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Brief Lesson Plan in P.E.


I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:
a. Recognize the different basic steps of waltz dance,
b. Perform the basic dance steps in waltz dance
c. Patience in doing the basic steps of walt dance.
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: The Basic Steps of Waltz Dance
Instructional Materials: video clips and ppt presentation about the basic steps of waltz dance,
laptop, music, and speaker
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities.
1. Greetings
2. Short Prayer
3. Checking of attendance
4. Review of past lesson
B. Lesson Proper
1.Motivation: watch short video clips of partner dances, not more than three minutes.
2.Discussion/Show and Tell/Demonstration of basic steps of waltz dance.
-box step, under arm turn, walt left box or waltz right box, hesitation step, and
progressive waltz step.
 Drills
Watch the video and identify the basic step they portray.
4. Generalization: Question and Answer
- What is waltz dance?
- What are the basic dance steps of waltz dance?
IV. Evaluation
 Short Quiz about the basic steps of waltz dance
 Culminating Activity: Compose of four groups
1. Do the groupings
2. Let each group perform the basic waltz dance steps with their chosen music.
V. Assignment
Give students free time to practice the basic waltz dance steps.

Prepared by:
Tricia P. Mendoza
BEED 3-1

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