Data Volume-Aware Computation Task Scheduling For Smart Grid Data Analytic Applications

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Data Volume-aware Computation Task Scheduling

for Smart Grid Data Analytic Applications

Binquan Guo∗ †, Hongyan Li∗ , Ye Yan† , Zhou Zhang† , and Peng Wang∗

State Key Laboratory of Integrated Service Networks, Xidian University, Xi’an, P. R. China
†Tianjin Artificial Intelligence Innovation Center (TAIIC), Tianjin, P. R. China,,,,

Abstract—Emerging smart grid applications analyze large can be found in [4]. In this context, the accumulated, volumi-
arXiv:2301.11831v3 [cs.DC] 2 Feb 2023

amounts of data collected from millions of meters and systems nous and continuously generated data, whose volume is quite
to facilitate distributed monitoring and real-time control tasks. larger than that of traditional ones in common data processing
However, current parallel data processing systems are designed
for common applications, unaware of the massive volume of systems, make real-time data analysis in smart grid systems
the collected data, causing long data transfer delay during the very challenging [5]. According to [6], a smart grid system
computation and slow response time of smart grid systems. with 2 million customers will generate about 22 Gigabytes
A promising direction to reduce delay is to jointly schedule of data each day. To efficiently handle such massive data,
computation tasks and data transfers. We identify that the various computing and communication optimization technolo-
smart grid data analytic jobs require the intermediate data
among different computation stages to be transmitted orderly gies are proposed to improve the performance, such as fog
to avoid network congestion. This new feature prevents current computing for energy consumption scheduling [7], software
scheduling algorithms from being efficient. In this work, an define networking in smart grid for resilient communications
integrated computing and communication task scheduling scheme [8]. Moreover, many standardization activities supported by
is proposed. The mathematical formulation of smart grid data governments and stakeholders are making continuous efforts
analytic jobs scheduling problem is given, which is unsolvable
by existing optimization methods due to the strongly coupled to makes use of advanced information, control, and commu-
constraints. Several techniques are combined to linearize it for nications technologies in smart grids systems to save energy,
adapting the Branch and Cut method. Based on the topological reduce cost and increase reliability and transparency [9].
information in the job graph, the Topology Aware Branch and Traditionally, the typical data processing architectures like
Cut method is further proposed to speed up searching for optimal MapReduce [10], Pregel [11] and Spark [12], designed for
solutions. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the
proposed method. general applications, usually partition input data over a number
Index Terms—Smart grid applications, data analytics, task of parallel machines, such that a data analytic job is decom-
scheduling, job completion time, branch and cut, disjunctive posed into multiple tasks. Before generating the final results,
formulation. the partial results between the adjacent stages of computation
need to be exchanged through the network during the job
I. I NTRODUCTION execution. These systems developed for common purposes,
The smart grid uses smart meters, sensors to collect data, focus on data partitioning and computing, and rarely optimize
and adopts information technologies to make smart decisions data transmission performance. With the rapid growth and
to fulfill the demand and supply of modern electrical power accumulation of the data volume in smart grid, the data transfer
[1]. To facilitate distributed monitoring and real-time control time has become an increasingly significant bottleneck in the
tasks [2], a huge amount of raw data are collected in real performance of data analytic jobs. Firstly, when tasks with
time from smart meters and sensors deployed in different ge- precedence constraints are scheduled on different machines,
ographical areas, and uploaded periodically on a hourly, daily the data transfer time will be increased. Secondly, when a
or monthly basis (depending on the customers and purposes) large number of data transfers are performed at the same time,
to computing systems for data analysis [3]. Depending on the competition with occur, leading additional delays. The
different functions and purposes, data sources in smart grid increased job execution time will greatly affect the response
systems may include data from phasor measurement units, time, which will impact the rapid decision-making ability of
power consumption patterns and data measured by the smart the smart grid systems. Therefore, optimizing data transfers is
meters of the advanced metering infrastructure, power market important for minimizing the job completion time, with the
pricing and bidding data, and power system equipment mon- aim of enabling rapid decision-making for smart grid data
itoring, control, maintenance, automation, and management analytic applications.
data. A typical use case of smart grid data analytic applications With respect to minimizing the job completion time, tra-
ditional works designed for common applications focused on
This work is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China
(61931017). The corresponding author is Hongyan Li. either computation task placement (e.g., [13]) or network flow
The source code is publicly available at scheduling (e.g., [14]–[16]). However, the separation between
scheduling computation and communication tasks results in >@
inefficient job processing performance especially when the  &RPSXWLQJWDVNV
data volume is huge. Specifically, the data transfer scheduling >@ > pj @
problem considering data volume has been well studied in
[15], [16]. Since their goal is to minimize network congestion,
rather than reduce the overall job completion times, joint op-  >@ 
timization of computation and data transmission has not been  'DWD7UDQVIHUV

take into consideration. To overcome this, some researchers >@ ^reuv  qeuv `
recently began to break the barrier and attempted to coordinate  euv
the computation and communication tasks. The authors in [17]
designed the Symbiosis framework to co-locate computation- Fig. 1. A smart grid data analytic job example with six computation tasks
and eight possible data transfers (i.e., network flows).
intensive and network-intensive tasks, where computation
tasks can utilize the idle computing resource during the
transmission of other network-intensive tasks to reduce the (TABC) method to effectively speed up searching for optimal
completion time. In the Firebird framework proposed in [18], solutions. Finally, numerical results validate the necessity of
computation tasks are placed based on machines’ available optimizing the data transfers as well as the effectiveness of
bandwidths to avoid network contention. In [19], the authors the proposed ICCTS method.
proposed to place computation tasks according to the predicted
flow transfer time under given network conditions. In [20], the II. S YSTEM M ODEL
authors considered jointly optimizing the reducer placement
and bandwidth scheduling to minimize the coflow completion In this work, we model the smart grid data analytic jobs
time. Those works usually aimed to reduce the completion as periodic jobs, which are executed on a hourly or daily or
time of either computation or communication tasks rather than monthly basis depending on their purposes, and their detailed
optimize the whole job. In [21], the authors considered the knowledges can be profiled from historical logs. Each job
joint computation and communication task scheduling problem is represented by a Dual Weight Directed Acyclic Graph
from the job perspective, and proposed heuristic scheduling (DWDAG) G = {V, E, P, Q, R}. V is the computation task
algorithms. In [22], the authors investigated the problem of set, and vj ∈ V denotes the j-th computation task. The
joint computation and communication task scheduling with execution of task vj lasts for pj time slots, and P = {pj |1 ≤
bandwidth augmentation, where mathematical optimization j ≤ |V|} is the execution time set for computation tasks. E
method was designed to solve it optimally. However, both of is the dual-weighted edge set, and edge euv ∈ E represents
their methods are designed for general data center scenarios, the dependency between the computation task u and v, which
which cannot be directly applied in smart grid systems. means the execution of task v requires the data from u.
Besides, the mathematical model of the integrated computation The two weights of a edge separately represent the internal
and communication task scheduling problem, especially for the and external data transfer time corresponding to the different
smart grid applications, is still missing. Indeed, the inherent placement of precedence-constrained computation tasks. If the
causal relationship between the computation task placement pair of precedence-constrained computation tasks, denoted by
and data transfer condition (i.e., data transfer may or may u and v, are placed in the same machine, the intermediate
not be necessary depending on the placement of computation data on edge euv are transmitted internally, and the network
tasks) in data analytic jobs will greatly increase the complexity flow will not occur; otherwise flow fuv on edge euv will
of the integrated scheduling problem. be transmitted externally through the communication channel
In this work, an efficient Integrated Computing and Com- between machines accommodating u and v. The corresponding
munication Task Scheduling (ICCTS) scheme for smart grid internal and external transfer times are separately denoted by
applications is proposed. At first, by exploring the causal reuv ∈ R and qeuv ∈ Q.
relationship, we construct the Completion Time Minimization Fig. 1 illustrates a DWDAG example with six computation
oriented Integrated Computation and Communication Task tasks and eight possible network flows. For a job, a set of
Scheduling Problem (CTM-ICCTSP) to mathematically model available machines are reserved to process its data, denoted
the data analytic job scheduling problem, which is not solvable by M = {αi |1 ≤ i ≤ M }, while the network resource
by exiting optimization tools due to a large number of com- shared among these machines is modeled by a set of individual
plicated coupled non-linearity constraints. Second, the general communication channels with the same bandwidth, denoted
flow concept is defined to represent the internal or external by N = {βk |1 ≤ k ≤ N }. The time axis is cut into
data transfer between adjacent computation tasks. Based on multiple identical slots, and the slot index set is denoted as
the general flow concept, the auxiliary virtual channel is T = {τ |1 ≤ τ ≤ Tmax }. We assume that each computa-
introduced to linearize CTM-ICCSP, so that it can be directly tion task’s processing time and each data’s transfer time are
solved by the Branch and Cut (B&C) method. Then, to reduce predetermined, and computation tasks and network flows are
the searching space, we utilize the topology information in the scheduled non-preemptively, i.e., once started, their processing
job graph model and design a Topology Aware Branch and Cut or transmission cannot be interrupted.
III. I NTEGRATED C OMPUTATION AND C OMMUNICATION Thus the external flow set F̂ can be rewritten in the causal
TASK S CHEDULING P ROBLEM relationship based formulation as
In this section, the smart grid data analytic job scheduling
problem is formulated as a Completion Time Minimization F̂ = {fuv |fuv ∈ F, mu 6= mv }. (5)
oriented Integrated Computation and Communication Task Precedence constraints: The precedence relationship exists
Scheduling Problem (CTM-ICCTSP). The computation task between two adjacent upstream and downstream computation
set and possible network flow set are denoted by Jˆ and F, tasks. A task starts to be executed after all of its precedent
respectively. For single job scheduling, we have Jˆ = V and tasks and upstream necessary flows end. Depending on where
F = {fuv |euv ∈ E}. The external flow set F̂ ⊆ F only precedence-constrained tasks are placed in the same machine,
contains the flows transferred via the external physical links two cases should be considered.
between machines. Case 1: If task u and v are placed on the same machine,
The binary computation task placement decision variable is the data between u and v is transferred within the machine,
denoted by Xjiτ . If task vj begins to be executed at time τ and the start time of the downstream task v should be after
in machine αi , Xjiτ = 1; otherwise Xjiτ = 0. Since each task u’s end time adding the internal transfer time, denoted by
can be executed only once, we have
X X sM M
u + pu + reuv ≤ sv , ∀fuv ∈ F − F̂. (6)
Xjiτ = 1, ∀vj ∈ Jˆ. (1)
1≤i≤M τ ∈T Case 2: If task u and v are placed on different machines,
Similarly, the binary network flow scheduling decision variable the flow between u and v is transferred between the machines.
Yf kτ = 1 means flow f begins to transmit at time τ in Thus the start time of fuv should be after u’s end time, while
communication channel βk , and thus we have v’s start time should be after the end time of fuv , denoted by
X X (7) and (8).
Yf kτ = 1, ∀f ∈ F̂. (2) sM N
u + pu ≤ sfuv , ∀fuv ∈ F̂ (7)
1≤k≤N τ ∈T
sN M
fuv + qeuv ≤ sv , ∀fuv ∈ F̂ (8)
The start time of computation task vj and flow f , separately
denoted by sM N
j and sf , are calculated as follows. Communication resource constraints: The Communication

X X ∆
X X resource constraints include (9) and (10). Constraint (10)
j = τ Xjiτ , sN
f = τ Yf kτ . means that the flow transmissions in the same network channel
τ ∈T 1≤i≤M τ ∈T 1≤k≤N will not overlap, which is also a typical disjunctive constraint.
The optimization objective is to minimize the job com-
f > 0, ∀f ∈ F̂ (9)
pletion time, i.e., the maximum completion time among all
computation and communication tasks:
sN N N N 0 0
f + qf 0 ≤ sf 0 or sf 0 + qf 0 ≤ sf , ∀f, f ∈ F̂, f 6= f , nf = nf 0
min Cmax = max sM

j + pj . (10)
Xjiτ ,Yf kτ

The number of the machine to place vj is denoted by Finally, the resulting CTM-ICCTSP can be expressed as

X X follows.
mj = i · Xjiτ ,
1≤i≤M τ ∈T P1 : min Cmax
and the number of communication channel to send f is s.t. (1) − (10)
denoted by

nf = k · Yf kτ .
1≤k≤N τ ∈T
A. General flow concept and auxiliary virtual channel
In the smart grid data analytic job scheduling problem, the
following inherent constraints must be carefully taken into Due to constraints (4), (5), (6), (7), (8) and (10), CTM-
consideration. ICCTSP is a non-linear problem. Constrains (4) and (10) can
Computing resource constraints: The computing resource be transferred into linear constraint formulations by the Big-
constraints include (3) and (4). Constraint (4) means that the M and Convex Hull reformulation methods in disjunctive pro-
execution times of computation tasks in the same machine will gramming. However, constraint (5) is not so easy to handle. To
not overlap, which is a typical disjunctive constraint. eliminate the volatility of F̂ in (5), we define the general flow
concept. A general flow may be an internal or external flow
j ≥ 0, ∀vj ∈ J
ˆ (3) transferred between two precedence-constrained tasks. Only
the external flows compete for network resource. To construct
sM M M M
j +pj ≤ sj 0 or sj 0 +pj 0 ≤ sj , ∀vj 6= vj 0 , mj = mj 0 (4)
a unified flow scheduling framework compatible with the two
Causality constraints: The occurrence of flow fuv depends types of flows, we introduce the auxiliary virtual channel,
on the placement of its precedence-constrained tasks u and v. which is contention-free for all internal flow transfers. Thus the
external flows are transferred via physical network links while while precedence indicator variable φff0 represents the prece-
the internal flows are handled by the auxiliary virtual channel. dence relationship between two flows. The constraints of χff’k
By introducing this auxiliary virtual channel, the uncertainty of and φff’ as well as the reformulation of constraint (10) are
external flows can be eliminated. The auxiliary virtual channel shown as follows.
is denoted by k̂, and thus the communication resource set is X X
N ∪ k̂. 0≤ Yf kτ + Yf 0 kτ − 2 · χff0 k ≤ 1,
A general flow f ∈ F must be placed on either real com- τ ∈T τ ∈T (15)
munication channels or the auxiliary virtual channel, which ∀f, f 0 ∈ F, f 6= f 0
separately corresponds to the external or internal transfer.
Since each general flow must be transferred, we have sN N
f − sf 0 ≤ Tmax · φff0 − (1 − φff0 ),
n (16)
X X ∀f, f 0 ∈ F, f 6= f 0
Yf kτ = 1, ∀f ∈ F. (11)
τ ∈T k∈N ∪k̂
B. Linearization of computation and communication disjunc- sN N
f + qf − sf 0 ≤ Tmax · (2 − φff − χff0 k ),
tive constraints 1≤k≤N (17)
∀f, f 0 ∈ F, f 6= f 0
By introducing the general flow and auxiliary virtual chan-
nel, the scheduling entity F̂ in P1 can be replaced by the C. Linearization of causality and precedence constraints be-
general flow set F, which eliminates the uncertainty of the the tween computation and communication tasks
scheduling entity. Therefore, we can continue to adopt the re-
formulation methods in disjunctive programming [23] to trans- After the separate linearizations of computation and com-
form P1 into an equivalent Integer Linear Programming (ILP) munication disjunctive constraints, we continue to reformulate
problem. To linearize constraint (4), we introduce two types of the causality and precedence constraints (5), (6), (7) and (8)
auxiliary variables to describe the placement of computation to integrate the scheduling of computation and communication
tasks. Binary variables ψjj 0 i ∈ {0, 1} indicate whether two tasks.
computation tasks are placed in the same machine, where With the introduced auxiliary variable ψjj 0 i , the causality
vj , vj 0 ∈ Jb, vj 6= vj 0 , 1 ≤ i ≤ M . If computation tasks vj and relationship between computation task placement and network
vj 0 are both placed on the i-th machine, ψjj 0 i = 1; otherwise flow occurrence in constraint (6) can be rewritten by
ψjj 0 i = 0. To construct ψjj 0 i , we have X X
X X ψuvi = Yfuv ,k̂,τ , ∀fuv ∈ F. (18)
0≤ Xjiτ + Xj 0 iτ − 2 · ψjj 0 i ≤ 1, 1≤i≤M τ ∈T

τ ∈T τ ∈T (12) With the general flow concept, the two cases in the previous
∀vj , vj 0 ∈ Jˆ, vj 6= vj 0 , 1 ≤ i ≤ M. precedence constraints can be represented in a unified form.
Binary precedence indicator variables σjj 0 ∈ {0, 1} rep- For each pair of precedence-constrained tasks u and v con-
resent the precedence relationship between two computation nected by general flow fuv , the start time of fuv must be after
tasks. If task vj starts no later than task vj 0 , σjj 0 = 1; the end time of u, i.e.,
otherwise σjj 0 = 0. These constraints can be guaranteed by sM N ∪k̂
u + pu ≤ sfuv , ∀fuv ∈ F. (19)
sM M
j 0 − sj ≤ Tmax · σjj 0 − (1 − σjj 0 ), P
(13) If flow fuv is transferred internally, τ ∈T Yfuv ,k̂,τ = 1;
∀vj , vj 0 ∈ Jˆ, vj 6= vj 0 . otherwise, the answer is zero. No matter fuv is transferred
where  ∈ (0, 1) is a small enough constant commonly used externally or internally, the start time of task v must be after
in the logical formulation of integer programming. With ψjj 0 i the end time of flow fuv , denoted by
and σjj 0 , the disjunctive constraint (4) can be linearized as X X
+ ru Yfuv ,k̂,τ + qfuv (1 − Yfuv ,k̂,τ ) ≤ sM
v . (20)
τ ∈T τ ∈T
sM M
j + pj − sj 0 ≤ Tmax · (2 − σjj 0 − ψjj 0 i ),
1≤i≤M (14) Finally, CTM-ICCTSP can be linearized as P2.
∀vj , vj 0 ∈ J , vj 6= vj 0 .
P2 :min Cmax
Constraint (14) guarantees that task vj 0 must start after the s.t. (1), (3), (11) − (20),
completion of task vj when P they are placed in the same Cmax ≥ sM ˆ
machine, i.e., σjj 0 = 1 and 1≤i≤M ψjj 0 i = 1 hold simulta- j + pj , ∀vj ∈ J ,
neously. Cmax ≥ sN
+ qef (1 − Yfuv ,k̂,τ ), ∀f ∈ F,
Similarly, to linearize constraint (10), auxiliary binary vari- τ ∈T
ables χff0 k and φff0 are introduced. χff0 k indicates whether two Cmax ≥ sN ∪k̂
+ ref
Yfuv ,k̂,τ , ∀f ∈ F.
flows are both placed in the k-th communication channel, τ ∈T
D. Topology-aware Branch and Cut (TABC) Algorithm Algorithm 1 Topology Aware Branch and Cut Algorithm
Input: Job G = {V, E, P, Q, R}, resource set {M} and {N }.
Problem P2 is an ILP problem and can be solved by Output: Optimal solution S ∗ .
the classic B&C algorithm. Since the searching iterations of 1: Initialization:
B&C may vary dramatically in different problem instances, its 2: Calculate a solution S using heuristics.
sum(P )
running time may be unacceptable in some cases. To avoid 3: Set LB = |M | , UB = min(Cmax (S), sum(P )).
this situation, we take the topological relationship among 4: Set the initial precedence matrices with chain precedence
computation tasks and network flows in the DWDAG into constraints in G, the initial interval constraints, and the
consideration and propose an efficient Topology Aware Branch affinities and priorities of tasks/flows.
and Cut (TABC) Algorithm based on the following strategies. 5: Repeat
6: Solve P2 using B&C for an incumbent solution.
1) Branch with the chain precedence constraints: The 7: If new LB or UB is obtained, recalculate and update
branching process can be carried out from enumerating the interval constraints to the current active node in P2.
precedence indicator matrices, Θ = (σjj0 ) or Φ = (φff0 ). 8: Until Optimal solution S ∗ found.
Based on the precedence relationships among computation and 9: return S ∗ .
communication tasks, some searching branches can be directly
pruned, and thus the searching space can be greatly reduced.
The chain precedence constraints include the precedence con-
straints along successive computation task and flow chains.
For example, in computation tasks if σjj0 = σjj00 = 1, then To evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme, we
σjj00 = 1. For network flows, if φff0 = φf0 f00 = 1, then φff00 = 1. conduct simulations over the synthetic smart grid data analytic
In general,if fuv ∈ F, then σuv = 1; if fuv , fvv’ ∈ F, then jobs. As in [22], the computation task processing times and
φfuv fvv’ = 1. the data transfer times are randomly and uniformly chosen
2) Update task interval constraints: In each job’s DWDAG, from [1, 100] and [1, 50], respectively, which is to mimic the
the earliest and latest start time of each computation task different data volumes by normalizing the maximum time to
or network flow can be inferred according to both the job’s 100. The larger the transfer time corresponds to the larger the
incumbent upper and lower bounds and the processing and data volume transfered among the adjacent tasks.
transfer times of the other computation tasks and flows along In Fig. 2, we compare the average normalized makespans
its longest branch. A graph theory-based method to obtain the (i.e., job completion times) of six scheduling schemes with
longest branch of a directed acyclic graph can be found in [22], different machine numbers and one network channel. The
which is applicable to this work and very easy to implement. Random Scheduling scheme places the computation tasks ran-
Therefore, the searching tree can be further pruned according domly, while the List Scheduling scheme is from [24]. Both of
to the reduced interval constraint for each task or flow. them only considered the placement of computation tasks. The
Partition Scheduling, Generalized List (G-List) Scheduling and
3) Utilize the symmetry of solution space: One symmetry G-List-Master Scheduling schemes are from [21]. For each
feature is from the homogeneity of physical machines and scheduling scheme, we generated 3000 job cases each with
communication channels. If we switch the indexes of two ten computation tasks, calculated the normalized makespans
scheduled machines or communication channels in a feasible of these jobs, and averaged them. The normalized makespan is
solution, the result is an equivalent solution. Setting each task’s the ratio of the makespan obtained by one scheduling scheme
machine affinity value in advance can eliminate a large number and the upper bound makespan when the job’s computation
of symmetric solutions. The other symmetry feature comes tasks were all placed on a single machine. For the Random
from the symmetry of nodes or edges in the job graph, thus Scheduling and the List Scheduling schemes, their average
different priorities are added to the equivalent computation normalized makespans increase with the machine numbers due
tasks or network flows to reduce redundant searching. to the ignorance of data transfer optimization. For the other
The TABC procedures are shown in Algorithm 1. The four scheduling schemes, their average normalized makespans
three pruning strategies are all adopted to efficiently reduce decrease with the increase of machine numbers since the
the iterations. Due to the inherent unreliability and instability computation and communication tasks are jointly scheduled.
properties of B&C in solving ILP problems, the performance The proposed Integrated Computing and Communication Task
of the proposed TABC may also vary in different cases. Proper Scheduling (ICCTS) scheme obtains the lowest average nor-
termination conditions can be set to avoid too long running malized makespans among all the six scheduling schemes.
time. Though TABC may terminate before producing a global Since the linearization reformulation keeps the optimality
optimal solution, the incumbent solution can still be better of the original CTM-ICCTSP problem, ICCTS can obtain
than most heuristics. In addition, since the variables in P2 are the optimal solution and act as an important benchmark for
binary, TABC can be efficiently implemented by splitting P2 heuristic schemes. It can be observed that when the machines
into multiple parallelly executed sub-problems. Thus the time (computing resources) are sufficient, ICCTS can averagely
complexity can be greatly reduced. reduce the job completion time by up to 5%.
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