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Getting started with applicom PCNIC

Rev Date File Name

1.1 01/03/07 QuickStart Getting started with applicom PCNIC


• Product concerned: BradCommunications applicom PCNIC (PC Network Interface

Card) familly

• Product version: applicom software V3.8 Rev1

• Environment: Executed with: Windows XP SP1

• Related documents:
- BradCommunications applicom help file (detailed technical information).


This QuickStart explains you step by step how to start with the applicom PCNIC (Package,
installation, configuration (Console) and communication checking)

Some additional QuickStart exist explaining more in detail how to configure the specific
protocol communication details. These notes will be available on the applicom Product CD-
Rom under the Technote directory. Please check if the communication you are trying to set up
is described in such a note.

The Quickstart notes are only short versions of a sample configuration in order to have a quick
start up with our product. The full documentation of the product can be accessed via the
contents.pdf file!
All available Quickstarts are always updated on the CD-Rom!
1 Applicom package

1.1 Software : CDRom

In each applicom package, you will find a CDROM (it contains all information you need to
install and configure the applicom card).
You can find on it product and protocol manuals, technotes and additional protocol
1.2 Hardware : The card

applicom card are delivered with a PCI / PCU different

interfaces bus: The PCI (Peripheral Componant
Interconnect) and the PCU (PCI universal interface
compatible with the PCI-X standard.)

Note: the PCI Express format is not support now.

1.3 Installation sequence

The first step of the start-up would be to install first the software on your computer then the
hardware. The benefit would be that the driver is already installed when windows is starting
the PnP routine to identify the applicom card.
Check also that you have the administrator rights on your machine for the whole start-up

Getting started with applicom products – V1.4 Page 2 of 12

2 Software Installation

To run the installation software, insert the CDROM into the drive, and follow the instruction.

Select the applicom Server you want to use. Select the server you want to use.
Note: The applicom API DLL is installed by default.

Please, refer to
the Help file
whenever you
are in trouble

For the DDE server, you will need some Wonderware FactorySuite components installed on
your PC these components are provided with the Wonderware installation CDs.

Getting started with applicom products – V1.4 Page 3 of 12

Choose the protocol you want to use. Select the protocol you want to use.

You have a
scroll bar to see
all protocols !

Once the installation is done, please restart you PC (mandatory)

 More information about the installation of

your applicom PCNIC solution in hw_Install_Soft.pdf

Getting started with applicom products – V1.4 Page 4 of 12

3 Hardware Installation

3.1 The PCI / PCU card(PnP card)

If you have a PCI / PCU card: You have to configure one parameter before seating the card.
This has to be performed especially if you install several applicom cards in the same PC. By
default the factory configuration is made for the first card installed in the PC.

CARD NUMBER : The first card has number « 1 » (N°1 per defauft), the card numbers
must be consecutive.

Jumpers to configure
the CARD Number


 More information about the installation of

your applicom PCNIC solution in hw_Install_Hard.pdf
chapter 2. applicom on PC board

Getting started with applicom products – V1.4 Page 5 of 12

4 Software Configuration

The Console applicom® defines your industrial architecture (card, protocol, equipment) to
generate the initialization files of applicom® environment. Start the Console from the
applicom® folder with a double-click on the icon.

 More information about the configuration of

your applicom PCNIC solution in implementation.pdf

 More information about the configuration of some protocol are

available in additional Quickstart documents that will describe
this chapter more in detail. All available quickstart are located
on the CD-ROM under the technote directory

4.1 Add a card

The Console is started. The following step consists of

defining the applicom® cards installed in your
computer. To add a card, click on Boards
Configuration icon and select Add a board.
The Console automatically detects the cards installed.
Validate the card displayed by OK.

4.2 Select a protocol

The card is defined. It is now necessary to specify the

protocol(s) attached to the channel of the cards. To
add a protocol, click on icon corresponding to the
channel of the card and select Properties. The list of
the compatible protocols appears. Choose one then
validate by OK.

Getting started with applicom products – V1.4 Page 6 of 12

4.3 Setup the protocol

Now it is necessary to setup the parameters of the

protocol. For that, click on protocol icon and select
Properties. A dialog box displays the default settings.
You must modify these parameters according to your
network configuration (medium speed, station number,
Time-Out, etc).

4.4 Add the equipments

This step defines the list of the equipment connected
to the network with which you wish to communicate.
From the Area Equipment Library, click on an
equipment model and select Insert in Configuration.
A dialog box appears. Fill the equipment parameters
(network address, symbolic name, etc.) and validate
The Console includes the automatic detection of
devices connected on Ethernet TCP/IP with the PCI-
2000ETH card.

4.5 Setup the topics

OPC and DDE servers use an arbitrary name called

Topic as access path to the variables. To configure the
Topic related to an equipment, click on equipment icon
corresponding and select Properties. A dialog box
enables you to configure these parameters such as:
format (table, chain text), update rate, customization of
associated Items, etc.

Getting started with applicom products – V1.4 Page 7 of 12

 More information about the topic configuration of
your applicom PCNIC solution in implementation.pdf
in chapter 6. Topic configuration

4.6 Initialize the card(s)

The configuration is finished. Click on to save and

to initialize the applicom board. A window appears
indicating the process and status of the initialization.
You should see now for each card initialized correctly
an status icon in green (here for card 1: ).
This initialisation has to be performed then at each
power on ! some mechanism allows to perform an
automatic initialisation. See in help files.

 More information about the initialization procedure of

your applicom PCNIC solution in implementation.pdf
in chapter 6. Initialization

Getting started with applicom products – V1.4 Page 8 of 12

5 Communication checking with your equipment(s)

To give a summary of your configuration, you have : One card.

One or more channels.
One or more equipments.

Now, if you have properly used the console (type of the card, channel and equipment) and if
you have initialized the card, you can access to the remote device with a special applicom
test tool : READWAIT. This application is located into the shortcut “applicom 3.x” \ “tools”.

See the following print screen about READWAIT.

Most important parameters : Card, Channel and


Type of the
needed data (bit, Number of
Byte, Word, variables to read

Address of the
Syntax (depends needed data in
on the equipment) the PLC.

If all works fine, After filling the

you must see parameters, you
some return data can click on the
in this array. « read button »
or select
« Polling » to
Also, when you activate the read
active the read function.
fonction, you can
see a return status
about the
exchange (0 = ok,
other = not ok).

 To know the meaning of each status, use the

content.pdf file to refer to the documentation of
the protocol used then look for the status in the
chapter Functions return Status

Getting started with applicom products – V1.4 Page 9 of 12

6 Troubleshooting and FAQ

6.1 How can I backup my configuration?

From the applicom Configuration

console in the File menu your can start
the configuration manager

In this configuration manager you can

manage the different configuration of this
PC. Each of this configuration correspond
to a specific directory in the “applicom
installation directory”/Config directory.

You can backup your configuration

- by saving the contents of your configuration directory in your config directory.
These file can simply be copied back or transferred on another machine to
transfer the configuration.
- by selecting your configuration in the Configuration manager and clicking on
the backup button. This action will generate an .apa file that can be restored in
the same machine or on any other machine with the restore button.

6.2 What is the compatibility between the applicom card, the applicom
software versions and the Windows OS ?

The applicom card has on-board a Firmware with several functionality implemented!
The Windows OS request specific drivers and settings be supported!
And the software version has also specific functionalities that uses some card functionalities
and that is adapted to specific windows OS!

So the compatibility has to be checked mainly according to the software version that you are
using! Here some rules :

- Old cards may not run with the latest software. It is necessary to check if the
card has the necessary Bios version in order to run with the latest software
- New cards can run under older software versions. They are still compatible with
older functionalities.
- The Bios vesion has no relation with the Windows OS running on the PC
- The software version should be designed for the OS running on the PC.

Getting started with applicom products – V1.4 Page 10 of 12

To support new functionalities or to support new Windows OS the applicom solution has to
be upgraded. Please consult your local Woodhead representative for more information about
the upgrade process.

 Detailed information about the compatibility between card Bios,

software versions and Windows OS are available in the

6.3 Where can I get development samples / library access?

Your applicom PCNIC solutions provides different library for an access from different
development environment to the industrial communication data. All library and samples
available can be found under the “applicom installation directory”/Development.

 More information about the library functions available and

samples in sw_Library_DLL.pdf

6.4 Can my applicom PCNIC solution communicate with my device?

The industrial protocols are specified as standards.

First, check with the device manufacturer the communication standard that your device
supports. You can then compare with the list of communication protocols that we support if
this standard is also included.
If you have still doubts you can consult or protocol help files to see the supported
functionalities or contact us.

6.5 Where can I get further information about these topics ?

 More information about the Product general configuration in and

more information about the protocol communication can be
accessed over the content.pdf file

Getting started with applicom products – V1.4 Page 11 of 12

 More information about the setup of the BradCommunication
Product in the Quickstart
 More information about the specific topics in relation with the
BradCommunication Products in various Technotes and
Available on the Product CD-Rom under the Technote Directory

6.6 Where can I get further Techsupport help ?

The first contact for Techsupport help is your local BradCommunication supplier !
If you bougth your communication solution directly by Woodhead, please refer to the
contact.pdf document in the list of help files in order to find the Woodhead office close to
your location.

Please ensure also that you have the following information readily available before calling for
Technical Support:
- Card type and serial number
- Computer's make, model and hardware configuration (other cards installed)
- Operating system type and version
- Details of the problem you are experiencing: firmware module type and version,
target network and circumstances that may have caused the problem

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