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Cambridge Essential Words 3rd Edition (A)

01. I've bought a car / an ice cream. 一个 satu

02. She had the ability to buy ice-cream.能力 kebolehan

03. I am able to learn many words. 能 mampu

04. That book is about dinosaur. 关于 tentang

05. The New Year was about two months ago. 大约 lebih kurang

06. There is a mirror above the table. 在上方 atas

07. Children aged three and above cannot play here. 超过 lebih daripada

08. My daddy always goes abroad to work. 在国外,到国外 luar negeri

09. I believed him absolutely. 完全的 sepenuhnya

10. The food was absolutely delicious. 绝对 sama sekali

11. I have accepted an invitation to the party. 接受 menerima

12. The teacher does not accept the homework because it is too bad. 满意 puas hati

13. She was injured in a road accident. 意外 kemalangan

14. According to John the movie is nice. 根据…说 menurut

15. He accused me of lying? 指控 menuduh

16. She finally achieved her ambition to be a doctor. 达到 mencapai

17. She walked across the road. 横过 melintang

18. The library is just across the road. 对面 seberang

19. She acted without thinking. 做事 bertindak

20. You're acting like a child! 表现 bertingkah

21. We must take action (= do something) 行动,行为 tindakan

22. She is very active in (= involved in) sport. 活跃 giat/aktif

23. There is a lot of activity going on in this house. 活动 kegiatan

24. "Who's your favourite actor?" "Jackie Chan." 演员 pelakon

Cambridge Essential Words 3rd Edition (A)

25. I do not know the actual marks of my English paper. 真实 benar

26. I do not actually like her. 实际上 sebenarnya

27. If you add three and four you get seven. 增加 tambah

28. I learnt addition in mathematics class. 加法 penambahan

29. Can you give me your home address? 地址 alamat

30. He admitted his mistake. 承认 mengaku

31. The film is suitable for both adults and children. 成人 dewasa

32. For a goalkeeper, it is a great advantage to have big hands. 优势 faedah

33. She had an exciting adventure in Sabah. 探险 pengembaraan

34. The doctor gave me some good advice. 建议 nasihat

35. His doctor advised him against smoking. 劝告 menasihati

36. The divorce affected her life very much. 影响 menjejaskan

37. I can afford to buy a house. 负担得起 berkemampuan

38. I am afraid of spiders. 害怕 takut

39. Shall we go for a walk after breakfast? 之后 selepas/setelah

40. She works three afternoons a week. 下午 petang

41. I will come in afterwards. 过后 kemudian

42. Throw it away and start again. 再次 semula

43. Are you for or against me? 反对 melawan/membangkang

44. She put the ladder against the wall. 靠 bersandar pada

45. What age (= How old) is your brother? 年龄 umur

46. He left the house an hour ago. 之前 dahulu

47. I agree with you. 赞同 bersependapat

Cambridge Essential Words 3rd Edition (A)

48. The bank has agreed to lend me RM5000. 答应 bersetuju

49. Please sign the agreement. 合约 perjanjian

50. The road ahead is very busy. 在前面 di hadapan

51. Jason is way ahead of the other children in his class. 领先 mendahului

52. I went outside to get some fresh air. 空气 udara

53. He is trying to throw a ball high into the air. 空中 udara

54. He loves to watch aircraft in the air. 飞机 pesawat udara

55. What airline did you fly? 航空公司 system penerbangan

56. We are going to an international airport. 机场 lapangan terbang

57. He must be ninety if he's still alive. 活着 hidup

58. My children can all swim. 所有 semua

59. The cake was all eaten last night. 完全 seluruh

60. Dad will allow me to go to party. 允许 membenarkan

61. Is everything all right? 还不错 baik/selamat

62. It is almost six o'clock. 几乎,差不多 hampir

63. He likes to be alone in the house. 独自 sendirian

64. I walked slowly along the beach. 沿着 sepanjang

65. We moved along slowly with the crowd. 向前 ke hadapan

66. I have already eaten my lunch. 已经 telah

67. I'm cold, and I'm also hungry and tired. 也 juga

68. Although she was tired, she did not sleep.虽然,尽管 walaupun

69. I do not altogether agree with you. 完全,全部 keseluruhan

70. I always get up at 6.30. 总是 sentiasa

71. I've always liked him. 一向来 selalu

Cambridge Essential Words 3rd Edition (A)

72. I saw my friends among the crowd. 在中间 di kalangan

73. I spent a big amount of time preparing for the exam. 数量 kuantiti/jumlah

74. We were wet and tired. 和,与 dan

75. I brushed my teeth and had my breakfast. 并,然后 lalu

76. The sound grew louder and louder. 越来越 makin

77. I think he feels a lot of anger towards his father. 愤怒 kemarahan

78. He's really angry at/with me. 生气 marah

79. The children are animal lovers. 动物 binatang

80. She announced the winner of the competition. 宣布 mengumumkan

81. The headmaster made an announcement this morning. 宣告 pengumuman

82. I'm going to have another piece of cake. 再一个 satu lagi

83. Can we fix another day to have the meeting? 另一个 yang lain

84. You haven't answered my question. 回答,答复 jawab

85. Is there any cake left? 一点 sebarang

86. Any food would be better than nothing at all. 任何 sebarang

87. Anyone could dress well with all that money. 任何人 sesiapa

88. Is there anything I can do to help? 任何事物 apa saja

89. I don't think we'll succeed, but anyway we can try. 即使这样 walau

90. Did you go anywhere interesting this summer? 任何地方 di mana saja

91. The houses are ten metres apart. 分开,相隔 berjauhan

92. I'll give you the keys to my apartment. 公寓 pangsapuri

93. He suddenly appeared in front of me. 出现 muncul

94. She appears to be very happy in her job. 看来,似乎 nampaknya

Cambridge Essential Words 3rd Edition (A)

95. It was his first appearance on television as president. 露面 kemunculan

96. She likes apple pie. 苹果 epal

97. I'd like to make an appointment with Doctor Lee, please. 约会 temu janji

98. When you approach the village you will see a police station. 接近 mendekati

99. Is this film appropriate for small children? 合适 sesuai

100. Dogs are not allowed in the children's play area. 地方 kawasan
101. Teaching is Paul's area. 领域 bidang

102. The children are always arguing. 争吵 bertengkar

103. You can argue the case either way. 说理、争辩 berdebat

104. The children had an argument about what game to play. 争论 pertengkaran

105. Let's discuss all the arguments for and against the plan. 论据 hujahan

106. She put her arms round me, and gave me a hug. 上肢 lengan

107. We sat around the table. 围绕 sekeliling

108. He always leaves his clothes lying around (on the floor). 在附近 sekitar

109. He is around six feet tall 大约 lebih kurang

110. I'm trying to arrange my work so that I can rest. 安排 mengatur

111. We had an arrangement that he would clean the house. 安排 penentuan

112. The police arrested her for drinking and driving. 逮捕 menangkap

113. The arrival of his son makes him smile. 抵达 ketibaan

114. What time will your train arrive? 到达 tiba

115. I love art. 艺术 seni

116. There is an interesting article on car in the paper. 文章 rencana

117. I want to be an artist. 艺术家 ahli seni

Cambridge Essential Words 3rd Edition (A)

118. She is as tall as her mother. 和...一样 seperti

119. She works as a waitress. 作为 sebagai

120. You can go first as you're the oldest. 因为 kerana

121. I saw him as I was coming into the building. 当 apabila

122. He got divorced, (just) as his parents had done years before. 正如 sebagaimana

123. She asked me a question. 问 menyoal

124. I've asked David to the party. 邀请 menjemput

125. I fell asleep because I was too tired. 睡着 sedang tidur

126. I assume (that) you know him because he is your neighbour. 假设 menganggap

127. We'll meet you at the entrance. 在 di

128. She smiled at me. 向 pada

129. We were surprised at the news. 对 terhadap

130. He's very good at sports. 在...方面 dalam

131. I attached a photo to my letter. 附在 melampiri

132. He was attacked by a gang of youths. 攻击 menyerang

133. The parents attack the idea of exams for 7- and 8-year-olds. 批评 mengkritik

134. This is my second attempt at the exam. 尝试 percubaan

135. Over two hundred people attended the party. 出席 menghadiri

136. Ladies and gentlemen, could I have your attention, please? 注意 perhatian

137. He has a very bad attitude towards work. 态度 sikap

138. Magnets attract iron. 吸引 menarik

139. She is a very attractive young woman 吸引人的 menarik

140. The magic show had a lot of audience. 观众 penonton

141. I have an aunt in Australia. 姑母,舅母,姨母,婶母,伯母 ibu saudara

Cambridge Essential Words 3rd Edition (A)

142. He is the author of two books on Malaysia history. 作者 pengarang

143. The police have authority to stop anyone and check their passport. 权力 kuasa

144. We like to travel in the autumn. 秋天 musim luruh

145. Do you have any room available today? 可以得到,可以使用 dapat digunakan

146. My average monthly income is RM 500. 平均数 purata

147. In Malaysia, a 7- to 8-hour working day is about the average. 正常标准 biasa

148. I try to avoid supermarkets on Saturday. 避免 mengelakkan

149. I drink a lot of coffee to keep me awake. 醒着 terjaga

150. I wasn't even aware that he was ill. 意识到 sedar

151. Keep/Stay away from him. 离开 menjauhi

152. How far away is the station? 离开 jauh

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