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Survey about the influences of extracurricular activities on the social skills of

Grade 9 students of Binangonan Catholic College A.Y 2023-2024

Part 1 - Respondent’s profile

Name: ____________________________ Section: ____________
Age: ☐ 14 Sex: ☐ Male
☐ 15 and above ☐ Female

Part 2 – Survey on influences of extracurricular activities on social skills of

grade 9 students of Binangonan Catholic College A.Y 2023-2024
Directions: Rate the statements based on the scale shown below

Strongly Agree 5
Agree 4
Neutral 3
Disagree 2
Strongly Disagree 1

Statement 5 4 3 2 1
A. Respondent's social participation

1. I participate in social activities on school.

2. I participate in social activities outside of school.

3. I interact with those I do not know that much with the help of
extracurricular activities.

4. I normally interact with friends because of extracurricular


5. Extracurricular activities give me an opportunity to participate


B. Respondent’s social confidence

6. Extracurricular activities has helped my social confidence.

7. I feel more comfortable socializing at extracurricular activities.

8. I feel more socially confident due to the experiences gained

from extracurricular activities.

9. I am more socially confident around friends and strangers due

to extracurricular activities.
10. Extracurricular activities give me an opportunity to learn how
to be comfortable interacting with new people.

C. Respondent's interest to socialize

11. I attend extracurricular activities to socialize.

12 I regularly socialize with the help of extracurricular activities.

13. I socialize more during extracurricular activities.

14. I have gained interest to socialize in extracurricular activities.

15. I have met friends that I regularly interact with socially due to
extracurricular activities.

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