NIK L4 U4 Test

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4 Unit Test 4


1 Listen and number. (8 points)


a c e g

b d f h

2 Read and circle the correct word. (11 points)

1 The first step in the recycling process / soil is separating trash into different kinds.
2 We can create / packaging something new with these old objects.
3 Iron, gold, and silver are kinds of metal / plastic.
4 Plants normally grow in soil / landfill.
5 Don’t burn toxic / cardboard waste because it’s dangerous to breathe in.
6 Climate change can be caused by toxic fumes / soil in the air.
7 We need plastic cups, bottles, and recycling plants / stuff like that for our
upcycling project.
8 Water and wind are natural resources / decorations.
9 Before you throw out / plastic trash, think about what you can upcycle first.
10 We can reduce the amount of wood / packaging by buying a bigger bottle of
water rather than lots of small bottles.
11 A recycling plant / landfill is a disposal site where waste is buried.

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4 Unit Test 4

3 Read and write the correct form of need or could. (10 points)

Logan: 1
we to pack all these clothes? 2

we check the weather and take only what is necessary?

Tommy: That’s a good idea. Hmm … it’s going to be hot and sunny. We
leave the jackets. And we 4
the warm sweaters.

Logan: We 5
to pack more T-shirts and shorts, though.

Tommy: What about the shoes? 6

we so many?

Logan: I don’t know. We 7

ask Mom what she thinks.

Tommy: OK. Let’s do that, but we 8

to hurry. It’s late!

Logan: You’re right. Oh wait, we 9

to pack some water. It’s going
to be hot!

Tommy: We don’t have time. We 10

buy some at the store.

Logan: Good idea!

4 Read and write the correct word. (6 points)

enough  ​
many  ​
much  ​
not enough  ​
too many  ​
too much

Every day we use 1

stuff and most of it ends up in the trash. Luckily
there are recycling centers, but these are 2
. Also, we are using
things made of plastic. We waste 4
to build an entire city! Another problem is using too 5
Rather than buying too 6
plastic bags for your grocery shopping,
it might be a better idea to recycle the plastic bags you already have.

5 Think of ways you can upcycle these items. (5 points)

cardboard  ​
picture frame  ​
toilet paper roll

/ 40

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4 Speaking Test 4

1 Look at the picture. Ahmed and Sue are upcycling some of their trash. Say what
they need / don’t need and what there is (not) enough / too many / too much of.
(5 points)

2 What could you do with these things? Look at the pictures and discuss with
a friend. (5 points)

a c e

b d f

/ 10

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