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The given line graph illustrates the percentage of unemployment among college graduates and

high-school leavers between 2000 and 2010. Overall, there was an upward trend in unemployment rates
for young students. Also, the figures for high-school leavers were lower than those for college graduates.
In 2000, only 1.5 percent of students after graduation from universities did not have jobs, and it
was nearly 3 percent for high-school leavers. Between 2000 and 2006, there was a fluctuation in the rates
of adults without careers from both colleges and high school, from 1.5 percent to around 2 percent and
from 3 percent to approximately 5.8 percent, respectively.
In the rest of the period, the figures for high-shool leavers rose signiciantly to reached a pick up
exactly 10 percent in 2010. The similar trend can be seen in the unemployment percentage for adults
which rised from 2 percent in 2006 to reach the highest point of more than 4 percent in 2009, then
declined slowly to exactly 4 percent in 2010.
The line graph illustrates the amount of spreads consumed from 1981 to 2007, in grams

The given line chart illustrates the figures for margarine, low fat & reduced spreads and butter
which were consumed between 1981 and 2007, in grams. In general, a downward trend can be observed
in the use of spreads , while lowfat & reduced spreads consumed experiencing the lowest number.
In 1981, the amount of margarine consumed stood at 90 grams, which was significantly lower
than that of butter consumed, at over 140 grams. From 1981 to 1991, the figures for margarine consumed
witnessed a slight fluctuation, then rose to 100 grams in 1996. In this period, the use of butter tended to
decline sharply to approximately 90 grams in 1996, while the number for low fat and reduced spreads was
Throughout the remaining period, the low fat & reduced spreads consumed grew from 10 grams
in 1996 to reach a peak of more than 80 grams in 2001, before falling to 70 grams in 2007. The figures
for margarine and butter consumed continued to go down to reach the lowest point in 2007, at 40 grams
and nearly 50 grams, respectively.
The given bar chart illustrates the proportion of immigrants from five different countries to
Australia in three distinct years 1962, 1982 and 2002. Overall, the percentages of immigrants tended to
rose slightly over the period, while Italy accounted for the highest figure.
In 1962, the proportion of Italian immigrated to Australia stood at 40 percent, which was the
highest point. By the contrary, the figures for Indian was the lowest, at about 2.5 percent. In the same
year, a similar level can be seen in the percentage of English and Vietnamese immigrants, at exactly 10
Throughout the remaining period, the immigrated Italian proportion witnessed a downward trend,
from 40 percent to 20 percent in 1982, then hit a low of 15 percent in 2002. In contrast, an opposite trend
can be observed in the India’s figure, which rose significantly to nearly 15 percent in 1982 before
remaining unchanged in 2002. The percentage of Vietnamese and English immigrated was quiet similar,
with a slight growth at the end of the period, at 15 percent and 13 percent, respectively.
The given line chart depicts how many complaints sent to complaints department of a single
airline by three different ways in the period of six months from January to June in 2009. Overall, while
the number of complaints in person and via telephone rose considerably, the figures for those via
email/fax tended to decline steadily.
Stood at nearly 900 complaints in January, the number of complaints by telephone witnessed a
slight fluctuate to over 1000 telephone complaints in March. In the rest of the period, this figure remained
unchanged from March to April after increasing significantly to reach a peak of 1600 complaints in June.
The same trend can be seen in the figures for complaints by person, which was over 400 complaints in
January, then grew sharply to approximately 1900 complaints in June.
In this period, the steady fell can be observed in number of email/fax complaints, from under 800
complaints in January to reached the lowest point at under 400 complaints in May. This figure remained
consistent until the end of the period.
The given line chart illustrates the number of foreign tourists visiting three distinct destinations in
Europe from 1987 to 2007. Overall, this trend tended to rise considerably, while the coast was the most
popular place with the highest figure throughout the period.
Stood at 20000 people in 1987, the number of visitors to the European mountains witnessed a
slight fluctuation to reach exactly 30000 people in 2002. This figure saw a slight increase to nearly 35000
people at the end of the period. At the same time, the Lakes attracted about 10 thousand tourists in 1987.
This figure rose dramatically to reach a peak of approximately 75 thousand people in 2002, before
declining sharply to only 50 thousand people in 2007.
Starting with the highest point of 40 thousand people, the number of visitors to the coast
consistently grew to 50000 people in 1997. Throughout the remaining of the period, the same trend can be
seen in this figure, which reached a peak of 75000 people in 2007.

Bài chữa :

The provided line chart illustrates the evolution in the number of foreign tourists visiting three
distinct destinations in Europe from 1987 to 2007. Overall, there was a significant upward trend, with the
coast emerging as the most popular destination throughout the entire period.

Commencing at 20,000 visitors in 1987, the European mountains experienced slight fluctuations,
reaching exactly 30,000 visitors in 2002. Subsequently, there was a modest increase to nearly 35,000
visitors by the end of the period. Simultaneously, the Lakes attracted approximately 10,000 tourists in
1987, showcasing a dramatic rise to a peak of around 75,000 visitors in 2002 before declining sharply to
50,000 visitors in 2007.

Starting at the highest point of 40,000 visitors, the coastal destination consistently grew to 50,000
visitors in 1997. This trend continued throughout the remaining period, reaching its peak at 75,000
visitors in 2007.
The given bar chart compares the percentage of young men and women participate in several
types of leisure activities. It is clear that going out with friends is the most popular activity for both
genders. By contrast, the percentage of young people who like reading is the least significant.

The figure for young males interested in playing computer games is the highest, at more than 80
percent. By comparison, the percentage of men who like reading is the lowest, at nearly 5 percent. The
considerably higher can be seen in the proportion of men participate in hang out with friends and
watching TV, at 70 percent and 65 percent, respectively. The percentages of men keen on cinema and
gym are similar, at around more than 40 percent.

It can be seen that shopping is the activity with the highest percentage of young women, at nearly
75 percent, which is two times as much as cinema, at 40 percent. The lowest number can be seen in the
proportion of women like playing computer games, at only about 3 percent. The figures for people like
watching TV and listening to music are similar, at around 30 percent.
The provided bar chart illustrates the participation rates of young men and women in different
leisure activities. It is evident that socializing with friends is the most favored activity among both
genders, while reading is the least preferred.

Young males show the highest interest in playing computer games, with over 80 percent
participation. In contrast, reading ranks lowest among men, with nearly 5 percent involvement. A
significantly higher proportion of men engage in hanging out with friends and watching TV, at 70 percent
and 65 percent respectively. Similar percentages of men are interested in going to the cinema and gym,
both at slightly over 40 percent.

For young women, shopping emerges as the most popular activity, with nearly 75 percent
participation, which is twice as high as going to the cinema at 40 percent. Playing computer games is the
least favored activity among women, with only about 3 percent participation. The figures for watching
TV and listening to music are comparable, at around 30 percent for both activities

The problems about accommodation and transportation in urban areas are increasing recently, so
that many people argue that businesses should move to rural areas. Although this may lead to a lot of
advantageous consequences, some drawbacks can be observed.
On the one hand, there are two good points of transforming businesses to rural areas. Firstly, the
environmental pollution might be reduced in urban areas. Many factories in big cities may release a huge
amount of toxic gas to the air such as carbon dioxide, carbon oxide, which is very harmful. If the number
of businesses decrease, the government can eliminate the factory emissions. In addition, it also helps to
improve people’s mental health with more fresh air. Secondly, moving businesses to rural areas might
solve the employment issue. Businesses can attract many young workers
The given line chart illustrates the average SAT math scores of boys and girls in the period of 9
years between 1992 and 2000. Overall, the average scores of both gender increased gradually, while the
boys’ average grades remained higher than the girls’.
Starting at 500 points in 1992, the male average SAT math scores rose moderately to about 510
points in 1993, before declining to roughly 505 points in 1994. Following that, there was a steady growth
of 20 points in the average math scores of males between 1994 and 1997. This figure continued to grow
up and reach a peak of nearly 535 points in 1998. In the remaining of the period, the male average scores
of math remained constant at 535 points.
In 1992, the average grades of females was 460 points, which was considerably lower than that of
males. However, the period from 1992 to 1996 witnessed a significant upward trend to 510 points in the
average scores of women. In the rest of the period, a remarkable climb from 510 points to 530 points was
recorded in the girls’ average scores, which was the highest point of the whole period.
The two provided line graphs indicates the proportion of trains of a company, that were delayed or
cancelled in the span of 7 weeks, between October and November in 2008. in general, the percentage of
trains running late remained higher than that of trains cancelled throughout the period, while both of these
figures witnessed a significant fluctuation over the period.
Staring at 20 percent in week 1 of October, the figure for trains delayed increased moderately to
30 percent in week 2 of October. In the same month, from week 2 to week 4, there was a sharp decline in
the proportion of trains running late to only 5 percent, which was the lowest point of the whole period.
However, this figure witnessed a soar again to reach a peak of roughly 55 percent in week 2 of
November. In the last 1 week, there was a considerable decrease to 40 percent in the percentage of trains
Trains cancelled started at a much lower proportion of 1 percent in week 1 of October. In the next
1 week, this figures quickly grew and reached its highest point of 7 percent. However, one week later, it
plummeted to 1 percent again. Following that, there was a fluctuation with moderate growth to 5 percent
in the percentage of trains calcelled from week 3 of October to week 2 of November. The remaining week
of November underwent a slight fall of 1 percent in this figure.

The provided table indicates the different between GDP(in dollars) and the life expectancy among
6 distinct countries in 2009. Overall, the USA has the highest GDP, while the lowest level of both GDP
and life expectancy can be seen in Mali.
In the highest level, the USA’s GDP was 45,900 dollars. By contrast, GDP in Mali was
significantly lower than four other nations, which was only 1,200 dollars. GDP of India was slightly
higher than that of Mali, at 3,000 dollars. Poland’s GDP level was 18,000 dollar, which was six times as
much as India’s. The figure for Australia was almost similar to that for Spain, at around 35 dollars.
Looking for more details in the table, Australian were the people who had the longest life
expectancy, at 82 years old. Following that, Spanish were the second highest with only 1 year lower, were
followed by American, Polish and Indian, at 78, 75 and 65 years old, respectively. Finally, Malian has the
shortage life expectancy, at 50 years old.
The table illustrates both GDP per capita and Life expectancy of six different countries in 2009.
Overall, those who lived in richer countries tended to have higher life expectancy than those who lived in
poorer countries It can also be seen that Mali had the lowest figures in both GDP and life expectancy
The USA had a GDP of $ 45, 900, which was the highest a among the six nations. Meanwhile, it
had a life expectancy of 78, which placed at only the third position in this category. On the contrary,
although Australian's GDP per capita was about 8,000 lower than the USA's, it had the highest life
expectancy at 82. Spain followed in third place in terns of GDP at $32,500, while its life expectancy was
only slightly lower than Australian’s.
Despite Poland's moderate GDP of $18000 which was less than half of that of the USA's, it still
had a relatively high life expectancy of 72. Meanwhile, India, whose GDP was only $3,000, had an
average life expectancy of 65. Finally,Mall, which had the lowest GDP at $12000 had a life expectancy of
just 50 for an average person

The provided bar chart illustrates the proportion of two girls groups who played six different
kinds of sports and the audience at the age of 16 to 25 in a specified country. Overall, tennis and
basketball had the highest number of players. Additionally, the number of watchers was in the higher
level compared with that of players in all types of sports, excepted badminton and golf.

Tennis was the most popular sports with the highest number of audience, at 60 people, which
was six times as many as the figure for golf. Although basketball had the second highest number of
female watchers, the highest level of it can be seen in the number of participants, at 50 people. The
similar number can be observed in the girls who played tennis and golf, at 30 people.

The figures for horse riding and racing were the lowest, in both of watchers and players, at
around 5 and 2 people, respectively. The gymnastics’ watcher was 4 times as many as the figure for
horse riding and racing, at 20 people. Although badminton had 5 audience, which was 15 people less
than gymnastics, it still had a higher number of girls who played badminton, which was 11 people.
Chữa :

The provided bar chart illustrates the participation of two groups of young women aged 16 to 25
in six different sports and the corresponding audience numbers in a specified country. Overall, tennis
and basketball emerge as the most popular sports in terms of both participation and viewership.
Notably, the number of spectators exceeds that of participants in all sports except badminton and golf.

Tennis stands out as the most favored sport, with a substantial audience of 60 individuals, six
times higher than that of golf. Similarly, basketball garners significant attention, with 50 participants and
a comparable number of viewers. Tennis and golf both attract around 30 participants each.

Conversely, horse riding and racing record the lowest figures for both participants and
spectators, with approximately 5 and 2 individuals, respectively. Gymnastics, on the other hand, boasts
four times as many spectators as horse riding and racing, totaling 20 individuals. Despite having 5
spectators, which is 15 fewer than gymnastics, badminton sees a higher number of female players, with
11 participants.
The given table illustrates the percentage of satisfaction with the airlines’ job, while the table
shows proportion of flying experience’s impacts that are satisfied. Overall, the percentage of satisfied
job of the airlines witnessed the significant higher than that of dissatisfied job. In addition, passengers
liked the courtesy of flight attendants most.

In terms of the bar chart, the percentage of satisfaction was two time as much as that of
dissatisfaction in 1999, at 65 percent and 32percent, respectively. Following that, he proportion of
satisfied passengers rose gradually throughout the years, to reach a peak of 72 percent in 2007. In
contrast, the slight decline can be observed in the figure for dissatisfaction, from 32 percent in 1999 to
24 percent in 2007.

Regarding to the table, in all years, courtesy of flight attendants was the impact that passengers
liked the most in terms of the highest figures, at 88, 90 and 92 percent in the year 1999, 2000 and 2007,
respectively. It was followed by the percentage of courtesy of check-in/gate agents, at around 88
percent. On the other hand, the lowest proportion can be seen in the figure for prices of tickets, at only
45 percent in 1999, or slightly higher in 2007 at 65 percent.


The provided data presents the satisfaction levels with airlines' services over the years, depicted
in a table, alongside the impacts of flying experiences on satisfaction, illustrated in a bar chart. Overall,
satisfaction with airline services notably outweighed dissatisfaction. Notably, passengers highly
appreciated the courtesy of flight attendants.

Examining the bar chart, satisfaction rates doubled dissatisfaction rates in 1999, standing at 65%
and 32%, respectively. Subsequently, satisfaction rates gradually increased, peaking at 72% in 2007.
Conversely, dissatisfaction experienced a slight decline from 32% in 1999 to 24% in 2007.
Turning to the table, the courtesy of flight attendants consistently garnered the highest
satisfaction figures across all years, reaching 88%, 90%, and 92% in 1999, 2000, and 2007, respectively.
Following closely behind was the courtesy of check-in/gate agents, hovering around 88%. In contrast,
the satisfaction rate for ticket prices remained relatively low, at 45% in 1999 and only slightly higher in
2007, at 65%.

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