for a key performance of many businesses. Additionally, it is the measure of how the
products and services supplied by a company meet or exceed customer expectations,
likewise, the expectation of the customer is based on satisfaction with oneself along
customer loyalty is becoming a paramount factor in businesses for their long-term and
short-term survival.
Table 4. Results in the Correlational Analysis of the Students’ Satisfaction and
Canteen Services
Null Hypothesis p−value Decision Remarks
There is no 0.458 We failed reject the Null There is no significant
significant hypothesis. relationship between
relationship the level of students’
between the level satisfaction and
of students’ canteen service
satisfaction and quality.
canteen service

Table 4 shows the data results of the Correlational Analysis of the Students’
Satisfaction and Canteen Services. The Null Hypothesis has been failed to be rejected
which simply suggests that the level of students’ satisfaction and the canteen service
quality of Agusan National High School has no significant relationship.
Chapter V


This chapter presents the summary and conclusions based on the outcome of

the study, as well as the recommendations for future research purposes

Summary of Findings

This study is concerned with evaluating the relationship between the students’

satisfaction and canteen service quality in terms of its domains. The researchers

sought to find out the level of the students’ satisfaction of the Grade Eleven students

from the Humanities and Social Sciences and the level of the canteen service quality

in Agusan National High School – Senior High School. This study used a Descriptive-

Correlation Analysis research design. The level of service quality provided by the

school canteen in of Reliability, Assurance, Tangibility, Empathy, and

Responsiveness is high. The level of the students’ satisfaction is good. The overall

results showed that there is no significant relationship between the Students’

Satisfaction and Canteen Service Quality.


The study revealed that the students’ satisfaction under the HUMSS Stand and

the service quality of the Agusan National High School Canteen has a weak positive

relationship. With the justification of the results, it showed that there is no significant

relationship between the students’ satisfaction and canteen service quality. This

means that even though the canteen service showed a good and positive outcome, the

canteen should still be improved so that the students' satisfaction will also increase.
Therefore, the school canteen staff should be open to any development that may come

to be able to provide better and more positive service quality for the students.


The following suggestions are provided following the assessment and taking

into account the study's results and conclusions.

Students. The researchers recommend that students play an active role in

keeping the canteen clean and organized by avoiding littering and responsibly

disposing of their trash in designated bins.

Teachers. The researchers suggest that teachers become more aware of how

they supervise and guide students' actions in the canteen. They highlight the

significant role teachers play in encouraging students to behave respectfully and

responsibly in this area.

Canteen Managers. The researchers recommend that the school canteen

managers also review the prices of the products that are affordable to students and

also the cleanliness of the whole canteen area.

Future Researchers. The researchers recommend that future researchers fill in

the study's gaps and adopt the findings it as a basis for their research, accomplishing a

comparable investigation to discover additional information. It also offers further

information about the students’ satisfaction and canteen service qualities.

Appendix F
Reliability Test

Scale Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's α

scale 0.926

Item Reliability Statistics

If item dropped

Cronbach's α

A 0.924
B 0.923
C 0.923
D 0.923
E 0.923
F 0.923
G 0.924
H 0.923
I 0.923
J 0.923
K 0.923
L 0.924
M 0.923
N 0.924
O 0.923
P 0.923
Q 0.923
R 0.922
S 0.923
T 0.923
U 0.923
V 0.923
W 0.923
X 0.924
Y 0.923
Z 0.924
AA 0.924
AB 0.925
AC 0.928
AD 0.926
AE 0.924
AF 0.924
AG 0.925
AH 0.925
AI 0.924
AJ 0.923
AK 0.924
AL 0.923
AM 0.926
AN 0.925
Appendix G
Normality Test

Canteen Services Student Satisfaction

N 269 269
Missing 0 0
Mean 3.20 3.10
Median 3.16 3.07
Standard deviation 0.413 0.404
Minimum 1.88 1.53
Maximum 4.00 4.00
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.986 0.985
Shapiro-Wilk p 0.008 0.007
Appendix H
Statistical Test
Correlation Matrix

Canteen Services Student Satisfaction

Canteen Services Kendall's Tau B —

p-value —

Student Satisfaction Kendall's Tau B 0.458 *** —

p-value < .001 —

Note. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001

As shown in Appendix G the study did not pass the Normality Test of 0.05
which meant that the researchers cannot use Pearson r Correlation as their statistical
test. As a result of this the researchers have use the Kendall’s Tau B as their tool for
the statistical test.
Appendix I


TANGIBILITY 1 3.22 High The students saw that the canteen staff is
TANGIBILITY 2 3.07 High The canteen staff kept the physical
appearance of the canteen presentable.
TANGIBILITY 3 3.07 High The canteen staff has a complete and
functional equipment for the canteen.
TANGIBILITY 4 3.17 High The school assigned a good canteen staff.
TANGIBILITY 5 3.15 High The very well provided a comfortable facilities
in the school canteen.
This finding shows that students viewed the
canteen staff to be well-groomed, tidy, and
to have supplied them with a comfortable,
OVERALL MEAN 3.14 High variety of facilities. Additionally, the
canteen's physical space is acceptable, but
this also suggests that there is still space for

ASSURANCE 1 3.38 Very High The canteen staff showed a very positive
behavior towards the students.
ASSURANCE 2 3.24 High The canteen staff is highly knowledgeable of
the products sold in the canteen.
ASSURANCE 3 3.12 High The canteen staff can highly inspire students.
ASSURANCE 4 3.19 High The canteen staff showed students courtesy
and politeness.
ASSURANCE 5 3.14 High The canteen staff showed students that they
are trustworthy and confident.
This implies that the canteen staff showed
friendliness, confidence, and respect to the
OVERALL MEAN 3.21 High students they served. Additionally, the staff
members of the canteen engage in friendly
and inspiring interactions with the students;
nonetheless, even in that situation, there is
still room for growth.

EMPATHY 1 3.29 Very High The canteen staff asked the students in a very
nice and cheerful manner.
EMPATHY 2 3.26 Very High The canteen staff immediately understands
the needs of the students.
EMPATHY 3 3.25 Very High The staff showed concern and care for the
EMPATHY 4 3.19 High The staff are ready to listen to the concerns of
the students.
EMPATHY 5 3.28 Very High The canteen staff are kind to all the students.
This shows that the canteen employees
showed empathy by being friendly, genuine,
OVERALL MEAN 3.25 Very High insightful, and mindful of the needs of the
students they served. The canteen personnel
must maintain this properly.
RELIABILITY 1 3.28 Very High The canteen staff kept they service highly
RELIABILITY 2 3.23 High The canteen staff are always cheerful and kind
throughout their service.
RELIABILITY 3 3.21 High The canteen staff have a good attitude when
it comes to serving the students.
RELIABILITY 4 3.12 High They showed sincere interest in the students.
RELIABILITY 5 3.18 High They kept they service dependable for the
This suggests that students observed that the
canteen staff occasionally displayed
reliability. The employees of the canteen
OVERALL MEAN 3.2 High also treat students with respect and joy
when providing their services. Additionally,
they maintain services that are true
influenced and dedicated to meeting the
demands of the students, but there is still a
great deal of opportunity for improvement.

RESPONSIVENESS 1 3.26 Very High The canteen staff provided a good quality
RESPONSIVENESS 2 3.22 High The canteen staff responded to the student’s
RESPONSIVENESS 3 3.1 High They highly provided a prompt service.
RESPONSIVENESS 4 3.23 High The staff had willingly serve and help the
needs of the students.
RESPONSIVENESS 5 3.11 High They never snap to respond to all the
student’s requests.
This suggests that canteen staff members
address students' wants and demands in a
OVERALL MEAN 3.18 High helpful and timely manner. Additionally,
they show an eagerness to assist and serve
the students through providing high-quality
services, although there is always room for

PRICING 1 3.20 High The food in the canteen are highly affordable
to the students.
PRICING 2 3.09 High The prices in the canteen are highly
appropriate for the food being sold.
PRICING 3 3.05 High The students highly avoided the food or items
due to their price.
PRICING 4 3.12 High Some of the food in the canteen are
PRICING 5 3.02 High The prices of the food in the canteen are
highly needed an improvement.
This result suggests that the canteen offers
OVERALL MEAN 3.10 High affordable food for students, but some items
are overpriced and students often avoid
them. Although the students are highly
satisfied with this some improvements are
needed to ensure the food is suitable for the
students' budget.
CLEANLINESS 1 3.07 High The canteen’s cleanliness is highly well-
CLEANLINESS 2 3.03 High The canteen staff wore a hair net and gloves
to observe cleanliness in the preparation and
handling of the food.
CLEANLINESS 3 2.98 High The canteen has accessible trash bins.
CLEANLINESS 4 3.27 Very High The students took responsibility for their
CLEANLINESS 5 3.20 High The canteen highly needs an improvement
regarding its cleanliness.
The canteen is kept up nicely, with personnel
handling and preparing meals while using
OVERALL MEAN 3.11 High gloves and hair nets. There are easily
accessible garbage cans, and students are in
charge of their waste. But still developments
are required.

FOOD QUALITY 1 3.13 High The food in the canteen is highly delicious and
FOOD QUALITY 2 3.15 High The food displayed is presentable, need, and
FOOD QUALITY 3 3.11 High The food is appetizing and cooked
FOOD QUALITY 4 2.93 High The food in the canteen is not healthy enough
for the students.
FOOD QUALITY 5 3.13 High The canteen staff needs to improve the
quality of food they sell on the canteen.
This result indicates that the canteen serves
OVERALL MEAN 3.09 High tasty, healthy food that is clean, tidy, and
appealing. It does not, however, provide
enough nutrients for students, highlighting
the need for staff to improve the quality of
the food.

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