Obs 2 Jenai Howard SPR 2024

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Observation of Field Performance Instrument

Teacher Intern: Jenai Howard Observer: Dr. Greg Williams Date: 3/13/24

School: Drew Charter MS Subject/Lesson Topic: Social Studies Grade Level: 7th
Directions: This rubric is aligned to INTASC and TAPS Standards. The first page provides an opportunity for an overall
summary of Observed Strengths/Improvement/Comments. In the feedback section, please write specific evidence
and/or comments observed for each indicator throughout the lesson. The Rubric is included for reference. Mentor
Teachers may use this rubric to observe and provide regular feedback; University Coaches use this rubric to observe,
provide feedback, and enter observation scores on the electronic rubric via iCollege. The Teacher Intern should scan
the handwritten documents, or upload word-processed copies of each observation to iCollege along with the Pre/Post
Observation Protocol.

Observed Strengths:

You have a great level of interaction and teaching flow, which keeps the students' attention and keeps them involved. Upon
entering I observed that your students were ready, paying attention, and participating. You had a well-thought-out plan for
what events to describe. It worked well that you had a student-centered activity and a teacher-led talk at the same time. The
students were interested and involved. You used real-life examples to explain the main points of your speech as you compared
the different types of economies and explained how the command, market, and traditional economies work.

Suggestions for Improvement:

Maintain a focus on accurate preparation; motivate ongoing engagement by providing frequent cues; investigate other
methods for tailoring education (despite the uniformity of the student body, there exist variations in learning preferences and
academic performance). Continue to ensure that students have the requisite information and abilities in a timely manner
before concluding and assessing topics.

Overall Comments: The lesson today included student-centered and teacher-guided education, with ongoing student
involvement during the discussion of key themes. Students had the chance to volunteer and deliver reports throughout the
presentations. Overall, the lesson was proficiently organized and skillfully conducted, with students receiving sufficient
supervision, leading to seamless transitions. There has been a noticeable growth in your performance during your
assessments this year. Keep pursuing your commitment to meticulous preparation and delivering teaching of exceptional

___________________________________ ____________
Observer’s Signature

Teacher Intern Signature

Observation of Field Performance Instrument

INDICATOR Observation Notes

1-PK: Knowledge of the Learner & The students' eager participation in the review and clear demonstrations of knowledge
Identity Development indicated their prior familiarity with the material, confirming that today's session met the
targeted objectives.
2-PK: Content Knowledge
Your understanding of the subject matter is constantly thorough, as seen by the students' active
3-PK: Academic Language
and up-to-date discussion on countries' mixed economic systems as you guided them in further
exploring the continuum of the pure market and pure command.

4-PK: Pedagogical Content Knowledge Utilized appropriate vocabulary to provide instructions and guidance to the entire class or a
specific group of pupils. Personalized support was provided to individuals requiring help.
5-PK: Community, Criticality, & Joy

You are offering diverse perspectives and experiences and fostering higher-level critical and
1-ID: Learner Engagement
creative thinking skills through teacher-guided instruction. You are engaging students in an
interactive learning process.
2-ID: Use of Technology
Your use of a Smartboard and internet connection enables the display of videos to enhance the
learning process. You employed diverse activities and skillfully led pupils through small group
tasks that required the utilization of personal devices.
3-ID: Differentiation/Universal Design
for Learning (UDL)

You provided a detailed review of understanding. Verbal communication, collaborative
1-AL: Assessment for Learning activities, assigned readings and writing projects, and oral presentations are all part of your
teaching style. Students engaged in an exchange of prior knowledge and expertise with the
2-AL: Provides / Models Feedback
You continue to provide feedback by making multiple clarifying remarks when the student
answers questions during your session.
You are using safe strategies such as addressing children with little voice expression, developing
1-LE: Positive Learning Environment positive closeness with them, and encouraging them, which ensure that students are actively
engaged in the learning process. In the same way that you did before, you are making the
2-LE: Classroom Facilitation
environment in which children study welcoming, while at the same time being open to the
participation of volunteers and regularly evaluating their progress.

You are cultivating a tranquil and well-structured environment. To ensure that students are
making advancements in their tasks, you consistently engage in questioning them.
3-LE: *Classroom Safety In accordance with the rules established by the school and the district, your classroom was
meticulously arranged. You navigated effortlessly. Upon reaching the entrance of your chamber,
you were able to observe the safety instructions.

Observation of Field Performance Instrument

INDICATOR Observation Notes

See notes from page 1.




Observation of Field Performance Instrument

INDICATOR Advanced Proficient Developing Insufficient

Knowledge of the Learner & Maximizes learner’s prior Uses learner’s prior Uses learner’s prior Does not use learner’s
Identity Development: knowledge by integrating knowledge by integrating knowledge by prior knowledge by
Builds upon learners’ existing lesson objectives with lesson objectives with integrating lesson integrating lesson
academic, developmental, learners’ academic, personal, learners’ academic, objectives with objectives with learners’
linguistic, personal, developmental, linguistic, personal, developmental, learners’ academic, academic, personal,
cultural/community AND cultural/community AND linguistic, AND/OR personal, developmental,
strengths, needs, and strengths, needs, AND cultural/community developmental, OR linguistic, OR

experiences. experiences. strengths, needs, AND/OR linguistic, cultural/community

(Including, but not limited to, experiences. cultural/community strengths, needs, OR
race, ethnicity, language, strengths, needs, OR experiences.
religion, socioeconomic experiences.
status, gender, sexual
national origin, and/or
Content Knowledge: Demonstrates accurate AND Demonstrates accurate Demonstrates accurate Demonstrates inaccurate
Demonstrates accurate and current content knowledge AND current content content knowledge. OR outdated content
current content knowledge with a rationale for learning knowledge. knowledge.

with a rationale for learning in the specified content

in the specified content area(s).
Models and facilitates the Models and facilitates the Models by using Does not model using
Academic Language:
whole class/a small group whole class/a small group language supports to language supports to
Models and facilitates
AND individual learners in of learners in using present academic present academic
learners’ use of language

using language supports to language supports to meet language demands to language demands.
supports to meet academic
meet academic language academic language the whole class, to a
language demands to access
demands to access the demands to access the small group, or to
content. content. individuals.
Develops learner Develops learner Develops learner Does not develop
Pedagogical Content
acquisition of acquisition of acquisition of learner acquisition of
knowledge/skills AND knowledge/skills AND knowledge/skills. knowledge/skills.
Develops learner conceptual

conceptual understanding; conceptual

understanding; anticipates
AND anticipates AND understanding; AND
and resolves learner
resolves learner anticipates OR resolves
misconceptions. learner misconceptions.

Community, Criticality & Joy: Centers, throughout the Centers, in parts of the Mentions local, Does not use local,
Provides students lesson, local, national, global lesson, local, national, national, global national, global cultures,
opportunities to explore local, cultures, communities, global cultures, cultures, communities, communities, and/or

national, or global cultures, and/or real-world issues communities, and/or real- and/or real-world real-world issues
communities, and/or real- connected to criticality, world issues connected to issues connected to connected to criticality,
world issues connected to identity, and/or joy. criticality, identity, and/or criticality, identity, identity, and/or joy.
criticality, identity, & joy. joy. and/or joy.

Observation of Field Performance Instrument

INDICATOR Advanced Proficient Developing Insufficient

Engages learners in active Engages learners in active Directs learners to Directs learners to
Learner Engagement:
learning by developing learning by developing acquire knowledge acquire knowledge OR
Engages learners in active
higher order, higher order, AND skills through skills through teacher-
learning by developing higher
critical/creative thinking critical/creative thinking teacher-directed directed learning.

order, critical/creative thinking

through inquiry-based through teacher- learning.
through inquiry-based learning
student-centered learning facilitated learning AND
promoting diverse
AND promotes diverse promotes diverse
perspectives/experiences. perspectives/experiences.

Use of Technology: Uses appropriate Use appropriate Uses appropriate Does not use
Integrates technology to technology to facilitate technology to facilitate technology to support technology to support
facilitate learning; involves learning AND involves learning AND involves instruction (e.g., lesson instruction.

learners in use of technology; learners in innovative learner in using plans, instructional

provides rationale if technology use of technology. technology. materials,
is not used. assessments).

Provides appropriate Provides appropriate Provides appropriate Does not provide

accommodations and/or accommodations and/or accommodations appropriate
Provides appropriate
modifications for modifications for and/or modifications accommodations and/or
accommodations and/or
individual learners in the individual learners in the for individual learners modifications for
modifications for individual
class with various levels class with various levels in the class with various individual learners in the
learners with various levels of
of language development, of language development, levels of language class with various levels
language development, IEP, EIP,

IEP, EIP, 504, ELD plans; IEP, EIP, 504, ELD plans; development, IEP, EIP, of language
ELD, 504 plans; employs
AND employs principles AND employs principles 504, ELD plans; does development, IEP, EIP,
principles of Universal Design
of UDL including students of UDL. not employ principles 504, ELD plans; does not
for Learning (UDL)/whole group
who require of UDL. employ principles of
differentiation and those who
remediation/extension of UDL.
require remediation/extension
of learning.


Uses appropriate Uses appropriate Uses appropriate Uses inappropriate
formative/summative formative/summative formative/summative formative/summative
assessment tools to assessment tools to assessment tools to assessment tools OR
Assessment for Learning:
document learners’ prior document learners’ prior document learners’ does not document
Uses assessment tools for both
knowledge AND new knowledge OR new prior knowledge OR learners’ prior

formative and summative

learning to facilitate learning to facilitate new learning to knowledge or new
purposes to facilitate learning
learning. Adjusts learning. Adjusts facilitate learning. learning to facilitate
and to adjust instruction.
instruction for the whole instruction for the whole learning.
class, groups of learners, class, groups of learners,
and/or individuals. and/or individuals.
Provides targeted Provides targeted Provides feedback to Provides superficial /
Provides/Models Feedback:
feedback to learners AND feedback to learners AND learners OR models use insufficient feedback to
Provides targeted feedback to
models use of feedback to models use of feedback to of feedback to address learners AND does not
learners; models use of
address strengths, needs, address strengths, needs, strengths, needs, OR model use of feedback to

feedback to address strengths,

AND strategies for OR strategies for strategies for address strengths, needs,
needs, and strategies for
improvement / extension improvement / extension improvement / OR strategies for
improvement/extension of
of learning. of learning. extension of learning. improvement /
extension of learning.

Observation of Field Performance Instrument

INDICATOR Advanced Proficient Developing Insufficient

Promotes a positive Promotes a positive Promotes a positive Promotes a learning
(trusting, caring, and (trusting, caring, and (trusting, caring, and environment that does
respectful) and safe respectful) and safe respectful) and safe not facilitate learners in
learning community: learning community: learning environment: self-regulation, or
facilitates learners in self- facilitates learners in self- facilitates positive positive student-student
regulation, positive regulation and positive teacher-student or teacher-student
Positive Learning Environment:
student-student and teacher-student interactions; interactions, does not

Promotes a positive and safe

teacher-student interactions; communicates and communicate and
learning community.
interactions; communicates and maintains high maintain high
communicates and maintains high expectations; and expectations, AND/OR
maintains high expectations; and establishes a physically does not establish a
expectations; and establishes a physically safe space. physically safe space.
establishes a physically safe space.
safe space.
Maximizes learning by Maximizes learning by Directs learning by Does not organize
Classroom Facilitation:
organizing classroom organizing classroom organizing classroom classroom community
Maximizes learning by
community expectations, community expectations, community expectations, time, space,
organizing classroom community
time, space, AND time, space, AND/OR expectations, time, OR materials; AND does
expectations, time, space, and
materials; supports materials; supports space, AND/OR not support student
materials; by supporting student
student success with clear student success with clear materials; AND/OR success with clear and
success with clear and accessible
and accessible directions; and accessible directions; supports student accessible directions;

directions; and by responding to

AND responds to AND responds to success with clear and AND does not respond to
disruptions in an equitable,
disruptions in an disruptions in an accessible directions; disruptions using
timely manner using appropriate
equitable, timely manner equitable, timely manner AND/OR responds to appropriate verbal/non-
using appropriate using appropriate disruptions using verbal communication.
verbal/non-verbal verbal/non-verbal appropriate
communication. communication. verbal/non-verbal
Enforces classroom, Enforces classroom, Enforces classroom, Does not enforce, OR
school AND community school AND/OR school OR community ineffectively enforces,
safety rules AND policies community safety rules safety rules OR policies classroom, school OR
relevant to the content AND/OR policies relevant relevant to the content community safety rules
Classroom Safety:
with written, visual, AND to the content with with written, visual, OR OR policies relevant to
Establishes and maintains a safe

oral procedures. written, visual, AND/OR oral procedures. the content with written,
classroom environment
Specific to science oral procedures. Specific Specific to science visual, OR oral
*(Science labs).
classrooms: enforces to science classrooms: classrooms: enforces procedures. Specific to
required OSHA safety enforces required OSHA required OSHA safety science classrooms:
standards. safety standards. standards. enforces required OSHA
safety standards.

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