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Professors’ Institute of Modern Education

Chemistry: XII Chapter NO: 10 (Biochemistry) Prof: Dileep Soojani

Q1.Which statement about carbohydrates is incorrect?

A.Glucose and galactose are reducing sugars B.Starch and cellulose are non reducing sugars
C.Fructose is non reducing sugar D.All A,B and C
Q2.Which of the following compounds are used in saponification?
A.Carbohydrates B.Protein C.Steroids D.Fats and oils
Q3.Lactose is sugar present in milk,it is an example of?
A.disaccharides B.Polysaccharides C.Monosaccharides D.Starch
Q4.Starch is digested by an enzyme?
A.Amylase B.Protease C.Lipase D.Cellulase
Q5.Which dissachride that commonly known as table sugar?
A.Lactose B.Fructose C.Maltose D.Sucrose
Q6.Non-reducing sugars are
A.Reduce Tollens reagent B.Oxidize Tollens reagent
C.Do not reduce Tollen reagent D.Both B & C
Q7.Which one is not a disacchride?
A.Lactose B.Sucrose C.Maltose D.Galactose
Q8.The closed chain form of monosaccharide is pyranose which belongs to?
A.Fructose B.Glucose C.Both A and B D.NOT
Q9.Closed chain of fructose is furanose which resemble with?
A.Pyran B.Furan C.Both of these D.NOT
Q10.Tetrose monosachride is also known as?
A.Glyceraldehyde B.Erythrose C.Ribose D.Glucose
Q11.The glycosidic linkage is represented by
A.C-C-O B.O-C-O C. C-O-C D.O-O-C
Q12.Which of the two monosaccharides have same functional groups?
A.Glucose,Fructose B.Galactose,Fructose
C.Glucose,Galactose D.NOT
Q13.Alpha,beta-1,2-Glycosidic linkage is found in?
A.Sucrose B.Maltose C.Lactose D.All
Q14.An excess amount of sucrose in our diet can cause disease which represents?
A.Diarrhea b.Tooth decay C.Abdominal pain D.All
Q15.Zwitter aminoacids means
A.Electrically neutral aminoacids B.dipolar in nature C.both A and B D.NOT
Q16.The -NH-CO is called?
A.Amide group B.peptide linkage C.acyl linkage D.protein linkage
Q17.In the formation of Zwitter ion which one of the following species donate proton?
Q18.Enzyme lipase catalyzes the hydrolysis of?
A.Starch to glucose B.Protein to aminoacids c.lipids to fattyacids D.Glucose to alcohol
Q19.1 gm of fat(lipid) produces how much energy
A.9 calories B.4 calories C.10 calories D.6 calories
Q20.Which of the following mineral is used for immune system?
A.Zn B.Fe C.Ca D.P
Q21.Which of the lipid is monoester?
A.Steroid b.fat c.oil d. wax
Q22.Which of the following is steroids?
A.Cholestrol B.Cholic acid C.Both A and B D.Bee wax
Q23.Oleic acid,linoleic acid are
A.Essential fattyacids B.Unsaturated fattyacids C.Both a and b D.Saturated fattyacids
Q24.Which statement is true?
i.Non-essential aminoacids are synthesized by body ii.Amino acids in water form zwitter ion iii.Catalytic
protein acts as enzymes
A.I only B.ii only C.All i,ii and iii d.NOT
Q25.Which statement is incorrect with lipids or fat
A.Tri acyl glyceride B.Soluble in Bloors reagent
C.steroids are non-saponifiable D.Naturally occuring homogeneous organic compounds
The End

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