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Based on [R.R, Tolkien's TIE LORD OF THE’RINGS * PSISIZSIZSIZST? AIA DKOG LAKE-TOWN’ CREDITS Author /Designer: Zachariah Woolf Special Thanks to: W. Clovis Dreska Editar /Developer: Jessica Ney-Grimm Editors: Suzanne Young, Steve Marvin, Pete Fenlon Editoral Contributions: Olivia Johnston Cover Art: JR.R. Tolkien Interior Mlustration: Liz Danforth, Glen Michael Angus, David Martin, James A. Fallin, Edward Johnson Maps & Floorplans: Daniel Cruger, Michael Gussow, Zachariah Woolf ‘Soin Por ein Ne Gries; ‘Canim Eder Pete Fenlon; Prgenaing Sazarme Young, [amie Whiehows; “Table Pagmatng Michal Reynold Pagemting Corio: Moca L. Wilsons Paie-up Mike Reynolds, Andeew Spilman, Monica L. Wilron: “dr Dies Jessica Ney- Gren: (Goer Faded Terry Astor, ‘Goer Gra Nick Meoeaitag Irate Rach Sti Jason ©. Hawkins. ICE Seaff— Sus Manger Dea Begicbigs “Manyeys Edt: Coleman Chaton: Preidat Peter Fenlon CEO} Brace Neidlinger ‘Et, Derby, Ce Prac Se Job: Carts, Bence Hacc, Stave Marvin, Nick Motawite; Midd Reyaokds, ‘Manic: 1 Wilson, Jesica Ney. Grimm Si, Cuasuer Serve, & Cpa: Saf Ola Ht Johan, ‘Dave Platicks Spying Sup Dave Mons, Daniel Willies, (© 1995 Lothian Baerprises, «avi of The Sul Zante Company. Bekaley, Calla USA. Cia Malis Eat-r, Te Hol and The if fon Rega al ace plese wena peri af Tf Energie. Al curcto place eed rom he work of JRA. Tolkien at consenoa tw tks el wer bere fren Geaon Books (Harper Callin), pulsing mocenos to Un Hyman, Lat and George Allen Umi, Ld, Lodo, Eine. All ght ered. Produced and disenbuted by IRON CROWN ENTERPRISES, Inc, PO Kor 1608, Chasletervilla, VA 22902 Finst US Eatin 1995, ‘Stock #2016 ISBN 1-55806-229-7 ] TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 InrRopUCTION... LI Esgaroth on the Long 2 Using Lake-town mtn 1.3 The Temporal Settin 2.0 SNARING THE SMUGGLERS .. 2.1 The Body in the Water 2.2 The NPCs 2.3 The Setting wmmonn 2A The Task ovemor 24.1 Sram re PLATES. 24.2 Avs oe 243 Oueracue, 10. 24.4 REPARDE sre 10 2,5 Encounters nem ~10 2S.1 Tie: Counnnn Hous Cowes 10 25.2 Te Mitam o¢ Lexicon 25.3 Quenms on 7H Wesoee "1 2.4 Sencome AY Ni BRANLN Sit 3.0 Laxe-TOwN. 2 31 A History of R 3.2 The Tale of Yeas oss 4.0 Srres oF Note... 19 4ul The Landscape ~ 19 4.2 Reponal Sues 20 4.5 Dale and Erebor 4.4 Lemnelarotl-by-Lindial 45 COtst0W error 4,6 Bub Che rrr 5.0 Fiona AND FAUNA S.1 Wild Flora! S.2 Herbalism 5.3 Agriculture —. $3 Damark Fama 5.6 Wild Fauna srscnn 5.7 Fishing .. 6.0 Curture ano Liresrvie, 64 Family and Clan 6.2 Northron Vales... 6.3 Scops and Lake-folk Law 7.0 THe NorTHRON INHABITANTS . TAL Thhe Lake folk enn 7.2 The Dale-follk ssa 3 7.3 The Gramus or Plainsfolk. 45 74 Northron Languages 46 8.0 Commerce ano INDUSTRY. 48 8.1 Tmade 82.Crafis.. 9.0 Pourrics anp Power IN T.A. 1640.51 9.1 Intemal Politics and People 3L 9.2 Allies of Lake-town. 9.3 Enemies of Lake-town. 10,0 WARCRAFT... 10.1 The Townegum 3 10.2 The Town-Levy... 3 11.0 Escaroti os ILI Districts. 11.2 Streets... TL.3 Buildings rer 12.0 ButLomnas oF Nore... 121 Adm. and Government Buildings TLL Mass tannic Trane 1212 Huaestcamot, enn 121.3 Gaon 12.2 Comers of Entertainment 1221 Tia: Voor 12.22 Tha Ere TA sas 12.23 Genus wo ie Wr 1224 Vor-rarcr 12.25Tha Nuneoaesinm 12.26 Tie Groot 123 Heah-buisan.... 1231 Opaaava's Hew 123.2 Rocanerins Hea 12.3.3 Vouarnc’s Hearts I24T Hess Comme emy 12.42 Fowuroa’s Wearceeaarn 124.3 Farorcowor's Canceesior 1244 Umeuss Baumer nn Aromerarr 1245 Vatnow’s Chora St0Re TAG Fouca's TARY 1 1247 Hereus'sCansDnnn Woo 124.8 Laeanc’s Cowen Tr snnmonnann 12.5 Other Buildings VEST Waneeean 125.2 Fousreauias 12.6 Ship Plans.neo 126.T Coane 1262 Monaco 1263 Tixanuc 264 oven Bance 12.7 Buildings in Londarath VET Cranes ow rs Marstas 1272 Warnswo-oun Corse 13.0 LaKe-TOwN IN OTHER Times. 14.0 Prowtt of Nore... TALI Residents of Esgarach. 14.2 Residents of Corstow... 14.3 Local Rural Folk, 144 Residents of Lodarott 14.5 Residents of Dale. 14.6 Transients enon 14.7 Wood-elves and Residents of Celebannan . 14.8 Regional Residents 15.0 Two Heaps Are Berrer THAN ONE. TS. A Retum to Normaley 15.2 The NPCs 16.0 HOMEWARD BOUND. Vé.1 Racing a Blue Streak... 16.2 The NPCs. 16.3 The Seuing.. 161 The Recon 1622 Te duce 16.4 The Task... 16.5 Encounters. 165.1 Gomme Scum, 1652 Te Quen. 1653 Ar nw Rows Banat 1654 Wousmeurerin Goscne 16.55 Hann Ses Uroot ne Rivne Runaanss 16.6 Gamemaster Notes... 17.0 Tre Lecewoary SEAHMATHA 17.1 Aid to the Visceras 21 17.2 The NPC§ ws 122 173 The Setting 128 173.1 OW 1H Lowa Lau 1732 Lam oF TH 17.5 Encounters cme 1751 Toe Seavssaryi On Tt LAR 1782 BUTE LAR 17.6 Gamemaster Not on 19.0 sts ws 19.1 Merp/RM NP‘ 5 19.2 Master Military table. T43 19.3, Master Beast able 194 Encounter Tables. i 194.1 Coorrmrsibe Encouneren Toate. 152 194.2 Lane-TOWN ENCOUNTER TARE nen LSS 194.3 Una Encoorerex Tate (BxcLL005 Latt- TOWN) sn a 156 194.4 Hos/'Srocia. Paws Ener, Tame. 156 19.5, Finding Herbs and Poisons... [5B 198.1 Hen ane Pescnes nore: Races. ISB 195.2 Hens, Eeouoren Foo /Dmne Poses. ASB 19.5.3 Drown a ~162 19.6 Prices and Exchange. ~163 19.644 Rais or Ewes sau 163 19.6.2 Pruces wer Laxs-TOWN AREA 164 19.7 LOR Conversion Notes Hal? 197.1 Loos. 197.2 Truss 21.1 The Lithe Fair... 21.2 Guardian of the Gibbet 21.3 Against the Grundherd .. 214 Fire! LS To Catch a Spy « 21.6 Geni Ofimere: ‘21,7 Emissaries to the Wood-clve 22.0 Apventurs SUGGESTIONS: EXPLORING THE REGION .... 22.1 Highway Ambush... 22.12 Ti Cave ar Dew Once 22.2 Into the Depths of Frebor 22.3 Assisting the Grammez 22.4 Raiding 1.0 INTRODUCTION "The smb ct wh tring wih antler er owt ait te forei-iver ruse rao ike Long Lae. Thee it Bad swt mab tony lif ates ihr ide whose were ‘ila th binges: Te Lng Lake! Bide a neering at say wera ws ot he ex could ok ob, Bs wide thatthe epi hrs Kd sl a fer, ts 3 oy that trary nd wb pote ward te Mota cud mal be cna al. Ody fom the mp i Bio kaw sa cy ip ther, wr these of th Wate ce ary ning he Rosine River came dees nt elk fra Dl aed wit oe ‘Foret River fled wit rat nce ave egret dep rcky sly, A the ster end te doled wis peed agin ser ih verflls and ren away buried i eka lade. the til een he noise of fal cold be band ie a skit rae "Nat for fromthe mobo be Forest Riser was de strange tov Be fear ke le pak of he igh alr. Eas mot un te sb, hemghidere wer fw and bdings hee, Sa ih to th cna of the Ll, rated fom these afte ming se ba roonory sf rk forme cal bay grat eee made of wos ra ot whee bg pil abo eet rae obit bay sed town, nck ew of ert of Men, al dre o dul bre he sad Of fe Ain? dragen-monntsin, Tey sll Frown hte a amen thereat rier _fro the Sit and a cate put te ali ths eve; Edin te grad dye of ol swkon Dai tn the North wd th ard rere they hd brn wealthy pew fu hr ibn fle of ats ont sty, some ere filled wi old and seneith sarin in armour, und tre had boone ad deds whic were new cab la” — The Hobbit, Chepier X 1.1 ESGAROTH ON THE LONG LAKE Perched astride the Long Lake, ona platform atap thick pices devven into the lake boteom, Lake-town, Esgacoth Uupon-the- Water eas just offthe ges tly-sloped western shore. The Wildes! teaing ten of the Lake- folkcis now beginning insrise as asnajor ceumumercial and calrural cence Carved sexined, and painted timber buildings line its narrow, windy streets. Rising fone to cheee stories above the stout cownharf, they are graced with bisa caves, omate balconies, and promitent Upper stories noted fr ther overhang- tng galleries. Rain barrels stand on ev- ‘commer 3 fatimomy to the a's st and cloudy climare. Mobs of tangy, bearded Narthron dockworkers load and unload Espatoth's seemingly endless flow of mer- chant cargoes. They weae yiunmeainthe numerous wooden stairways and ladders leading dawnthe tenfeetor soto the Inke's earface; where countless clinke-buile boats are moored to the settlement’s supports. Sill more oaced watercraft ply the cold waters in and around the town. LLake-townstwa large Markee Poolsarc especially crowded. elevating navigation in the city-center vo a sometines dlangerois set. ‘Quays boulesny exe hubs of activity are alive with tall, fait-baited merchants and artisans hawking their rates. They mideoff the backof wainss from sinall make shift booths, and theough the doorways of mote perma nent rructures, Comically dressed acrobats und jugglers vie forthe attention af market-gocrs, Meanwhile, scruffy cops lament the recent victims of the Great Plague in lyrical thyme to-passeraby. They belt our bawdy tavern jingles to crowds of drunken revelers and pantomime epic lays of Fierce wattiors to cager children, Frenpwhere, the sit is thick with sounds of singing, yelling, and laughter, Their alls mingle with the twitter ‘of songbirds in thatched caves, the quacking of docks and ‘rakes afloat on the Lake, and the incessant dull clatter of Baby storks in nests atop the town's stonc chimneys. A Eiger light breeze—tninted fainely with the odor of manaish bodies, manure, and fresh fish—bloms steadily across the twona ftom the distant northeast shoreline. There, nevly~ gree wake ash, and elm trees nestle amidst che rocky sale cliff, They fourm over ues ueflections in the nippling dare blue deprhs of the Lang Lake (5. "Annen"). 1.2 USING LAKE-TOWN Before reading Late-trum, take a look atthe eight-page imap inert accompanying the module. One side contains two-page color map of Lake town(witha matching key in 11.0}, which may be used by players and gamernaster alike, Section 12.0 details specific building in che setle~ ment. Thesamesideof the insert also contains two-page color “player map" of the region of Wilderland acound Lake-town, Ablack & white version af thisterrain map in Section 4.2istie toa keyed description farthegarnemaster. “The other side of the insert i comprised of layours of other important settlements nearby Lake-cown. These include the town of Dale (circa T-A. 1640), the near deserted ruin of Londaroth-by-Lindal, the local village of Cotstow, and the Lakestolk trading town of Bahr hep, Keyed descriptions ro these places cam be Found in 43-40. Late-oum is designed as a useful tool for gamemasters who wish to run role-playing adventures én and around Exgaroth-upor-the-Long-Lake, Of course. everybody and. ‘every builelng in the own cannot be completely detailed, £9 we carefully describe those stmacares that player character sre most likely to vise (eg. avers, inns, gambling houses, soppy stares, etc.) An atempehas been made to provides more rounded description of many of the individuals that PCe avighe inceract with, in sections [4.0 and 19.0, in order to encourage roe playing interac rons beyond siemple combat. Although statistics and skills ave giver i terms consistent with ICE's Middl- ‘eth Kole Playing and Relomauter fntasy role-playing games, igmerasies using other FRP spre can atll derive a ‘eae understanding of the tales and liabilities of the anions non-playing churaciets, Section’ 180 provides guidelines for adapting the material herein to most other FRP systerns, In keeping with our emphasis-on flexibility, the and detailed herb, beast, and encounter tables (19.3-19. alocover abrosd variety of cenarios. After al, dventar= fers might encounter any puraber of situations in and around Lake-town, They might meet relatively benign Creatures, stumble upon valuable herbi ar be threatened bby brigands, They might embork ona hunting orteapping ‘expedition, ot simply engage in sp The price table 19.6 liste items available ther neaeby Northron communities, and inclodes boat ‘pastoge costs for adivencurers interested in water travel Given the detailed descriptions of neighboring commun ties, we provide everything you need to get sarted on a A ske-romn eammpaig” OF couse Fabio ap Breads Op aves wae Setes Bor Th 160 ial 170 ead fo primary adventures, while sections 21.0 and 22.0 exnixin tleven shorter, ready-to-run scenarios. We also incfade fecal sggeios pein so abe 4 de exploring signing adventures Esgaroth and its envi 1.3 THE TEMPORAL SETTING: “This module i designed coe useful to a running a campaign anytime from rhe functing of Lake town at the beginning of the second millenia of the Third Age onwards. Like most of ICE's other Middle carth modules, we use TA. 1640 when adated paste i required. Ae that ime, Lake-town was just entering: ice heyday, yer i ail held the Havor and excitement af a froatice settlement. med "Thisrmoxkle Frequently refers to the Gneat Pla. This cpidericwanthe yreatest of manyto strike cheep Cceteeperris Of aay of the ploses poole lie own plight as "great." A gamemaster a campaign, Inanother cra can comfortably tferto the Plague; sven if he is talking shour another lesser outbreak of dsgiee. After all, chere were many before and after the-most calamitous epidemic of TA, 1638-37. (GMs rucaning campaigns which take place dus TA. 1851.99 should norethat Lake-town ana Da, eevee of Wilderland, were thery overrun by the Willers (Sogath). These Eastcrlings ruled mont af Rkovanion a8. | subject kingdoms Adventures at this tie could imeove mech subterfuge and adventurers céald!everr‘beeomne involved in the Northron Rewoit of TA, 18922 Also nox that the Dwarves occupy Exebor the Lonely Mountain, in TA. 1999, Afterwards, Dale and ake- own iruiy enter their Golden Age, This er lasteunnibthe aval of Smang the Tere ise TA. 2770. Dalb is abandoned between T.A.2770-and T-A.2941; but Lake- own is rebuilt albeit on a much smaller sale, and fife ‘continues in the trading community, After being raztd 8 second tne by Smaug in TA. 2941, the cotatmiy it rebuik farther north on the shore af the Loag Lake 2.0 SNARING THE SMUGGLERS Designed as an adventure, this section should give the (GM afeel for life in Lake-town, Irlluminates sore ofthe tmpre common atteudes of Esgaroch’: inhabieanes, Ins seccings and storyline reflect the flavor the town and its syriad intrigues, ‘Since the encounters described below are necessucily rather tketchy, however, the gimemuatce might wish to forego using this episode before embarking on one of the adventures located later in this tome, (See Sections 15.0, 160, 170, 21.0, and 22.0.) They employ mote linear plows. 2,1 THE BODY IN THE WATER. “Hileman setled back nto the growing shadows ofthe covethanging eaves, Seratcheng nonchalanty at he fleas beneath his dir-stained tunic, he raised bis chin and ppantomimed ayawn. Fikhy, ight brown bai fell forward over his face, The boy leaned back apnint che painted Lads pune ihn fie arated cre ah crnch beneath his bony left shoulder, He bent his lean face award the worn wooden stzext beneath his food foot pretending momentarily to study the empty space under histed-offroelan trouser leg. Two ler blaeeyes peaked through histousied cowl. They darted firs lf, thennight, scanning thelateafeernoon sevviytpon the West Wharf for ages of a paral Roume Barns Far away so. che south, down the row of inrcately carved buc dapat half-cimber ad plank bildimgs, a hoseedrawn wain turned to enter the yard ofthe wood- worker Cldalinda Several ellewords in mal sires eased their drinking hoens in salue eo the stranblonde rider passing the gate Another mercenary tured ro citeall ata Shore foreign woman with dark braided hale weaning. an. oda akireof grey hide and colorfully pxterned wool, She rapped che manhundinthechest withthe butcher spear a erase is disk ht Hip, then swagger ine the Séolfarn Calcbeforethe offender could sop choking and spurring. His companions laughed. Neatby, fous lithe Wood-ees dressed in earh-brown and lea- green tun aru! hse hoisted barrels up a steep sai at che planfonm's edge. Hina could fainly make out their heaplpeaceented singing, His ea labored hard ami all thenoise. Theat wat ripe with a chorus ofbiedeale the buzzing of insect, the irepular drumming of feet and haoves upon the wharf, and the hanerof woes from inside he neighbor. "Hie ep lca Noni wotknenollodihe barrels che Elven act upon che dock ita the alley leading tthe Groghuis mead-hal.As the last Nothnaa entered the nacraw defile, thece figures emerged Irom the tavem alley. One stumbled chumsily athe ao rounded the bend and began approaching Hilman, “River Rats." the boy silenely surrssed, judging quickly from che bowlegged stance of the woheavier-se men and che striped enaroon and white cxp of the third. Probably recent arrivals to Exgsroch, celebrating their brief respite by spending their carnings on drinking wenching. and gambling Prom past caperienee, Milman knew chat RverRacsailoes,fter only afew days in aw, haul Kiel left to show for thei long Labors. Laketown quickly swallowed the earnings of many who spenc the berter part of theis lives upon the Rinaelftéth plying the erie route to Dowwinion. The blonde, firzzy-chinned youth in the striped cap reeled drunkenly. He grasped the shoulder of one of his companions for support. The three Northmen exupeed inca loud laughter. The cuter wf Filmean’e mouth rwitchel lightly as he shifted fix weight upon his cruteh, The urchin’s eyes Aliceed across several groups of local men, women, and raggedly clothed children and settled just tothe north— upon the misshapen figure of Earm che Leper. Draped ies loose brown clothing, the cripple dragged large, burlap sack acrom the wharf. He moved with 3 shuffling spit cowards a broad stair descending to the lake surface. Thin Hescaaany Suddenly, anondeseripe figure with saggly shoulder. legth brown a ued by Han His Ped ene wo. the town platform in thought, he eollided with the sirugghing leper; sending the hunched old man to: his knees. "drvw"*cursed the started stranger intan angry rasp. "Minty pai bra" He spt with vebemence and disgust in the hooded face of the downed leper, chen bnefly glanced in Hilman's direction. he urchin remained motioaless. “db, Sai," Hilman thought as he saw che eyepatch uaponthe man’s face. Sari, lackey ef Hildreth Lean" The lnay pride! himself on fis familiarey wich Esgaroch's seediet, marginal denizens, Hildegripa, the enormously fat slater proprietress of the Eranmen Inn just up the West Whasf, was notorious for her bad humar and vicious dogs: Folle suid her twa curs were che only coeatunes in Lake-town brave enowgh to share a sleeping coset with theit foul>temperel suscress. While oxhers nearly starved during the Great Plague, Hildegripaman= aged ta inerease her alrady-araple “The cry ofan alarmed thrash sounded fromthe thatch srverhead siping Hilman from his daydream. He slowly rescanned the northern end of the wharf and the receding: silhouette of Saewie, Satisfied, the keen-eyed lad brushed ‘strand of hair from his face and delivered a meaningful but barely perceptible nod towards a short, hedrapgled waif drifting aimilesly dawn the street with her ands in her sleesrs. The girl subtly quickened her pace and swerved as if by chance to fallin behind the approaching group of drunken River Rats. Her tight hand emenged. Something init flashed crimson in the waning sunlight ax the reached for the purse ofa stumbling sailor. Hinges Loam ADrancy Wacex ‘AM ongenosed gambling man rubbed his eyes with the back of tne callonseal lard, He spite ante te ai candlelight ofthe dingy barroom in an attempt co clear his ‘blury vision. Taking anocher pall rom his drinkinghor, he Iecoaean audible belch and slipped his thumb inside the cuff. af his cloak ta rerieve the weighted die from is hidden cloth pocket. Aleady, a sizeable pile of coins lay Ihcfore the man, glexming slvr in the flickering light. Thece of the original gamblers had bowed out. Two hua vetced co crerwel sleeping carober of the cavers ‘common area after ling all their money. The other lay faton hisback-ontheruah-covcred floor across theron, the victim of copious deink, 2 tpped rough-bewn stool stil reoting beeween his outaprawld legs. Nav just Fou swagerees temained awake, ‘The man eyed his opponents ashe camslly palmed the good dicin his leteand and cast his special weighted one fn is place. Aca from bien. a lankshaired bostwrighe tunel Streit Eped mcoungy ac the coll. Hib come ppvions climes he had lose his epe tm a bot brand after being capeured by Exstelings in his youth. They satd Sacme ncver utered even a gasp when the deed was done Despite such tales, and all Saewic's menacing curses and snarl the gambler could seethat he old artisan was afraid ‘of his corpulent companion. Hermame was Hildegropa, and Suewic appeared sowed in Ihe ptesence, He bet conservatively whenever she didn't and deferred to her in-conmetsa- tion. “Cony wep the dce-man thotght to himself, “Tre no rae, mater bow le* ‘Thegamblerturned his attencionrerthesle foam tripped in the dack beard-of le hip mate the second of his opponents Ieeripped slowly soto the gouged oaken table,"Our- warily placid, che gambler knew hae allot ‘would morder chest just asreadilyaranyiot the others. Tally hit ga come ex: rest spoanlle proprietress of this dank place, “The Lean,” chey called her, after a foie. made by a foolish River Rat about her enotinons obcsityas a River Rat now no longeralie: Some whispered behind the repulsive womans back that her mother had become confired while in an ale-induced stupor and conceived 2 daughter with 2 Mirkwesnd ral. Hildegripa's notoriously vicious demeanot sctimes even exceeded thatof the mtncer= cons dogs now dozing ather fet. Thedicesenan grinned crosly atthe thought, Aavhe-teched ‘out to gather the aditional coinsin dhecemér of the table his eyes met the huge woman's beady, suspicious sare, He scarcely-blinked before Hildegripa slammed the hack of heft aem down upon the table with a single swift motion. Hishand opened with the ampast and the good die spilled out into th candlelight. Alepes were upon hir as the gambler rate and reached inetincrively for the scrumassx—the long-knife af hig ‘belt—toppling his stool behind him as he stood. Again, Hildegripastrick with surpeiving speed, and asearing hot ‘ran shot chrough his belly, Far one distored second he slanced damn, a his blood, his innards, and his partally digested supper spilling out omto the pile of coins, The dying dice-man then pitched forward. Ashe melred to the floor, he felt a cog sink its teeth into the back of bis lg. His screams embodied the blinding pain born of the ‘crimson spill bursting from his abdomen, Trountenc Fors Seviding down Bridge Sere through the thicemoring fog Chlodomit'shexvy sepsrangoutover the ively dawn consersitions af the g nearing beneath che Shifting the bake foley El othe Boge ‘Guard's morning meal tohis left arm, the soldier eacked ‘outa place his right hand upon one of the immense ples supporting the Land-bridge, As he strode by the-great serocture, he glanced momentarily down through the ise ac the Long Lake's surice. He'stopped inctively,hishand searching for his broadsword's samel-ialaid prrarel "By Onla;”" he swore geenly, “tere ruins «fw see soso ay yer wp” Below, « dark-hsired figure floated Face-down in the water. The gentle current held his corpoe against the north side of atimber pile. His long grey cloak tangled amongst the reeds and lilies growing about the support Beapator’s Dixeous Beadarothe Wendeitt paused in frone ofthe c 2ethe comer of Wain Stet and the Barrel Wharf: Before him the late afternoon shadows grew longer on the rumerous merchants ships docked in the southern Mar- ket Pool. Hee watched as the feherfolk across the harbor sooeed their small boats for the evening and headed co the Dydapper Inn. Down che lane, a Grau farce with an ash switch in his hand turned oato Bridge Screec walking alongside a hoese-drawn wain piled high wich empry baskees. The wagoneer was en route home afies a drofpetling regetabes on the Gera Whar, Close by, the assistant and apprentice barrelmakers of Cooper's Block mingled with the dockeworkers finishing their labor for the day. A lake stork perched upona piling looked up from preening taclftoregand the Town Guard Captain as Fhe mused! under his breath, ‘Toconmult withthe ald W yrdwoman ocno? The body that one ofhismen had discovered that moming afl in the lke sail remained urvdenified. Besdawof certainly fele that CChlodomir and his win Chlotar could be tasted, ren if be admited unhappaly to: himself, others among his Drihten force could noc. Ifthe twins, with thei bard-like memories, said they had not allowed chat stranger through the Toll House anime in che previous several days, it rmx be so. Nevertheles, the Wendie pondered, rumors of smoggling activity onthe West Wharf seemed coe seadily increasing since the resimprinn fade woerthalong the Rinneflich fier the Plague, Beadarof suspected chat this body was somehow connected to the ict trade, and wondered i the conpse was thatof a traveler ona somggersship. By uncovering the dead mar’ identity andthe circumstances fis eath the Wensiiit knew he might find the ackstraw chac would break the marsh ppomy's back. Were this trac. Beadarof considered ging at bis Beard there was le question tha be would need owe Fels I would be necevory ua hire stranger he come wre weve noctaking bribes from smugglers. Firs though, he would seck out Boyatung. Beadaraf knew thar the Wysémoman of the Culcofthe Fath could advise him, aad confira whether ot rot the corpse traly was linked with che West Wharf emug. ng ring “To Bagtan hen "he mumbled aloud. Then he whecled across the ridge over the cana, looking forthe hut ofthe aging seer. “Tht te frst stormeuce may was aro he bow of tle gle cntrahad ship "He winked ata cally-perched seork and moved with purpose past the halfotimbered shops along the Barrel Wharf. Somgp sh” replied te bine, cocking is bled ead and flapping. aff to its chimney nest. 2.2 THE NPCS ‘Section 14.0 deaileallof the majornoo-playes charac tersinthisadventure. They includethe smuggler Kyeoden, has heutenants, Vogirand Hildegrpa, and his henchman, Saewic. Theit statistics are accompanied by those of Hur Waroler, Hilmanthe urchio, Eiem Fito, Viloric, Woedwyn, and theit Londaroth thugs. Use the general data in Section 19.2 for any wnmamed smogglert 2.3 THE SETTING The bulk of this adventure takes place in Lake-town proper. Semon 12.2.2 contains a layout of the Erannun Ino, the principal rendezvous point. Note thac much of the action may occur on the waterways beneath its pla» form. The investigation may possibly proceed tothe ills anal che Cieadel ofthe Maser in Limalarach in which case the gamemascer should refer ta Sections 44+ and 12.7.1. 2.4 THE TASK “Theadvencurers face the peospest of uncovering one of Like-cown's major smuggling operations. 24.1 STARTING THE PLAYERS AN representative of Beadarof approaches the player characters. After tactful inquires, he arranges a meting between the Master. or “Maesta." and the PGs, Beadarof initially skirts his reason for summoning. the ppeStingto vette tne with some tl before iches the sersitive topic: Tre: Provo “The Maesta has suspected for some time that much of the widespread smuggling activiy in Esparoch is run under the watchful eye of a single organization. The town ‘Drihtes, or Guard, recently pulled corpee fromthe Long Lake, Snagged on a wooden pilebeneath the Land-bridge, the badly marred Noreheon body remains unidentified, [Beadarofis aur, though. that the dead man isan outsider, He probably entered town juurthe dayhefore he wae lain, If +2, he arrived by boat, since neither of the Bridge ‘Guard:—CHlodomir of Chlotar (cach blessed with an ‘etrsondinary exemory}—recall admitting him that day, Beadarof has already consulced Bogatung the ‘Wyrdwoman, who indicated thatthe murder is connected with sampling activity in the town, The Macsta now believesthe time is ripe to expow the smugglers ring, He hopes ta ewifély bring them to justice, hat he needs help from cnrsiders, He cannot rely om the town Dnihten, Troe Deceasen, The dead man was in fact a sailor aboard a merchant ship sunning smugpled goods berween Londaroth and Like-town, After unloading the ship's cargo, the crew retired to the Eranman's tavern room, Once drunk, the deceased was caught cheating in a spirited dice game. Hildegripa "inadvertently" murdered him in che ensuing, brawl “The inebristed muggers attempted to dispose of the body by dropping it down one of the unloading chimes in the kitchen ef the inn, They feared nocifying either of their two leaders, Kynoden and Vogir. Kynoden ie since been informed of the episode by Ssewic who, ae 3 result of the alaying, is row at de with Hildegrips. Kyrsoden confronted and reprimanded the Eranesan': huge prop crres, He could do lee else, of courte, for the town Drihten had recovered the alsin body by the time of the confrontation. 24.2 AIDS ‘Beadarof the Wendribe is looking for a vasied mix of relatively unknown adventurers. The task requiresatough, rmicl-level parcy wich a (quiet) reparation for honesty and Deduction. subterfuge. and fighting skills are all ‘Aside From maps and background information, the adventurers can expect lite inthe way of significane aid, ‘Afterall, Beadarof needs proof of illicit activity, aot some som of extrajudicial solution. The party need noc slay or ure their prey, They need co forws an gxthering und building case For che Macsta. Both he and his agents mest avoid unsupported astertions, which are liable only to damage the accusers reputations evidence 24,3 OBSTACLES “The wily Kyrioden anal hie henchman Vegis are espe- erally dangerows. Hoth are intelligent and ruthless. Sot is Weedwyn of Londaroth, ‘When the alventurers fee they have gathenal enough information, they caneturn in good stead tothe Franzuin, Howmarch thesmugplere'ring is damaged depunde pon thedepehot their investigation. Itremsins highly unlieely, thorgh, that they will be able to bring awa Kynaden en their own. Even if they cam implicate bien, any aoeustion. against the Kryn of the Boed-bylgas requires absolutely damning evidence, Beadarof is unlikely to act omanpthing fess, Meanwhile, Vilotic, as a resident of Lonidaroehpi hhoyomdehe gracpo|ake-sae«Dnthren. While Besdarat will curb the lawess mille broad inspection exemptions, beth he and his compacriots wil lok eoward. more lel profite—as well as a bit of revenge. 244 REWARDS Beadarof offers "head-price” of thiny dee BTS proof againsc any given smuggler. Hl is willing 0 thousand For an aictight claim apuinat the Additional bonuses, soch as tariff exempted ind neal credits, might also be available. Por instance, Beadle could ask Odhagaria to waive certain duties fx buigceafl advenrurers who engage in Furuce commerce, 2.5 ENCOUNTERS Encounters naturally dictate the flow, of wdnk Seta and the success of failure of mose any adventire Fee, they might also dictate the actors! Fundamental fae 2,5,1 THE CHARNEL HOUSE CORPSE “The adventurers right begin tir tas with # Bie Vracoth’s chamel house, which is sitasted onthe Ine shore, There, they can examine and search the’ wien’ emtedbonged body. The compe ir commed wilt abrasions including one very heary bruise on the back of its neck. The cause of death is unelear, Bescles bse ‘cuts, and a massive abdominal wound, there are several lange (canine) bite wounde.on ie leg an Forearm Fee, the imide of ite month, ex, and none are caked with ground barley ‘Almon all prin inthe reper inground taneeGE the two mill t Londaroth owned by Wilorie: He the richest man in that town, Shouldthe playet characters be prompted tsersvel south the"Tewn: bbp-the-Falls, cheymughe ancorervahaablechoes. The must be caeful while poling sround Vilone heme — IF PGs are too squeamish to senech the rie ‘victim themselves Gristhumg—Vacoth's yoann foolish r0n/apprentic—will discover the barley. He wll keep the information to himself, Fr he dean arpiring novice x the Cult of the Lang Night aed plans to blackmat! Vitor, His plot will fail hows ‘rer, when 3 fellow Cult member named Weedaeyn intercedes. The comety Woedwym is Viloric's sister. ‘She poisons Gristhang before he realizes her counter: Hor. To aggre sfresten Honidctig ts URE investigation, the gamemaarer cond choote t have Gristhing regret hie enereprencurial sentare. The sey apprentice might een word that he withes ¢0 spook wih then shordy before his Gaappamcance/ death 2.5.2 THE MILLER OF LONDAROTH the adventiess shulk around Londaroth-by-Lindal long enough, they will realize that Viloric employs an aad let big, chugpish apprentices This, coupled wth the fct that dhe iverinerowin ic axmatl communi, means that any extended stayby the advent pasty is Hable co alert Vilorie. The wealthy miller might then send che adventurers a deadly welcoming patty ‘Simuiirly, nocturnal investigations of Viloric's prop sty re likely to esul nat ast one dangerous encounter swith well-timed henchmen. Arthe ame time, though, che pasty might witness atransaction between Viloric, Vogir, and Saewic. The later pair often ride south to discuss ‘marters, and the rumors of an irvestigation backed by Beadatof will invaziably provoke a face-to-face meeting Sil, although neither Vogir nor Ssewic will be recognize able to theanrenturers, at least one party member should notice Sacwic's eyepatch, Shauld the PCs fail to be expecially subele, the smag- les will teuporarily curtail much of thei Mic exading activities, They can afford to bide their time until che investigation pauses. In nach case, Beadasof may grow impatient. He wil likely evoke his agreement with the ‘drentutees, peefeering “more relsble mest try and break the mucderous smuggling ring. 2.5.3 QUERIES ON THE WESTORF The adventurers might decide to begin with an investigation around the Westside Wharf, This will probably alert the smugglers eo the parey’s purpose. They can avoid this pitfall, Jrawever,by quickly and stealthy approaching just che right man. If che advrnctirers noice dat Earm. the gar bage collector, spends a great deal of time row= ing up and down the west side of Lake-tomry, they maybe peompted to question him. Ifshown the body, Earm will recall having seen the dead ‘man speak toa fellow with an epepatch (Sacwi} He will reckon their meeting 2s having tran spited on the day before the Urihten pulled the stim frren rhe lake 2.54 SNOOPING AT THE ERANNUN (Queriessbour eyepstch-wesring tugsshould rventually lead the adventuring party to the Eranoun Inn. After all, Hurm Watoler, Hygeggim, Stewulf, and most of dhe vrchime in Sculding’rpickpsckee gang all saw che man with the eyepatch vist the Eranman (although gecting them to say so may be difficult). Hulman, the urchins’ lame Inokeut, even knows the man's ame, ‘Aeertiers who chink co question the stork nesting atop one of the Eranaun's chimneys will begentrouslyrewaeded Theat chil bied nows a great deal, He will noe only recognize 2 description of Ssewic, bur will crsally testify to witnessing the dumping of the rmurder victim's body. The stark stood by on the night te corpue slid down the refs ramp 2 the inn. ‘After being thrown out of the Eranaun by the enor- rmously fxeslaccera, Hilklegrpa "the Lean” (and her tro viciows dogs), the adventurers might be encouraged t0 recutn. Caution dictates that they shoul rcsume their ‘vestigation during the wee hoursof the morn, unde: the cover of the at habitually envekops Exgaroth, Should chey stick to their wigil.chey will se Vogt who lives atthe Etannun,Ifthey havebeento Landaraih, they. will then cealize a valuable linkin the mystery The gamcmastcr should let adventurecs spying on the Exsnnim from the outside witness a hoat-borne delivery to the inn. Saewic and company will unload the bareelain broad daylight using x parbuckle. They wil lift the goods from a cnesera docked in the Boed-bylgasinket, placing them directly nro back room at theErannun, When are ‘ofthe barrels sips and crasbes hack deren on the deck of the lake-ship, the container splits open. Its contents revealed as ground barley! Adventurers who decide to sngop armuind inside the Ecannun face a difficult rial, Hildegripa’s hurls ase alert noisy. and mean, Sel, the PCs might manage ist aronnd long crough ta iotice grours! barley and blood ccavering che floor of the seoreroor, shrinking Londacsth ind themselves ritually wiped out Many inhabitasts flee ta more rural and remote areas, to avoidthe scourge. Trade along the Celi all but ceases. Riots break out in Lake-town during and after the ‘severe winter of T-A. 1636-37, Members of the starving and panicsticken populace fight for precioms mste- nance, looting many shops and warchouses, Fires con sume 4 umber of sige and twa siatable areas of the ‘Clathor (No, “Clothiers District”). Bardensome snows ‘in eatly spring subsequently collapae the main platform beneath one of the burrt-out areas. ‘A peculiar ted tide, never before (and never since) ‘witnessed, accompanies heary spring flooding in 1637 and washes theough the Long Lake, killing many of the fish and shellfish which feed the already famished rownsfalk. Teweapeople speak of the dovia of Middle- earth, The ar fills with foul odors asthe sickly-rwectreck of Plague-nctios pyres mingles with the stench of the dead fish afloat oa the blaod stained lake ‘Whenan aagey, hungry mab hangs the Visknakyn priest and the town Master succusabs to the pestilence late that smmmer, Besdarof seeks aid ffom a prominent merchant, ‘Odagzvin. Together, hepstriverokeep oad. Afiecamenger aunts harvest makesa personal tek to Aradhrynd ‘to plead with the Elven-king for aid, He succeeds in obeain- ing asitance. Soom thereafter, an eaunpency season of the Atanachmin elees Odagavia Master of Exgaroth, ‘The Plague subsides by the spring of T-A. 1638, bur the Lake-folk retain the renewed, insular senslility spawned during the pestilence. They erect new buildings tm house rearing refugees whose homes had been ran socked. Same houne refigecs from deserted of destroyed ‘munities throughout the Nan Celduin, Their hospi- tality reflects a newfound traditionalism. 24 survivors reaffirm theit cultural roots, The lays of the scops are tinged with themes of misfortune and the leting nature ‘of exintence. The wet winter of 1638-39 spawns spring floodi the Lang Maris. While reclaiming peripheral buildings in the village community of Cowstow, the waters never threaten Exgaroth, Instead they give birth toa wet pring, 2 moise summer and atch fall harvest When Otdagarin in reclected as Macata of Eaguroth on the last day of 1639, iferesounds throughout Lake-town and the ssrrounding reaches. Hopeful refugees Flaw into the town. The Grams resettle the plain eas of he Nan (Celduin, and once again numerous trader ply the waters of the River Running “Tre Warvesber Invasion aD OccuraTion: The new peace and prosperity Lats little over two cenmrire In T/A. 1896 Boek Exgaroth and Dale ace ‘vermin and occupied by the “Wainriders.” a confedera- on of Eutetling tribes, Many Lake folk: (cspecully Labe-toam THE ARRIVAL OF THE DWARVES AT BREBOR AMD THE Gowns Ace In TA, 1999, Thin | (No. “Obseinate") of Darin’ line leads a force of Dwarves t0 Dale. The Brrarres secrely investigate the possibility of building a home beneath Erebor. Once their initial explorations prove promising, the Dwarf King appeoaches Dale's Thyn with fits and promises of an alliance. Dale's Thyn resporus posicivdy to Thefin's diplomatic overtures, and an ali- (Overthenert yeaa contact between the awarves ail the Dale-Folk increases, each leader attempes to outdo his ‘counterpart by bestowing rich gifis upon the other, Both lords attempt to demonstrate their superior means and position (n common Netthron custom) The conse quences oF the alliance inchude a mell-armored Dale guard, the acquisition of uscable defensive land for the ‘Naugrim, and amustual especebecween the two rsoarce- fal peoples. Contact between the Dwarves of Esebor and their kan ie the Iron Hills also renuls in renewed trae Ibstween the two regions. Demand for the high quality ‘metal and stonework of the King Under the Meustair's fa lads to increased commence along the River Run- ring and acrons the Long Lake. Daleneaely triples insize over the nest severalcenturies. Its populice becomes marc ensmopolitan, and clan group ings begin to break down. Esgaroth flourishes along sitnilae linc, [ts population swells, and toll coffers aver- ow. The region enjoys peace and prosperity, even alice the King ef Duri’s Line removes his court to the Grey Monuntaina (T-A.2210-2589)- Although several Eastesling foraya briefly interrupt their stable affair the Lake-folk, Dale-folky Dwarves, and Gramuz of central Rhovanion have little twuble defending their wealth and maintaining their comfortable accords. Srexuc’s Desourroons All thie changes dramatically in TA. 2770, when Senaug the Golden hearsof the wealth of Erebor an les south from the Grey Mountains to investigate, This the “Bold"—the "King Underthe Mountain’ —escaperwith Thelin 1 and Thorin II (No, "Bold One"; later called “Oakenshield”) from the destruction of the Worm, bt other Dwarves perish, The Fite-deake rszes and destroys Dale, alays Giron its Thy, andlreduees Eagaroth to 1handfal of emaldering pilings. Having devastated the area, che deeadfil worm gathers all che Dwarven treasure in agreae pile beneath the Lonely Mountain. He seties down to a long nap stop the golden heap. Lake-town's survivors rebuild thei town with the help, of refugees from Dale, which remains abandoned. The rebuilt plaoem-sereement i ana smaller than 1. predecesior. It harbors a single centeal Masher Pool, Lifein Esgaroth slowly returns w normal although the volume of trade is oot wharitonce was, and folk sil speak of the nearby dozing Fire-drake with dread. ‘Tir Stating oF SMA ‘The ireful Fie-drake awakensonce againin'T.A. 1941, vwreaking havoc upon Esgaroth. Although the town is largely destroyed, Semaug is slain by Bued (Mo. "Beard: Scop") the Bouman, Esyaroth's Wendtihe and 3 deseen- dlent of Girion of Dale, In the aftermath of the worm's dlemise, Bard leads the forces of Lake-town narth tothe slopes of the Lonely Mountain to support the crusade against an invading force of Orce and wolves. The Lake men join the Elves and Dwaryesin vistory tthe Bartle of Five Armics Using his share of the Dragon-hoard, Bard and other laced Dale. fll refoand Dale His people come tobe known se the “Bardings.” Din I "Tronfoot" becomexthe new King Underthe Mountain, and many Durin’s Foi return to Erebor from the Iron Hills, Eagaroth is rebuilt third time, farther north on the Lang Lake, away from the nine ofthe previous town and the noxious remains of Smaug, which even the fisherfli avoid. Te War oF THE Ric ascestings amail and capeure Lake-town during the ‘War ofthe Ring( TA. 3018-13), Again the Land-bridge ‘a temponrily thrown down, but the remainder of the platiormserlement remains intact. The Lake-Folk r= treat ro Dale and, cogether with the Dale-folle and he ‘Dwarves of Erebor, make a stand against the invaders at the Bartle of Dale (on Rething 15-17, 3019). They are defeated and both Brand of Dale and Din II "Ironfooe” acc alain. The Easterlings then occupy Dale and set siege to Erebor. There, the four people—the Lake-folk, Gumus, Bardings, and Dwarvecake sefuge. Ban H and Thorin I Finally ead an arexy out of the Lonely Mountainand wicceed in crushing the invaders, The Free Peoples reoccupy Eagaroch and Dale. quickly repairing theis hallowed towew, Life continues such 21 before, for wall into the Fourth Age. 3.2 THE TALE OF YEARS ‘Speatin Ace £2, 200-1000 The Nenedsin, Arhiinerin-rpesking hunters and fsherfolk, occapy river valleys and lake- sides throaghouc central and nortkem Rhovanion. Those around Lang Lake live in houses erected om pilings set inthe areas plentifal muddy marsh andl Like-beds. a, BO0-850 Thranduil, his sire Oropher: andl their kin leave weateen Eniador and move to Eregion, Shortly after, friction with the Noklor causes them to.cross the Misty Mountains and setle in Gieenwrod the Great amvongat other Elves already residing there. 1375 Galadeiel establishes Lovien, ca. 1693 The Dwarves of Moria build a bridge; Nogothiant, across the Andiain, linking the Old Enrest Road with the Pass of Imladris through the Macy Mountains, 15 ea, 2000 Adan folk reside at Dale, ca. 2255 establishes his court at Caras Neldorlas (8. "Moated Fortress nf the Beech laf") later calle! Caras Amarth (S, "Moated Fortress of Doom”), 3430 The Last Alliance of Elves and Men is foemed to ore Sauron 3434 The Wood-ees hold the Nogothint the Enemy uncil the Forces of Elendil and Gil-galad cross the Misty Mountains and the Anduin. Gropher, Thranduil, and £0,000 Greenwood Elves march south with the main host of the Lase Allance to the Battle of Dagorlac, They are victorious, but Gropher and 25,000 of his Wood-lves perish, 3436 Sauron is defeated hy the Last Alliance. Many ‘Wood elves of Geeenwood, mourning ther Tost kin, depart Theanduil’s eal. ‘Trump Acc a, 1-300 First the Dalefoll and then the Lake-folk migrate across rhe Misty Mountains from Friar inco Rhovanion, 2. 100 Celebannon is founded by some of Thrandl's Woodselves. a, 300-S00 The second wave of urban Northron ‘Lake-Folk” who settle the East Bight of Mirkwood and other Northrons who will ater become the CGramuz migrate to Rhowanion wi the Teen Gaps ca, 490-550) Easterlings from Rhhtin cross through Dagozlad, bur are eventually defeated by Gondor with the aid of Northrona from Rhavanion. Gondor's border extends to encompass Dor Rbtinen, 2, $00-850 The Northman markerplace situated st the mouth of the River Running becomes 3 major trading center, Located on the western thore of. ‘Lang Lake, i becomes known ae Bohr Afar, or “Laketown.” 2. 900 Londaroth is sete by Lakesolk 999 The Founding of Esgaroth-on-the-Lake, Situated ‘on pilings the town stands near the older, langer settlement of Lake-town, a. 1000 The Nenadan town of Buhr Macthet enjoys its status as the largest and wealthiest port on the AAnduin narth of the Pillars of Argonath. Further north, the Estaraé fort of Bar Wace is stab lished. Dwarves begin to mine the Iron Hill dlebving & capital ar Azanulimbar-dim. 1050 Unbeknowrst tothe inhabitants of Greenwood, ‘Sauron enters Amon Lane, renaming it Dol Guldsr and making it hs center off operations. A shadow ‘ows over Greenwood the Great, which many begin 1 call Mitkwood. Travel along the Old Fovest Road grows increas the thoroughfare is 2 1050-1100 Thesndutl orders new palit! constructed at and moves his court there. The abandoned Caras Neldorlas, overtun by the growing darkness of Mirkwood, comes to be known ax Caras Amarth, a. 1050-1300 The Hobbits migrate from Rowand ‘over the Misty Mountains and sctte i Etiadoe 2 1100 The Wizard Radagase the Brown makes himself a semi-permanent hore at Rhowgobel, beneath the western eaves of Mirkwood: 1109 Dale is founded by the Dale-folk ar the foeation of am ancient Adan settlement associated with the sy site of Exebor. 1240 A fire sweeps through Lake-towa, Most of the, residents migrate ro neighboring Esgarath. ca, 1250-1300 As Bahr Afon is gradually abandoesd= infavor of Expaod the later setdemene becomes known as "Lake-town” ea 1248 Viduyavia, Thyn of the Wh dang loosely unites the northern Northron Ths of the = Eat Big de Contain (nd oneal he the Lake-Folk, and the Dale: folk). He declares himuelf King of Rhacanion, His kingdom ix short lived and cisincegrates in the years after his death ‘c 1248-50 In response to increasingly bold Easterling atacks in Dor Rhxinen, Vislagavias Northeons ally with Gondot. The Divide ait Northmen launch a carmpangm that eradicate the hostile Easterling presence west of the Sea of Rey 1249 Viduyzria eaablishes Bohr Widu in the Bit Bight as his capical. ca, 1260 Valacar. heir of Gondor marvies Vichegaia’ slaughter, Vidmnavi their son Eldaca ia burn, 1290 Buhe Hidow, aks, Bahr Waldmake, is founded, inthe East Bight. a, 1300 The realm of Angmar is founded, Bi Macthe, the Nenedain capita, reaches its Beight ea. 1.840 Raibr Walla, fea. Serayhold, ¢ extaliheal by freed bond-servants and “ouccast" East Bightezs. and Gramaz, ca, 1350 Supply trains begin travelling from Rita to Angroar along the Men Mth durieg the surat and autumn months. 2.1360 Many Stoor Hobbies recrom the Minty Moun ‘ins and resettle at Dundok in the Gladden Feld, ea, 1370-1395 Attacks perpetzated ly Northeoms (actualy merceoanes nthe pay of Acted) poe the supply trains of Angmat increase. ea. 1380 The fotheaio found Buhs Aifgra 1395 Under pressure from the Witch-King, Ganda sends the Ashaeag Goblin tribe to the eastern Geey ‘Mountains to guard supply trains. ea. 1400 The seasonal Sagath fort of Larshus ie founded in the northern loa Hills. cc, 1408 Riavo as the Sagath “capital.” 1432 Eldaear assumes the throne of Gondor. Castarsie and the rebel lords, refasing to acknowledge 2 King who is half Northrar, reval, beginning te Ki seete, 1437 Eldacar is forced to flee Gondor, He takes relge at Buhr Wilo, with his mocher's people. 1440 The Dwarves of Moria ettablsh an outpost st Mount Gonddmseglom in the central Grey Maun- tains calle! Suverphange 1442 Eldacar's forces begin racing the easten borders of Gondor. 1447 Bldsexr renaens to Gandar. With both Nonthron sand Dtinadlan allies he defeas the Forces af the rebel lords and slays Cartamir the Usorper «2. 1450 Lake-towe's population swells with Northron migrations up dhe Celdain 5, 1490 Dorarvish selers from Azarulrbar-ltms in the Ison Pills (ousnd ce weasby Uefving Axe Mountain. 1500-1600 The firs of the Dragons begin to air in the Grey Mouneains 1503 Bus Marling, 2 the confluence of the Celdait and its uibutary the Andeviga (Na, “Copper Dragon’) ix conquered and occupied by the Eothexim. «2, 1580 Hyarleuca Dredlc hatches, Linder pressure fom the Witch- king, Gundabad sends the LLarenguhoth Goblins to eccupy and mine the soratheen skopea of the eastern Garey Montana, 1591-98 Vodaga, Keyn of the Wodu-craftas Eaffeahar, is Maesta of Lake-town, He uses his wealth and influence ro build the Vadagarazun. 1620 Hyurlouca slays the Beijabor leader Beoryr anal twelve of his stautest warriors 1635 Scatha che Worm attacks Silverplange, making i his air. No Dwarves survive, 1835 The Great Plague sweeps through Wilderiand, killing man and beast in large mambers, Lendaroth is expecially hard hit early om, and never recovers Trade everywhere is distupced. Wood:-cives lie lav, ulferng wa help eo the suffering Nonhrons, Dwarves inthe Tron Hill hide and wait, 1636 Refugees of the Plague leave Lake-cown, heading west tothe Andain valley or northeast ro the vwinaaweps hills forming the easter acarp of the Long Lake and Celduin valleys. The bitterly cold winter sends man and beast indoors, spreading the peacilence faster (although the cold itself destroys the Plague germ). 1637 Continued chaotic light to avoid the Plague, which by now has killed neaely half of Lake-town's inhabitants, Riots Break out in Lake-towa avet food, and several ateas in the Cladhor ae destroyed by severe fires. Heary snows in early spring collapse a sizcable area of the main Lake-town platform previously weakened by fie damage. Aftera meager harvests Odagavia persooally visits the Elven-king’s ‘court to plead for assistance. The Wood-lves agree to contribute much nevded provisions te Lake town's starving populace fier his predecessor dies ‘of the scourge, Odagavia is voted Macsta of Lake- town by a skeleton session of the Atanathrain, 1638 The Plague subsices, hut itx haly effects continue to haunt the living. Folk slowly rebuild their abandoned homes. 1639 Heaey spring floods wash out one nf the thee spans of the Angin bridge, Nogothaint, Travellers along the Ole Forest Road use the Cl Foe instead. The Vidu Marsh, atthe caster edge of ‘Mirkwood, also begins to encroach upon the Old Forest Road, 1638-1640 To the survivor, the Plague is now a bad ‘memory. The bodies are burned of buried. the dliease a¢ rest. Folk return in number: to cheir former homes in the towns along the Celdwin and the Long Lake. along with many tefugees from smaller, now abandoned communities. The Gramux resettle the plains east of the River Resnning, ‘Commerce resumes along the rivers, Cxlagavia is reelected as Maesta a, 1670-1700 The lands immediately scuth of the ‘Grey Mountains are assailed hy marauding Dragons, ‘The Beijalsar leave the nuh, snigrating to join theie Ikinfolkin che lower Andin vale Buhe Thurasig is abandonedt its inhabicases move south to Dale and ‘Lake-towsn 18 1AS4-1856 Easterling victories force Gondor to withdraw is sbartered armies from southern Rhoraaion, 1886-99 The Eotheaim are defeated dung the ‘Woinrder Wars hy 2 great eonfederiion of Easterling tibes. Esgarath and Dule are overrun anc ‘oecupied by these Wainviders. Many Lake folk, Dale- folk, and Geamuz fle thet homelands and are absorbed inte nhc Latham, who- migrate accom the Adin and settle in the west-central Andhuin rales Berween the Oh Food and the Glades Fiekls 1899 The Wainrider kingdom fills, and che overlonds retreat to the east when the sueeesaful Northron Revolt drives them out of Rhovanion. 1899-1977 In their second homeland, the fithrarm assiurulate theit compattiots and became the Gothéad, 1944 Allie with che Variags of Rand, che Wainriders attack Gondor and Rbovranian, The Hadi erike Gondor from the south. The Gondorian King i ln, bur che invades ae vanquished from the ort of Tefulica ithe Baal ofthe Camp. Devastated by war and plague, che Northrons of Wildedand remain fee but few. 1950 More Dragons bepin appeating inthe Grey Mountains 1975 The North-kingdom of the Dnedain ends; the ‘Witch-king!s army is defeated, and Angmar fall, 1975-1980 With the collapse of Anginae, Gundabad lanes its hald wer the far-fhng Goblin eibee of the Grey Mouneains. The Asharag and the Laraoguhoth stop sending tribute to Guodabad 1977 The Eachéod are led nocth by Erumgat. This has 3 dcastrouseffecc on Guneabad. 1980 Delving deep beneath Ciradbras, Duria’s Flin Moria unleash a Balrog, Durin TV is shin. The Bulecg forces them from the lower levels 1981 Nin Tis san in 3 vain sortie agra the Bakog: the Dwvares abandon Moria, Many fle nord through the Andu‘n vals, while ors, oder Theda I (ghe new King). gn ene through Mirkwnod 1990 Most of Dusie's Folk gather a the Grey Mountains, They bepi to estab themselves ithe region 1994 Durin's Folk-found a scr mine in the Gacy Mouneais later known as Thundercefe) 1999 Thriin I and the rest of Duins Polk sate at Erebor, 1995.2000 Scatha begins his rts toro Borhiod Lande, 2000 The Dwarves discover the Arkenatone beneath Erebor. Ssidalbscith, the homestead of the Dale-folk Dalethéod clan atthe western foot of Exebor, is cede! us the Dwarves ca, 2001 Fram of the Eothéod slays Scatha. Eagaroch reaches the apex of ia peomperity 2014 Sahooholt, the homestend of the DukeFaBe®! = Stahnochéod elan, is abandned. Dale's popalition grows and becomes increasingly cosmopolitan and clan scructures begins ro break down, 2001-2500 Following the death of Seatha, the Dragons are not seen far many years x. 2001-2005 Using dhe Dragon hoard, Pram °* rebuilds the old Estarsvé for, Buhr Wraec;ovir looking he Langwel He cies enema fo the Gothéod, naming i Bue Fram, and the settles tment soon surpasses Huhr Mazthal a the center. commerce in the epee Ancsin vale, A 2003 The tra sundezed ranches of Durie Folkat Erebor and Thundercle, reestablish contact ‘Thelin I Iara of the fate of Silverplunge, 2005 Learning of Fran's wealth, Thelin | of Enebor demands he yield the teasure. No friend of Durarves, Fram sends an insulting note of refusal, accompanied by a gif ofa necklace made from, Scatha's teeth. Soom afiee, Fram i rmurdered. Evchod blame che Dwarves fo his death aidan abiding enmity beeween the ewe peoples is span 2050-2150 The Dwarves in the North expand thet ‘mining activities Silverpit, Long Peak. and Nor- cdéim are established. Many Dwarves front Beha” remave ta the Grey Mountains. 22086 Narui V chooses to go into exile i the Mountains, taking wid hie ewe beara 2 fallen Rom Erthor. They ae spe og 2210 Thorin I, the new King tres the Mounilin, leaves Erebor and goes noch wo the Gry Mountain 2360 The Asharay tribe is wiped out by the Durseres 2510-2512 Amey Eaicing het ten Tha Ralchath confederacy sweeps throagh southern Rhowanign and scr the Andon Bod the Tt and the Eothéod mide south and defeat an cae Goblins and Balchoth on the Field of Celeieine. Gon he Stew of Gar. in nan Oath of Eort, grant the Bothéad the Calmardhon, Phe Bethiod eeote soar Sai in Calenardhan. Deserced. Bur Fram soa fills nao rain and i looted by the Goblins of Gudabadyebo have reinhented coméznl of the upper Andi les, 2, 2550 The Dragons begin ca sir apain th thie" Wichered Heath. 2570 Smaug the Golden Mies south from the Big Synac. He makes his lie at Anvilnotn ite ky Mountains, avast delving that was ac Ada Bal site in the Fist Age 2589 The Cold-drake Ando anca slays the Dwar king (Diiin 1. The worm sacks Nor-diim, the last of che orthern Dwarf hold to fall to the Drago The [Dwarves abandon the Grey Mountains. Many refum. to Frebor with Thrér, the new King Chee go with Gaui to the Tron Hille 3.2650 Lepolas the EME, son of Thrandail, takes ‘command of an elite nine-person Tauranca (5. Jv") Uiales (S. “Turlight Bow”). 2770 Sauaug leams of the new wealth at Exeboe. He Teaver the Grey Mountains and descende upon the Lonely Mountain. Thess, Thin IL, and Thoeia IL "Qakenshicld” escape, but few other Dwarves survive. Dae and Lalke-towa ate destsoped, and Giron, Lard of Dales is sin. 2. 2770-90 Lake-towm is rebuilt on 2 smaller scale with the aid of Dale folk refugees —its new plt- fore is rectangular and has bt one central hacbor. 2780 Azog the Uruk Ashdurbi of Mott Gundabsad, aserts his control over the Grey ‘Mounains. Goblin tribute ain flaws te his coffers 2841-2845 Thedin I, King of Drin’s Folk, eleven to return to Erebor. He is attacked and pursued inta Mirkwood, ther caprared and imprisaned in Dol Guldr. 2941 Lake-town is demolished by Smaug, wha ix elain during the assale by Bard the Bewara, a descen- sdanc of Girion of Dale, The Battle of Five cries jccurson the slopes of Erebor: Thorin IE "Ouakenshicld” and Bolg. are alsin, The Gablins of the North are severely sliminished in strength, Bure and his followers refouined Dale; hereafter the Dale- falk are krown as Bardings 2. 294165 1 Lakestown ia rebuilt farther north on the ‘Long Lake. 3018-3019 The War af the Ring, Lake-town it ‘overnan by Easteslings, Lake-foll, Dale-folk, and the Dwarves of Erebor make n seand against the Easterlings at the Bartle of Dale, but are defeated, Dain IL "Lrofout” and Beand of Dale are slain, and the rennints of chet arnics take refuge at Erebor and are besieged. Thoin IIL andl Rand TT lea sally that beeaks the siege of Heebor and defeats the Eaeterlingss Thranduil's Wood-elves and the ‘Weed-folk are victorious against the Goblin forces sf Dol Guldur in the Battle Under the Trees of Mickrood. Fouart Act Early Yeara In the wake of the War of the Ring andi ‘Sauron final defeat the dining ruonbe of Woodselres in Greenwood grow tame insular, Legolas leads many of his kin south to lve in Idhilien. Celeborn of Lérien rules the southern portion of the great forest, while Tlranduil rulea the north, They leave the central zepion, between the "Narrows" by che Ease Bight andl the Mountains, it the Beornings and Wood-men. The Dwarves of Eeehor and the Iroa Hills grow inceeasingly reticent as Men in Lake-town, Dale, and elsewhere flanrish, 4.0 SITES OF NOTE Engarorh is strategically situated at the confluence af two river valleys: the Nan Taundin (5. "Fetest River Valley") and the Nan Celduin (S. “River Rurnning Val- Jey") The immediate area, the vale arvand Long Lake, ie known as the Nan Annen, Part of the Nan Geld, it reflects the glacial origin of moat of the landscape in northern Rhovanion. Great ice sheets bore out of the ‘mountains in the Eller Days sculpted this cool hilly locale into a beautiful rocky domain. 4.1 THE LANDSCAPE “Engaroth stands upoma relatively shallow shelfneat the western shore of the Lang Lake, a deep mete often mcasuring « hundred or more fathoms ini depth. The western shore rises rather gently, providing landscape that insteep in places but sill arable It harbors the only good moorings and farmmites found in the Nan Annen (S. "Long Lake Valley"). Most of the vale's abrupt eastern scarp t lined by precipitous lightly wooded gullies, and shale bluff, ‘Thelocalahaleslicstop sandstone and limestone stra, ‘This rock forms ascrits of ridged shelves that parallel the Running River, These law fells cut seratheastwars acr088 the Gramue-inhabited platasceast of the Long Lake. tis a sparsely wooded and meadawed glacial landscape ineermittantly marked by mamerous gulliesandmoraines, Everywhere, the rocky soil of the Nan Annen bears vritness to First Age glaciation. Lands west of the Long Lake valley, including the easter reaches of Mirkwood, are similar geobogicaly to the rolling limestone steppes south of the Running Rie, except that they have been subject to glacial erosion and uplift, so thatthe terain is more severe. Ridged demas punctuate the topography and hogbacks, like the Fells northeast of Mirkwood and the lulls sheltering Celebarnon, are not uncommon. “Glacial drumlins like the psound of Aragheynd are also nat infeequent. Encbor i the southeinsnost example of a series of ‘igneous intrasioas which afe Linked to 4 major Fauleline running through the Grey Mountains and acros the northern slopes af the leon Hills. The Lonely Mountam ‘neompased primarily of granite, wichrich mineral depor- its scattered throughout. Rising more than a mile abore the surrounding countryside, its weelest peak remains 9 4.2 REGIONAL SITES ‘Acororpage regio map of L-akecown and eshlaner- lands can be found on the color insert. A black & white version of this map appears there. Numbers wsed ta identify particulas sires below correspond to the black 8 white gamemaster’s map. 1. Lair of Klyaxar (BS. “Imperuous Spawn"). Kiya, the progeny of Ando-anca, isa young Cold-rakejest'700 year old in TA. Téa. 2. Irerock showe Wolf Fla Home ro the bad-tempered Fresdrake Leucaruth (S."Wrachfial Worm") 3, Caves of Uhund (S. "Uterdask"). The laie'of the rechsive Colder Agburanae(BS./0, “Fellas” 4, Sorrowdlrop. Abod= ofthe ancient Cold-drake Dynca (No./BS "Foul Spoor/Silent Jaws”) 5, Mount Udi -anea (S, “Jars of Uddin"), The laiofthe powerful Cold-drake Arido-anca (Q, "leon Maw afte Tine of Glaunsag (Q, "Golden Abomination") prio to ‘his sacking of the Dwarf coloay of Nordin (Kh. “North Mansion”) ia TA. 2589, 6, Anvilmouat (located fire eiles aca hemereeye ‘A First Age holy ste of the mysterious "Middle this peculiarly Lipton eae eeek 2sM-27il 7. Lairof Nimanaue Nimanaur (S. "Great White Fire”) isa ghostly-white Le-drake. 8. Gola Hill, The lar of Irangase (Me. “Guest Eater") powerful Fire-drake 9. Sorgas-Ukog (Or “Black Chasm of Ukog”). Thelaie of over four hundred Asharag (B.S. "First Guard”) Goblins, led by Ukeg (Ox. “Head Hungerer”): the Lame. 10, Vargurat (Or. "Stony Ridge"). The lie of appre pritirlter pemanh 4 (Or. “Tartooed-erbe" Goblins led hy Mogshi (Or. “Most Cruel”). I. Bohr Thurasig (No, "Crey Poss Stronghold”). A mining and crapping community of about a: hundred Lakeland fifty Grams ofthe small (No, “Boar Friends") clan (another fifty Grau ive in the saarrounding countryside) An annual Fir is hele rviate spring and atrricts folk from Dale (eg, Basic) and Esgaroth (c.g, Grom) By T.A. 1700, increasing anger from Goblinsand Dragons forces inhabitantso abandon | the town and more south 12, Crundel (No, “Cavity: Limestone Pit’; lacated 40) miles off the map edge). The lair of Scacha's stipling spawn, Hyarleuca Dredlic (S/No. “Sourh-weem the Breall the Cake 13. Berafeld (No, “Bear Meadow": located S2 nied off the map edge) Harfax Beoewyas muidweor haiman (No. “Manor"), By T-A. 1670, Beijabar living this far newth have removed themselves and joined their kin inthe mouth te aoidincasingy fequent Dragon and Goblin ar [4 Aldurlingeardl (No. "Home of che Aldurlingss”) The fyrga (No. “Hold; Croft”) of the Dale-fotk Alduclingas (No."Old, Chief Peupie”)clan, Lite more than a family furm by TA. 2770, when Sarmag destroys 15, Saidalbuith (No." Mountain Residence”) The nga of the Dale-falk Dalethéod (No, “Valley Folk) cla, rear the entry imo the caves beneath Erebor. Caded ta the Dwarves of Ereborin TA. 2000, itis destroyed by Smaug in TA. 2770, 16, Féotlingeard (Mo, "Home of the Péotlingas"). The fprgaofthe Dale-fotk Féotlingas(No." Warrior People”) clan, Little moee than a family farm hy T.A. 2770, when Sinaug destroys it. 17, Dale (Ne. “Valley"}. The Dale foll’s only major town, witha population around 170. Abo the fyrga ofthe Dile-folk ees (No/S, "Rune-folk") can. After Duia's Folk settle Erebar in T.A, 1999, Dale's popula tion grows threefold as the increasingly ensmopelitan Dale-flk begin to abandon clan holds In T.A.2770, the sotlement is razed by Srnaug the Ternble, Survivor flee to Exgaroth. It is net reoceupied until T.A, 2941, See ‘Section 4.3 for a more detailed desertion 18, Stahnoholt (No. "welling of the Stahnothéoxt") ‘The fy1ga of the Dalestolk Seahnorhind (No. "“Seone- ‘house Folk") clan. Abandoned in T.A. 2014. 19, Penstow (No. "Hill Refuge"). The Maedwe (No. “Croft Farm”) of the Lake-town refugee Hréowslds. See ‘Section 15.3. for a more detaled description, 20, Refugee Marden, ‘The homes of other Plague refiogees From Fegareth 2H, Skessahole (Mo, “Skessi's Hollow"), Skessa the ‘Troi’ cave hit, See Section 15.3.2 for a mort detailed description, 22. Nan Maraereg (S. “Vale af Black Blood”), The hold ‘of theten Maeghieni (S. "Piercing Lords”) adepts ofthe Cale ofthe Lang Night. 23, Larchue (Lo. "Place of Hux") The citadel of the ‘Sogath warlord, Hux of Amov. Tn the winter, the three hundred residents ate alll warriors or retainers. ‘The Population can grow to seven hundred and fifey during the summer months, as nomadic Fumilies join the sol- 24, Azamulimbar-diim (Kh. “Red Valley Mansion”), ‘This holif of about five hendred and twennyfie talwart Dwarves is ruled by Falla ITT of Balls Folk. Northrons call this place “Azan” 25, Barak-shathiir (Kh. “Axe Mounéain”).Chne hundred and seventy-five Dwvarves reside here atthe snurce af the ‘eerste onder the leadership of Azaghl x vasa of 26, Casherd (No, “Sedlge/Coarse Grass Home"). The chief vilage (No. “Maccwe-ckas”) of the Gramax ‘Wenelas (Mo, “Pillgers”) clan, and the seat of the Thyn unnian (Nu. "Dark brown haired"). 27. Withylord (No,“Withy-shiekt”) The chief Maeaine- lukas of the Gramisz Borgingas (No, "Secures”) clan, and the seat of the Thy Gramhart (No, "Fierce, Hos- tie"). 24 Laie of the Séakmatha (No. "Lake Serpent"). See Seetion 17.3.1 for a more detailed deseripeion, 29. Eogarodh (S. "Hiding Mise”) A Lake-man sedement and the mose prominent town ia the region. It is also called “Lake-town.” Built on a platfarm over the Long Lake, Esgaroch has a population of sure severs hundred and seventy inhabitants in the years after the Plague, See Section [1.1 and the color insere far a more detailed Leyout description, 30. Coestow (No, “Hanlet") A stall Lake-man village of approximately seventy people. It is known for its baskets and poctery. See Section 4.5 and the calor insert for 2 mare detailed desceipcion. ST. Celebannom (S, “Silver Gate") The village of the Raficelves Inching is tment vicinity, Celebannon has a population of around a hundred aid ten Silvany Nando, and Sinda Elves, ‘32, Aradheynd (S. “Hillsof the Elven king”). The palace ‘of the Elver-kieg, the Sinds lord Thranduil. 33, Haudh-en- (S.*Moundof the Fell Fie")A deserted Woodt-el festival ill. The moundislocated 15 miles off the map edge.) SH, Ulgaratat (No. "Uigas's Town"). A small Lakeman farming village of about thirey-fve people. 22 Teale i ‘35. LLondaroth-by-Lindal (S. “Mise shadowed Haven by More's End”), Onee the promiacat home to over two Frsraied Cake, Londagoth suffered greatly in the Plague Ieisnow na more than aseaepinal ain with fity- five inhabitants, See Secwon 44 and the color inser Fora more detailed description. 36, Dyn Odaric (No. “Odari’s HUI"), A. descetee ‘Grama Mazdwe, now used by Hofding’s bandit roupe 07 thet base catnp. See Sections 22.1, and22. 2for a more demaled description. '37,Foldbold (No. "House; Palace”) Thecavern Maodwe fora Family of four Lesser Gian. 3B, Shisklumamat (Or, “Eochaneed River Thicket”) “Thehold of Drurgangra (B.S. "Wolf Jaws") and his small foe af szty Shirkeng (Or. “Thicktclesvers") Gubliza 39, Fhahea-blagri (Or. “Great Hole of the Bloody ‘Shall") The main bold of the Blogria-hai (Or. “Orcs of the Bloody Skull"), with a population of sound ninety Goblins.” The ite ir located 24 males west of the map edge.) 40, Samm Goriwing (S: “Abhoremt Spenys Stone”), The citadel ofthe evlscchasivesorceeer Lhachglin(S. “Gleam of the Leaping Flame")(Thespiretelacated 14 mules off the map ee.) 441, Hhmaryen Keep (3. “Stee Hise"), Orae the fascies keep of a Bainadan noble, the castle pow occupied by 2 sonll force of thisey Blogrum-bai Yrck. (The keep is located 2 miles ofFthe western map edge.) 42 Tach Celduin /Videwaed(S. "Rive: Running fond"/ No, "Forest Road Ford”). The Viduwe (No, “Old Foret Ruan”) cromees the River Runaing hese aca food thar averages 8 feet deep. A bed of lisnestanes has been prested into the river bottean to make the crossingeasier, East of the rive, the road is naughe hur 2 series of tail rmarkers and a rough cros-countey track which the Northrons of the region know at the Dwerroweg (No. "Dwarf Road”: S, "Men i:Naugrim”). A ruined Eake- folk viloge,desertedsince the Plague, overlooks the ford 443, Bur Chep (Mo, “Marker Sranghelil") A Le fall sillge of one hundsed and ewemy or ta iehabses, many cof whom once rsided alongside the Iach Celduin. See Section 4.6 andthe colorimsertforamore detailed descip- 44, Wangail (No. “Plaisshll Field Comet’ The chiet Macdwe-dkas of the Grammar Frithss (Na, “Peoterna, Peace Keepets” elas. andthe sear ofthe prominent Thyn Brog din (No. “Cunning” ) 45, Clealacee (No. “Len of Thicres"). Dieraglir (No, “Brawny Noble”) of Relmthat’s bandie stronghold of neatly one Inn dred wasior. See Section 22.8.1 for a more detailed description 446, Canyrat (No. “Beacken Field") The chief Maecwe= ddukavof the Grams Frohargas(No. “Planderes"} lan, ara the sent ofthe Thy Grnmafic (No, "Trail" 47. Hatherhole (No. "Heather Hlome"). The chief lh Maedwe-dolas of the Gramere Mathis reed Plaisfolh”) clan, and the eat ofthe Thy Oe, "Youthful Lord”) = paride gh San are ‘A Lake-folk torn of some two hundeed And fl itants located by the headwaters of the Mit "Samp Valley Stamm”), i 49. Caradsurga (Lo. "Red Sarge"). A Dorwinadat ig tomahe Celdn. The aie fies $2 mila off the rei) le Beg re "Horsefals “The main stranghald of the Bothraist ee “Frends of the Sacred Stag") tribe's Mahle “Horsckeepers") clan at the confluence of the River and the Animaiga (No. "Copper oe presidedaver pale anciese Thy Thuidacic(N00"Pebal Teed") The pally Tonge Hin (Nec PHaEe™) Mahrcared (No. "Horse Tamer") of che Aig (Io. “Sac Sag ep cn moreso Bai (No, “Sacred Sap Seonghold!”) in the speii’ 1640, after the murder of his brother Makiies (Nox “Hlorse Lord”) one time Thym of the Ailras ela The ste i located 40 miles ofF the map edge) "°° 4.3 DALE AND EREBOR selat? At “ha tovmefDal (No "Valley" mck iat clan homertead 26 it is urban setlement Bei ietween tw spin of the Lonely Mouneain Flot (No. "Ravenlleothewestand Sel Ne." Hill") to dhe ease—Diale scans on the este end in the swift River Running, Te ee’ jamebeli ahie joint where the waterway eplle frm a ceackeigthe southern fice of Erebor. Phe river quickly widens it ts fe by sx gerumber of wberranean brosks and caries 2 grat volume of mourtaintunoff. cher strearnjointhe flow above the town and, as « consequence, theses remarkably widey thenimeit reaches Dule'asmallstone: lined hathor. The settlement’: riverside wharf Histhasaetan (No, "Harhor Seree), provides landing for trading vesel fous Es ‘Mos brings are made of stone and either tela ox; ke the ackminstratve Rraethingashad, equipped with slate shingles, One- of ewo-stored Fractures with oom los and seep rok: ad at et re or ate orm, Wincows are few and generally auxzered. i wasincie devlaped Gee ot eet cnky dite ight. Ava renul they are throw open wth the fie hint of pleasant weather. Doors Seth depict eho ls eT Dale'c craftsmen live én fom! or second Aloo of tet wocahops. Lik eter compat they keep a small vegetable/hees garden in their yard Most own several animals, which they house ia a seal (No. “Stable") behind their dwelling. The majority oF homesites als inchade coralled family encloatres wich either a withy Fence ot a stourer palisade wall Infact 2 tnsanber Fas soul eds wiht the town vampait. The entire Dale community numbers less thar wo hundred, It is presicied overby the Keythéod Thyn, Loder and—some spiteful camers say—hix shrewish wife, SulWya,Partuf the town serves asthe Fyrgu(No."Hald"} ‘of the nable Keythéod clan. Their Adan ancestors inal ied serelement on the sme site for millennia before the [Nosthmen arsived, long priorto the formal establishment of the Third Age town, “After the arival ofthe Dwarves of Durin (T.A, 1999), the urbanization of Dale accckerates.Fyrgan for the other fous Dale-falk clans and many lester family farms are depopulated or deserted as wnaze peuple Cake up artisan trades and eelocate to Dale. The town’s population sella steadily, The monthly market, held a wee after Lake- town's, possesses significant regional iaportance. ‘After Smaugthe Golden ates aed takes up residence inthe Lonely Mountain, Dale and Erebor are abandoned. ‘The Dile fol fle south to Esgaroth. Thee exiles foe I7L years (T.A. 2770-2941). Then, the leveled town is rebuilt and reinhabited by Bard and hs follow es after the vwarrtor slays Smaug, His people later come to be knows ae "Borlnge 1, Notlidh, A stout double gate provides acceasto Dale throwjgh an interruption inthe Lowa’s fortifications afive Foothigh mound topped by a heavy 12" palsale wall with anarow defensive platform ("upon itsscside perimeter. The lesser used. of the two towa gates, the Nelidh is tually manned by a single cown-guaed wietuber dt, the day. It is closed shortly after disk, 2. Glars-wyrhtan Gare (No "Glassrnakers Yard) Geir and Marach ofthe Aldurlingas elan live and plytheirczaft here, along with Marach's Lake-wornan wie, hisson (an apprentice), Gelmit's daughter, and two clansfolk assis tants, The place ringed by a high palisade fence of tree trunks 1 high. When Jirfllan or other important ‘Aldustingas clan members ae ia tows, they stay ete 3. Ortgeardhad (No, "Orchard Hall"), Home co an AAlduclingss farmer and his ton, who manage the apple, cerabapple, and cheery orchards alongside Wicstractan (Ne. "Macket Street") 4. Kracthingashod. The mecting hall and cukural center for the Dale-fulk. Feasts are held in the min hall on Jnlidegas(No. "Holidays"), and Minuial records impor fama inh Daleboc (e281) whichis bapa special room. Eoder hears torts here, and closed sessions the Keaething areconductedin chemainhallac che dark of the moon. A single town-guatd (whose dy isxocared with che aoe ie combats pcr a keeps watch over the building ae night. 5. Wic (No, "Market Green"). Boothe ace set up here during the warm monthear che third quarter of the moon, for the monthly markets. The Faird frequently ares the placefoetraning:theesparsing matches invarishly attract, crowds of young spectators. By formal law. this area has been declared the center of the neural (clan-wite)eowno! Dale outside of the Keythéod fyrga enclasare. oten Tafen (No. “Slerping Giant Inn") The sole inn and public house inthe cown, run by a Féotfingas woman, her Gramuz husband, and thei two children. Mast business comes from cursiders for Dale-folk typi cally tay with dan kinsfolk when visiting the serdlement. Forwen and other important Féctlingss members stay hece free of charge when in towa. Cheap Todgings in 2 ‘commen area over the stable adjoining the main building are available for poorer folk 7. Wain-wysheanhud (No. “Waimurights! Shop") Be- cause of the nature of the business, chis Keythfod crafeswoman, her daughter, her brother's Estarave sonvine lave (an assistant) his wife, and hae couple's ina all live and work here. The proprietors husband i a towne guard member who usually staysarthe main clanhall (#29) eardluxl (No. “Guardhufl"; 190 of them). ‘The western building houses two deiheen members respon- sihle foe mainraining the watch upon the nearby gate and fr collecting tolls from merchants. The northern struc. tae houses the Naridh (HT) gud and che guard stationed at the Eyrgalich (#39). 9. Wainldl (No. Wapon Gate; aks “Min Gat) Monitored by two town-guard members thi isthe mort travelled of the nwo roads entering Dale. TO. Stainhad (No, “Stonemasons Hall”). Also known as Pepanaselsor Pepin’ Place.” this workshop cun bythe well-known peweonality, Pepin. Fe maintains close con- fr wid the Solraahcad pry mat oF we A ee snurnber of clan members make thet home heeeinchiding Pepin's Stahnothéod wife, his tother, two surviving sons (both assistants), a daughter-in-law, an infant grand Alaughiter, and eight other assistants and apprentice (in- cluding one Lake-man and one Gram), 2s well a5 wo friendly ravens, Valerigge and other important ‘Stahowothéod members stay here when in town. T.Seainhud. Another mason's ard. run by Pepin's brother, vwho mdried inca the Féodingas clan. The couple's only surviving daugheer and two apprentices also resce ere. 12. Grocer /Feed Shop. Run by two widowed Alcturlingss sisters cher aged wother, and four adolexen childern. 13. Vebbahudan (Na. “Weaver Halle") Thirteen people, members of ll ive Dale-man clans, lve in four halle here and concer themselves with all aspects of lothmaking: rom harvesting fla for Iinen we eating sheep, opin nung, dying and weaving elec, and eilaring garments, A ‘Lange umber oF seep ca invariably Le faa grain ithe yard, and any unrecognizable visitor will launch them into a chon af “haahs.” Their number includes one belligerent tam named Dwesrouhimer (No, “Dwarithumper”) with 3 peculis dislike far Dwarves, 14, Plegid (Mo, “Amphitheater”. A link to the Adan pat of the Dale-folk, this wooden structure serves a3 theater, oardoor court, and Kevething meeting place during fair weather, Racsce of rs seeni-offcial stats the true would not rake kindly o wandering seops appe0- isting the place for impromptu peiformancen

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