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Topic: Boom and crash, 1920-29 Key individuals (this is not a definitive list of all the individuals you

Key individuals (this is not a definitive list of all the individuals you need to know)

In this topic you will be assessed according to AO2 which tests your ability to analyse and Woodrow Wilson (1913-21. US Democratic Andrew Mellon (Wealthy businessman who be-
evaluate contemporary source material and also according to AO1 which tests you under- President who set-up League of Nations ) came Secretary of the Treasury)
standing of the period in depth. Concepts which may be targeted for AO1 include causa-
Warren G. Harding (1921-23. Republican Presi- Benjamin Strong (President of Federal Reserve
tion, consequence, change, continuity, similarity, difference and significance.
dent. Vetoed bonus for soldiers . Strikes in Bank until death, 1928. Blamed by some for crash,
1922. Huge tax cuts = prosperity). whilst others say he would have stopped it if alive).
Key dates and events (this is not a definitive list of all events you need to know)
1919-20 Red Scare Calvin Coolidge (Rep President, 1923-29. Sacco and Vanzetti (Italian immigrant anarchists
‘Laissez-Faire’, leave alone attitude). wrongly convicted of murdering 2 people in 1920).
1920 Warren Harding (Republican) wins presidential election
Herbert Hoover (Rep President, 1929-33. Wall William Simmons (Led KKK from 1915-22, but Ed-
1920 18th Amendment of US Constitution introduces National Prohibition Street Crash & Great Depression). ward Clarke & Elizabeth Tyler promoted it).
1920 19th Amendment of US Constitution introduces votes for women Henry Ford (Set-up Ford Motor Company, & D.W. Griffith (Directed 1915 ’The Birth of a Nation’.
1920-22 Brief post-war economic recession chief developer of the assembly line technique Showed slavery as good & KKK restoring ‘natural
of mass production ). order’ after it was ended by the Republicans).
1921 Revenue Act cuts taxes on rich
Samuel Insull (innovator & investor. Helped Elizabeth Tyler (Helped build KKK’s popularity with
1921 Federal Highways Act create an integrated electrical infrastructure. Clarke by promoting temperance, anti-communism,
1922 Fordney-McCumber Tariff Bought utilities and railroad s). anti-semitism, and anti-Catholicism).
1924 First attempt to aid farmers through McNary-Haugen bill fails David Curtis Stephenson (Murderer & rapist. Marcus Garvey (Set-up Universal Negro Improve-
1925 Price of Model T Ford car falls to $290 from $335 in 1920 1923 KKK Grand Dragon Indiana Branch & re- ment Association in 1914 and published black news-
cruiter for 8 states. Split from KKK 1923). papers. Encouraged blacks to return to Africa).
1926 Mellon Revenue Act cuts taxes further
Louis Armstrong (Leading Jazz musician from Al Capone (Leading Gangster in the prohibition era.
1927 Second attempt to aid farmers through McNary-Haugen bill vetoed by President
1920s to 60s. Black) . Jailed for tax evasion in 1931).
1927 50m Americans listen to Dempsey-Tunney heavyweight boxing match on radio Key terminology (this in not a definitive list of all of the key terms you need to know)
Segregation (Blacks & whites separate) Bear market (stock falling in price) & bull (rising)
1928 17,000 cinemas across the USA Gross National Product (GNP) (Value of Pan-Africanism (Belief Black people share a com-
1929 Largest 200 corporations own 20% of nation’s wealth goods produced by a country. mon history and destiny)

1929 Wall Street Crash starts the Depression Inflation (Prices are rising) Federal Reserve Board (USA central banking system)

Real wages (what you can buy with a wage) Supremacists (Believe Whites are superior)
Exam style essays (remember you will also be required to complete a source question and more examples Confederate states (Southern States in Civil Bolshevik Revolution (Russia became Communist in
War) October 1917)
‘The economic boom of the 1920s was due more to a How far was the development of radio and cinema
National Prohibition (Alcohol banned) FBI (Federal Bureau Investigation—national police)
consumer boom than to technological advances’. How responsible for the rapid social change in the USA
far do you agree with this statement? in the 1920s? Share (part ownership of a company) Attorney General (Chief legal advisor to Fed Gov)
To what extent was the rise of the Ku Klux Klan the most ‘Prohibition led to a massive rise in crime in the
Wall Street (New York Stock Exchange) Laissez-faire (leave alone)
important threat in US society in the 1920s? 1920s’. How far do you agree with this statement?
Communist (Anti-rich. Wealth shared). Bootlegging (Illegal making/selling goods e.g booze)

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