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Wheels in the Park Class:

Sunday 21 April 2024: Registration 1–2PM
Pittencrieff Park or Duloch Park
IMPORTANT – If you are a UK taxpayer, you can make your sponsorship count even more by letting the Gala claim Gift Aid. Please ensure you complete the form carefully –
donations must come from a fully named individual (eg. Mrs Jean Smith instead of ‘Auntie Jean’ or ‘ Granny and Grandad’). By claiming Gift Aid, Dunfermline Children’s Gala
Day can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you donate. At no cost to you or the Gala!

If I have ticked the box below headed “Gift Aid?”, I confirm that I am a UK taxpayer. Please treat the sponsorship donation I make to Dunfermline Children’s Gala Day as a Gift
Aid donation. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in this tax year, it
is my responsibility to pay any difference. Please let us know if you want to cancel this declaration, change your home address or no longer pay sufficient tax.

Thanks for all your sponsorship – it will make a real difference to the Gala and the School. Come along and cheer them on!!
Gift Aid?
I have read and agree to
Full Name (including title) House No. / the terms of the privacy
Postcode Amount Signature (Read the note above
IN BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE Name statement below
(tick the box) and then
tick the box)
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Privacy statement and data collection notice
Dunfermline Children’s Gala Day is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected and that data collected will only be used in accordance with our privacy policy. All personal data collected by Dunfermline Children’s Gala Day within
this form is collected to enable Dunfermline Children’s Gala Day to process your donations and/or gift aid in accordance with your instructions. The data you provide is used for the following purposes: • Recording of individual donations and
maintenance of running totals • Reporting of donations for Gift Aid collection and maintenance of accounting records. We may contact you if there is a query relating to your donation. Please tick the box to show you have read and agree to
the terms of this privacy statement. If you do not tick this box, we will be unable to process your donation. We will not share your details with any other third party or organisation for marketing purposes and promise to only use personal
information in accordance with our Data Protection and Privacy Policy. You can withdraw your consent at any time by sending an email to Registered Charity: SCO36116

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