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- Alkali - Aggregate Reaction -

Alkali Aggregate Reaction

• Alkali aggregate reactive, reacting with alkali

cement, in long-term causing cracks in concrete.

• In Japan,
Alkali-Aggregate Reaction = Alkali-Silica Reaction
(Some of Alkali-Carbonate reaction)
Alkali Aggregate Reaction

 In concrete, sodium (Na) and potassium (K) alkalis exist.

They originate from cement.
 “Reactive aggregates” from a gel and it leads to
expansion and disruption of concrete.

 Reactive aggregates contain reactive forms silica

such as found in tridymite, opal, chert, …

 ASR is sometimes called “concrete cancer” because

there have been no effective repair technique.
Alkali Aggregate Reaction

 ASR occurs when three conditions are met:

 High alkali content
 Reactive aggregate
 Presence of water

 The reactive is very slow. Cracking takes 10-20 years to

become evident.
Conditions of Alkali-Silica Reaction

Reactive Aggregate

Na2O,K2O Water- Moisture
Cases of cracks in bridge abutment caused by Alkali
Aggregate Reaction
(Toyama National Road Viaduct)
Examples of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

Port Quay Retaining Wall

Examples of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

Reinforced concrete
Unreinforced Concrete
Prestressed concrete
(turtle-shaped crack)
(Cracks along the reinforcement)
Mechanism of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction and Crack

1) Na+ and K+ cause mineral and chemical

reactions of the aggregate.

Reaction product

2) Reaction product is formed around the

aggregate, absorb moisture.

3) The expansion pressure, resulting in cracks in


Crack initiation
Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR)

Formation of alkali-silica gel
Result is around aggregate be white
Prevention of ASR

 Use of low alkali-cement

 In Japan, alkali content of cement has been already
 Use of blended cement
 Avoidance of reactive aggregates
 Exclusion of water
 Coating, water proof, …

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