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Dear Respondents,

We are sincerely soliciting your help to answer the attached

questioner for our study entitled “Stress Tolerance and Social Skills of
Grade 10 students.”
As part of the course in Research Report at Jamindan National High
School during the School Year 2023-2024.
Please answer the questionnaire honestly and truthfully to help to
generate the accurate data that we need. You need not to indicate your
name if you desire.
Thank you very much!
-The Researchers

Part I. Personal Information

Directions: Please provide the necessary Information as requested.
Name (Optional): Sex:
Year and Section:

Part II. Stress Tolerance Questionnaire

Direction: Read the following statements carefully and determine how
closely you describe your Stress Tolerance: (5) Always, (4) Often, (3)
Occasionally, (2) Rarely, (1) Very Rarely. Kindly indicate your
agreement with each item by checking the appropriate number on the boxes
which best describe your answer.
Statements (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
As a student, I Always Often Occasionally Rarely Very
1 can stay calm and
composed in stress in
stressful situations.

2 can manage pressure on

making school
3 handle multiple tasks
and responsibilities
without feeling
4 have a positive outlook
in difficult situations.
5 am able to cope quickly
after facing failures.
6 felt stress and pressure
after receiving negative
7 have strong support
system that helps me
cope with stress.
8 take personally the
negative feedbacks
9 can handle criticism and
feedback without taking
it personally.
10 can excel in class
even under pressure.
11 have effective coping
mechanisms to deal with
stress such as exercise
and meditation.
12 listen to music when
feel stressed.
13 write poems and stories
whenever I feel under
14 read books or online
reading platforms when
I’m feeling stress.
15 don't get depressed
because of some
16 participate to dance
class activities to
release my stress.
17 stay calm without
getting carried away by
strong emotions of
18 don’t get easily annoyed
or frustrated by minor
19 can still think clearly
whenever I feel
20 like spending time with
friends every time I’m
feeling anxious.
Part III. Social Skills Questionnaire
Direction: Read the following statement carefully and determine how
carefully and determine how closely you describe your Social Skills.
Kindly indicate your agreement with each item by checking the
appropriate number on the boxes which best describe your answer. The
numbers are interpreted as per following: (5) Always, (4) Often, (3)
Occasionally, (2) Rarely, (1) Very Rarely.

No. Statements (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

Always Often Occasionally Rarely Very
I… Rarely
1 have a high
2 controls temper in
conflicts situations
with peers.
3 introduces herself or
himself to how people
without being told.
4 invites others to join
an activities.
5 makes friends easily.
6 responds appropriately
to teasing by peers.
7 controls temper in
conflict situations with
8 initiates conversations
with peers.
9 cooperates with peers
without prompting .
10 responds appropriately
when pushed or hit by
other children.
11 gets along with people
who are different.
12 self and Group
13 compromises in conflict
situations by changing
own ideas to reach
14 responds appropriately
to peer pressure.
15 says nice things about
himself or herself when
16 easily burn out over
stressful situations.
17 finishes class
assignments within time
18 play physical activities
such as (basketball,
badminton, volleyball
etc.) to cope with my
19 can maintain good
mindset to easily deal
with stressful
20 produce correct school

Adapted from Gresham and Elliot (1990)

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