Tubice, Leirylle H. BSBAFM 1-2

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Video 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?



Content The information is accurate and provides a relatable example

(noisy restaurant) to illustrate the concept. The text provides clear
explanations of physical barriers with relatable examples. We can
likely find similar content explaining psychological barriers in
communication on educational websites or communication skills

Communication barriers can impede the smooth exchange of

information. Among these barriers, physical obstacles, such as
environmental conditions, can disrupt communication channels.
Imagine a bustling restaurant where noise from numerous
customers hinders dialogue between a patron, Jenny, and the
manager. To address this issue, thoughtful consideration and
problem-solving are essential. In this scenario, the manager
proposes relocating the conversation outside to ensure clarity.
Subsequently, a private office is established to facilitate
uninterrupted discussions about reservations and events. By
navigating such challenges with foresight and adaptability, effective
communication can be maintained, fostering seamless social

Reliability The source of information, Neil Angelo Santos, is just a Youtuber

who happened to upload a video about Physical Barriers. In this
video, he has almost twenty-one thousand views and this is his
only uploaded video

Location The YouTube video is presented as unrestricted and openly

available to anyone on the internet. This implies that viewers'
geographical location wouldn't be a barrier to accessing the
content. In other words, regardless of where someone is in the
world, as long as they have an internet connection, they could
potentially watch the video. However, it's important to note that the
physical location of Neil Angelo Santos, the person presumably
involved in the video, doesn't necessarily influence who can view it.
The video's accessibility seems to lie with having internet access,
not Neil Angelo Santos' location.

Context Upon examining the channel, this person does not usually post
information about the topic. Iit seems like he is also a student
reviewing the physical barriers.

Network While pinpointing individual followers of this YouTube channel is

difficult, looking at the channel itself can be informative. With just
57 subscribers, it falls into the category of channels that typically
have low subscriber counts due to inactivity. Building a following
takes consistent work and putting out similar content regularly. This
channel, however, seems to lack that consistency, which could
explain the low subscriber growth.

Images In response to the video content he made, he created his own

video through his own video-maker. It may be a free online tool that
lets him easily make explainer videos and presentations in a fun
and animated way.

Age of Account He joined Youtube on March 21, 2019, 5 years ago and had been
inactive since then.

Video 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4jqFY1qbXU


Content The information in the video matches what many studies say about
the tendency to view one's own culture as superior and definitely
creates a communication barrier. The text provides clear
explanations of psychological barriers with relatable examples. We
can likely find similar content explaining psychological barriers in
communication on educational websites or communication skills

If you have personal feelings, beliefs, or opinions, they can create

barriers in communication, making it difficult for others to listen
effectively. These barriers, known as psychological barriers, include
egocentrism, where listeners interrupt or judge before hearing the
whole message, and ethnocentrism, where people oppose ideas
that clash with their own beliefs.

Conflicting information occurs when what's being said contradicts

what the listener already knows. This can lead to skepticism or
denial. Memory retention affects how much information is
remembered, especially if the message is overloaded. Emotions
can also interfere, causing distraction or agreement without

Reliability The source of information, Kawthar A, is just a Youtuber who

happened to upload a video about Psychological Barriers. In her
channel, she has almost twenty-six thousand viewers and her
account is already a decade long.

Location The YouTube video is presented as unrestricted and openly

available to anyone on the internet. This implies that viewers'
geographical location wouldn't be a barrier to accessing the
content. In other words, regardless of where someone is in the
world, as long as they have an internet connection, they could
potentially watch the video. However, it's important to note that the
physical location of Kawthar A, the person presumably involved in
the video, doesn't necessarily influence who can view it. The
video's accessibility seems to lie with having internet access, not
Kawthar A's location.

Context Upon examining the channel, this person does not usually post
information about the topic. I have looked through her past posts
and it seems like she is also a student reviewing the psychological

Network While pinpointing individual followers of this YouTube channel is

difficult, looking at the channel itself can be informative. With just
37 subscribers, it falls into the category of channels that typically
have low subscriber counts due to inactivity. Building a following
takes consistent work and putting out similar content regularly. This
channel, however, seems to lack that consistency, which could
explain the low subscriber growth.

Images In response to the video content she made, she created a

counterpoint using PowToon. PowToon is a free online tool that lets
you easily make explainer videos and presentations in a fun and
animated way. These animations can be used for a variety of
purposes, from website explainers to sales pitches, educational
presentations, and even video resumes.

Age of Account She joined Youtube on Aug 24, 2012, almost a decade now and
had been inactive since then.

Video 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyqSdmJeCro

Content The video highlights key points about cultural diversity, which is
essentially appreciating and respecting the differences between
people. When communicating in a diverse setting, success hinges
on understanding your audience and adapting your message to fit
them. This can involve simplifying language to avoid
misunderstandings, paying attention to non-verbal cues like body
language, and ensuring everyone grasps the information by
summarizing or repeating important points. Building relationships
with colleagues from various backgrounds fosters a sense of
inclusion and strengthens communication skills. Ultimately,
embracing cultural diversity not only injects vibrancy into workplace
interactions but also cultivates empathy and understanding among
team members.

This emphasis on clear communication and respect for differences

aligns perfectly with recognized communication practices for
diverse environments. It's a well-researched topic, and we can find
similar information in many other sources.

Reliability The source of information, simpleshow foundation, is Youtube

channel and a charitable organization dedicated to providing
concise explanations on a variety of subjects. Through short
explainer videos, their community of contributors distills complex
concepts into easily digestible segments. By sharing their videos
under the Creative Commons license, they aim to empower people
worldwide with accessible knowledge and make a positive impact
on the world.

Location The YouTube video is presented in a way that suggests anyone

with an internet connection can view it, regardless of their
geographical location. This implies a sense of global accessibility,
where physical distance wouldn't be a barrier to accessing the
content. In simpler terms, anyone anywhere in the world could
potentially watch the video if they have internet access. However,
there's an interesting layer to consider. The organization that
uploaded the video is actually based in Miami, USA. This specific
location doesn't necessarily restrict who can view it, since it's
publicly available on YouTube's global platform. So, while the
video has its roots in Miami, the platform itself allows it to reach a
worldwide audience.
Context Simple Foundation shows a steady commitment to covering a
variety of topics. Their most recent post dates back 6 days,
indicating ongoing activity.

Network While identifying individual followers of this YouTube channel

remains a challenge, examining the channel itself provides
valuable clues. The impressive subscriber base of over twenty-one
thousand suggests a channel that has established itself within the
YouTube community. Viewers are more likely to engage with
channels they perceive as reliable and informative. This increased
engagement could manifest in various ways, such as higher view
counts, more comments and discussions, and a stronger sense of
community around the channel's content.

Images The video they made had some good information, but they thought
it might be a bit complex for viewers to understand everything. To
make things clearer, they used a tool called simpleshow to create
some fun animations. These animations help break down the
information in a way that's easier to follow.

Age of Account They joined Youtube on June 13, 2014, almost 10 years ago and
have been very active since then.

Video 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCc9F0pWNdg


Content The information aligns with established communication principles.

The breakdown of word barriers (cultural meanings, assumptions,
imprecise language, etc.) seems accurate. They used David Berlo's
SMCR model to highlight the process: a sender encodes a
message, it travels through a channel, and the receiver decodes
Language barriers are exacerbated by cultural differences,
assumptions, and linguistic laziness. Cultural nuances can alter
word meanings, and assumptions often lead to misunderstandings.
Language is imprecise, and words can have multiple
interpretations. We often take shortcuts, using slang or jargon,
assuming others understand. Emotions also play a significant role;
strong language or biases can hinder effective communication. To
overcome these barriers, it's crucial to be other-oriented, clarify,
and avoid assumptions. Keeping messages concise and planning
ahead can enhance clarity. While miscommunication is inevitable,
awareness of language barriers can help mitigate their impact and
improve verbal communication skills. This information can be likely
found on similar content on communication websites or resources
on intercultural communication.

Reliability The source of information, Patricia Jenkinson, is Youtuber and a

professor emeritus of Communication at Sacramento City College
in California, as well as California State University, Sacramento.
She also owns a Communication Consulting business, Jenkinson
Associates. She has been actively making videos about
communication-related concepts since 2011.

Location While the video itself transcends location, the creator hails from
California, USA. This detail doesn't necessarily restrict viewership
since the video is publicly available on YouTube's global platform.
The intended audience might primarily be the creator's students,
suggesting a local Californian context for the content. So, despite
its Californian roots, the video's existence on YouTube transforms it
into a piece with the potential to reach a worldwide audience.

Context This channel focuses on communication-related concepts to

accompany various communication courses: Public Speaking,
Argumentation & Debate, Communication Experience,
Interpersonal Communication, Small Group Communication. The
most recent addition is Mediated Oral Communication (oral
communication and presentations via mediated channels such as
YouTube, video conferencing, etc.). Additionally, concepts related
to Survey Research are included. And, of course, the rare personal
videos, or those that some of her viewers have requested.

Network It's tough to pinpoint exactly who watches this YouTube channel,
but the channel itself tells us a lot. With over 12,300 subscribers,
it's clear they've built a reputation within YouTube. People tend to
subscribe to channels they trust and find informative. This loyalty
shows in a few ways: lots of views, active comment sections with
discussions happening, and even a feeling of community around
the channel's content.

Images The creator recognized that while her initial video contained
valuable information, it might be a bit too complex for viewers to
fully understand everything at once. This complexity could
potentially lead to confusion and hinder the learning process. To
address this and ensure viewers could grasp the concepts clearly,
she decided to incorporate some fun animations using images.
These animations act as a visual aid, breaking down the
information into smaller, more manageable chunks. By presenting
the information in a more digestible way, viewers are better
equipped to follow along and retain the key takeaways from the

Age of Account She joined Youtube on Oct. 11, 2011, more than a decade ago and
has been very active since then.

Video 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDlRlyKRaYA


Content The information aligns with established communication principles.

The breakdown of word barriers (cultural meanings, assumptions,
imprecise language, etc.) seems accurate. They used David Berlo's
SMCR model to highlight the process: a sender encodes a
message, it travels through a channel, and the receiver decodes
Language barriers are exacerbated by cultural differences,
assumptions, and linguistic laziness. Cultural nuances can alter
word meanings, and assumptions often lead to misunderstandings.
Language is imprecise, and words can have multiple
interpretations. We often take shortcuts, using slang or jargon,
assuming others understand. Emotions also play a significant role;
strong language or biases can hinder effective communication. To
overcome these barriers, it's crucial to be other-oriented, clarify,
and avoid assumptions. Keeping messages concise and planning
ahead can enhance clarity. While miscommunication is inevitable,
awareness of language barriers can help mitigate their impact and
improve verbal communication skills. This information can be likely
found on similar content on communication websites or resources
on intercultural communication.

Reliability The source of information, Patricia Jenkinson, is Youtuber and a

professor emeritus of Communication at Sacramento City College
in California, as well as California State University, Sacramento.
She also owns a Communication Consulting business, Jenkinson
Associates. She has been actively making videos about
communication-related concepts since 2011.
Location While the video itself transcends location, the creator hails from
California, USA. This detail doesn't necessarily restrict viewership
since the video is publicly available on YouTube's global platform.
The intended audience might primarily be the creator's students,
suggesting a local Californian context for the content. So, despite
its Californian roots, the video's existence on YouTube transforms it
into a piece with the potential to reach a worldwide audience.

Context This channel focuses on communication-related concepts to

accompany various communication courses: Public Speaking,
Argumentation & Debate, Communication Experience,
Interpersonal Communication, Small Group Communication. The
most recent addition is Mediated Oral Communication (oral
communication and presentations via mediated channels such as
YouTube, video conferencing, etc.). Additionally, concepts related
to Survey Research are included. And, of course, the rare personal
videos, or those that some of her viewers have requested.

Network While pinpointing individual followers of this YouTube channel is

difficult, looking at the channel itself can be informative. With just
72 subscribers, it falls into the category of channels that typically
have low subscriber counts due to inactivity. Building a following
takes consistent work and putting out similar content regularly. This
channel, however, seems to lack that consistency, which could
explain the low subscriber growth.

Images In response to the video content they made, she created a

counterpoint using PowToon. PowToon is a free online tool that lets
you easily make explainer videos and presentations in a fun and
animated way. These animations can be used for a variety of
purposes, from website explainers to sales pitches, educational
presentations, and even video resumes.

Age of Account They joined Youtube on January 24, 2011, more than a decade ago
and have been very active since then.


University of Glasgow - Course Catalogue - course. (n.d.).


Das, B. (2023, December 30). Berlo’s SMCR Model of Communication: Advantages and
Disadvantages. StudyMassCom.com.

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