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Digital technology and

socioeconomic issues

his first part, composed of nine chapters,
analyzes the strengths and weaknesses
of digital technology with reference to so-
ciety. Each chapter deals with a specific 1 : Decent Work
theme, essential for the construction of a
world in line with the objectives of sustainable de-
2 : Economic Growth
velopment. The theme of privacy (and private life) 3 : Education
in the digital era is addressed across the different 4 : Innovation
chapters of this first part and in the thirteenth chap-
ter of the second section of the booklet (Digital and 5 : Poverty and Inequalities
Environmental Issues). 6 : Hunger and Farming
In most cases, digital technology is proving to be a 7 : Health and Well-being
valuable tool for solving lots of problems, or at least, 8 : Gender Equality
it has the potential to do so. However, it is rare that
it solves the underlying problems on its own. It is up 9 : Peace, Justice and Democracy.
to you to judge.

© Enough Project-CC BY-NC-ND 2.0



CHaPTeR 1 : Decent Work

- see the BOX below for more details on Fairphone
Why is it important? ("fair and equitable phone"). Usually, traditional
Most modern societies are based on a "social contract"
companies in the industry know only a fraction of
related to work. Individuals work to enable society as a the subcontractors in the entire production chain.
whole to progress. In return, they are entitled to receive Therefore, they have almost no idea of the origin of
a wage that corresponds to the work they do. When work the metals used (Cash Investigation 2015).
is lacking or does not allow them to live a decent life,
individuals sink into poverty (UN 2016). As a result, the
social contract itself is called into question and social Etap
tensions increase (UN 2016).
A job is considered decent if it is "adequately remunerated,
with secure working conditions, social protection for the
family" and if it gives "individuals the opportunity to realize
themselves and integrate into society" (UN 2016).
In 2018, the global unemployment rate was 5 percent, the
lowest level since the 2008 financial crisis (World Bank
2019b). In the European Union, the unemployment rate
rose to a record high of 11% in 2013, felling below 7% in
2019 (All Europe 2019) to rise again up to 8.4% in 2020
due to the Covid-19 pandemic (Eurostat; 2021). Add to
this the percentage of working poor that was c.a. 9% of (assemb
the total European workforce in 2014-2019 (Eurostat 2018
and 2019), meaning that work is not available to all and/or
does not provide a decent income to all.
"Non-decent" work is still widespread in different
parts of the world. For example, an estimated 24.9 million
people were engaged in "forced labor" in 2016 (Walk Free
Foundation 2018). Child labor, on the other hand, is in
steep decline. However, in 2017, there were still 152 million
young workers under the age of 18, half of whom were
under the age of 12 (UNWTO 2019).

Labor conditions in the digital economy

A long manufacturing process

Electronic devices, which include digital items, have
a very long and complicated supply chain. First, it
Steps in the manufacturing of a cell phone
relies on many materials from mines around the (As based on Fairphone 2019a, p.4)
world. In fact, most of the 62 metallic elements in © CND - CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0
One min

the periodic table are found in digital devices (Rathi

et al. 2013). Then, these materials are processed in
different factories, often in different states, until the
final product is obtained. Working conditions in mining
It is important to know that large digital brands have Several recent reports and surveys have revealed
little first-hand involvement in the process of ma- serious problems associated with mining. It is dif-
nufacturing and assembling their products. In fact, ficult to reconstruct a comprehensive country-by-
they usually purchase their finished products from country view with the precise role played by the digi-
subcontractors, who, in turn, have done only some tal sector. Therefore, we will only illustrate the case
of the assembly work, and so on until they get back of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC*), which
to the raw materials extracted from the mines (Cash is the most documented. This country holds a key
Investigation 2015). It is reasonable to assume that, importance for the production of digital objects, as
for example, for a smartphone several hundred com- it is one of the main suppliers of several precious
panies are involved in the production. Nearly 300 metals of electronic devices, such as cobalt and tan-
companies operate in the smelting and refining of talum (Cash Investigation 2015; TDI and Fairphone
gold, tungsten, tin, and tantalum parts essential to 2017b).
produce a Fairphone 2 (Fairphone 2019a) cell phone

* Word or acronym defined at the end of the document PAGE 7

1. Decent Work

Given the informal and often illegal nature of these

mining sites, it is impossible to determine the num-
ber of landslide deaths in Congo. However, it is rea-
sonable to estimate a range of several hundred to
thousands per year.
Landslides are not the only causes of death. The-
refore, because these mining operations are gene-
rally illegal, it happens that the police (and/or mili-
tary) randomly shoot miners (Scheele et al. 2016).
Metals extraction in Congo. In addition, contact with some mined metals, inclu-
© Responsible Sourcing Network-BY-NC 2.0 ding cobalt, can cause dermatitis, severe respiratory
problems, and cancer (Amnesty International 2015;
DRC's miners are called "diggers." They would be Kara 2018; Crawford 2017). Diggers do not have
500,000 in the province of Katanga alone (Milieude- equipment to protect themselves.
fensie, SOMO e Good Electronics 2015).
In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), mining
is associated with wars. The latest, still ongoing
They suffer from difficult working conditions under (Reuters 2019; Mu- longoFinkelstein 2018) is dead-
many regards, and that term is an understatement. lier than World War II (Cash Investigation 2015),
Miners usually work on their own digging tunnels having caused 6 million deaths between 1998 and
by hand or with rudimentary tools. Workdays last at 2014 (Valmir 2014). One of the main reasons for this
least 12 hours for the price of 6 euros approx. (Cash long conflict is the struggle for sovereignty over mi-
Investigation 2015). Some of this money ends neral resources (Valmir 2014). Indeed, some mines,
up in the pockets of corrupt government officials especially in the eastern part of the country, are ope-
(Amnesty International 2015). Because the work is rated by armed groups that finance themselves with
done informally and yields little, rest days are not the proceeds of mining activities. In 2015, Jaillon et
even taken into account. al. (2016) visited 1615 mines in this African country
and observed the presence of armed groups in 56%
Child labor is widespread in DRC's mines. Some be- of them. It is safe to assume that in the absence of
gin at the age of six (Kara 2018). Amnesty Interna- mining activities, conflicts would be less frequent
tional (2015) reports the story of 14-year-old Paul, in these areas. Metals associated with war are so-
who must dig through tunnels for 24 hours straight, metimes called "blood minerals"; these are: tin,
every time. However, children usually stay on the tungsten, tantalum, and gold (ten Kate 2016).
surface to filter water or stand guard (Kara 2018).
They are paid even less than adults, sometimes less The above is not unique to DRC and/or the digital
than one euro per day (Kara 2018). economy. In 2017, 40.5 million people worldwide
worked in artisanal mines (IISD 2018), performing
difficult, poorly mechanized physical labor (Gunson
and Jian 2002). This number has increased more
than sixfold in 25 years (IISD 2018). They include
at least one million child miners (Smith and Raphael
2016): Child labor is present in 26 countries for gold
mining alone (Schipper and de Haan 2015). Moreo-
ver, conflict financing through minerals is not limited
to the DRC. For example, copper is mined in eleven
countries where violent conflicts rage (ten Kate
One million children work in Earth’s mines.
© Julien Harneis - CC BY-SA 2.0 Although much remains to be done, the situation
regarding artisanal mining in the DRC seems to be
Excavated tunnels can be up to 80 to 100 meters improving lately (Julienne 2019). This is, in part, the
deep (Milieudefensie, SOMO, and GoodElectronics result of Directives issued by the United States and
2015; Schipper and de Haan 2015). Because the the European Union that oblige multinationals to
tunnels are not secured, landslides are frequent, know the origin of the metals used by their products,
sometimes with deadly effects. A Congolese mi- to assess whether or not they should continue to
ner interviewed by Cash Investigation (2015) des- use certain suppliers (Amnesty International 2015;
cribes several deadly landslides in his mine during European Commission 2017). Regarding child labor
the months leading up to the report, one of which in the DRC, the situation appears to be moving in the
claimed 175 lives. For its part, Amnesty International right direction (Amnesty International 2017a). In
(2015) reports several landslides in the same year 2017, Amnesty International studied improvements
with 80 final fatalities, according to official data sus- in cobalt procurement in the DRC by multinational
pected of being underreported. battery manufacturers in order to prevent child la-
bor. It appeared that the "good students" in this area

of the globe were Apple and Samsung; the worst,
Huawei, Lenovo, or Microsoft (Amnesty Internatio-
nal 2017b).

Working conditions in enterprises

An example of a worker anti-suicide network

installed in factories.
© UCLy Université Catholique de Lyon-CC BY 2.0

Many products that are extremely hazardous to hu-

man health are used in these factories (Chan et al.
Women's work in a Chinese factory: the production conditions of our 2016; Smith and Raphael 2016). Because workers
digital tools are very difficult.
© Chris-BY-NC 2.0 are not provided with protective equipment neces-
sary to work safely (ILRF and BHRE 2018), rates of
cancer, miscarriage, or congenital abnormalities
are higher here than in other demographic groups
The production phase of electronic parts takes place
(Smith and Raphael 2016). In addition, many female
mainly in Asia. Working conditions are not much
workers are not even aware of the inherent danger
better than in the mines. The pace of work in these
of handling these electronic components (Tuncak et
factories is hellish. Sociologist Jenny Chan inter-
al. 2018).
viewed employees of Foxconn, the largest electro-
nics manufacturing company. These young people Among other bad practices encountered, ILRF and
testify to a dehumanizing experience, where human BHRE (2018) mention verbal and physical abuse,
beings are alienated from the machines they work non-payment of overtime, difficulty in resigning, or
for and the imperatives (and rhythms) of producti- lack of freedom of association to demand better
vity. They are isolated, exhausted, and suffer from working conditions.
loneliness and sometimes depression (Chan et al.
Countries involved in electronic devices are actually
2015). Some have even gone so far as to commit
reluctant to improve labor laws, as companies may
suicide, which drew international media attention in
decide to relocate to other countries (ILRF and BHRE
2010/2011 (Chan et al. 2017). Instead of improving
working conditions (in response to the scandal) Fox-
conn allegedly wanted to force employees to sign a Finally, other types of poor working conditions and
no-suicide clause. In the face of general outrage, huge health risks are associated with the end of life
the company eventually decided to install anti-sui- of digital devices (Tuncak 2018; Salvoch and Pirot
cide grills on the roofs and windows of the factories, 2019) - see Chapter 13.
eventually turning them into prisons (Richard 2016).
Because small, agile hands are needed and given a
preference for more vulnerable groups, women and Conclusions
children make up the majority workforce in the elec-
Our electronic devices are most likely associated, in
tronics industry in many countries around the world
one way or another, with violence and undignified
(Van der Velden 2019 and Cash Investigation, 2015).
work. The Walk Free Foundation (2018) finds that
Cash Investigation infiltrated an electronics facto-
the digital economy is by far the manufacturing sec-
ry in Nanchang, China. Half of the staff are under
tor most involved in modern forms of slavery, and
sixteen years old; some are as old as twelve. The re-
that nearly every major digital company is involved.
porters tell the story of thirteen-year-old Jiajia, who
In fact, it seems impossible for a digital company to
works 13 hours a day, 28 days a month, every other
ensure that labor is decent in each of its direct or
month at night. She earns 160 euros per month, a
indirect subcontractors, given the large number of
starvation wage.
companies involved.
Even students who need to make up points and re-
On the other hand, this situation suits digital compa-
fugees are forced to work in some factories if they
nies well: they can hide behind their subcontractors
want to graduate or get their passports back (Hodal
and, thus, avoid being directly accused and affected
and Bengtsen 2017; Pattison 2016). These situa-
by scandals. In short, electronic and digital compa-
tions embody modern slavery.
nies turn a blind eye to these issues in order to re-
duce production costs (Cash Investigation 2015).

1. Decent Work

mation will be for tomorrow. According to consulting

firm McKinsey, about 15% of jobs will be automated
Fairphone is a smartphone manufacturer that aims to between 2016 and 2030, and this figure would rise
be as ethical as possible. First of all, it tries to get to know to between 20 and 25% for Northern countries. In
the different suppliers involved in the production of its other words, automation is expected to cause the
phones - the company doesn't know them all yet. loss of about 400 million jobs worldwide over this
period (Manyika et al. 2017, pp.2-3).
Secondly, independent checks are carried out on a
large percentage of known subcontractors in order to en- No economic field will be spared from automation,
sure decent working conditions, as well as the absence of not even the highest paid (Mahdawi 2017). Some
child labor and conflict financing. At the same time, Fair- will be more affected than others. These include the
phone is in contact with several subcontractors to improve broader administrative sector (accounting, human
working conditions and offer a fair price per product sold to resource management, banking, secretarial work,
pay workers in a decent way (Fairphone 2019b).
law, etc.), the transportation and logistics sector,
the sales sector (especially for occupations requi-
Finally, the company is transparent. A mass of informa-
tion is available on their website, such as the names of sup-
ring little social intelligence), and the manufacturing
pliers known to the company (Sourcemap 2018; Fairphone sector (Frey and Osborne 2017). For the latter, job
2019a), the materials used in their smartphones (TDI and losses are due to industrial transformation.
Fairphone 2017a), or the main social and environmental
risks associated with these materials (TDI and Fairphone

Mechanization, Mass production,

1 water power,
steam power
2 assembly line,

Fairphone, a more ethical alternative.

© Fairphone - CC BY-SA 2.0

Transformation of the labor market

New digital technologies have and will continue to Computer
3 4
Cyber Physical
have many consequences on human work. Some and Systems
even speak of a "fourth industrial revolution" to un-
derscore the magnitude of the changes taking place
(Schwab 2017). Visual description of the four industrial revolutions
(adapted from the image of Christoph Roser on
Loss of jobs © Christoph Roser at - CC BY-SA 4.0

Digital objects are increasingly able to perform tasks Industry 4.0, as it is called, uses new digital tech-
previously done by humans. Sometimes they can nologies such as robots*, AI (Artificial Intelligence)
accomplish them faster, more efficiently and at a * or 3D printers* to increase labor productivity. In
lower cost. It is therefore not surprising that humans particular, it uses a large amount of data collected
are being replaced by machines in the workplace. in factories thanks to the Internet of Things*. Data
According to large-scale studies, the technologies about workers is also collected: see Kone's example
being developed have the potential to automate* half below (Degryse, 2016).
of the actual job positions in the Northern countries
(Frey e Os- a carico del 2017; Bowles 2014; Manyika
et al.). Most of the time, only certain tasks within a This mass of diverse pieces of information makes it
trade or profession will be changed or reset, yet this possible, among other things, to perform tasks more
will lead to job losses. quickly and efficiently or to increase synchroniza-
tion between different stages of production - see
Cotteleer and Sniderman (2017) for more details.
However, this does not mean that half of all jobs will Nowadays, most routine tasks can be performed by
disappear - because corporate and policy decisions robots. For example, in the factories of electronics
will also be important - nor does it mean that auto- leader Foxconn, hundreds of thousands of people

have been replaced by robots created by the com- Commission; 2018). However, providing relevant
pany in recent years (Chan 2017). Humans where and quality education and training may not be
they are still needed are increasingly helped by ma- enough. More concretely: will those affected be able
chines, see the examples shown below. to train the required skills? Will older people be wil-
ling to upgrade to find a job in the digital world? As
On the other hand, there are three types of occupa-
a result, some segments of the population may find
tions where, at the moment, humans are resistant
themselves totally excluded from the world of work
to automation. The first concerns jobs that require
(Valsamis et al. 2015).
true creativity, as in research or the arts. The se-
cond involves occupations that must build complex
Other job-related risks
relationships with individuals, as in health care or
education. The third includes jobs in which multiple The consequences of digitization on labor go far
and unpredictable tasks are envisaged (Mahdawi beyond the above theses. In some Southern coun-
2017; Brynjolfsson et McAfee 2015). tries, the loss of jobs will likely cause a drastic dete-
rioration in working conditions with the resurgence
How many and what types of jobs for the future? of modern forms of slavery. Verisk Maplecroft (2018)
predicts an increase in modern slavery in several
Asian countries that will be hard hit by digitization.
According to this study, women are most at risk (see
Chapter 9 for more information.).
On the other hand, a large portion of the jobs left
standing after automation will likely limit the hu-
man to the role of machine executor (Head 2014).
For example, within the large retail company Lidl, a
machine dictates orders to preparers via an audio
An uncertain future ... ... © CC0 - Public Domain
headset describing to them the actions to be perfor-
med in the warehouse (Le Gall et al. 2017). At Air-
Some authors fear that the wave of automation will bus, employees visualize the tasks to be performed
cause a jobless world (Ford 2015). Most specialists thanks to special glasses (Accenture 2019). These
simply predict change, with new jobs also created to practices have several negative consequences such
compensate for losses (World Bank 2019a). Rather, as dehumanizing work (Chan 2017) or increasing
several studies show that the first effects of the cur- the pace and/or having to compete with a machine
rent phase of automation are positive in terms of (Le Gall et al. 2017; Malet 2019).
employment (Balsmeier and Woerter 2019; Arntz et
al. 2018).
Thus, we may simply be witnessing the destruction
of some sectors of the economy and the creation
of new ones - this process is called "creative des-
truction" (Schumpeter 1942). Moreover, historically,
increased productivity due to the new technologies
has allowed people to increase their purchasing
power, and thus consume more, thus contributing to
the creation of new jobs (Devlin 2017). However, it is
uncertain whether further increases in consumption
are possible or desirable in the long run in a world
where some environmental limits have already been
reached (Jackson 2017).
At the same time, even if the automation wave does
not cause mass unemployment, it will necessarily Does the machine direct
have strong consequences social consequences. human beings?
Indeed, on the one hand, automated jobs will be low- 2.0
skilled and low-paying while, on the other hand, the
jobs created will be high-skilled and well-paying The data collected on workers also raises questions.
(Frey and Osborne 2017; Balsmeier and Woerter And so, repairmen at the elevator company Kone
2019). As a result, the poorest and lowest-skilled will are equipped with digital boxes that suggest what
be hardest hit, likely increasing inequality. repairs need to be done and allow the company to
know the person's location, the speed of the repair,
Many people will need to train to acquire the quali-
the exact working hours or duration and location
fications essential to finding a new job. Therefore,
of the break. Employees undergo constant perfor-
priority should be given to education and training,
mance evaluations and are supervised (Degryse
especially of digital skills. The European Union is
2016; Yeginsu 2018).
also adopting policies in this direction (European

1. Decent Work

Uberization and delocalization child labor, financing of armed conflicts and/or

modern forms of slavery.
• Poor working conditions are associated with
both the mineral extraction phase, the metal
processing phase, and the factories that as-
semble the components of digital devices.
• It seems difficult to find a "good student" among
large digital companies.
• Digital technology will cause a very significant
wave of job loss. There is a real risk of mass
unemployment, increased inequality, and the
Protest against working conditions at Deliveroo food
delivery service in Berlin downgrading of an entire population that is
© Leonhard Lenz - CC0 unable to find a job.
• The use of digital technology in businesses in-
Uberization, which is the process of transforming creases productivity, but it also causes the pace
the economy through which certain services are
of work to accelerate and dehumanize it.
available on digital platforms such as Uber, Airbnb,
Deliveroo, Etsy or TaskRabbit, also contributes to • Uberization debases social norms and in-
disrupting the world of work, the labor market. In- creases the offshoring of labor.
deed, in this type of economy usually workers are • All these adverse consequences make us fore-
not framed as employees, but as self-employed. see a new vision of the "social contract" so far
Thus, platforms do not pay social security contri- linked to work, in the future who knows!
butions, do not provide minimum wages, and do not
care about working conditions. In Uber, for example,
drivers are poorly paid (Rushe 2019). If this model
were to spread, the social norms underpinning so- Related classroom resources
ciety would worsen (Degryse 2016).
Some platforms are experimenting with new labor Educational Pathway n. 3 : “What does digital tech-
offshoring. Upwork, for example, connects compa- nology bring to my life, to our lives?”
nies with individuals around the world who are wil-
ling to perform certain tasks. Thus, a European com- • Activity 4 "The Philosophical debate".
pany can, through Upwork, ask an Indian to do its • Activity 5 "I put myself in the place of...".
bookkeeping at a much lower cost than in its home
country. E-commerce allows many tasks to be Training Modules:
performed in-house in countries where labor costs 2 (U.A. 2.1.), 3 (U.A. 3.1., 3.2., 3.3.) and 5 (U.A. 5.1.)
are low. This type of practice causes job losses in
northern countries. In fact, any activity that does not
necessarily require a local anchor runs the risk of Bibliography
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sang» s’améliore [Online]. Le Monde.
• Kara, S. 2018. Is your phone tainted by the misery of the 35,000 children
in Congo’s mines? [Online]. The Guardian.
• Le Gall, S. et al. 2017. «Cash Investigation». Travail, ton univers impi-
toyable [Online].
• Mahdawi, A. 2017. What jobs will still be around in 20 years? Read this
to prepare your future [Online]. The Guardian.
• Malet, J. 2019. En Amazonie : Infiltré dans « le meilleur des mondes ».
Édition augmentée. Paris : Hachette Pluriel Référence.
• Manyika, J. et al. 2017. Jobs lost, jobs gained: Workforce transitions in a
time of automation. McKinsey Global Institute.
• Milieudefensie, SOMO (Centre for Research on Multinational Corpora-
tions) et Good Electronics. 2015. Katanga calling: Congolese cobalt and
consumer electronics. Amsterdam.
• Mulongo-Finkelstein, A. 2018. «Deuxième guerre du Congo» : un triste
anniversaire [Online]. MediaCongo.
• ILO (International Labor Organization). 2019. Decent work [Online].
• UN. 2016. Travail décent et croissance économique : pourquoi est-ce
important ? [Online].
• Pattisson, P. 2016. Samsung and Panasonic accused over supply chain
labour abuses in Malaysia [Online]. The Guardian.
• Rathi, A. et al. 2013. Metals in your smartphone have no substitutes
• Reuters. 2019. UPDATE 1-Survivors recall horror of Congo ethnic attacks
• Richard, C. 2016. Dans les usines à smartphones, certains meurent, tous
sont brisés [Online]. Rue 89.
• Rushe, D. 2019. What is Uber? Forget the sharing economy – it’s just a
libertarian scam [Online]. The Guardian.
• Sachs, J. 2018. The digital revolution and the distribution of income
[Online]. Oxford Martin School.
• Salvoch, C. et Pirot, A. 2019.Déchets électroniques, le grand détourne-
ment. Paris : Le monde en face, France 5.
• Scheele, F. et al. 2016. Cobalt blues Environmental pollution and human
rights violations in Katanga’s copper and cobalt mines. Amsterdam:
SOMO (Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations) et Good
• Schipper, I et de Haan, E. 2015. Gold from children’s hands: Use of
• child-mined gold by the electronics sector. SOMO (Centre for Research
on Multinational Corporations).


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Why is it important? Croissance économique due au numérique ?
Economic growth refers to the positive change in the
number of goods and services produced in an economy Digital technology contributes to the growth of the
over the course of a year. It allows for an increase in the world economy in many ways.
wealth of the economic system. In other words, it increases
the size of the pie to be shared in society. Growth is said
to be "inclusive" if it allows all individuals to benefit from
it, while the same is said to be "sustainable" if it allows the
environment to regenerate in the long run (UNDP 2017).
If growth is inclusive and sustainable, we create the
conditions to raise the standard of living for all individuals
without threatening that of future generations. In short,
growth must connect to the concept of sustainable
development (Brundtland, 1987).
While global economic growth per capita has recovered
from the 2008 financial crisis and is slowly recovering
from the Covid-19 pandemic, it still remains at fairly low
levels, primarily in countries of the global north. The global
trend is structurally toward declining growth, so that some The current digital revolution, toward automation, is
economists envision a "post-growth" economy, with little increasing labor productivity.
or no growth, in the future (Jackson 2018). © Public Domain - CC0
It appears that global economic growth in recent decades
has been neither inclusive nor sustainable. It has not been First, the current digital revolution, leading to auto-
inclusive because the poorest social groups in the world mation (see Chapter 3), increases labor productivity.
and the middle classes in northern countries have received
almost nothing from this growth (Harvard University Press According to the consulting firm McKinsey, automa-
2016). In addition, wealth inequality has largely increased, tion will increase global labor productivity by 0.8-
with large fortunes increasing (Piketty 2013). Furthermore, 1.4% per year over the next 50 years, if every per-
growth has not been sustainable as it has led to increased
global environmental impacts, being a major cause of the son who lost a job during the automation process
current climate and environmental crisis (Jackson and finds another one (Manyika et al. 2017). Thus, more
Webster 2016; Kallis 2017; Ben Ytzhak 2015). wealth will be created in the same unit of work time,
These findings lead some economists to question the and, thus, economic growth. At the same time, di-
dominant economic model and propose others, including gital technology reduces production costs, lowering
the civil economy and degrowth. (CFR. BOX below).
them by a lot in some cases (Rifkin 2014).
Second, innovation has traditionally been conside-
red an engine of economic growth (Schumpeter,
1942). And digital technology has strong innovative,
"disruptive," breakthrough technology with strong
Civil economy is a new way of looking at economics. transformative potential (Manyika et al. 2013) - al-
Its adherents start from the observation that financial capi- though it is not so clear whether digital technology
talism has eroded the moral aspect of commerce by putting actually promotes innovation (see Chapter 4).
profit above all else. For them, the values of responsibi-
lity, reciprocity, and redistribution must be reinstituted into
economic exchange. Based on the tradition of Italian hu-
manism, civil economy aims to build an economy that fo-
regrounds well-being, virtue, and the common good (Bruni
and Zamagni 2017; Becchetti et al. 2015).
Degrowth is a movement based on the assumption
that economic growth can only lead to an environmental
and climate crisis, without necessarily leading to increased
well-being. In order to allow current and future generations
to thrive, adherents of this movement seek to build a less
productivist and consumerist society in order to refocus it
on basic human needs (Kallis et al. 2018; Latouche 2019).
The e-commerce has enabled the globalization of the exchanges
between businesses and consumers.
© Public Domain - CC0

* Word or acronym defined at the end of the document PAGE 15

2. eCoNoMiC GRoWTH

In recent times, digital technology has enabled the gies. Cowen uses the metaphor of the fruit tree,
rise of e-commerce, online commerce. Buyers are from which we would already have picked the most
now connected to sellers from the four cantons of accessible fruit, and on which only a few hard-to-
the world. In addition, stronger competition has re- access fruits would remain. The situation in recent
sulted, forcing sellers to reduce production costs to years, with low growth despite the rise of digital
remain competitive. These two factors promote technology, seems to lend weight to this argument.
consumption and, consequently, economic growth
(Azevedo 2017).

The current economic

Financial inclusion
growth induces greater
inequalities, itself
detrimental to Growth. Many people, residing in countries of the global sou-
© jdegheets th, still do not have access to financial services such
as a bank account, credit, loans, or insurance. Howe-
ver, these services support inclusive growth, as they
directly support the economic growth of disadvan-
taged people and businesses (IMF 2017; FAO* 2018,
p.16). Financial inclusion, defined as access to and
use of these financial services, is therefore an im-
portant factor in inclusive growth.

Financial inclusion is aided by digital technology.

For example, banking services can be accessed with
a cell phone and only a basic mobile connection. The
M-Pesa system is based on telecommunications
credit, which actually acts as a virtual currency (Sa-
However, economic growth induced by the digital faricom 2019). This type of system is widely used in
economy is not necessarily inclusive. The digital some African and Asian countries (Mutiga and Flood
sector can even reinforce inequality (see Chapter 2016; The Economist 2015). According to a study by
5). However, it is a fact that too much inequality is a The Economist (2015), the incomes of rural Kenyans
drag on economic growth itself (Cingano 2014). who adopted the system had increased by 5 to 30
percent more than other residents. M-Pesa also
It would seem that economic growth driven by the participated in the creation of new businesses in the
digital sector is not sustainable, as it causes in- Kenyan capital, and thus in the creation of new jobs
creased energy consumption, the extraction of and wealth in the country.
non-renewable materials, and serious environmen-
tal problems (see Part II). These three factors have a
negative impact on the global economy, reducing
short- and long-term economic growth (Stern 2006).

Phone credit, which serves as currency, must be purchased at

vending machines or phone stores.
© WorldRemit Comms-CC BY-SA 2.0

Current impacts of digital growth have severe social

and environmental by-effects. Other digital initiatives enable financial inclusion.
© Responsible Sourcing Network -BY-NC 2.0
The Kiva platform is a particularly successful exa-
mple (Kiva 2019). The latter connects poor small
Furthermore, it is uncertain whether digital tech- business owners seeking financing for their project
nology will have a significant impact on economic with individuals willing to provide them with micro-
growth in the years and decades to come. According credit, i.e., the lending of a small amount of money
to Cowen (2011), current digital technologies, such (Yunus 2017).
as AI* and big data*, will only bring a slight boost to
economic growth, in no way
comparable to the gains from previous technolo- .

lity and the limits to growth. Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable
In short. Prosperity. Disponible à :
WP-12-The-Post-Growth-Challenge-1.2MB.pdf [Consulté le : 19 juin 2019].
• Digital technology contributes to economic • Kallis, G. 2017. In Defense of Degrowth: Opinions and Manifestos.
growth, particularly by increasing labor produc- Uneven Earth Press.
• Kallis, G. et al. 2018. Research on Degrowth. Annual Review of Environ-
tivity. ment and Resources 43(1), pp.291-316.
• It is uncertain whether digitally induced econo- • Kiva. 2019. About us [En ligne]. Disponible à :
about [Consulté le : 22 mai 2019].
mic growth is significant. • Latouche, S. 2019. La décroissance. Paris : Que sais-je ?
• Digitally induced economic growth is not ne- • Manyika, J. et al. 2013. Disruptives technologies: advances that will
transform life, business, and the global economy. Washington : McKinsey
cessarily inclusive or sustainable, which affects Global Institute. Disponible à :
tions/digital-mckinsey/our-insights/disruptive-technologies [Consulté le :
growth itself in the short and long term. 20 juin 2019].
• Digital technology increases the financial inclu- • Manyika, J. 2017. et al. A future that works : automation, employment,
and productivity. Washington : McKinsey Global Institute. Disponible à
sion of disadvantaged populations. :
[Consulté le : 20 juin 2019].
• Mutiga, M. et Flood, Z. 2016. Africa calling: mobile phone revolu-
tion to transform democracies[Enligne]. The Guardian. Disponible à :
Related classroom resources
bile-phone-broadband-revolution-transform-democracies [Consulté le : 20
mai 2019].
Educational Pathway n. 3 : “What does digital tech- • Piketty, T. 2013. Le capital au XXIe siècle. Paris : Seuil.
• PNUD (Programme des Nations unies pour le développement). 2017.
nology bring to my life, to our lives?” UNDP’s strategy for inclusive and sustainable growth. New York. Dispo-
nible à :
• Activity N. 4 "The Philosophical debate". Reduction/UNDPs%20Inclusive%20and%20Sustainable%20Growth-final.
pdf [Consulté le : 19 juin 2019].
• Activity 5 "I put myself in the place of...". • Rifkin, J. 2014. La nouvelle société du coût marginal zéro : l’internet des
objets, l’émergence des communaux collaboratifs et l’éclipse du capita-
lisme. Paris : Les liens qui libèrent.
Training Modules: • Safaricom. 2019. Using M-PESA [En ligne]. Disponible à : https://www. [Consulté
3 (U.A. 3.1.), 4 (4.1. and 4.2.), 6 (U.A. 6.1., 6.3 and 6.4) le : 20 mai 2019].
• Schumpeter J. 1942. Capitalism, socialism and democracy. London :
Bibliography • Stern, N. 2006. Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change.
Londres : HM Treasury. Disponible à : https://webarchive.nationalar-
• Azevedo, R. 2017. The Role of ICTs in Facilitating Trade for Sustainable [Consulté le : 20 juin 2019].
Development. Dans : Biggs, P. ed. Fast-forward progress Leveraging • The Economist. 2015. Why does Kenya lead the world in mobile money?
tech to achieve the global goals. Genève : Union internationale des [En ligne]. Disponible à :
télécommunications, pp.59-63. Disponible à : plains/2015/03/02/why-does-kenya-lead-the-world-in-mobile-money
tainable-world/Documents/Fast-forward_progress_report_414709%20 [Consulté le : 21 mai 2019].
FINAL.pdf [Consulté le : 20 juin 2019]. • Yunus, M. 2017. Technology: Unleashing the Power of Technology to
• Becchetti, L. et al. 2015. Human values, civil economy and subjective Liberate All People. Dans : A World of Three Zeroes: the new economics of
well-being. Dans : Helliwell, J. et al. eds. World Happiness Report 2015. zero poverty, zero unemployment, and zero carbon emissions. New York :
New York : Sustainable Development Solutions Network, pp.132-151. PublicAffairs
Disponible à :
WHR15_Sep15.pdf [Consulté le : 20 juin 2019].
• Ben Ytzhak, L. 2015. La croissance, une affaire d’énergie [En ligne]. Dis-
ponible à :
nergie [Consulté le : 4 juin 2016].
• Brundtland, G. 1987. Report of the World Commission on Environment
and Development: Our Common Future. New York : Organisation des
Nations unies. Disponible à :
[Consulté le 19 juin 2019].
• Bruni, L. et Zamagni, S. 2017. Civil Economy: Another Idea of the Mar-
ket. Newcastle : Agenda Publishing.
• Cingano, F. 2014. Trends in Income Inequality and its Impact on Econo-
mic Growth. Documents de travail de l’OCDE sur les questions sociales,
l’emploi et les migrations 163. Paris : OCDE.
• Cowen, T. 2011. The great stagnation: how America ate all the low-han-
ging fruit of modern history, got sick, and will (eventually) feel better. New
York : Dutton.
• FAO (Organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agricultu-
re). 2018. Tackling poverty and hunger through digital innovation. Rome.
Disponible à : [Consulté
le : 22 mai 2019].
• FMI (Fonds monétaire international). 2017. Leveraging Digitalization for
Development: A Toolbox for Enhancing Financial Inclusion. Dans : Biggs, P.
ed. Fast-forward progress Leveraging tech to achieve the global goals. Ge-
nève : Union internationale des télécommunications, pp.66-67. Disponible
à :
progress_report_414709%20FINAL.pdf [Consulté le : 20 juin 2019].
• Harvard University Press. 2016. The Elephant Chart in the EU Room
[Enligne]. Disponible à :
city/2016/06/branko-milanovic-elephant-chart-brexit.html [Consulté le :
4 juin 2019].
• Jackson, T. et Webster, R. 2016. Limits revisited : A review of the limits
to growth debate. Basingstoke : All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG)
on Limits to Growth. Disponible à :
[Consulté le : 4 juin 2019].
• Jackson, T. 2018. The post-growth challenge: Secular stagnation, inequa-


Ben.Timney - CC BY-NC-ND 2.0




CHaPTeR 3: education
it is currently used could also reduce the ability to
Why is it important? concentrate (Spitzer 2012).
Education is seen as the key to achieving sustainable
development (UN 2016). It enables people to lift themselves
out of poverty, reduce inequalities of all kinds, open their
minds, and live healthier lives. More broadly, education Andreas Schleicher (2015, p.2), Director of the
provides the key skills to be able to develop innovative OECD's Education and Skills Directorate, proposes
solutions to current and future problems (UN 2016). to explain these findings by the reduction - due to
The percentage of children attending school worldwide has the extensive use of digital technology - of intense
increased significantly since 2000. The elementary school interactions between teachers and students, a va-
enrollment rate was 91% in 2013, and the United Nations' luable human activity necessary for the development
goal is to reach 100% in 2030. However, it is estimated that
1 in 3 children still leave school without knowing how to of conceptual understanding and deep reflection.
read and perform simple arithmetic operations. This is In general, unthoughtful use of digital technology
especially true in conflict areas and sub-Saharan Africa. tends to diminish the manual and sensory social in-
Some groups have more difficult access to education,
particularly women (UN 2016). teractions that are nonetheless essential in a child's
education (Castaignède 2018).
The European Union (EU) has defined the eight key
competencies in education (European Parliament and The first concrete findings on the link between the
Council of the European Union 2006 and 2018), one of
which is precisely the digital competence. use of digital technologies globally, and thus prima-
rily outside of school, and the decline in children's
However, in the EU, despite an increasingly educated
population, the percentage of young people with low cognitive development are also available. Thus, on
achievement in reading, math, and science does not seem average, each additional hour spent in front of a
to be decreasing since 2000 (Eurostat 2018, p.86). screen at age 2 would cause a 0.7 point decrease
in IQ at age 3. Similarly, each additional hour at age
3 would lead to a 0.5-point decrease in IQ at age 5
(Ramus 2019). To our knowledge, there is no such
Is digital technology meaningful for school serious study of older children yet. Knowing that the
education? average IQ is around 100 and that high potentials
are above 130, the difference in digital use would not
Digital devices, ranging from interactive whiteboards be negligible.
to computers and student tablets, are increasingly
present in classrooms. They may become ubiqui- Based on this evidence, some defend the idea that
tous in the future. It is therefore important to verify digital devices should not be used in school before
whether they bring any real benefit to teaching. age 15 (Bihouix and Mauvilly 2016, p.215). The de-
trimental effects of digital technology on health and
First, it should be made clear that there is current- well-being, particularly the risks of addiction and
ly no single answer to this question. However, it reduced sleep, are cited as additional reasons why
seems that digital technology has not yet been able school may become a place of disconnection, espe-
to fulfill its promises in this area. The OECD (2015a; cially when we consider the increasing use of digital
2015b) studied in detail the link between the use of technology outside of school walls (see Chapter 2
digital technology in education and certain skills for more explanation on this topic). Some parents
of 15-year-old students in the 2012 PISA test. The active in Silicon Valley, the temple of digital par ex-
results were that moderate use of digital technolo- cellence, have adopted this way of thinking and sent
gy, particularly for work at home or Internet use at their children to Steiner-Waldorf network schools, in
school, is beneficial when not exceeding a few hours which digital technology is prohibited until the age
per month, a threshold beyond which students' skills of 14. (Castaignède 2018, 36:25 à 39:12).
would deteriorate.
First, it is important to remember that these findings
do not necessarily reflect a causal link between pro-
longed use of digital technology in education and a So, no digital technology at school?
decline in pupils' skills. However, a number of such
hypotheses have been put forward. These include Although there are reasons to question their effec-
the fact that a child's brain develops less when too tiveness, also considering the risks in using them in
much digital technology is used. Instead of thinking schools, digital technologies are important in seve-
for themselves, children would become passive di- ral cases.
gital users (Spitzer 2012). Digital technology as First, digital technologies appear to be highly effec-

* Word or acronym defined at the end of the document PAGE 19

3. education

tive in improving the education of people with disa- More digital technology in school and less
bilities or learning disabilities (Amadieu and Tricot outside?
2014; Stanberry and Raskind 2009). However, to
date, few tools have been put in place for these indi- Thus, an alternative position to that set out at the
viduals (Amadieu et Tricot 2014, p.68). end of the previous section might be this: since it ap-
pears that digital technology slows down the cogni-
Second, digital education devices for distance lear- tive development of children and perhaps even ado-
ning are very useful when quality education is not lescents, it would be crucial to reduce its use outside
available. For example, in Bangladesh, the JAAGO the school sphere. At the same time, its use by the
foundation allows students in remote areas of the school education system might increase. Indeed,
country, where there are few qualified teachers, to schools might be able to use digital services in ways
take free online courses taught by teachers living in that promote student learning and development,
the capital city (Bolkova and Lake 2017). This type based on scientific and pedagogical knowledge. We
of education is on the rise and can become crucial could then find ourselves in another world, where the
to educate in poor areas and for marginalized popu- disconnection of pupils would take place outside the
lations. school framework, digital technologies being very
Finally, just because digital technology has so far present within the school walls.
failed to considerably improve the education system
does not mean that it will not do so in the future. Preparing students for tomorrow’s world
Adapting teaching to the new digital tools will take
time. New technologies must be used where they
can truly bring a plus, without replacing the human Regardless of what the use of digital in education is,
being (Taddei 2018; Castaignède 2018). Moreover, there is a need to provide digital education. Indeed,
their use should aim to improve pedagogical content given its ubiquity, young people find themselves ex-
and not be an end in itself (Bihouix and Mauvilly posed to it. They must therefore be helped to learn
2016). Teachers must also be well prepared for the how to make the best use of new digital devices,
use of digital technology in the classroom. The Eu- while avoiding "misuse." Note that much of the di-
ropean Union has also established a framework to gital education in school can be done without digital
develop the digital skills of adult educators, Dig- devices (Bihouix et Mauvilly 2016, pp.216-218).
CompEdu (Redecker et Punie 2017). In general, we are moving toward an uncertain wor-
ld, primarily for two reasons. First, digital technolo-
gy, and especially artificial intelligence, will gradual-
ly replace some tasks currently performed entirely
by humans (see Chapter 3). Some tasks learned in
school will become obsolete while others, still uni-
maginable today, will become essential. Second,
environmental, social, and health crises will likely
cause radical transformations in human societies,
and major new crises (Servigne and Stevens 2015).
Put your tablet away Who can imagine the world in 10, 20, or 50 years?
or I confiscate it
Thus, one must educate young people to live in an
Singaporean school, one of the best in the world, uncertain world in which crises may follow one ano-
uses digital sparingly (Castaignède 2018).
© Screenshot - Arte : Demain L’école- Les innovations dans le monde 2018 ther.

To achieve this goal, it seems essential to teach po-

On the other hand, digital technologies are promising lyvalence by following a multidisciplinary approach.
in terms of personalizing instruction to each student Indeed, machines are already undoubtedly replacing
- a factor considered very important for quality edu- humans in many specialized tasks, but the same ma-
cation (Robinson 2018) - and making children and chine is still far from being able to perform different
adolescents make meaning in their learning (Taddei tasks simultaneously and/or consecutively (Chama-
2018). The California-based AltSchool, founded by raux 2019). Therefore, teaching values such as crea-
a former Google executive, attempts to provide an tivity, resilience, autonomy, benevolence, coopera-
education tailored to each student through cut- tive spirit, or even empathy would give young people
ting-edge digital technologies (Castaignède 2018, the foundation to develop innovative solutions to
40:15 - 45:12). The results do not yet seem to live up future problems (Dion et al. Laurent 2015; Castai-
to expectations, but this type of initiative advances gnède 2018; Chamaraux 2019; Taddei 2015). In fact,
thinking. Furthermore, advances in neuroscience, at least for the moment, machines perform poorly in
aided by digital technology, will surely improve edu- these task areas (Bernstein and Raman 2015).
cation, with or without digital technology, in the de- Finally, because an infinite amount of information
cades to come. (Dworczak 2015). is now available almost instantaneously, students
must develop skills and attitudes of analysis rather

than capitalizing on knowledge. In a sense, then, ITU, pp.32-39. Documents/
Fast-forward_progress_report_414709%20FINAL.pdf [Accessed April 25,
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forgetting some essential skills (Morin 1999). The • Castaignède, F. 2018. Demain, l’école. Un tour du monde des meilleures
pratiques pédagogiques. Paris : Arte France.
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• Chamaraux, F. 2019. Un monde modelé par les IA : nouveaux enjeux
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(in mathematics, language and writing, science...) in • Dion, C. et Laurent, M. 2015. Demain. France : Movemovie, 103:15 à
the face of a very limited number of class hours per 113:10.
day (Castagnède 2018). It would therefore seem ap- • Dworczak, F. 2015. Comment les neurosciences peuvent améliorer l’édu-
cation. The Conversation. https://theconversation. com/comment-les-neu-
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• Eurostat. 2018. Sustainable development in the European Union: Mo-
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Teaching subjects related to digital technologies seems bourg. ments/3217494/9237449/
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essential as more and more jobs will be related to the di- [Accessed April 24, 2019].
gital economy. However, these subjects are not always ap- • EuroSTEAM. 2019. EuroSTEAM project overview. http://www.euros-
preciated by students and do not always provide the skills [Accessed June 17 2019].
required at the end of their apprenticeship. The STEAM • OECD. 2015a. Connectés pour apprendre ? Les élèves et les nouvelles
technologies : Principaux résultats. Paris. http://www.
(science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) tion/scolaire/Connectes-pour-apprendre-les-ele-
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giving them the dual role of trait-d'union, connecting ele- • OECD. 2015b. Students, computers and learning : making the connec-
tion. Paris.
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time, a new language. Several examples of the practical ap- • UN. 2016. Éducation de qualité : pourquoi est-ce important ? https://
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dagogy could, however, benefit from the contri- cognitif des enfants?
• Redecker, C. et Punie, Y. 2017. European Framework for the Digital Com-
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manuel de collapsologie à l’usage des générations présentes. Paris : Seuil.
• The world of tomorrow is very uncertain, espe-
• Stanberry, K. et Raskind, M. 2009. Assistive Technology for Kids with
cially because of artificial intelligence: public Learning Disabilities: An Overview. http://www.
article/assistive-technology-kids-learning-disabili- ties-overview [Accessed
education systems must prepare for this. April 26, 2019].
• Spitzer, M. 2012. Digitale Demenz. Wie wir uns und unsere Kinder um
den Verstand bringen. Munich : Droemer Knaur.
• Taddei, F. 2015. In: Poulain, H. et al. 2015. 2 degrés avant la fin du
monde. Data Gueule. watch?v=Hs-M1vgI_4A
Related classroom resources [Accessed April 25, 2019].
• Taddei, F. 2018. In: Castaignède, F. Demain, l’école. Un tour du monde
des meilleures pratiques pédagogiques. Paris : Arte France, 50:49 -51:39.
Educational Pathway n. 5 : How can we act?
• Activity N. 3 "Acting at school..."

Training Modules:
3 (U.A. 3.5. and 3.6.)

• Amadieu, F. et Tricot, A. 2014. Apprendre avec le numérique. Mythes et
réalités. Retz.
• Bernstein, A. et Raman, A. 2015. The Great Decoupling: An Interview
with Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee. Harvard Business Review. [Accessed May 7,o 2019].
• Bihouix, P. et Mauvilly, K. 2016. Le désastre de l’école numérique : plai-
doyer pour une école sans écrans. Paris : Seuil.
• Bolkova, I. et Lake, A. 2017. Quality education. In: Biggs, P. ed. Fast-
forward progress Leveraging tech to achieve the global goals. Genève:


© Laurent Neyssensas - CC-BY 2.0




CHaPTeR 4: innovation
Why is it important?
An innovation is a new or improved product or process
that differs significantly from previously available versions
(OECD 2018, p.20). Innovations are essential because they
allow, among other things, to respond to the problems of
today's and tomorrow's society (UN 2016). Innovation also
generates new jobs (OECD 2018) and is therefore important
to enable social security and social protection systems,
based on labor income, to be sustainable. Innovation is Mozilla1, Wikipédia2 and Linux3, three galaxies of innovation, the first
a very fashionable topic and one of the priorities of the and the second free © CC BY-Wikimedia Foundation e lewing3
European Union (European Commission 2019). Larry Ewing and The GIMP

In this chapter, we will attempt to answer the fol- Disadvantages of digital technology
lowing question: does digital technology foster in-
Lack of accessibility
First, innovation is not accessible to everyone.
Advantages offered by digital technology Beyond the obvious limitations that exist for people
who do not have access to basic services such as
Digital technology offers immense possibilities for housing or electricity, several other conditions must
innovation. Digital devices, such as computer pro- be met in order to innovate using digital technolo-
grams of all kinds, drones, robots or even 3D prin- gies. First, a great deal of computer knowledge and
ters, are innovations that open up new possibilities skills are usually required that are not easily learned
for innovation. In 2017, one-third of new patent ap- and/or accessed by everyone. Second, it is essen-
plications in the European Union related to IT (EPO tial to have both physical and financial knowledge
2019). The innovation provided by digital technolo- of the digital technologies needed to launch an in-
gy is useful not only in business, but, for example, novative project. Some digital components are quite
also in the social and civic dimensions. Innovation is accessible, this is the case of the Internet and social
fostered if the tools used are accessible and provi- networks, although only 51.2% of the world's po-
de individuals with a greater capacity for autonomy pulation used the Internet at the end of 2018 (ITU *
(Zoellick and Bisht 2018). So-called "free" software 2019). Others are very expensive and, therefore, not
and services meet these conditions because they very accessible. In short, although digital technology
can be modified and used without paying royalties enables innovation, only a small number of people
(Lessig 2004; Zoellick and Bisht 2018). Iconic exa- are in a position to use them to innovate. This is one
mples include the Mozilla Firefox search engine, the of the reasons why a few (large) digital companies
free encyclopedia Wikipedia, and the Linux operating grab a very large share of the innovation in this area
system. Social innovations induced by digital tech- (Allen 2017).
nology that aim to meet the social needs of the po-
pulation also fall into this category (Millard and Car-
penter 2014). Many examples are cited in this guide.
Many digital tools, such as the Internet and social
networks, are also accessible to all, though free only
in appearance.
They, in fact, allow people to be creative, for example
on YouTube. However, it should be kept in mind that
these tools are controlled by large companies that
use each user's personal data to influence how they
interact with the platform, making profits by selling
the data to marketing firms. As the saying goes, "If
© Boegh-CC BY-SA 2.0
it's free, then you're the product."

* Word or acronym defined at the end of the document PAGE 23

4. innovation

Innovation for innovation’s sake Related classroom resources

Next, it is important to ask whether current innova-
tion, whether in the digital field or elsewhere, is hel- Educational Pathway n. 3 : “What does digital tech-
ping society move forward, finding solutions to the nology bring to my life, to our lives?”
challenges of today and tomorrow. It seems that our • Activity N. 1 "Digital technology, a short history?"
societies are in a race to innovate (Sibley 2014), so Educational Pathway n. 4 : What Rebound Effects?
much so that "innovation for innovation's sake" is • •Activity N. 1 "Everyday rebound effects?"
now commonplace (IHEST 2014). This is partly ex-
Educational Pathway n. 6 : A future with or without
plained by the fact that companies, which are taking
digital technology?
an increasingly important role in innovation (Euros-
tat 2018, p. 170), innovate with the goal of making • Activity N. 1 "Controversial futures?"
a profit (Schumpeter 1934) before trying to help • Activity N. 2 "A letter to the future"
society move forward (IHEST 2014). It is also very
Training Modules:
interesting to note that even though the majority of
current innovations are the work of the private sec- 1 (U.A. (1.6.), 2 (U.A. 2.1.), 4 (U.A. 4.1. and 4.2.), 6
tor, the investment capital is often public, especially (U.A. 6.1., 6.2., 6.3.)
if it has required high-risk investments.
Most of the technological advances of the past Bibliography
few decades - to name a few, the Internet, GPS,
touchscreens, or even voice control applications • Allen, J. 2017. Technology and Inequality: Concentrated Wealth in a
such as Siri - have been funded by governments • Digital World. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
(Mazzucato 2014). Democratic institutions also • Amabile, T. et Pratt, M. 2016. The dynamic componential model of crea-
tivity and innovation in organizations: Making progress, making meaning.
have an essential role to play in counterbalancing Research in Organizational Behavior 36, pp.157-183.
corporate mercantile interests, with the goal of de- • Cole, N. 2018. How Technology Is Both Maximizing and Destroying Pro-
ductivity and Creative Thinking. https://me-
fending and developing the common good. Innova- how-technology-is-both-maximizing-and-des- troying-productivity-and-
tion is therefore not, and should not be, the exclusive creative-thinking-281a9747fc77 [Accessed May 10, 2019].
• EC. 2019. Research and Innovation funding 2014-2020 https://ec.euro-
domain of businesses, and also involve universities, [Accessed May 27, 2019].
through research and start-ups, and civil society and • EPO (European Patent Office). 2019. Information and Communi- cations
social bodies through bottom-up multi-partnership Technology patents at the EPO https://
ict/about-ict.html [Accessed May 7, 2019].
projects (Mazzucato 2018). • Eurostat. 2018. Sustainable development in the European Union: Mo-
nitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an EU context. Luxem-
bourg. ments/3217494/9237449/
KS-01-18-656-EN-N.pdf/2b2a096b-3bd6-4939- 8ef3-11cfc14b9329
[Consultato il 10 maggio 2019].
Creativity • IHEST (Institut des Hautes Etudes pour la Science et la Technologie).
2014. Quelle est la perception sociale de l’innovation? https://www.ihest.
Finally, to be creative, which is a necessary condition fr/la-mediatheque/dossiers-123/innova- tion-reperes/quelle-est-la-per-
ception-sociale [Accessed May 13, 2019].
for innovation (Amabile and Pratt 2016), one must • Hurwitz, L. et Schmitt, K. 2020. Can children benefit from early internet
take the time to think, to explore an idea, to imagine exposure? Short- and long-term links between internet use, digital skill,
and academic performance. Computers & Education 146.
(Cole 2018). However, the daily use of digital tech-
• Lehrer, J. 2010. Our Cluttered Minds. New York Times. https://www.
nology does not facilitate these tasks. In fact, we html [Accessed May 13,
are constantly flooded with a mass of information 2019].
• Lessig, L. 2004. The Creative Commons. Montana Law Review 65(1),
that we do not really take the time to analyze before pp. 1-13. cgi?ar-
moving on to the next (Lehrer 2010). Therefore, it is ticle=2304&context=mlr [Accessed May 10, 2019].
likely that, in the end, digital technology will reduce • Malamud, O. et al. 2019. Do children benefit from internet access?
Experimental evidence from Peru. Journal of Development Economics 138,
the creativity. pp.41-56
• Mazzucato, M. 2014. The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs.
Private Sector Myths. Londres et New York : Anthem Press.
• Mazzucato, M. 2014. Mission oriented innovation policies: Challen-
In short. ges and opportunities.
• On the one hand, digital technology represents opportunities
much of the global innovation. Some digital • Millard, J. et Carpenter, G. 2014. Digital technology in social innovation:
a synopsis. TEPSIE. http://www.transitsocialinnovation. eu/content/
tools, such as the Internet, social networks, and original/Book%20covers/Local%20PDFs/124%20TEPSIE%20 synopsis%20
digital%20technology%20in%20SI.pdf [Accessed May 7, 2019].
free software, allow for the proliferation of crea- • OECD. 2018. Oslo Manual 2018: Guidelines for Collecting, Reporting and
tive ideas and innovations. Using Data on Innovation. 4th edition. Paris.
• UN. 2016. Industrie, innovation et infrastructures : pourquoi est-ce im-
• On the other hand, digital innovation is far from portant ? development/fr/wp-content/
uploads/sites/4/2016/10/Why_it_matters_ Goal_9_French.pdf [Accessed
being accessible to everyone and does not May 3, 2019].
always seem truly useful to society. • Sibley, A. 2014. Il faut freiner la course à l’innovation. https://www. la-course-a-l-innova-
• And the use of digital technology may even tion_4367851_3232.html [Accessed May 13, 2019].
prevent everyone's creative sense from expres- • Schumpeter, J. 1934. The theory of economic development: an inquiry
into profits, capital, credit, interest, and the business cycle. New Jersey:
sing itself… Transaction Books. Tradotto da Redvers, O. from the original version
dated 1911, Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung.
• ITU. 2019. Statistics. ITU-D/Statistics/Pages/
stat/default.aspx [Accessed May 10, 2019]
• Zoellick, J. et Bisht, A. 2018. It’s not (all) about efficiency: Powering and
organizing technology from a degrowth perspective. Journal of Cleaner
Production 197, pp.1787-1799
5. iNeQuaLiTieS



CHaPTeR 5: PoVeRTy aND iNeQuaLiTieS

Helping the poor
Why is it important?
There are a large number of digital initiatives aimed
These two issues, poverty and inequality, are intimately
linked because poverty is often the result of inequalities, at helping people in need.
whether economic or based on gender, age, disability,
sexual orientation, cultural-ethnicity, social class, ethnic The Homeless Plus mobile app allows, with the
origin, or religion. consent of homeless people, to refer to them on the
First and foremost, poverty and gross inequality pose an app and indicate some details about their situation
ethical question: how can we be satisfied with a world in and needs (Schlienger et al. 2016). The app is par-
which some people live in abundance while others cannot ticularly useful for organizations that help homeless
live a decent life? This is why poverty undermines self-
reliance, causes exclusion (RTS 2018), hunger, health people, as this makes it easier for them to find them
problems, and even environmental degradation (UN 2016). and provide them with the most appropriate assis-
Poverty and large inequalities also cause social tensions, tance (Homeless Plus 2017).
which can sometimes lead to migration and war (UN 2016).
In 2015, about 10% of the world's population was is a website and Facebook page that
considered "extremely poor" because they lived on an provides Syrian refugees in camps in Jordan with
average of less than $1.90 per day (UN 2016). This rate reliable and trustworthy information about the ad-
has decreased, halving since 2000. This is related to ministrative and legal aspects of their refugee sta-
the fact that income inequality between countries has
decreased dramatically since 1990 (Bourguignon 2016). In tus (Prichard 2018). Therefore, offers
the European Union, although extreme poverty is not very valuable assistance to these people as they arrive
present, poverty does exist. For example, in 2016, 8.7% of in a country they are unfamiliar with. This initiative
the European population was unable to heat their homes
sufficiently, while 1.9% did not have sufficient facilities has proven particularly useful for women (EQUALS
to wash themselves (Eurostat 2018, p.35). In addition, 2018).
approximately 410,000 people sleep on European streets
every night (Home EU 2016). Digital technology can also be of great help in crisis
Unlike income inequality across countries, income situations. Artificial intelligence* (AI) stood out, for
inequality within countries continues to increase example, during the outbreak caused by the Ebo-
(Bourguignon 2016). Between 1980 and 2017, in European la virus. One such system, which analyzed large
countries, the wealthier sections of the population
"pocketed" most of the growth, leaving only minority shares amounts of data from social networks, blogs, or go-
for the middle classes and poorer social groups (Blanchet vernment sites, was able to predict the start of the
et al. 2019, pp. .29-36). Similarly, since 1980, economic epidemic before it was declared (Sciences et Future
inequality has risen sharply (Piketty 2013), leading to an
increase in large fortunes. Thus, in 2018, 26 people owned 2014). Another AI has analyzed population move-
as much wealth as half of humanity (Oxfam 2019). This ments with the goal of predicting the spread of the
increase in inequality within countries is often interpreted epidemic (Wall 2014). These two digital applications
as a consequence of economic reforms over the past 40
years (Piketty 2013). can therefore make it possible to prevent the onset
and spread of epidemics, and to preventively install
health centers at the points of greatest affluence
and/or junction.
First, digitization will bring significant changes to
the workplace (see Chapters 1 and 2 for details) and
these will inevitably impact inequality and poverty. Improving social protection systems
Social protection systems are recognized as a consi-
Potential for improvement derable lever to reduce poverty and inequality (FAO
2018). Digital technology makes these systems more
efficient, less expensive, more accessible and of bet-
Digital technologies can provide new solutions to
ter quality (FAO 2018, p.17). Many initiatives have
combat poverty and inequality. They can help pro-
already been activated and have borne fruit. (Com-
vide health care in hard-to-reach areas (see Chapter
missione Europea 2013; Misuraca et al. 2017).
7), enable the education of disadvantaged people
(see Chapter 3), enable the economic inclusion of
people in poor countries (see Chapter 2), or promote Digital technology does not solve problems
the consideration of the views of marginalized indi- in itself
viduals in policy decisions (see Chapter 9). There are
other examples of digital applications that enable On closer inspection, digital technology often repro-
poverty and inequality reduction. duces the inequalities present in the rest of society.
In some cases, it may even accentuate them, cer-

PAGE 26 * Word or acronym defined at the end of the document

tainly not reduce them. judges to keep African American inmates who were
unlikely to reoffend in favor of "white" inmates with
personal histories indicating high rates of recidivism
Inequalities of access
(Angwin et al. 2016; Villani et al. 2018). COMPAS
The most disadvantaged people are often those thus perpetuated the racism that exists in U.S. so-
who have the least access to the potential offered ciety.
by digital technologies. First, they have less access
to it. For example, in 2018, while 80.9% of the po-
pulation in northern countries used the Internet, this
rate was only 45.3% in southern countries and 19.5%
in less developed countries (ITU * 2019a). Thus, in
terms of economic inequality, Hilbert (2014) showed
that prior to 2010, access to digital technology was
more unequal than the income inequalities present
globally. However, the trend seems to reverse after
In addition, there are 200 million fewer women online
The applications of the Artificial Intelligence (AI, AI) reproduce the
(Gettu 2017). In both Southern and Northern coun- social discriminations of the past.
tries, a person with a disability (Scholz et al. 2017), © Nadir Burney - CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 - Flirck
living in rural areas (ITU 2019b), or from a disadvan-
taged ethnic background (File 2013) will be less li-
kely to have access to digital. Other examples of AI bias have already been iden-
tified and may multiply in the future given the in-
Second, even when access to digitally connected
creasingly important place of algorithms* in our
devices is guaranteed, inequalities persist. For exa-
societies. It is important to remember, however, that
mple, the most active people in digital initiatives
research is currently underway to develop tech-
that promote citizen participation are men, college
niques to reduce AI bias (Friedler et al. 2018). This
graduates, and affluent people (World Bank 2016,
work is very complicated, however, because today it
p.16). Similarly, a study of 1,100 Dutch people found
is nearly impossible to understand the internal logic
that the most educated and wealthiest people de-
of these machines - see the black box phenomenon
rive the greatest economic and social benefits from
explained in Chapter 7.
the Internet. In contrast, people with disabilities, the
elderly, and the unemployed benefit the least (Van
Deursen and Helsper 2015).
Catalyst of economic inequalities
Over the past 40 years, the rich, and especially the
very rich, have increased their wealth by far more
than the rest of the population (Piketty 2013). It
Bias of the Artificial Intelligence (AI)*
seems that the reforms of the world economy du-
Artificial intelligence can perpetuate the inequalities ring this period were not the only reasons for this
that are already present in our societies. In fact, they increase in inequality: the advent of digital techno-
usually base their results on data that may itself be logies would also have played an important role in
discriminatory. For example, when an artificial in- this regard.
telligence application bases its results on a huge
First, because digital technology enables items and
amount of text from the Internet, it will associate
services to be available anywhere in the world, it of-
men more with work and math and women more
ten causes a few "superstars" to take over the majo-
with family and the arts (Caliskan et al. 2017). In this
rity of market share. For example, digital allows
case, we say that the AI has implemented bias (sys-
shoppers around the world to compare all the televi-
tematic distortion of a database due to an under-
sions available on the market, and they will focus on
lying assumption flawed by social or cultural errors
a few models and become bestsellers worldwide.
and/or biases, and/or faulty data processing).
There you have it, the so-called "superstar effect"
Therefore, when an AI is put in a decision-making (Brynjolfsson et al. 2010). Moreover, digital techno-
position and bases its results on discriminatory logy, e.g. through automation*, enables companies
data, it risks perpetuating these inequalities and to produce goods and services at a lower cost than
causing discrimination. Concrete examples have before (Rifkin 2014; Allen 2017). Putting these two
already been observed. The most egregious of these phenomena together, we understand that digital
involves the U.S. Justice's use of the COMPAS AI to technologies have enabled the emergence of a few
assess a prisoner's risk of recidivism. Apparently, extremely wealthy and powerful companies, and
COMPAS, which bases its results on past data that thus entrepreneurs and managers who are wealthier
generally discriminates against African Americans, than ever before. These phenomena are particularly
tends to overestimate an African American's present in the digital sector, and explain why only a
chances of recidivism compared to a non-African few companies, the GAFAMs (Google, Apple, Face-
American. As a result, the machine prompted some book, Amazon, Microsoft) in the lead, dominate

5. PoVeRTy aND iNeQuaLiTieS

these sectors and are extremely powerful (Allen ◊ The advent of digital technology goes hand
2017). in hand with the increase in wealth inequality

Related classroom resources

Educational Pathway n. 1 : “What would sustainable

technology mean?”
...In the meantime… Tax havens have never been in crisis… • • Activity N. 2 "What are the SDGs?"
© CND-CC BY 2.0
Educational Pathway n. 3 : “What does digital tech-
nology bring to my life, to our lives?”
• Activity N. 4 "The Philosophical debate".
Second, multinationals in the digital economy are
very effective at avoiding taxes. On the borderline • Activity N. 3 "Acting like a seller!"
between illegality and illegitimacy, they general- • Activity 5 "I put myself in the place of...".
ly pay less tax than companies in other industries
(Kim 2015; European Commission 2017; Griffith et
al. 2014). Most U.S. corporations, for example, have
moved to Dublin to pay much less tax on European Training Modules:
soil (Art 2019). Establishing tax headquarters in Du- 1 (U.A. (1.6.), 2 (U.A. 2.1.), 4 (U.A. 4.1. and 4.2.), 6
blin is sometimes just a facade to send money to tax (U.A. 6.1., 6.2., 6.3.)
havens and still be taxed less, see the example of
Google explained in Feuerstein (2016).
Therefore, digital companies participate little in the
redistribution of wealth between rich and poor, thus Bibliography
leading to the reinforcement of global inequalities.
• Allen, J. 2017. Technology and Inequality: Concentrated Wealth in a
Third, over the past 40 years the world economy has Digital World. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan.
become increasingly based on capital and financial • Angwin, J. et al. Machine Bias. Pro Publica.
article/machine-bias-risk-assessments-in-cri- minal-sentencing [Accessed
assets rather than labor and production. This is re- May 16, 2019].
ferred to as the "financialization of the economy" • Arte. 2019. L’Irlande, un paradis fiscal pour Google, Facebook et co. [Accessed May 21,
(Allen 2017). This phenomenon is critical in allowing 2019].
shareholders to recoup a greater share of corporate • Banque Mondiale. 2016. Les dividendes du numérique : Abrégé. Was-
hington : Banque Mondiale. http://documents.worldbank. org/curated/
profits in the form of dividends. Digital technolo- en/527621468195004729/pdf/102724-WDR-WDR2016O- verview-
gy has participated in the rise of this financializa- FRENCH-WebResBox-394840B-OUO-9.pdf [Accessed Mayl 21, 2019].
tion (Allen 2017; Ryder, p.56), particularly through • Blanchet, T. et al. 2019. How Unequal Is Europe? Evidence from Distri-
butional National Accounts, 1980-2017. World Inequality Lab. https://
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6. aGRiCuLTuRe

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Why is it important?
In Francia, l’IRSTEA (Istituto di ricerca in Scienze e
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of Tecnologie per l’Ambiente e l’Agricoltura) ha svilup-
the United Nations (FAO), about 1 in 9 people still suffer
from malnutrition worldwide (FAO 2018a). They are mainly pato un robot che, dotato di sensori e telecamera,
found in southern countries, especially in Africa and Asia. passa tra i filari dei campi di barbabietole, rileva le
In Europe, although the problems are less important, a part piante malate e le polverizza (France 2 2019). Per-
of the population is worried about not being able to eat
their fill all year round. This phenomenon is strongly linked tanto, vengono utilizzati meno In France, IRSTEA
to economic poverty (Wilde 2011), which was 17.6% in the (Research Institute in Sciences and Technologies
European Union in 2016 (Eurostat 2018, p.31). On the other for the Environment and Agriculture) has developed
hand, the number of people suffering from overweight and
obesity is strongly and continuously increasing worldwide a robot that, equipped with sensors and a camera,
(WHO 2019). passes between the rows of beet fields, detects di-
Undernutrition and malnutrition-the latter of which can seased plants and pulverizes them (France 2 2019).
involve both malnutrition and overweight and obesity-are Therefore, less pesticides are used than traditional
highly detrimental to health. They can cause hypertension, spreading over the entire field and no more people
type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, depression,
cancer, and overall poor health (Vozoris et al. 2003; are needed to carry out the spreading activity. The-
WHO 2018). Malnutrition in children also causes growth refore, beet production is less expensive if the cost
retardation, slowing mental development and increasing of the robot is not taken into account. Finally, beets
the risk of disease in the future (WHO 2014).
could be cheaper for consumers and more health
While the problems of world hunger are not yet solved, and environmentally friendly. This type of futuristic
two additional challenges will complicate the situation
in the future. First, the world's population is expected agricultural robot is called Agribot.
to continue to grow throughout the century (UN 2017).
Second, environmental degradation and climate change, There is also a computer program* that takes into
by increasing the number of extreme weather events such account a large number of factors that influence
as droughts and storms, will reduce global agricultural productivity and then determines, thanks in particu-
productivity (FAO 2016; FAO 2018a). lar to big data* and artificial intelligence*, the opti-
mal way to manage crops and livestock at any given
time. Such software provides, for example, advice on
when, how much and where to plant, when to use
water, fertilizers and pesticides, etc. Such software
Agricultural transformation already exists and can take into account soil type,
salinity, slope, irrigation techniques used, financial
Digital technologies in agriculture are grouped un- costs, and weather conditions (rain, temperature,
der the name "smart farming". They can take many radiation).
forms, of which we will give some examples. Therefore, this type of software allows for more to
be produced at a lower cost while reducing the im-
pact of agriculture on the environment (La Première
2018). If digital is able to reduce environmental de-
gradation through these types of initiatives, then it
will also help reduce the supposed decrease in agri-
cultural productivity. The digitization of agriculture
seems to limit agricultural environmental impacts
by emitting fewer greenhouse gases (Balafoutis
et al., 2017) and moderating the use of products
that are not naturally present in different territories
(Busse et al., 2017) al., 2015). However, it should
not be forgotten that digital objects themselves in-
fluence global consumption and have an ecological
footprint. These topics are discussed in more detail
«BoniRob», example of autonomous terrestrial robot developed by in the second environmental section of the booklet
Amazonen © Sven Kleinewoerdemann, Amazone GmbH & Co. KG (chapters 10-13).
It is difficult to quantify the true benefits of smart
farming technologies. A study by the innovation re-
search organization Nesta attempted to calculate
the reduction in operating costs that using five digi-

* Word or acronym defined at the end of the document PAGE 31

6. HuNGeR aND aGRiCuLTuRe

tal technologies could bring to a medium-sized En-

glish farm in mixed operations (growing wheat with Surplus production = 20 %
grazing livestock). The result is a cost reduction of
18% (Norris and Bland 2015). As for farm yield, a
study by the American Farm Bureau, which surveyed
American farmers, suggests a 13% increase (Digital
Wallonia 2017). Total world food
Another example, the mobile app "Nuru," allows Total world food
people to detect the presence of harmful caterpil- production
lars in corn fields directly through their smartphones
(FAO 2018c). Several of these digital tools have been
developed by the FAO and are available for free (FAO
2018b). The current production exceeds the needs of the Humanity
In addition to agriculture, the "Too good to go" mo- Données FAO (2018d)
bile app contributes in its own way to reducing world
hunger. It allows consumers to connect with mer-
chants who have unsold food. The principle is to pay In addition, 60% of the undernourished are the food
a low price to receive a box full of unsold food pro- producers themselves (De Schutter 2009). These
ducts. This initiative can reduce the amount of was- people, often living in rural settings, cannot afford to
ted food, which amounts to 15% at the level of sel- integrate into global markets - because they are too
lers and consumers in northern countries (FAO far away from them and/or they do not have enough
2019). money to travel there - and must make do with their
own production. Thus, one of the causes of under-
nutrition is that these people are left behind by the
global agricultural system, which in the past has
primarily benefited multinational agribusinesses
and the wealthiest groups in society rather than the
most vulnerable individuals (De Shutter 2009; 2014).
Another reason why global hunger continues to exist
is related to livestock farming. In fact, the latter uses
69% of the available land in the world, while food
from livestock only accounts for 15% of the calories
produced in the world and 25% of the protein (FAO
Facilitation of the sale from producer to consumer. 2012). Therefore, reducing the consumption of these
© Agri.durable - Flirck products would allow to recover space for other
crops, which would significantly increase the world
production using the same space. A number of sce-
narios have been foreshadowed to feed the world's
Is digital technology useful to reduce hunger population in 2050 while reducing the environmental
in the world? impact of agriculture (Muller et al.2017).

Smart agriculture technologies are primarily used to Scenario 2050 :

increase agricultural productivity. However, while all
of this is necessary due to the increasing world po- Organic 9 billion people
pulation, it does not appear that lack of productivity Agriculture fed
is the cause of undernutrition at this time.
+ +
Meat consumption Greenhouse gas
Root causes
First, humanity produces more than enough to Waste Pollution
feed everyone. In fact, the food available for global
consumption is 20% more than human needs (FAO Infographic based on the scenario forecast by Muller et al. (2017)
2018d). This figure has continued to rise over the
past fifty years, as Olivier De Schutter (2014), for- So, the problem is not so much the lack of agri-
mer Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food at the cultural productivity, but rather the misallocation
United Nations Human Rights Council, explains. of foodstuffs and the abandonment of land by the
This excess food is either thrown away or used to poorest and most marginalized populations, mostly
overfeed some people, causing overweight and obe- farmers. This problem was highlighted and theorized
sity. So, first of all, there is a poor distribution of food by Amartya Sen (1981), who studied several famines
in the world. in India during the 20th century. The Nobel laureate

in economics noted that the poor distribution of food helping to eradicate world hunger. To make up for
was generally not due to a lack of food compared to the lack of autonomy, agricultural practices related
previous years, but to social and economic causes, to agroecology and permaculture have developed
such as falling wages or rising food prices. in recent decades, as well as different movements
such as Slow Food, for food sovereignty or the right
to food. They also emphasize respect for the envi-
ronment and health.
Could digital technology help to solve these
To remedy these problems, Amartya Sen (1981) re- Slow Food is a movement launched in Italy in 1989 that
commends empowering farmers and consumers. encourages agriculture based on both innovative methods
One way to do this is to build a social protection and traditional knowledge to create and promote food pro-
system. Several studies (FAO 2015; Richards et al. duction that is respectful of ecosystems, good for health,
2016) show that establishing an effective social pro- tasty, and fair to small and medium-sized producers. This
tection system can, in most cases, reduce malnutri- movement is present in 160 countries and brings together
tion. These results are easily understood because if academics, chefs, producers, and artisans (Slow Food 2019).
those most in need receive structural help, they will Agroecology is a set of agricultural processes aimed at
have the means to purchase food or produce it. creating self-sustaining ecosystems by combining different
natural elements. It is considered extremely promising envi-
In general, digital technology provides a range of ronmentally and socially, as well as for its excellent agricul-
tools that can be used for different purposes: for tural yields (De Schutter 2011). Aquaponics is an example of
example, to improve social protection systems, to an agroecological process that combines fish farming and
reduce poverty (see Chapter 5), or to enable small- plant cultivation on the same farm. This technique, already
scale farmers to thrive (FAO 2018b). However, new used by the Aztecs, produced a self-sustaining system: in
technologies can also further reduce the autonomy short, fish water irrigates plants, soil bacteria turn fish
of farmers and consumers, neglecting the most di- droppings into plant food, and fish feed on small roots or
insect larvae. Sensors can be used to maintain the fragile
sadvantaged. balance within the system (Southern and King 2017). On
In fact, for example: what can a farmer do if the the other hand, does the addition of digital technologies
technology company decides to increase the price not hinder farmer autonomy, going in the opposite direc-
tion of Amartya Sen's recommendations?
of the digital service subscription? How can a poor
farmer, with no access to electricity, not connec-
ted to the Internet, or insufficiently trained, be able
to compete with the prices charged by large farms
using agribots and other smart farming tools? What
will they be able to do if the maintenance of a digi- In short.
tal tool, such as an agribot, can only be done by the
• Digital technology has the potential to increase
manufacturing company? And what will farmers and
consumers be able to do if, thanks to their digital agricultural production, reduce production
data collection tools, the manufacturing company costs, and limit environmental impact-although
can calculate a farm's production in advance, and the ecological footprint of the technology itself
use that information for its own sales interests? must be carefully calculated rather than neglec-
ted (see Part II).
Such problems of loss of range have already occur-
red. For example, the John Deere company requires • However, world hunger is not the result of a lack
an exclusive maintenance contract for its linked of productivity, but rather of poor food distribu-
combines sold in the United States. In addition, U.S. tion, neglect of the most deprived, and a lack of
farmers have complained that their know-how, col- appreciation for the importance of consumption
lected in the form of data, was being resold to com- choices.
petitors (Canal + 2017). • In order to alleviate world hunger, a radical trans-
Therefore, digital can do the trick, depending on how formation of the global agricultural system is
it is used. However, at the moment, it does not ap- recommended, shifting decision-making power
pear that the majority use of digital technology in from large-scale producers to small-scale far-
agriculture is going in the direction recommended mers and consumers in order to increase their
in this chapter. In fact, most of the digital tech- autonomy. In recent years, several agricultural
nologies applied to the agricultural sector-and in movements and practices have developed in
other sectors-are developed by large private com- this direction.
panies, which, oriented towards profit rather than
the common good, have no interest in transferring • Digital technology can increase the autonomy
some of their decision-making power to producers of farmers and consumers, but currently it does
and consumers. Therefore, if this situation does not not seem to be used primarily for this purpose.
change, it will be difficult to argue that digital tech-
nologies have or will have a real positive impact in

6. HuNGeR aND aGRiCuLTuRe

int/gho/ncd/risk_factors/overweight/en/ [Accessed March 5, 2019].

Related classroom resources • Richards, C. et al. 2016. Food security in welfare capitalism: Comparing
social entitlements to food in Australia and Norway. Journal of Rural
Studies 43, pp.61-70.
Educational Pathway n. 3 : “What does digital tech- • Sen, A. 1981. Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Depri
nology bring to my life, to our lives?” vation. Oxford, New York: Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press.
• Slow Food. 2019. About us [In Internet]. https://www.
• Activity 5 "I put myself in the place of...". about-us/ [Accessed June 21st, 2019].
• Southern, A et King, W. 2017. The Aquaponic Farmer: A Complete Guide
to Building and Operating a Commercial Aquaponic System. Canada : New
Society Publishers.
• Vozoris, N. et al. 2003. Household Food Insufficiency Is Associated with
Training Modules: Poorer Health. The Journal of Nutrition 133(1), pp.120-127.
• Wilde, P. 2011. Food Security Policy in Developed Countries. In: Jason, L.
5 (U.A. 5.1.), 6 (U.A. 6.4.). et al. eds. The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Food Consumption
and Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.321-343.


• Canal+. 2017. États-Unis : Les agro-hackeurs - L’Effet Papillon – CANAL+. VtBPE [Accessed March 5,
• De Schutter, O. 2009. Statement at the Interactive Thematic Dialogue
of the U.N. General Assembly on The Global Food Crisis and the Right to
Food. New York : Trusteeship Council Chamber.
• De Schutter, O. 2011. Agroecology and the Right to Food. Report pre-
sented at the 16th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council
[A/HRC/16/49]. New York. stories/pdf/
officialreports/20110308_a-hrc-16-49_agroecology_en.pdf [Accessed
June 21, 2019].
• De Schutter, O. 2014. Investing in Agriculture for Food Sovereignty
[Online]. [Accessed
March 6, 2019].
• Digital Wallonia. 2017. Smart Farming, le numérique est dans le pré
[Online]. smart-farming
[Accessed March 6, 2019].
• Eurostat. 2018. Sustainable development in the European Union:
Monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an EU context.
Luxembourg. Available at:
8ef3-11cfc14b9329 [Accessed June 21, 2019].
• FAO. 2012. Livestock and landscapes. Available at: http://www.fao.
org/3/ar591e/ar591e.pdf [Accessed March 5, 2019].
• FAO. 2015. The State of food and agriculture 2015. Rome. Available at: [Accessed June 21, 2019].
• FAO. 2016. The State of food and agriculture 2016. Rome. Available at: [Accessed June 21, 2019].
• FAO. 2018a. The State of food security and nutrition in the world 2018.
Rome. Available at: [Ac-
cessed June 21, 2019].
• FAO. 2018b. Tacking poverty and hunger through digital innovation.
Available at: Accessed
March 4, 2019].
• FAO. 2018c. Nuru devient le nouvel allié des agriculteurs africains contre
la chenille légionnaire d’automne [In internet]. http://www.
news/story/fr/item/1142460/icode/ [Accessed March 4, 2019].
• FAO. 2018d. Suite of Food Security Indicators. Available at: http://www. [Accessed March 5, 2019].
• FAO. 2019. Key facts on food loss and waste you should know! [In Inter-
net]. [Accessed
March 4, 2019].
• France 2. 2019. Agriculture : la science pour réduire les pesticides.
Available at: metiers/agri-
culture/agriculture-la-science-pour-reduire-les-pesti- cides_3208775.html
[Accessed February 28, 2019].
• La Première. 2018. Smart Farming, l’agriculture de demain ? Available
at: ming-l-agri-
• Muller, A. et al. 2017. Strategies for feeding the world more sustainably
with organic agriculture. Nature Communications 8(1290). : https://www. [Accessed July 1st, 2020].
• Norris, J. et Bland, J. 2015. Precision Agriculture: Almost 20% increase in
income possible from smart farming [In Internet]. https://
uk/blog/precision-agriculture-almost-20-increase-in-inco- me-possible-
from-smart-farming/ [Accessed March 4, 2019].
• ONU, Département des affaires économiques et sociales, division popu-
lation. 2017. World Population Prospects: The 2017 Revision. New York.
• OMS. 2014. Nutrition Landscape Information System (NLiS). Available
at: nu=0&hel-
pid=391&lang=EN [Accessed February 27, 2019].
• OMS. 2018. Healthy diet. Available at: en/news-
room/fact-sheets/detail/healthy-diet [Accessed March 4, 2019].
• OMS. 2019. Global Health Observatory (GHO) data. https://www.who.


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cine is seen by both academics (Bell et al. 2017) and
Why is it important? institutions (Chan and IAEA 2016) as a substantial aid
According to the Constitution of the World Health in providing quality health care to all. It also proved
Organization WHO* (1946), health is "a state of complete very useful during the Covid-19 outbreak, particularly
physical, mental and social well-being, and does not in reducing the risk of infection (Calton 2020). Howe-
consist merely of the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO
1946). Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human ver, it is worth asking whether it is normal that, in some
Rights states that "everyone has the right to a standard of regions, the share of the population with access to cell
living adequate for his health and well-being and for that phones is greater than the share with access to clean
of his family" (UN 1948). Significant progress has been
made in all regions of the world, as evidenced by growth in water and electricity (WHO 2017, p.2). Aren't the posi-
life expectancy and healthy life expectancy (Roser 2019). tive impacts that these two resources have on health
However, there is still work to be done. For example, 6 and well-being greater than those of digital devices?
million children still die before their fifth birthday each year
(UN 2016).
Worldwide, there are many causes of disease: malnutrition,
obesity, smoking, poor hygiene, alcohol consumption, lack
of physical activity and, in the case of countries in the
global North, population aging (OECD/European Union
2016). In addition to these, environmental factors, mainly
air and water pollution, are believed to cause a quarter of
premature deaths on Earth (United Nations Environment
Programme 2019).
Inequalities in health care are still strong. Thus, the gap in
life expectancy between high- and low-income countries
was still 17.5 years in 2016 (World Bank 2019). At the Example of drone for medical transportation services.©
same time, there are inequalities within countries. In the Public Domain - Pxhere
European Union, the risks of having unmet health needs
are 4.5 times higher for low-income people than for high-
income people (Eurostat 2018).
Finally, enjoying good health is not enough to live a quality Transforming the medical science: the
and happy life, or to achieve inner contentment. Striving Artificial Intelligence (AI) case
toward societies with a high level of well-being must be a
goal because it is a sine qua non for human development,
and thus for sustainable development (Helliwell et al. Digital technologies have applications in many
2015). It is difficult to define what wellbeing really is. health-related fields. These include prostheses pro-
There are different approaches, some based more on self-
assessment of one's well-being and happiness, taking into duced by 3D printers* (Birrell 2017), robots* assisting
account individuals' perceptions, emotions and opinions the elderly (Barruyer 2017), and/or those used in sur-
about the meaning of their lives (eudemonia) considered gery (Piesing 2014). In this chapter, we will focus on the
indicators of individuals' well-being -- this is referred to
as subjective well-being, while others are based on factual arrival of artificial intelligence* (AI) in medicine.
characteristics -- environmental, medical/physiological,
etc. that determine the context in which people live -- this AI, from its dazzling development in recent years, is ex-
is referred to as objective well-being (OECD 2016, Morrison pected to have a major impact on two areas of medi-
2019). cine: diagnosis and medical decision making.

Automated diagnoses
Enabling access to health services in remote Image, text, and sound recognition systems are increa-
areas singly sophisticated and can sometimes outperform
humans (He et al. 2015; Wu et al. 2016). Such systems
First and foremost, digital technology allows access can be used to determine whether or not a person
to healthcare without being in physical contact with a has a disease. AIs are starting to get results. In fact,
physician. This is especially relevant when specialists in 2017, a scientific study pitted a Google AI against
are not available, such as in remote areas, countries a panel of dermatologists to determine whether a skin
in the global south, or in the event of an emergency or cancer was malignant or, conversely, harmless. In that
disaster. The transportation of medical kits via drone* case, the AI performed better than the dermatologists
is one example (McCall 2019). Digital technology also (Esteva et al. 2017). This study caused a stir because it
enables remote medicine, for example via telephone was the first time it was possible to scientifically prove
or video conferencing. In this case, it is referred to as that AIs could be better than doctors in their own field.
telemedicine. Since 96% of the world's population has Other studies have shown promising results of ap-
access to mobile and 90% to 3G (ITU 2018), telemedi- plying AIs in other fields, such as for diagnosis in ra-

PAGE 36 * Word or acronym defined at the end of the document

and risks associated with their use. For example, one should
diology (Salathé et al. 2018) and psychiatry (Corcoran ask whether these technologies do not encourage a lifelong
et al. 2018). search for optimal performance, thus raising philosophical and
health issues. Therefore, caution regarding the contribution of
this technology is in order.
Medical decision
Nowadays, AIs are performant enough to be able to de-
tect the information contained in a text, which may
seem obvious to a human, but much less so to a ma-
chine. Armed with this faculty, as well as their compu-
tational and memory powers, AIs are able to store far
more information than any human in any domain.
Based on this observation, the company IBM launched
the program "Watson Health" based on artificial intelli-
gence "Watson". Engineers have placed in the memory
of this AI a huge amount of health-related resources: A ring connected to an application (App) to monitor vital signs
scientific publications, clinical trials, drug leaflets, pa- © Marco Verch-CC-BY 2.0
tient data directly or indirectly related to health, etc.
Watson Health therefore "knows", a priori, much more
information than any doctor and can therefore help
him/her decide on the optimal treatment for each pa-
tient (Chenavaz et al. 2018). The system is actually not A good potential
yet fully developed (Strickland 2019). In any case, It is clear that the arrival of AI in medicine could im-
"doped" by the arrival of the immense amount of data prove both the physician's diagnosis and decision
collected on our bodies by the connected objects of the making on what treatment to prescribe to patients. AI
" quantified self " (Béjean et al. 2015), AIs should be therefore has the potential to save a large number of
able to prove their usefulness in this domain in a few lives. Some people, some of whom are at the top of the
years or decades. This technology will prove beneficial digital world, even work to improve humans by adding
to society if it can overcome several major challenges technological objects (Statt 2017), or dream of ensu-
and risks, such as the ability to structure billions of ring immortality through technology (Alexandre 2013;
data from various sources, store them, protect them, Lecomte 2013). These people are part of the transhu-
etc. Several of these are explored later in this chapter. manist movement: transhumanism itself brings with it
a number of questions and risks (de Malherbe 2017).
Moreover, these technologies are quite accessible to
those who are able to connect to the Internet. Google's
image recognition system could be usable directly
from smartphones, and for Watson Health one enters
via an Internet platform. Of course, the cost associated
with their use remains to be analyzed.

Connected risks
A very early prototype of Watson in Yorktown Heights, NY.
The cognitive computing system was originally of the size of
a room in 2011. • Private life
© BY-SA 3.0 - Clockready
It has been shown that an AI is more efficient the more
and better data it processes (Salathé et al. 2018). The-
The « quantified self » is the use in our daily lives of refore, in order to improve AIs active in medicine, they
connected objects to collect data about our body (heart rate, should have access to as much health and personal
temperature, amount of oxygen in the blood), our activities
(number of steps, diet, sleep duration) or our mood (brain
patient data as possible. However, this is extremely
activity, facial expressions). The companies producing the mo- sensitive data that no one would want to be used
bile devices and data analytics claim as their goal to improve for non-legitimate purposes or to fall into the wrong
our physical, cognitive and emotional performance or even hands, for example through hacking.
prevent or monitor disease progression. Using a mobile app
such as Apple Health Kit or Withings, this data is transmitted
In Europe, the General Data Protection Regulation
to the user, usually interpreted by the app. The patient-user (GDPR 2016/679), which came into force in 2018,
can, of course, show the data to their physician (Béjean et prohibits the collection, storage, use or even trans-
al. 2015; Wilson 2012). It remains to be seen whether and mission of personal data that identifies individuals
how much the quantified self has real utility for the patient's without their informed and explicit consent. However,
health and well-being. Currently, there is a lack of studies on research is one of the exceptions to this rule, and public
this topic, although early findings on the impact on health and and private research organizations active in AI, inclu-
well-being seem to be quite positive (Stiglbauer et al. 2019). In ding large digital companies, may have access to our
addition, there are questions to be asked about the challenges

7. HeaLTH aND WeLL-BeiNG

personal data. However, the data used must be ano- • The place of the human being
nymized. In concrete terms, this means deleting data
that can identify the individual. However, in reality, it is
almost impossible to ensure anonymity without remo-
ving much of the information from the database (de
Montjoye 2018), which in itself could have been useful
for AI in medicine.
In addition, it is difficult to create a line between perso-
nal data and impersonal data. For example, the number
of steps taken each day by an individual is not neces-
sarily data that identifies someone, and therefore would
not be subject to the prohibitions of the GDPR. This in-
Physician or machines? A society choice.
formation could be passed on a priori to insurers, who © Björn Engqvist-CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
could then adjust their insurance offers based on your
physical activity. This practice is illegal in the European
Union, but difficult to control. Some other data not ne- The rise of AI in medicine raises the question of the
cessarily considered personal could influence whether role of humans in the medicine of the future. On the
you get a loan, housing, or employment (Villani et al. one hand, if machines were shown to be better than
2018, pp. 148-149). humans in this field, it would be difficult to defend
A dilemma emerges: on the one hand, AIs need data to ourselves from continuing to leave decisions about
be successful; on the other hand, the risks of using or our health in the hands of doctors. On the other hand,
disclosing our data cannot be excluded. wouldn't we want the human being, so "fallible," to
maintain centrality in all decisions about medicine and
health (Villani 2018, p.152)? A real social debate opens
• Black box
up. Among other questions to be answered: what will
It is important to know that today the best AIs are be the freedom of choice for the patient and the doc-
those with the most complicated internal mechanisms tor? Who will be responsible for the decision in case of
(Kulma 2017). In general. it is not possible, even for failure or error?
the best specialists, to understand how AIs achieved
their results. These machines are called "black boxes."
Many problems arise from this very characteristic of
Impacts of every day’s use digital devices
them, especially in medicine. How can we trust them
if we cannot understand how they come to certain Digital technologies of all kinds have entered our lives
conclusions (INSERM 2018)? It is not impossible that and thus impact our health and well-being.
the results obtained by the machine are totally wrong
and that these errors are passed on to the patients. • Advantages, but...
Moreover, it will not even be possible for a human to The daily use of digital technology has some health
understand why the machine made these errors, and and wellness benefits. Being able to communicate re-
therefore will not be able to modify it accordingly (Price motely with loved ones is certainly one of the greatest
2015; Villani et al. 2018). benefits, as family and friend contact is an important
The "black box" nature of AI is not a priori inevitable, factor in a happy (Veenhoven 2012) and healthy life
and researchers are working to reduce this phenome- (House et al. 1988). Social networks connect people
non (Kulma 2017). and groups with the same interests. Digital technology
can also allow people to avoid activities that are consi-
• Accessibility dered strenuous or unexciting. For example, it is no
longer necessary to buy groceries; just order them on
While applications of AI in medicine might be physi- the Internet and have them delivered. In general, tech-
cally accessible, as explained above, they will not ne- nological tools increase the comfort of life.
cessarily be affordable. Philosopher Eric Sadin (2018,
min. 62-70) worries that large digital companies may However, upon closer inspection, we need to question
bundle their healthcare services into one package for the real contribution of digital to our lives. Many inno-
a fee and in the form of a subscription. However, it is vations, digital and otherwise, actually do little for our
too early to draw conclusions, as these digital services well-being; in fact, they are gimmicks. These tools and
could be made affordable if reimbursed by Social Se- services are generally developed to meet the econo-
curity or health insurance. mic needs of businesses rather than to actually im-
prove people's quality of life - see Chapter 4. Moreo-
ver, following Tim Jackson's (2017) reasoning, once
basic needs are met, an increase in material comfort
increases well-being less and less.


A pursuit of consumption will


participate less and less in a

rise in well-being.

The consumption of basic

necessities makes it possible to
meet basic needs, and thus greatly
increases well-being.

Health and well-being effects found in 2017 by the Royal
Society for Public Health, British public health research
Graph illustrating the principle of diminishing marginal utility of
association with a survey of 1,500 British young people aged
14-24 years.
Inspired by Tim Jackson's study "Prosperity Without Growth: the funda-
mentals of tomorrow's economy (2011 - 2017)."
The impacts of social media are also contradictory. The
Royal Society for Public Health (2017), a British public
• Risks for health and well-being health research association, surveyed a large number
of British youth ages 14-24 and asked them to rate the
Although digital technology is likely to increase our effects of the five most popular social networks (Face-
well-being, it also has negative effects. For example, book, Snapchat, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram) on
facilitating the remote performance of many actions of characteristics that have known effects, both positive
daily living reduces individuals' physical activity, thus and negative, on health and well-being. The study
contributing to obesity and diabetes. The use of these found that only YouTube had an overall positive effect
devices also reduces time spent in nature, an aspect on these young people, while Snapchat and Instagram
that has positive effects on mental health and well- appeared to be particularly harmful.
being (White et al. 2019; IEEP and FoE Europe 2017).
Digital technology is also partly responsible for cur- In addition, these social networks increase the risks of
rent environmental problems (see Part II), which in turn anxiety, depression, loneliness, reduce sleep, alter self-
cause health problems. In general, digital technologies image, cause harassment or even fear of exclusion. As
tend to push individuals towards more consumption in a result, some studies associate this type of Internet
today's society (see Chapter 11 for more explanations), use with reduced well-being in adolescents (Twenge et
they thus participate in a certain way in the construc- al. 2017).
tion of a "having" society rather than a society based
on human relationships that are a source of well-being • Health effects of electromagnetic waves
(Becchetti et al. 2015, pp. 141-143; Bartolini 2013;
Veenhoven 2012). Is this the advent of the "homo œco-
nomicus", a self-centered economic man, quite indivi-
dualistic or even selfish?
Staring at digital screens also causes visual fatigue,
damages the eyes, originates stress, increases the risk
of myopia, and reduces sleep by disrupting the internal
clock (INRS 2017; INSERM 2017; Bihouix and Mauvilly
2016, Chapter 4; Carter et al. 2016; Gujar et al. 2011).
The use of digital technology is also changing the way
the brain is used, altering those of children, which can An antenna relay.
lead to cases of dementia (Ryall 2013; Spitzer 2012). © Tony Webster - CC-BY-2.0
On the other hand, although digital technologies pro-
mise an easier and more efficient life, they amplify the
acceleration of life rhythms: thus, we are constantly in The health impact of electromagnetic waves emitted
a hurry, while simultaneously perceiving that we have by cell phones, radios, Wi-Fi, 3G, and others is get-
less and less time than before (Wajcman 2015). ting a lot of attention from the general public and the
media. To help us see this more clearly, there is a vast
scientific literature that has been built up over the past
four decades. More than 25,000 scientific articles have
been published and, as pointed out by the WHO (2020),
knowledge in this area is now more extensive than for
most chemicals.
Regarding short-term effects of exposure to electro-
magnetic waves, such as nausea and headaches, no

7. HeaLTH aND WeLL-BeiNG

results have been able to demonstrate harmful effects. 4 heures par jour en France (eMarketer 2016) et en Italie
Other studies (WHO 2005; Rubin et al. 2006; Kurzge- (Parsi et Campanella 2017), 6 heures aux États-Unis (eMar-
sagt 2019; Eltiti et al. 2018) have shown, however, that keter 2018), soit plus de la moitié du temps passé sur
people who claim to be "hypersensitive" to electro- un écran chaque jour. Cela s’expliquerait en partie par
magnetic waves experience symptoms that are not re- des phénomènes de dépendance au numérique. Ainsi,
lated to wave exposure, but to other factors. The WHO l’OMS a reconnu le "trouble du jeu vidéo" comme une
(2005; 2020) as well as other health reference organi- maladie (Pontes et al. 2019). De même, une étude néerlan-
zations (Vijayalaxmi and Scarfi 2014), are quite cate- daise a montré que 5% des adolescent·e·s souffrent
gorical about this aspect. d’addiction aux réseaux sociaux (Jenner 2015) – même
si d’autres parlent juste d’utilisation excessive. Le
Regarding the long-term effects of electromagnetic
monde académique est encore quelque peu incertain
wave exposure, some studies have found that they in-
sur la nature addictive des jeux vidéo (Aarseth et al. 2017),
crease the risks of some cancers (Nyberg and Hardell
mais les doutes sont de moins en moins permis. Les
2017; Ayrapetyan et al. 2015). However, these studies
algorithmes* de suggestions de vidéos ou films, qui in-
need to consolidate their analysis methodology. Fur-
citent les utilisateurs/trices à rester le plus longtemps
thermore, they represent only a small percentage of
possible sur des plateformes comme YouTube ou Net-
studies on the topic to state that there would be si-
flix, ne vont pas dans la bonne direction parce qu’ils
gnificant effects (Kurzgesagt 2019). The WHO (2005;
conduisent à un visionnage boulimique, aussi appelé «
2014) has repeatedly stated that there is no evidence
binge-watching » (ICA 2015).
of long-term effects.
En conclusion, étant donné que le numérique dans son
However, the precautionary principle, enshrined in
usage quotidien peut aider ou être un frein au bien-être,
the UN since the 1992 Rio de Janeiro Conference on
il convient de réfléchir à comment et en quelle propor-
Environment and Development, insta to maintain vi-
tion l’utiliser pour en retirer du positif et ainsi l'utiliser
gilance and caution, as there are still gray areas (UN
de manière optimale. Il ne faut en tout cas certaine-
1992; WHO 2020; Vijayalaxmi and Scarfi 2014). It is for
ment pas utiliser ces appareils sans se soucier de leurs
this reason, for example, that WHO continues to clas-
impacts sur la santé et le bien-être.
sify electromagnetic waves as potentially carcinoge-
nic. Second, the previous conclusions apply in cases Pour terminer, le numérique peut impacter la santé et le
where wave exposure is below a certain defined level. bien-être de nombreuses autres façons. Par exemple,
However, it is possible that the arrival of 5G will cause les conditions de travail associées à la fabrication et à
this threshold to be exceeded in some places (Nyberg la fin de vie des appareils numériques portent atteinte
and Hardell 2017). Third, it is possible that children are à la santé de nombreuses personnes - cf. Chapitres 1
more sensitive to these waves, although these findings et 11 pour plus de détails.
are not yet established (Vijayalaxmi and Scarfi 2014).
In addition, court decisions have been seen in recent
years as evidence of wave-related health problems In short.
(The Express 2019). • Digital technology has the potential to make
On this issue, there is a troubling perception gap healthcare more accessible, especially in remote
between the general public and the scientific commu- areas.
nity (Vijayalaxmi and Scarfi 2014), the number of legal • Digital technology is and will continue to improve
cases on this topic shows that the issue is socially medicine, particularly through artificial intelli-
gence and its applications in medical diagnosis
and decision-making.
• The arrival of artificial intelligence in medicine
• Surutilisation et dépendance carries many risks.
◊ First, AIs are "black boxes" of which it is almost
impossible to understand how they arrived at
their results. So, it is very difficult to trust them.
◊ Second, the risk of our personal data being
used or disclosed is real.
◊ Third, these advances may not be financially
accessible to everyone.
◊ Last, humans may "lose control" in medicine to
The risk of developing an addiction is real.
© Public Domain- CC-0 • The everyday services offered by digital devices
often increase comfort but not necessarily well-
Tous ces problèmes sont exacerbés par le temps très
important passé sur les appareils numériques - environ

Related classroom resources Bibliography
• Aarseth, E. et al. 2017. Scholars’ open debate paper on the World Health Or-
Educational Pathway n. 3 : “What does digital tech- ganization ICD-11 Gaming Disorder proposal. Journal of Behavioral Addictions
nology bring to my life, to our lives?” 6(3), pp.1-4.
• Alexandre, L. 2013. Google et les transhumanistes [In internet].
• Activity N. 4 "The Philosophical debate". • Ayrapetyan, S. 2015. International EMF Scientist Appeal [In internet]. Bar-
• Activity 4 "The Philosophical debate". • C. 2017. Les robots, quelle aventure pour les malades [In internet].
• Bartolini, S. 2013. Le manifeste du bonheur, comment passer d’une société de
• Activity 5 "I put myself in the place of...". l’avoir à une société du bien être. Paris : Les Liens qui Libèrent.
• Banque Mondiale. 2019. Life expectancy at birth, total (years) [In internet].
Training Modules: • Becchetti, L. et al. 2015. Human values, civil economy, and subjective well-
being. Dans : Helliwell, J. et al. Eds. World happiness report 2015. New York :
Sustainable Development Solutions Network, pp.132-151.
3 (U.A. 3.1., 3.2., 3.3., 3.4., 3.5., 3.6.), 5 (U.A. 5.1.), 6
• Béjean, M. et al. 2015. Petit guide d’exploration au pays de la santé numé-
(U.A. 6.4.). rique [In internet].
• Bell, D. et al. 2017. Dynamic Clinical Algorithms: Digital Technology Can Trans-
form Health Care Decision-Making. The American journal of tropical medicine
and hygiene 98(1).
• Bihouix, P. et Mauvilly, K. 2016. Le désastre de l’école numérique : plaidoyer
pour une école sans écrans. Paris : Seuil.
• Birrell, I. 2017. 3d-printed prosthetic limbs: the next revolution in medicine [In
• Calton, B. et al. 2020. Telemedicine in the Time of Coronavirus. Journal of Pain
and Symptom Management 60(1), pp. e12-e14.
• Carter, B. et al. 2016. Association between portable screen-based media
device access or use and sleep outcomes. JAMA Pediatrics 170.
• Chan, M. et IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). 2017. Good Health &
Wellbeing. In: Biggs, P. ed. Fast-forward progress Leveraging tech to achieve the
global goals. Genève : ITU, pp.23-31.
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• Corcoran, C. et al. 2018. Prediction of psychosis across protocols and risk
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8. Gender
© Robert Scoble - CC BY 2.0



CHaPTeR 8: Gender equality

In addition, the Internet, Web, and social networks
Why is it important? provide a space of expression for activists and
First and foremost, gender equality is a fundamental right. marginalized groups, including women. Mass cam-
Different forms of discrimination and violence against paigns geared toward changing behavior can be
women and girls must be eradicated. Reducing gender launched. A globally extensive movement, such as
inequality means building a more peaceful, less unequal,
more prosperous, and healthier society (UN 2016). #MeToo, also called #BalanceTonPorc in France, de-
Progress has been made in recent years. Girls' access to
nouncing sexual harassment and violence against
education continues to increase around the world, and women, could not have emerged without digital me-
some forms of violence against women are on the decline dia (Heimans 2019; Jouët et al. 2017)
(UN 2016). However, there are still many problems. For
example, according to the United Nations (2016), only 52%
of married and cohabiting women freely make decisions Digital technologies do not solve
about their sex lives, contraceptive use, and health care.
More than 200 million girls and women still alive have fundamental problems alone
undergone some form of genital mutilation or ablation
(WHO * 2018). Access to contraception and abortion is
decreasing in some countries in the global north or, at the However, upon closer inspection, the same inequa-
very least, has been called into question (Le Monde 2019; lities and discriminations are present in the digital
François 2017). universe as in the rest of society.
In 2017, in the European Union, a woman still earned, on
average, 16.2% less than a man for every hour worked. First, women make up the majority workforce in the
Moreover, compared to men, women still have an incentive electronic manufacturing industry. In these facto-
to reduce their working hours to take care of their children ries, female workers are often subjected to deplo-
and home (Eurostat 2018, pp. 103-104).
rable working conditions, as well as being exposed
to toxic products that are very dangerous to their
health (Van der Velden 2019) (see Chapter 1).
Hopes for the emancipation of women

Much hope for reducing gender inequality lies in di-

gital technology: the UN (2015, p.20) considers it to
be a crucial factor in women's empowerment.
In particular, new technologies can assist quality
education for the most vulnerable social groups, in-
cluding women (see Chapters 1 and 3). Moreover, as
Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka (2017), Executive Direc- Female-dominated digital device manufacturing
tor of the UN Women Program, explains, the number factory.
© Robert Scoble - CC BY 2.0
of jobs in the digital sector will continue to grow in
the years and decades to come, and if women have In addition, women experience insults and harass-
these skills, then they can have access to these often ment on the web and social networks (Pinto 2017).
well-paid and, therefore, empowering professions. The worlds of video games and pornography are
also extremely sexist and often offer a degrading
image of women (Lignon 2015; Sarkeesian 2012;
Poulain et al. 2019).
Finally, women have less access to the potential of-
fered by digital technology than men. In fact, women
worldwide are about 12% less likely to use the web
than men (Mlambo-Ngcuka 2017) and 14% less li-
kely to own a cell phone (Bolkova and Lake 2017).
Second, according to current estimates, women will
be most affected by job losses due to digitization.
A street demonstration promoted by the #MeToo Movement – March
Thus, in the United States, for 7 men in jobs at very
© Lynn Friedman-CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 high risk of disappearing in the future, 10 women are
in the same situation (Hegewisch et al. 2019). Last-
ly, women are vastly outnumbered within the digital
economy representing just 20% of the workforce,

PAGE 44 * Word or acronym defined at the end of the document

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Related classroom resources and the Electronics Industry. SMART (Sustainable Market Actors for
Responsible Trade). 8-wo-
men%E2%80%99s-health-decent-work-and-the-elect.html [Accessed
May 2019].
Educational Pathway n. 3 : “What does digital tech-
nology bring to my life, to our lives?”
• Activity 4 "The Philosophical debate".
• Activity 5 "I put myself in the place of...".

Training Modules: “What does digital technology bring

to my life, to our lives?” (all Learning Units).

9. Peace, Justice
and Democracy.

© CC0 Public Domain




CHaPTeR 9: Peace, Justice and Democracy.

Why is it important?
Peace, justice, and democracy are sine qua non conditions
for sustainable development (Fedotov and Gettu 2017).
In fact, wars, trafficking, corruption, and all other forms
of violence and injustice are associated with economic,
social, and environmental regressions. Furthermore, as
the UN (2017) explains, "all citizens of the world have the
right to live free from fear of all forms of violence and to
feel safe."
Since the end of World War II, significant progress has been
made in the number of deaths in conflict (Roser 2019).
Likewise, the number of homicides is generally declining
in the European Union (Eurostat 2018, p.299). However, the
Presentation of the platform “Decidim Barcelona”
situation is again unstable in recent years. The number of © Ajuntament Barcelona-CC BY-ND 2.0 - Flirck
conflicts had never been so high in 25 years while deaths
in hostilities peaked in 2015; the UN Refugee Agency
(2017; 2018) had never recorded so many people forced
to migrate. In addition, the rise of authoritarian figures The blockchain* is a technology with the potential to
in influential nations in Europe and around the world dramatically limit corruption in all its forms. It allows
undermines press freedom (Reporters Without Borders information to be securely stored and transmitted
2018) and justice, such as in Turkey (Renard 2017).
without having to be certified by a regulatory body.
What's more, 123 of the 180 countries assessed by
Transparency International (2018) are believed to have For example, to prove that you own your home,
serious corruption problems. The European Union is no you no longer need a government certification, the
exception to the lack of transparency, especially in the area
of lobbying within institutions (Mulcahy 2016). blockchain provides this proof directly, and it is
virtually foolproof (Balva 2017; Maitre 2017). So,
These problems are compounded by the fact that 1.5 billion
people have no way to be identified by a state (Fedotov and no contract, no information, could be manipulated
Gettu 2017). These people may therefore be denied access anymore even if the regulatory body was corrupt.
to basic services such as justice, education, or the right to The application possibilities are limitless, several
vote. They are also exposed to human trafficking (Fedotov examples are cited in Chapron (2017). However,
and Gettu 2017).
this technology will not completely remove corrup-
tion and has several problems (Balva 2017, 9:10 to
13:02). Chief among them is the enormous energy
consumption required, which makes blockchain har-
Digitization can bring real added value but also mful to the environment (Digiconomist 2019), espe-
brings its share of dangers. cially if its use becomes widespread (see Chapters
10 and 11).
Impact of digital technology on justice and The Internet makes it easier to report injustice or
democracy violence than before. As an example, Malala You-
safzai, Nobel Peace Prize winner in 2014, was able
to report on the violence perpetrated by the Taliban
Positive inputs in her region of Pakistan through the BBC Urdu blog
(BBC 2009; BBC 2017). In another log, the WikiLeaks
Digital technologies can make institutions more website allows for the anonymous publication of
efficient, more transparent, more participatory, or confidential documents about violence, espionage,
even more inclusive (Fedotov and Gettu 2017, pp. corruption, or even tax evasion (WikiLeaks 2017). It
129-130). The example of the Barcelona municipa- is therefore a safe space for whistleblowers.
lity is significant. Through the Decidim Barcelona
platform, citizens can propose ideas for the city and Dangers
discuss them. Thus, 70% of the city's political agen-
da was decided by 40,000 Barcelonians (Bria 2018, Fake news on the Internet has influenced election
39:05 to 42:45; Decidim Barcelona 2019). results in recent years. Thus, during the campaign
for the referendum on the United Kingdom's exit
from the European Union, false information circu-
lated on social networks and some Internet adverti-
sements that the United Kingdom would pay £350
million each week to the European Union (Reuben
2016; Simon 2016). Three years later, half of Britons

* Word or acronym defined at the end of the document PAGE 47

9. Peace, Justice and Democracy.

still believe this false information (C à vous 2019). Impact of digital technology on peace and
Thus, while it is impossible to determine whether the violence
Brexit would have happened without this fake news,
we fully understand the impact it may have had.
Positive inputs
According to research based on a large sample of
individuals from 57 countries around the world stu-
died between 2004 and 2008, it appears that the
use of the Internet has led to greater openness and
tolerance around the world in the vast majority of
countries studied. The explanation would be that
the Internet allows people to have access to a wide
variety of information and communicate with people
of all types (Weyand 2014, pp. 114-150). However,
Photomontage showing mass control in China. this may have changed in recent years due to so-
© CC0 - Public Domain - Montage CND cial media and recommendation algorithms that
lock people into "their own thought bubble" (Pariser
Digital technology can also be used for mass sur-
veillance to better control people or certain mino- Dangers
rities. In China, the Uighur people, who are Turki- Digital technology enables the perpetration of va-
sh-speaking and Islamic, are under constant state rious forms of violence.
surveillance, including through facial recognition
(Seibt 2017). In addition, the Chinese Communist First, the manufacture of digital technologies gene-
Party is considering the establishment of a compre- rally takes place under deplorable working condi-
hensive social credit system to define "good" and tions and is sometimes used to enrich dictatorships,
"bad" citizens (Suquian 2019) (see BOX). There are criminal groups, and even to finance wars (see
also facial recognition identification projects in Eu- Chapter 3).
rope, in France in particular (Saviana 2019). Overall,
there are many risks of restrictions on freedoms and
privacy concerns (Cadwalladr and Graham-Harrison

China's social credit system aims to evaluate each

citizen's actions. Good actions are rewarded with points
added to the total, while bad actions take away points. For
example, not paying bills on time or spreading fake news
are bad actions that lead to a drop in your total score (Ma
2018). Having too few points on your meter can prevent Congolese soldiers in 2001, during the Second Congo War, a conflict
you from accessing certain services, for example. So despite also provoked by the struggle for coltan deposits.
the fact that the project is still in the testing phase, millions © CC0 - Public Domain - Frank Wolf
of people have already been denied airline tickets or the
ability to enroll their children in the best schools (Ma 2018).
This system is somewhat reminiscent of the Nosedive epi- Second, it appears that the Internet and social
sode of the dystopian series Black Mirror (Schur and Jones networks give rise to violent or criminal acts, inclu-
2016). ding cyberstalking (Connected Generations 2019a)
and child pornography (Connected Generations
Finally, new digital technologies will undoubtedly 2019b). They allow an outlet for violence by people
bring about profound changes in law and the exer- hidden behind their screens. They also allow groups
cise of justice. For example, algorithms* could be to purchase weapons, organize criminal actions or
used to write law texts or to recommend the number attacks (Bartlett 2014). These activities are usual-
of years a prisoner can be imprisoned. Such uses ly organized on the dark web*, which is a set of
of algorithms are beginning to spread, raising many networks within the Internet that allows each user to
questions (Grapon and Lassègue 2018; Piana 2018) be anonymous (Stambolijska 2017).
- see Chapter 5. Finally, if nothing is done to prevent it, it will certainly
be possible within a few years to build automated le-
thal weapons, i.e. machines capable of killing without
being controlled by human beings. These weapons
will pose enormous risks to world peace (FLI 2019)
and have prompted the famous physicist Stephen
Hawking to declare that artificial intelligence *could
lead to the end of humanity (Cellan-Jones 2014).

for NHS? BBC.
In short. • uk-politics-eu-referendum-36040060 [Accessed April 8, 2019].
• Digital technology has the potential to bring • Roser, M. 2019. War and Peace. OurWorldInData. https://ourworldinda- [Accessed April 3, 2019].
progress for peace, justice, and democracy. • Saviana, A. 2019. Lancement de la reconnaissance faciale en France :
However, it can also be extremely harmful. It mais qu'allons-nous faire dans cette galère ? Marianne. www.marianne.
net/societe/lancement-de-la-reconnaissance- faciale-en-france-mais-qu-
is therefore necessary to reflect and act, both allons-nous-faire-dans-cette-galere [Accessed January 9, 2020].
individually and collectively, to ensure that new • Simon, D. 2016. Le Royaume Uni paye-t-il 350 millions de livres chaque
semaine à Bruxelles ? France Inter. https://www.
digital technologies are used to achieve peace, le-vrai-faux-de-l-europe/le-vrai-faux-de-l-europe- 24-juin-2016 [Accessed
April 8, 2019].
justice, and democracy.
• Schur, M. et Jones, R. 2016. Nosedive. In: Brooker, C. Black Mirror. Los
Gatos : Netflix.
• Seibt, S. 2017. Comment Pékin organise la surveillance
2.0 des Ouïghours . France 24. https://www.france24. com/
Related classroom resources fr/20190218-chine-ouighour-surveillance-xinjiang-reconnais- sance-fa-
ciale-qr-code-musulman [Accessed April 19, 2019].
• Suquian, J. 2019. China’s “social credit” scheme involves cajolery
Educational Pathway n. 3 : “What does digital tech- and sanctions. The Economist. https://www.econo-
nology bring to my life, to our lives?” na/2019/03/28/chinas-social-credit-scheme-involves-cajole- ry-and-sanc-
tions [Accessed April 15, 2019].
• Activity 4 "The Philosophical debate". • Stamboliyska, R. 2017. La face cachée d'internet. Paris : Larousse.
• Transparency International. 2018. Corruption perception index 2018.
• Activity 5 "I put myself in the place of...". [Accessed April 3, 2019].
• Weyand, C. 2014. Can the Internet Empower People? Empirical Studies
Educational Pathway n. 6 : A future with or without on Transparency, Accountability, and Open-Mindedness. Tesi di dottorato,
Université de Cologne. https://kups.ub.uni-koeln. de/5616/1/Diss.pdf
digital technology? [Accessed April 8, 2019].
• WikiLeaks. 2017. WikiLeaks Ten Year Anniversary: https://wikileaks.
• • Activity N. 1 "Controversial futures?" org/10years/ [Accessed April 8, 2019].

Training Modules:
1 (1.5.), 5 (U.A. 5.1.), 6 (6.1., 6.2., 6.3.).

• Balva, C. 2017. La Blockchain: réinventer les rapports de confiance . Lyon
: TEDx. watch?v=JID9c-MABis [Accessed April
8, 2019].
• Bartlett, J. 2014. The Dark Net. Londres : William Heinemann.
• BBC. 2009. Diary of a Pakistani schoolgirl
south_asia/7834402.stm [Accessed April 8, 2019].
• BBC. 2017. Profile: Malala Yousafzai. https://
ld-asia-23241937 [Accessed April 8, 2019].
• Bria, F. 2018. In: Poulain, H. et al. eds. 2018. Démocratie(s) ? Data
Gueule. watch?v=RAvW7LIML60 [Accessed
April 8, 2019].
• Cadwalladr, C. et Graham-Harrison, R. 2018. Revealed: 50 million
Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge Analytica in major data breach
[In internet]. The Guardian. news/2018/
mar/17/cambridge-analytica-facebook-influence-us-election [Accessed
January, 2020].
• C à vous. 2019. Fake news, la fabrique du mensonge. France
• 5. [Accessed April
8, 2019].
• Cellan-Jones, R. 2014. Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence
could end mankind technology-30290540
[Accessed April 7, 2019].
• Chapron, G. 2017. The environment needs cryptogovernance. Nature
545(7655), pp. 403-405. poly_fs/1.22023!/
menu/main/topColumns/topLeftColumn/pdf/545403a. pdf [Accessed
April 8, 2019].
• Decidim Barcelona. 2019. Preguntas frecuentes https://www.decidim.
• UN. 2017. Paix, justice et institutions efficaces : pourquoi sont-elles
importantes ? development/fr/wp-
content/uploads/sites/4/2017/01/Why-it-matters- Goal-16_FR.pdf
[Accessed April 9, 2019].
• Pariser, E. 2011. The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding from You.
New York : Penguin Press.
• Piana, D. 2018. Predicting justice: what if algorithms entered the cour-
thouse? The Conversation. https://thecon-
tice-what-if-algorithms-entered-the-cour- thouse-91692 [Accessed April
9, 2019].
• Renard, C. 2017. Justice, presse, détention provisoire... l’autoritarisme
bat son plein en Turquie. https://www.france-
tice-presse-detention-provisoire-lautorita- risme-bat-son-plein-en-turquie
[Accessed April 9, 2019].
• Reporters sans frontières. 2018. RSF Index 2018: Hatred of journalism
threatens democracies dex-2018-hatred-journa-
lism-threatens-democracies [Accessed April 3, 2019].
• Reuben, A. 2016. Reality Check: Would Brexit mean extra £350m a week

Numérique et enjeux

his second section of the booklet, ac- Often perceived as "virtual", dematerialized and "clean",
counts for four chapters and is organized digital economy plays an important role in the current de-
in a way to bring knowledge about the en- gradation of ecosystems. From the digital destroyer to the
vironmental impacts of digital technology, formidable tool of ecological transition, the step is short: the
technologies. final result will depend a lot on the positions we will be able
to take, both on an individual level, as consumers, and col-
Chapter 10 is the most technical of the entire
lectively, as citizens belonging to cOMMunities. It is up to
booklet, as it composes a "directory" of known infor-
you to judge.
mation on current GHG emissions associated with
the manufacture and use of digital equipment. It also
provides some guidance on how to reduce individual
emissions. Chapter 11 reports a more societal and
collective view of the environmental impacts of digi-
tal. It elaborates on the notion of planned obsoles- 10 : Climate Change
cence, the role of digital in metal depletion, and the
concept of rebound effects. The latter is of central 11 : Responsible Consumption and Production
importance to understanding the environmental im- 12 : Ecosystems
pacts of the digital sector. Chapter 12 focuses on
the potential for conservation and ecological res-
13 : Sustainable Cities and Communities
toration of ecosystems by new digital technologies,
comparing it to the many natural disasters caused
by appliance manufacturing and toxic WEEE waste.
Chapter 13 details the concept of "smart cities" or
"intelligent cities" by assessing their potential in ma-
king them sustainable.


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CHaPTeR 10: CLiMaTe CHaNGe

warming below +1.5°C (UN 2019a) Current commitments
Why is it important? would lead to total warming of + 2.9°C/+ 3.4°C, and this is
Climate change is changes in climate, locally and globally, without accounting for the cascading events mentioned
caused primarily by humanity and its greenhouse gas above (WMO et al. 2019). In 2018, GHG emissions
(GHG) emissions into the atmosphere. The climate is not increased by another 2% (WMO et al. 2019). All of these
just warming, it is changing. For example, the number of different elements lead some to believe that the goals to
extreme weather events such as droughts and storms has be achieved are not achievable (Anderson 2016), and that
increased significantly (Guilyardi et al. 2019). the partial or total collapse of our societies is inevitable
(Servigne and Stevens 2015).
GHG emissions are estimated to account for 60% of
humanity's total ecological footprint (Earth Overshoot Day Action to avoid such catastrophic consequences is
2019). Thus, climate change is already causing profound essential. Business groups and states are making
changes in the environment; among them: the near total ambitious commitments (UN 2019b): it is to be hoped
disappearance of Arctic sea ice (permafrost) and coral that these efforts will become widespread and materialize
reefs (Guilyardi et al. 2019), the drying up of major rivers into concrete actions. The climate protests and strikes
(Giraud 2019), the raising of water levels by about 1 meter of recent years, promoted by young - and not so young
by 2100 compared to the 19th century (IPCC 2019), the - people, are helping to move in this direction, putting
disappearance of many forests due to rising temperatures pressure on politicians and the rest of society (UN 2019c;
(Steffen et al. 2018), and the destruction of ecosystems FridaysForFuture 2019).
(Guilyardi et al. 2019). Finally, the European Union plays an important role in
These changes in the environment have, and will have the climate crisis, both because of its responsibility as a
even more in the future, negative impacts on human historical gas producer and because it is one of the areas
societies. These include declining agricultural yields of the Planet that are most reducing GHG emissions
(WMO et al. 2019), declining water resources (Hofste et within its borders.
al. 2019; Giraud 2019), or even flooding: more than 700 Finally, European citizens are among the most concerned
million people live in flood-prone areas (IPCC 2019). In about trends in climate and environmental issues
addition, some areas may become too hot to support (European Commission 2019).
human life (Pal and Eltahir 2016). The risks of new
pandemics caused by melting frozen soils containing old
viruses stored in soils are also increasing (Grasset 2019).
Europe will not be spared: in 2050, the hottest month of
the year in most major European cities could be between Actual GHG emissions GES caused by
4 and 8 °C above current temperatures (Bastin et al. technological devices
These different events will cause great distress to many
people. They could force the displacement of tens or even Digital technology* is a major contributor to green-
hundreds of millions of people. They are also likely to house gas emissions. In 2019, this sector accounted
result in major conflicts (Dunlop and Spratt 2017). Some for between 2.6% (Bordage 2019a) and 4% (The Shift
wars in recent years, including the Syrian conflict, are
already very partial and indirect consequences of climate Project 2018) of total anthropogenic emissions: the
change (Ünker et al. 2018; Dunlop and Spratt 2017). range between the two percentages stems from me-
Scientists believe that an estimated threshold of +1.5 thodological differences in existing studies. It should
to +2°C of warming relative to the period 1850-1900 be noted that the above result does not take into
should not be exceeded, because otherwise a series of account emissions related to the end-of-life of ap-
cascading events would result in subsequent warming,
and this is under the assumption of no new human GHG pliances, given the limited data available in this regard
emissions (Steffen et al. 2018; Dunlop and Spratt 2018). (see Chapter 12). In comparison, the share of emis-
If this threshold were instead exceeded, it could lead to a sions attributed to air traffic is between 4% and 8%. In
total warming of +4°C (Dunlop and Spratt 2018; WMO et this case, the wide margin between the minimum and
al. 2019). This would cause events so catastrophic that
the end of organized human life would not be ruled out maximum threshold is due to the lack of information
(Anderson 2011; World Bank 2012). Some IPCC (2014) on the warming potential of some substances emitted
scenarios exceed the +4°C bar. in flight (European Parliament 2017) - while the share
Time is running out. In fact, global warming is already of greenhouse gases emitted by light vehicles, less
+1.1°C above 1850-1900 (WMO et al. 2019). To have a than three and a half tons, is estimated at 8% (The Shift
50% chance of staying below 1.5°C and a 66% chance of
staying below 2°C, it would be necessary to halve human Project 2018). Thus, digital technology accounts for as
GHG emissions during each decade between 2020 and many emissions as the manufacture/use of one-third/
2050 (Rockström et al. 2017). half of the Earth's light vehicles.
In Western Europe, a citizen emits, on average, about
To avert disaster, states committed in the Paris 474 kilograms of CO2e (CO2 equivalents) - the unit
Agreement to limit global warming to well below 2°C by
2100 (Saversi 2016). However, the agreement in no way of measure for GHGs - for their digital consumption
binds states to meet their commitments, and thus simply (The Shift Project 2018, p.60). To get an idea of what
relies on the goodwill of heads of state and governments this amount represents, Table 1 shows the emissions
(Saversi 2016). In addition, the UN considers that, in 2019,
states' commitments in this regard, worldwide, were 3-5 caused by certain actions [1]. Thus, an inhabitant of
times less than what would be needed to contain global the European Union emits about 9,100 kg of CO2e

PAGE 52 * Word or acronym defined at the end of the document

each year, 5.2% of which is due to digital consumption, World 217
3.8% for a French person (Citizen's Climate Conven-
Table 2. GHG emissions caused by the digital sector, by
tion 2019, p. 23; Bordage et al. (2020, pp. 8-9). This
geographic region (2016)
corresponds to about a quarter of the GHG emissions
per person recommended in 2050 to stay below 2°C
for global warming. In addition, some Europeans, teens and young
adults, have high consumption of digital services*
(Smart Generation 2016), generally higher than
people of older ages. Therefore, they/they spend
(kg CO�e)
more time on the Internet* (Statista 2019), are more
present on social networks (Ofcom 2019), consume
Average consumption of a European 9. 100 a year more online videos (Westcott et al. 2018; Blattberg
GHG emissions per person recOM- 2015) and Internet-connected video games (Ofcom
Mended in 2050 to stay below + 2 °C 2.100 a year 2018). For example, in France they spend more than
temperature increase a quarter of their waking time connected (Bordage,
2019), so the digital emissions of an average Euro-
London-New York route (one way) 1.600
pean youth are, without a doubt, very important.
Travel 1,000 km by car (medium capacity
Consume 1 kg of beef 36
Switch from an omnivorous to a vegan
- 800 a year
Wash clothes with cold water - 250 a year
Recycle waste correctly - 210 a year
Hang wet clothes instead of drying them
- 210 a year The new generations, hyper-connected, therefore
using electricity very much greenhouse gas emitters.
© CC- - BY-SA 2.0
Insulate the walls of your home - 180 a year
Eat organic, local, seasonal food - 80 a year Sources of emissions
Reduce packaging and disposable plas-
- 40 a year
tic wrap It is important to understand the sources of GHG
Tableau 1. GHG emissions caused by different types of actions. emissions associated with digital technology. Cate-
Figures shown refer to consumption per individual. gories can be created. The data cited in this sec-
tion-and throughout the chapter-are approximate,
Data sources: Wynes et Nicholas (2017); Ravijen (2018); Écoconso because the calculations to be performed are very
(2019a) ; Ademe (2017). complex, change from year to year, depend on the
limits defined from year to year, etc. They must, the-
refore, be considered more as orders of magnitude
than as absolute truths.
All and everyone equally responsible?
Breakdown by type of equipment
Individuals are not equal when it comes to digital Digital emissions come from a variety of devices,
GHG emissions. Therefore, according to The Shift each emitting different amounts of GHGs during
Project (2018, p.60), in 2016, an average Western production and use. The digital universe consists of
European emitted more digital-related GHGs than three categories.
those living in other parts of the world, excluding the
United States and Japan, as shown in Table 2. • User Terminals

GHG Emissions per inhabitant

Geographic Region
(kg CO2e)
United States 1027
Western Europe 474
Japan 486
China 291
Three "terminals" to which a multitude of
Global South (ex- other connected objects are added.
64 © CC0 - Public Domain - Frank Wolf
cluding China)

10. CLiMaTe CHaNGe

A first category includes user terminals, which are not • Datacenters

limited to computers, tablets, smartphones and prin-
ters. Connected objects*, such as televisions, watches,
thermostats, drones, speakers, and a thousand others,
also fall into this category. In 2019, there were 19 billion
connected objects in use worldwide, of which "traditio-
nal" user terminals made up a minority portion (Bor-
dage 2019a).
GHG emissions related to user terminals account for
about 60-65% of the total in the digital sector (Bordage
2019a; The Shift Project 2018) and are increasing (Bor- Tens of millions of servers make up the data centers.
© CC0 - Public Domain
dage 2015). In this category of objects, emissions oc-
cur primarily during the manufacturing phase, not the
use phase. For example, in the case of a smartphone, A second category involves data centers, also called
only 6% of the energy consumed comes from use, in data centers* and/or computer centers, which store
the form of charging the device. This figure is 11% for about 20% of the world's data* and are, in part, as-
computers and 33% for connected televisions - smart sociated with cloud-like services* (The Shift Project
TVs (The Shift Project 2018). 2018). In 2019, data centers corresponded to 67 mil-
Table 3 shows the CO2e emissions related to the ma- lion servers and a similar number of other computing
nufacturing of some digital devices. Thus, as an exa- devices (Bordage 2019a). In this case, the energy used
mple, the purchase of a connected speaker required is predominantly associated with their use and not with
the emission of 176 kg of CO2e to be manufactured, the manufacturing phase of the equipment (Bordage
about 2% of the average emissions of a European for 2019a),and corresponds to the cooling of the servers
a single device! The GHGs emitted are also equivalent (Bihouix and Mauvilly 2016). About 15-20% of digital
to those "saved" if you decide to eat organic, local and GHG emissions are attributable to data centers (Bor-
seasonal for about 2 years. dage 2019a; The Shift Project 2018).

• Computer networks
GHG Emissions in the
Electronic device manufacturing phase
(kg CO�e)
Desktop computer with screen
Laptop, mid-range (Apple, Dell)
Connected television (smart
TV), 55 inch (Samsung) Cables, one of the many infrastructures (ADSL/Fiber boxes, anten-
nae-relays, satellites...) necessary for network connections.
Tablet (Apple) 80-200 © CC0 - Public Domain
Laser printer 191
The third category concerns the computer network*
Connected speaker (Apple) 176 required to connect all points on the network, all ter-
Modem (high frequency fiber) 115 minals, to each other. In 2019, it was composed of 1.1
Salon video console 102 billion boxes/routers/modems to connect to the Inter-
net, 10 million relay antennas (from 2 to 5G), millions
Smartphone (Mid Range) 61 of kilometers of terrestrial and submarine cables - the
Connected watch (Apple) 30-50 latter numbering 1.2 million, the longest being 20,000
Table 3. GHG emissions from different digital devices.
km. (TeleGeography 2019) - to connect equipment, sa-
Variations between items are significant.
tellites, and about 200 million other devices (Bordage
Data sources: The Shift Project (2018, p.29); Dell (2019); Apple (2019),
2019a ; Bihouix and Mauvilly 2016). As with data cen-
Ademe (2018) .
ters, the impact of this category is largely due to the
use of the network rather than the production of its
elements (Bordage 2019a). In addition, the vast majo-
rity of consumption occurs in the last few miles of the
link, close to homes, i.e. at local repeater antennas and
Internet boxes/routers/modens (Bordage 2017). Ener-
gy is mainly used to produce electromagnetic waves
that will enable data transfer * (Bihouix and Mauvilly
2016). Approximately 15-20% of digital emissions are
associated with equipment in this category (Bordage
2019a; The Shift Project 2018).


Data centers NETWORKS

(cables, antennae, satellites…)

Tablet and other 6-7% Data centers

connected objects 2%
≥ 10%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 ... %

Computer Smart TV
Breakdown of CO2 emissions of digital infrastructure phones
35% 20-25%

Breakdown by production phase: manufacturing

versus usage Energy consumption in the manufacturing
phase of digital devices
Au total, environ 45% des émissions mondiales de GES
du numérique proviennent de la fabrication des équi- MANUFACTURING45%
pements, tandis que les 55% restants proviennent de
l’utilisation de ces équipements (Bordage 2019a ; The Shift
Project 2018). La part de la fin de vie n’est pas prise en • Usage
compte, par manque de données fiables.
GHG emissions related to the use of digital technolo-
gy come from the electrical energy used by all digital
USAGE MANU- devices. This electricity is used, on the one hand, for
transferring device data (The Shift Project 2019a), and
55% FACTURING on the other hand, for using software * running offline.
GHG Emissions The distribution of impacts between the two catego-
ries is not known precisely, we do however have some
GHG emissions are directly related to the energy consumed in the information.
manufacturing (production) and usage phases.
For data transfer, The Shift Project calculated that GHG
En France, la partie fabrication représente envi- emissions associated with online video were 305 MT
ron 83% des émissions de GES, contre 17% pour la CO2e in 2018, or about 0.57% of total global GHG emis-
partie utilisation (Bordage et al. 2020). Cette diffé- sions that year (OMM et al. 2019), or between 25 and
rence entre le cas français et le cas mondial est sans 40% of GHG emissions related to digital technology
doute en grande partie due au fait que l’électricité y use, depending on whether the estimate is based on
est pro- duite à partir de l’énergie nucléaire, moins The Shift Project (2018; 2019a) or Bordage (2019a).
émettrice de GES – pour plus d’informations à ce Additionally, online video accounts for 80% of global
sujet, voir le Tableau 4 et la note [2]. data traffic and there is a link between the amount of
data transmitted and GHG emissions. However, it is not
necessarily true that transferring large amounts of data
generates proportional GHG emissions. Some low data
• Manufacturing transfer activities may prove to be very GHG emitters.
Emissions related to the manufacturing of digital Offline software use is about using electricity to power
devices come mainly from the mining phase of the devices (computers, tablets, ...) allowing you to run the
ore and their processing into electronic components programs * and computer software in use around the
(Bordage 2019a). The latter also implies enormous world, some of which perform calculations that require
pressure on ecosystems (see ch. 12) and workers enormous power. This type of digital use occurs pri-
(see ch. 1). marily in professional settings. Strubell et al. (2019),
In the "Manufacturing" category, data from 2018 taking the exampleof a certain type of particularly en-
and 2019 show that 35% of energy was consumed ergy-intensive artificial intelligence*, calculated that it
to produce computers. Smartphones and connec- is necessary to emit more than 600 tons of GHG just to
ted televisions each had a 20 to 25 percent share. make it ready for use. So, considering the huge amount
The rest of the energy was used to produce other of computer programs and software used around the
equipment, including network equipment (6-7%) and world, we can consider that this category represents a
data centers (2%) and other user terminals, primarily significant burden. Hard to be more precise.
tablets and other connected items (The Shift Project
2019a; Bordage 2019a). These figures refer to ener-
gy consumption, not GHG emissions, but still provi-
de an order of magnitude.

10. CLiMaTe CHaNGe

2020). The "IPTV" category encompasses services

25 - 40% ? that illegally deliver television programming from
around the world via the Internet rather than terres-
OTHER TYPES of trial cable - see Mouv' (2018) for a brief explanation.
TRASFERS of OFFLINE This category is growing rapidly (Sandvine 2019).

GHG Emissions in
the USAGE phase


Online video games are a significant part of global greenhouse gas

(GHG) emissions of the digital sector.
Note: 55% is the global average of electricity mix with majority of © CC- - BY-SA 2.0
fossil sources (coal, natural gas and oil).
Good practices to reduce emissions

It is possible, from individual digital utilizers, to reduce

Global data traffic scenario GHG emissions: this section recommends some use-
The amount of data transferred is far from propor- ful practices in this regard. Non-professional daily
tional to the amount of GHGs emitted, yet it reveals consumption has been considered. In general, it is
the trends. The figure below reconstructs a fairly ac- good to clarify that there is no miraculous action ca-
curate picture of global data traffic in 2018-2019. pable of drastically reducing our emissions. In fact, a
The "VOD" category refers to platforms that host ge- significant reduction can only be achieved by com-
nerally long streaming videos*, while "Tube" refers to bining several actions.
those that host generally short videos, including It is important to pay close attention to the figures men-
YouTube and TikTok. Perhaps the most surprising tioned in this section, as well as others from different
figure is the traffic associated with watching strea- sources because the difficult research on these issues
ming pornographic videos. In fact, such platforms is still in its infancy stage. However, these calculations
are among the most visited websites in the world, are still approximations, based on global or national
with 4 of them in the top 20 in 2020 (SimilarWeb

Number of bytes transferred using online services


20% 16% 13% 10-15% 7% 6% 4, 2% 3%
Jeux en
YouTube ligne (SOFTWARE)
Netflix 13%
8,7% 8,7%
16% 2, 6%

TikTok Bitcoin,
Amazon Prime Twitch Facebook BitTorrent
2% Ethereum
Video 2,6% DailyMotion 2,5% 3,7% 2,4%
Openload 1,4% 0,8% Illegal Instagram
internet TV 1,6%
Global Internet data traffic by service and provider company. Sources : The Shift Project (2018, 2019a); Sandvine (2018); Sandvine
(2019); Digiconomist (2019a, 2019b); Stoll et al. 2019).

averages, which are unsuitable to individual cases and
are therefore open to criticism and improvement.
In fact, many parameters influence GHG emissions
caused by the transmission of data over the Internet:
the time of day, the country of residence, the compa-
nies involved in the transfer and the techniques they
used, the energy sources drawn on, the distance the
data traveled in the network, the operator and type of
Internet connection, and the type of terminal used. Repair, a way to extend the lifespan of our digital devices.
© CC0 - Public Domain
This section should also not make us forget that indivi-
duals alone cannot do everything: there are economic,
social, and political barriers to changing our behaviors
It is important to adopt this kind of thinking for each
(Keucheyan 2019; Citizens Climate Convention 2019,
of the devices used (ADEME 2020). Indeed, the pur-
p.33). An individual has little decision-making power
chase of a new smartphone represents only about
over policies and companies that seek to encourage
0.7% of a European's annual GHG emissions, but
consumption - see Chapter 11. Collective struggles
everyone owns many digital devices. For example,
and advocacy to act to reduce the environmental im-
French people aged 15-70 have an average of 15 de-
pact of digital also play a very important role.
vices (Bordage et al. 2020). Thus, the opportunities
for emissions reductions are multiplied. According
to the data in Table 3 of this chapter, it seems wor-
thwhile to focus one's efforts on large devices, such
as connected televisions, desktop, or laptop compu-
ters, or even connected speakers.

• Replacing the connected TV with a

Collective mobilizations, a way of acting to As explained in Table 3 on the third page of this
evolve society and eco-citizen behavior chapter, manufacturing a mid-range connected te-
© CC - Rastrelli - BY -NC-SA 2.0 levision (smart TV) emits between 400 and 500 kg
of CO2e. Manufacturing a video projector emits at
In the following two subsections, the recommended least 12 times less GHG (Bordage 2019b). This cor-
good practices cover both the manufacturing and use responds to a saving of about 400 kg of GHG, or a
phases of digital devices. gain equivalent to about half a year of vegan food
compared to an omnivorous diet (see Table 1, on the
Manufacturing - production second page of the chapter).

• Extending the life of terminals Usage

If the lifespan of all digital devices were extended by • Choosing a “green” electricity supplier
30% by 2025, global digital GHG emissions would
be 18% lower than projected at that date (Bordage The GHG emissions of this phase come largely from
2019a). For example, extending the life of your lap- the electricity consumed by the user. However, this
top from 4 to 6 years would save more than 100 kg electricity will emit different amounts of GHGs de-
of CO2e, which is about as much as reducing pac- pending on the method of energy production - see
kaging and single-use plastics for 2.5 years - see Table 4. It is crucial to choose an electricity supplier
Table 1 at the beginning of the chapter for further that prioritizes sustainable energy sources and pro-
comparisons. duction methods. There are specialized websites
that help to choose the best possible supplier based
Unfortunately, digital equipment is often designed on this criterion. For example, Greenpeace Belgium,
in such a way that it needs to be replaced regularly France and the UK (2020), consumer associations
(see Chapter 11). However, there are many tips for and the website for Italy, rank suppliers.
extending the life of devices, such as reusing, repai-
ring, and choosing brands that promote durability
and repairability (see Chapter 11). For more detailed
Carbon intensity of en-
advice, there are many sites on the net.
Sources of Energy ergy consumed (CO2e/
We suggest: And https:// Kwh) Carbon 820
Fioul 778
Diesel 778

10. CLiMaTe CHaNGe

Natural Gas 490 ching, for example, from Wi-Fi to 4G or 5G), watching
a video will require, on average, the same amount of
Solar 45 energy, whether it takes place locally, or whether it is
Geothermic 38 streamed, if the video, instead of being downloaded
from the web directly to the local medium is instead
Hydroelectric 24
first downloaded from the web to the cloud and then
Sea Waves 17 from the cloud to the local medium: in this case, the
Nuclear 12 same amount of information is transferred as if one
were to watch it directly online.
Wind 11
Table 4. GHG emission for the same amount of energy
produced according to the different sources. These results take
into account all stages of the production cycle, from extraction
• Watching fewer onine videos
to waste treatment.

Sources: Gagnon et al. (2002). For fuel oil and diesel data; for others:
GIEC (2014, p.1335).

• Avoiding 3, 4 and 5G

Watching videos online (on the Internet) is one of the most greenhouse
gas-emitting activities of Europeans
© CC0 - Public Domain

Video accounts for a significant percentage of GHG

emissions related to the use of digital technology by
individuals. It is therefore one of the levers of indivi-
3, 4, 5G, big energy sink... dual action to reduce GHG emissions. As explained
© CC-Karlie Dambrans-BY-2.0
above, the figures depend on many parameters, so
we can only provide averages.
Data transfer does not emit the same amount of The Netflix case
GHG depending on the transfer mode: Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G,
or 5G. Using 4G requires about 4 times more elec- Watching one hour of streaming video on the Net-
tricity than Wi-Fi (Kamiya 2020). The figures are flix platform over Wi-Fi in HD quality on a laptop will
slightly lower for 3G (Bordage 2019b, p.169) and emit 30 grams of GHG in Belgium, 8 in France, 50 in
could be higher for 5G. Indeed, the latter requires a Italy, and 80 worldwide (Kamiya 2020) - the diffe-
large amount of infrastructure, including a large nu- rence between these cases comes from the type of
mber of relay antennas (Grijpink et al. 2018). energy produced [2]. If an Italian watches 3 hours of
Netflix videos per day in HD over Wi-Fi for a year, the
Therefore, the use of 3, 4, and 5G should be avoided shows will be about 54 kg on a laptop and 87 on a
as much as possible. Unfortunately, the advent of 50-inch smart TV. The latter case represents nearly
connected objects, often used outside of Wi-Fi, as 1% of a European's GHG emissions. Other examples
well as low-cost mobile data subscriptions, tend to are listed in Table 5 below. There are significant
increase their use. If you absolutely want to transfer differences depending on device type, video defini-
data - to work on a document hosted in the cloud, tion, and connection type.
to watch a streaming movie or listen to music - wi-
thout having Wi-Fi available, it's best to remember What about outside of Netflix?
to download it first, via Wi -Fi. It's also best to turn However, these results only apply to Netflix, which
off mobile data to make sure you don't mistakenly has implemented systems to limit the GHG emis-
transfer data through this. sions of its videos (Kamiya 2020). The Shift Project
(2020), which attempted a similar model based on
• Storing locally instead of in the cloud aggregate data - and thus not specific to Netflix -
Transferring data between the data center and the found that watching HD video would, on average,
user's terminal (PC, smartphone, etc.) requires en- have 4-7 times the impact of Kamiya's (2020) re-
ergy, so it emits GHG. On an annual basis, transfer- sults for Netflix. There are fundamental differences
ring data to the cloud* emits, on average, twice as between the two models, and it's difficult to compare
much as the corresponding local storage, on hard them. It's impossible to say whether the Shift Project
drive, external memory, etc. (Bordage 2019b, p.169), numbers are exaggerated: that's the opinion of some,
as cloud use multiplies its impact due to continuous including Kamiya (2020) and Nicolle (2019). Howe-
data movement. ver, watching a video, all other settings being equal,
on a site that has not optimized power consumption
With unchanged connectivity (i.e., without swit-

is likely to emit significantly more GHGs than Netflix. analog TV where possible, thus reducing, as much
as possible, greenhouse gas emissions (Preist and
Considering overall data from the Shift Project
Schien 2018; Bordage 2019). In addition, it is desi-
(2020), watching one hour of streaming video would
rable to listen to music through audio files, or, fai-
emit, on average, about 400 grams of GHG world-
ling that, always try to minimize the quality of music
wide, about 226 in the European Union (IEA 2020). It
videos on YouTube. In fact, audio files require the
is difficult to estimate the average daily time spent
transfer of much less data. It has been calculated
by a European watching online videos, because sta-
that if, in 2016, half of the music videos on YouTube
tistical bodies generally do not take into account all
were listened to using audio files alone, the decrease
categories - "VoD"," Pornography "," Pipes "," Games
in total GHG emissions would have been 586 KT,
"," IPTV "," Social networks ", etc. It appears from
or about 6% of the total YouTube shows that year
existing data that European adolescents spend 2-5
(Preist et al. 2019).
hours per day watching online videos [3]. Therefore,
the average online video consumption of a European
teenager emits between 165 and 412 kg of CO2e per
In general, lowering the quality of videos is always
year, equivalent to driving 660 to 1,650 kilometers in
a good measure. In fact, the higher resolution of a
a mid-range car (see Table 1 at the beginning of the
video results in more data to be transferred, what
chapter). Therefore, it is of paramount importance
affects GHG emissions (Kamiya 2020; The Shift Pro-
to limit the impacts of video viewing and thus avoid
ject 2019). For example, watching an hour of Netflix
dangerous future escalations.
video from a laptop connected via Wi-Fi will emit 6
Instead of watching one's favorite series online, to 7 times less GHG in SD (low resolution) than in 4K.
one may choose to watch it offline on "traditional"

Total Emissions in kg of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e)

The Netflix case
per 1 year-vision at 3 hours a day
Type of Quality of Type of
in France in Italy in Belgium In the World
device videos connection
Laptop SD
(standard Wi-Fi 2,7 18,3 11,9 29
Laptop HD 4G 28,2 173,8 113,4 275,1
Smartphone HD Wi-Fi 7,7 47,7 31,1 75,4
Smartphone 4K 4G 63,1 389 253,7 615,6
Smart TV (su
4K Wi-Fi 24,3 150 97,8 237,4
Table 4. A few examples of GHG emissions after one year of watching Netflix programs (at 3 hours per day) in France, Italy, Belgium,
and the World.

Everyone can calculate their own emissions on the International Energy Agency website (AIE):

Screenshot of the GHG emission simulator from watching programs on Netflix designed by Kamiya (2020).

10. CLiMaTe CHaNGe

Finally, to reduce video consumption, it is useful to Low-impact practices

remove automatic playback - also called autoplay -
a tool that starts a new video a few seconds after the There are actions, disseminated by the media, that,
end of the previous one, as well as viewing history in reality, do not have a decisive impact. The imple-
(The Shift Project 2019). These actions are possible mentation of the following suggestions is recom-
on Netflix and YouTube, for example. mended, knowing that they do not weigh much on
the total greenhouse gas emissions related to digi-
• Encouraging the use of smaller devices tal.

A smartphone, tablet, laptop, or smart TV does not • Deleting e-mails

consume the same amount of power; therefore, it
will not emit the same amount of GHG. Therefore, Storing an email in the cloud for a year requires half
the same HD video watched on Netflix over Wi-Fi will the energy of the initial mailing. Therefore, removing
emit about twice as much GHG on a connected 50- 1 GB of email is equivalent to a reduction of 0.04 kg
inch TV as on a smartphone (Kamiya 2020). of CO2e per year (Bordage 2016). A drop of water in
the sea.

• Unsubscribing from newsletters

• Turning off Internet modems, routers and
boxes Unsubscribing from 50 newsletters, each sending a
1 MB email per week, saves about 9 kg of CO2e per
year in Europe (The Shift Project 2018, p.32). This
action is therefore not superfluous, although not
very significant.

• Changing search engine

Search engines like Ecosia or Lilo - which are real-
ly just embellishments of existing browsers - offer
to donate part of the advertising revenue they ge-
Boxes should be turned off... nerate. By offering alternatives to the browsers of
© CC0 - Public Domain the digital giants, while having ethically responsible
approaches, these search engines can provide im-
These devices consume electricity even when not in portant social benefits. From a global warming
use. Turning them off when you are not at home and/ perspective, the benefits are less clear. Each search
or at night saves between 30 and 65 kg of CO2e per launched on Ecosia generates more direct GHG
year (Bordage 2019b, p.168; The Shift Project 2018). emissions than a search launched on a traditional
This figure corresponds to eating organic, local, and search engine. Yet by taking tree planting into ac-
seasonal for about six months (see Table 1 at the count, the net amount of GHG in the atmosphere will
beginning of the chapter). be reduced. In fact, according to our calculations
based on various studies, the details of which are
specified in footnote [4], it is very likely that planting
trees not only compensates for the GHG emission of
Do we really need this digital device or service? the search performed, but also helps remove GHG
from the atmosphere. However, planting forests is
As digital technology emits large amounts of GHGs, it a solution to combat global warming with implicit
is important to ask whether certain consumption should
limitations. Some researchers have calculated that
not be reduced, if not eliminated. As the saying goes, "The
cleanest energy is the energy you don't consume." Each planting forests on all of the Planet's untapped land
use and/or each new purchase should involve the following would be equivalent to a reduction in atmospheric
question: do I really need it? Does it really improve my life? GHGs equivalent to 4 years of current human emis-
If the answer is no, perhaps, it is best to reduce use or not sions (Bastin et al. 2019b). When all the trees are
purchase. planted, what other means will we have to combat
global warming? Clearly, offsetting emissions is not
a long-term solution.
For example, is it really necessary to buy a new tablet
when the one you have is still working, and/or when the
smartphone you are using provides more or less the same Growing impact of digital technology on
services? Is it necessary to purchase the latest fashionable climate and climate change
connected item? Is it so important to watch several hours of
online video a day? Similarly, is Internet anytime, anywhere
- in 3, 4 or 5G - essential?
The share of global GHG emissions caused by the
digital universe is growing steadily. It is difficult to
make precise predictions, however digital's share is
projected to be between 6.1% (Bordage 2019a) and
9% (The Shift Project 2018) of total global GHG

emissions in 2025. with the dramatic increase of big data* analyzed
with artificial intelligence (AI) systems based on in-
creasingly complex algorithms* (Strubell et al. 2019;
Emissions 2019 2,6 % 4% Villani 2018).
Second, the trend of decreasing energy consump-
Emissions 2025 6,1 % to 9 % tion by virtue of energy efficiency enabled by digital
technology (Koomey 2016), is expected to continue
into the future (Aebischer and Hilty 2015).
0 2 4 6 8 10 ... %
As a result, if demand for digital goods/services
continues to grow rapidly and energy efficiency ins-
Estimates of the share of global GHG emissions (in CO2e)
tead stagnates, global GHG emissions could explode
caused by digital activities.
in the medium to long term. If this is the case, the
goals of containing temperatures and other effects
of climate change described at the beginning of the
This increase is linked to two factors. First, the de-
chapter would not be met, and Humanity could face
mand for digital services is expected to continue to
the catastrophe that was foretold.
grow rapidly in the coming years (see subsection
"conclusions" in Chapter 11). For example, GHG
emissions related to offline use of programs (sof-
tware) are likely to grow significantly in the future

A few orders of magnitude

I reduce my greenhouse
Is it as if you
gases (GHG) emissions
My changes in behavior * ... Per:
of, in average, (in kg
were driving
If I buy a video projector instead of a smart TV (Internet TV) 1 action 400 1 600 km
If I keep my laptop 6 years instead of 4 years 2 years 150-250 600-1,000 km
If I turn off my modems/routers and TV boxes every night 1 year 30-65 120-260 km
If I don't buy a new speaker connected to the Internet 1 action 176 704 km
Keep my smartphone 4 years instead of 2 years 2 years 61 244km
ITA 111 444 km
If I watch 2 hours less HD video per day on my smartphone
BE 1 year 72 290 km
with 4G connectivity
FR 18 72 km
If I unsubscribe from 50 newsletters each sending a 1 Mb email per week 1 year 9 36 km

If I stop storing 1 GB of email and delete thousands of them 1 year 0,04 0,16 km

The values in the table come from different sources cited in the chapter, depend on a large number of parameters, and represent
averages of usage. The figures must, therefore, be considered as orders of magnitude and not as exact numbers. In addition,
the impacts considered refer only to greenhouse gas emissions (expressed in CO2 equivalent) and not to other impacts such as
consumption of water, soil, waste, pollution, and/or social and psychological impacts.

* The reductions in GHG emissions shown in this table are not immediate because to produce tangible im-
pacts, as they require the ripple effect of many people deciding to change behavior in the same unit of time.
For example: not taking the plane does not cause an immediate reduction in emissions because the plane
will fly anyway in the very short term, reducing online video consumption has a smaller immediate impact as
long as the same web infrastructure (cloud, platforms, data centers) remains in place and/or new ones are
created if no consumers reduce their use thus helping to reduce emissions in the near future. So, by consu-
ming less data today, I am participating in less infrastructure in the future, and therefore lower greenhouse
gas emissions

10. CLiMaTe CHaNGe

Is the digital universe compatible with a low- planetary ecological limits (Keucheyan 2019)

carbon world?

Beyond direct impacts, the digital economy is cau-

sing changes in production and consumption in
other business sectors. Contrary to expectations,
digital technology does not seem to contribute to
reducing GHG emissions worldwide, but rather the
opposite (Lange et al. 2020; see Chapter 11), espe-
cially as a result of the rebound effect, which will be
the subject of Chapter 11. Given the disasters fo-
reshadowed by scientists regarding the effects of
climate change in the event that Humanity fails to
drastically reduce GHG emissions, the conclusion of In short.
this chapter might be that it is necessary to limit the • The digital sector accounted for an estimated
use of digital technology as much as possible. This 2.6 to 4 percent of global greenhouse gas emis-
position, however, is not defensible. sions in 2019. This percentage rises to about
First of all, one should not forget the potential be- 5% in the case of the European Union. Moreover,
nefits of digital technologies in the many areas il- emissions from this sector are growing rapidly
lustrated in the different chapters of this book. In and could reach 6-9% in 2025 on a global scale.
the specific case of climate change itself, digital • Just under half of the world's digital emissions
technology itself provides invaluable contributions. come from equipment manufacturing and just
Climate research, like most other fields of research,
over half from equipment use.
would not be what it is today without the use of digi-
tal technology. Many climate change studies today ◊ Approximately 80% of the energy used to pro-
use big data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI). duce digital devices is for computers, connec-
Several papers cited in this chapter, such as Bastin ted TVs and smartphones.
et al. (2019a), have used AI*. In addition, research ◊ Use-phase emissions are partly due to the
helps minimize the impact of climate crises by, electricity required to transfer data from one
among other things, predicting the most upstream device to another, particularly for watching
and/or extreme weather events (WMO 2017). online videos, as well as the electricity re-
And then, digital technology can be used to reduce quired by terminals for calculations perfor-
greenhouse gas emissions in certain sectors (see med offline by computer programs (software).
Chapters 11 and 13). The digital universe itself can • Global data traffic is dominated by video-on-
reduce its ecological footprint, particularly through demand, tube services, pornography, gaming,
ecodesign. In other words, digital devices are de- IPTV services, and social networking.
signed in such a way as to minimize their environ-
mental impact during all phases of the life cycle • There are many ways to reduce digital emis-
(Bordage 2019b, pp. 72-74). Beware, however, that sions at the individual level. These include
increased energy efficiency does not lead to in- increasing the life of equipment by encoura-
creased consumption and, consequently, new emis- ging reuse, repair and recycling, avoiding the
sions. This is the phenomenon of the rebound effect use of 3, 4 and 5G, choosing a "green" electri-
(see Chapters 11 and 13), which, however, can be city provider, watching less video online, using
reduced by implementing appropriate policies and "smaller devices," reducing the definition of
changing attitudes within society (see Ch. 11). video and/or turning off modems or routers to
In conclusion, it is necessary to adopt a nuanced po- connect to the Internet and TV boxes.
sition regarding digital. Perhaps we should no lon- • Actions such as deleting emails or unsubscri-
ger speak of digital in general, but of digital services, bing from newsletters, on the other hand, do
and learn to choose the most sustainable ones in the not result in very significant reductions in
right quantities. Not everything is black and white. emissions.
Some uses of digital services are probably wor-
• One should avoid falling for rhetoric such as
thwhile, even if they emit a certain amount of green-
house gases. Other practices, which do not provide "everything is bad about digital," because new
sufficient individual and/or collective benefits, could technologies also bring important benefits to
instead be restricted, replaced by others that are society. However, some uses should be seve-
less emitting (Bihouix 2014), or even banned alto- rely restricted if they do not provide sufficient
gether. A societal debate would be needed to define individual and collective benefits in the face of
which practices should be retained, which should be the amount of greenhouse gases emitted.
limited, and which should be banned, given current

Related classroom resources Bibliography

Educational Pathway n. 2 : What do you say, is it • Ademe (Agence de l’environnement et de la maîtrise de l’énergie). 2017.
ecological? Repas. UPLOAD_DOC_FR/index.
htm?repas.htm [Accessed October 3, 2019].
• Activity N. 2 - "In search of information! • Ademe (Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'Énergie). 2018.
Bilan GES : Ordinateurs et équipements périphériques https://www.bilans-ges.
• Activity N. 3 - The digital quiz" produits_informatiques
electr [Accessed September 3, 2020].
Educational Pathway n. 6 : A future with or without
• Ademe (Agence de la transition écologique). 2020. Allonger la durée d’usage
digital technology? des objets : un gain pour la planète et pour le porte-monnaie https://presse. objets-un-gain-pour-la-pla-
• Activity N. 1 "Controversial future scenarios?" nete-et-pour-le-porte-monnaie.html [Accessed September 4, 2020].
• Aebischer, B. et Hilty, L. 2015. The Energy Demand of ICT: A Historical Pers-
Training Modules: pective and Current Methodological Challenges. In : Hilty, L. et Aebischer, B.
(eds). ICT Innovations for Sustainability. Zurich : Springer, pp.71-105.
1 (U.A. 1.2., 1.3., 1.4.,1.6.), 2 (U.A. 2.1.), 3 (U.A. 3.1.,
• Anderson, K. 2011. Professor Kevin Anderson - Climate Change: Going Beyond
3.5.), 6 (U.A. 6.4.). Dangerous. Londres : London School of Economics and Political S cience. https:// [Accessed August 19, 2019].
• Anderson, K. 2016. Going Beyond "Dangerous" Climate Change. https:// mate-change-going-
Notes beyond-dangerous [Accessed August 19, 2019].
[1] The figure presented in the first row of Table 1 is an adaptation • Apple. 2019. La fiche environnementale de votre appareil. Disponible à :
from two Eurostat data sets (2020a and 2020b). The first set of [Accessed October 3, 2019].
concerns production related CO2e emissions, which is 8,700 kg per • Bastin, J.-F. et al. 2019a. Cities of the future : visualizing climate change to
inspire action of-the-future-visualizing-
capita per year. The second, adjusts the first, based on the EU's climate-change-to-inspire-action#210424 [Accessed August 6, 2019].
import-export balance. Since the EU is, predominantly, an importer,
• Bastin, J.-F. et al. 2019b. The global tree restoration potential. Science
its consumption-related GHG emissions are greater than its pro- 365(6448), pp.76-79: content/365/6448/76.
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11. ReSPoNSiBLe

© Joakim Jardenberg-CC BY 2.0




CHaPTeR 11:
consommation et
production responsableS
to public authorities, in helping consumers reduce their
Why is it important? carbon footprint (Citizen's Climate Convention 2019,
DIn order to perpetuate human societies and safeguard
ecosystems, it is essential to produce and consume Businesses also have a role to play if they choose to take
in such a way that the environment can regenerate. action to create a truly sustainable world (UN 2019b).
However, we currently produce more than the planet Ecodesign of products (Van der Ryn and Cowan 2007;
can sustain in the long term. In fact, in 2019, Humanity Bordage 2019, pp. 72-74) and sharing best practices
needed the equivalent of 1.7 times what the Earth was (NEXT 2019) are two ways to move in the right direction.
able to provide (Global Footprint Network 2019). Human
societies are living "on credit": they are already suffering
the consequences today and will suffer even more in the
To understand the unsustainable nature of global
Planned obsolescence
production and consumption, one needs to know that
several non-renewable natural resources are used so A first important aspect related to sustainable produc-
much - today a person in a rich country consumes about
27 tons of raw materials per year (UN * 2019a) - that it tion and consumption concerns the very rapid repla-
is very likely that some of them will be depleted in a few cement of digital objects. Thus, in 2016, a smartphone
decades. Thus, if global energy production continues had been used, on average, for just under 2 years (Je-
at the current rate, the combined reserves of coal, oil,
nuclear, and natural gas will be depleted in 91 years. nik 2017) and a computer for about 5 years in 2018
However, energy production continues to increase (BP (Bordage 2018). This phenomenon is the result of ob-
2019). In addition, a dozen metals will be depleted in solescence, which is very present in the digital eco-
one or two generations if the same level of extraction
is maintained (USGS 2019), and this number will rise to nomy. We define it as the loss of value of a product,
twenty if production of these metals continues at today's which eventually leads to its replacement even if all or
rate (Geldron 2018, p.9). most of its components are still fully functional.
In fact, humans have changed the environment so
much that geologists believe the Earth has entered a
new geological era, called the Anthropocene. This era
is sometimes called the Capitalocene or Technocene in 2 years
reference to the determinative roles played by capitalism
or technologies in the transformation of Nature (Hamilton
To minimize the long-term impact on people, production
and consumption must be reduced to levels that allow the
Earth to regenerate. Three interrelated levers (Kallis 2019) 5 years
are generally considered to achieve this goal (O'Neill et Average
al. 2004). The first involves techniques, which affect the
number of resources needed to perform an action - we lifespan
speak here of change in effectiveness or efficiency. The
second lever is global consumption. The third concerns
the number of human beings on the planet, which Obsolescence is important to digital businesses. In-
continues to increase (UN 2019c). deed, without it, they would no longer be able to sell
Sustainable production and consumption are defined as many products and would no longer necessarily be
as the production and use of goods and services that economically viable, according to the parameters of
meet basic needs and lead to a better quality of life, while
minimizing the use of natural resources, toxic materials, their business model. In a sense, the current economic
and emissions of waste and pollutants throughout the system also depends on obsolescence as it is linked
life cycle, so as not to compromise the needs of future to economic growth and, therefore, the consumption
generations (Symposium on Sustainable Consumption
1994). of goods and services (EcoInfo 2013; Jackson 2017).
More generally, every human being is a consumer and The phenomenon of obsolescence is partly the conse-
has the power, through his or her decision to purchase or quence of very rapid technological advances in this
not purchase a particular good or service, to participate in field. The number of device features increases, as does
societal change. Informed consumption choices that are
conscious of environmental, social, ethical, and economic their performance. Buying a new device can therefore
impacts can have a positive impact. Moreover, people be beneficial (Remy and Huang 2015), and the old one
are increasingly careful about what they buy (Veneto becomes "obsolete." However, when the technical im-
Region 2011; Ipsos 2016). They are then transformed into
"consumer-actors" (emarketing 2019). Initiatives such provements made by new devices are not sufficient
as "Saturdays for future" in Italy tend towards this type of to entice people to purchase, manufacturers may be
practice (ASviS 2019). tempted by planned obsolescence.

However, we must not forget the essential role that the

community can and should play, with specific reference

* Word or acronym defined at the end of the document PAGE 67


Technical obsolescence update leads to premature obsolescence of the equip-

ment as the user is exposed to malfunctions and secu-
There are several types of obsolescence. These include rity breaches.
technical or functional obsolescence. These are me-
thods designed to make repair difficult, very expensive,
or even impossible. When faced with the task at hand
or the cost required, individuals are then tempted to
purchase a new device.
Mise à jour
Technical obsolescence materializes in several ways.
First, the manufacturer may ensure that parts do not
have a long service life. Next, he may make it difficult
or impossible to replace parts or provide an inefficient
Digital tool speed of performance decrease after an
and expensive parts replacement service. Finally, he
update is an example of software obsolescence
may make it impossible (for the customer) to use an
independent repairer, who might provide more efficient,
faster, and/or cheaper service (EcoInfo 2013; Cash In-
vestigation 2012). An extreme example is that of the operating system
An example that summarizes many of the points above update on the Samsung Galaxy Note 4, which forced
is that of batteries in digital devices. They are one of the users to "migrate" to a much more demanding version.
most common components that malfunction (Maliver- The slowdown caused was such that the devices were
ney 2018). However, manufacturers produce devices unusable for many people (Bordage 2018). Similarly,
whose batteries are difficult, if not impossible, to re- Apple made an operating system update in late 2017
place. This practice was introduced by Apple in the first that intentionally reduced the performance of earlier
version of the iPod, which had an estimated battery life versions of the iPhone, making them very slow. Af-
of 18 months, despite not being replaceable (EcoInfo ter the discovery (by the public) of the maneuver, the
2013). This practice has become so widespread that, company confessed and apologized, claiming that the
out of 13 smartphones tested by Greenpeace (2017, purpose of the measure was to extend battery life. This
p.9), the battery was easily replaced for only 2 of them. case is known under the name "BatteryGate" (Brown
Another example of software obsolescence invol-
ves Microsoft and the discontinuation of upgrades
to its older Windows operating systems to force cus-
tomer-users to "migrate" to newer versions that are
more demanding and difficult for "older" computers to
A non-removable exhausted battery is an support. The deadline for upgrades to Windows 7 was
example of technical obsolescence January 2020. Microsoft (2019) stated, "While you can
continue to use your PC with Windows 7, without recei-
ving continuous software and security updates it will
be more vulnerable to viruses and malicious software.
Some manufacturers have taken it a step further in re- The best way to stay safe in the future is with Windows
cent years. To avoid having to use independent repair- 10. The best experience with Windows 10 is with a new
men, they have installed a chip in their new equipment. PC. While it is possible to install Windows 10 on your
This will first identify if a different battery is being used old device, it is not recommended." Microsoft, with this
than the manufacturer's, usually half the cost. In that measure, is therefore pushing the purchase of a new
case, the chip prevents charging. The item is then ren- computer even when the old one is still perfectly func-
dered unusable (Maliverney 2018). tional.

Software obsolescence
What does it mean “End of supply assistance”?
Manufacturers can also play with updates to schedule From January, 14th 2020 onwards Windows 7 will continue
obsolescence, commonly referred to as "software or to work; nevertheless, Microsoft will not guarantee the opera-
tion of the following services:
program obsolescence." In fact, updates of all kinds are
• Any kind of technical support
increasingly gluttonous in the face of devices that have • Software updates
not improved their performance. This practice slows • Security updates.
down devices to the point where they become unu- You may continue to use Windows 7 without receiving up-
sable and result in replacement (Bordage 2018). Sof- dates, even if your PC will be more vulnerable than before to
virus attacks.
tware developers do not necessarily try to make sof-
The best Windows 10 performance is appreciable with a new
tware less bulky (Roussilhe 2018). Moreover, updates PC, and it is not recOMMended to install Windows 10 in your
are usually strongly recommended by manufacturers, old PC.
sometimes made mandatory, and some are even per- Text extracted from the Microsoft web site (2019).
formed without the consent of the user customer (Bin- "The best experiences with Windows 10 are with a new PC".
ding 2018). On the other hand, failure to perform an

Psychological obsolescence The first concerns political powers, the ultimate hol-
ders of legislative power. Increasing the minimum
Many devices are replaced while they are still perfectly warranty period, forcing manufacturers to differentiate
usable and have not experienced any of the forms of updates according to their needs, providing quality af-
obsolescence described above. For smartphones, this ter-sales service, and phones with easily replaceable
accounts for more than half of all cases (Mitchell 2017). parts are measures that would dramatically reduce
Often the new purchase is to satisfy a desire for novelty technical obsolescence. Encouraging manufacturers
or to increase one's social status (Jackson 2017, pp. not to provide overly demanding updates could reduce
148-152; see Chapter 7). Manufacturers have realized software obsolescence. Limiting overly incentivized or
this and are implementing marketing techniques to en- mystifying advertising or marketing practices could
tice users to purchase new devices (EcoInfo 2013). reduce psychological obsolescence (Meunier 2018;
Among these practices we can mention those of te- Anastasio 2019). Fifty policy measures, for example,
lephone operators who offer a new device at a very low have been proposed by Halte à l'Obsolescence Pro-
price-often 1 euro-against a long-term re-commit- grammée (Vasseur et al. 2019).
ment with them (Bordage 2019b).
Sanctioning manufacturers who practice planned ob-
solescence is another way to reduce it. Proving that a
n! manufacturer has planned obsolescence intentionally
Be fashio is a very difficult task. For example, in the case of sof-
NEW! tware obsolescence in Windows 7, Microsoft is trying
COOLER! to cut costs, and it is difficult to prove that the company
More power ful!
consciously tried to cause computers to be replaced.
However, it is not impossible to convict companies of
acts of planned obsolescence. In 2018, the Italian Com-
The marketing: a way to induce people to petition Authority condemned Apple and Samsung for
buy new models digital tools. the phone slowdown cases mentioned above (Bordage
2018). Prosecutions have been initiated in other coun-
tries and could also lead to convictions (Vasseur 2018).
Manufacturers and retailers, with this "biais" (percep-
tion based on erroneous or false data), try to give indi- • Individual leverage
viduals the impression that they need the new device
or feature even when the gain does not result in lasting
forms of satisfaction (Keucheyan 2019). This leads to
continuous gadget buying and consumerism, a pheno-
menon that is very present in our societies (Jackson
2017; Keucheyan 2019). Let's ask ourselves if it is real-
ly useful to change smartphones while it is still wor- The second lever acts at the level of individuals, whose
king. Manufacturers-sellers will try to convince us in informed and responsible consumption choices in-
this regard. fluence the durability and usability of devices and can
push manufacturers to produce more durable, sustai-
How to behave? nable, and responsible digital devices and services.
Since planned obsolescence pushes towards unne- Encouraging repairs instead of buying a new device is
cessary consumption, in the presence of increasing part of sustainable and responsible practices (Bordage
environmental problems due to this, it does not contri- 2019a). Free repair guides are available on the Internet
bute at all to making production and consumption (iFixit 2019). Buying refurbished devices is another best
sustainable and responsible, going against what is re- practice (ADEME 2020). Another sustainable behavior
quired by goal #12 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable is to not perform all evolutionary updates, i.e., those not
Development. Therefore, it is crucial to reduce this related to security. If it is necessary to purchase a new
phenomenon as much as possible. For example, a 30% device, it is better to prefer one that is easily repairable
increase in the lifespan of devices in use would reduce (see BOX). In general, the question to ask is always the
the digital sector's energy consumption by 17%, water same: is the purchase of a new device necessary or
consumption by 24%, and the potential for resource does it simply satisfy a momentary desire, an artificial
depletion by 21% (Bordage 2019b, p.33). To this end, need?
several levers of action can be used.
Citizens can also gather in consumer associations to
share information, best practices and services (legal
• Political leverage and otherwise), as well as to make their voice heard,
lobbying the legislature, promoting new bills, or exer-
cising their constitutionally enshrined referendum
powers. For example, the association Halte à l'Ob-
solescence Programmée (HOP) operates in France,
bringing together 35,000 citizens in 2018 (Vasseur
2018). It organizes legal actions against manufactu-


rers and provides advice on the sustainable purchase of buildings (see Chapter 13). The following paragraphs
and use of digital technology (HOP 2019). describe two promising digital applications in terms of
sustainable production and consumption: smart ener-
Several companies have developed devices whose
gy and smart manufacturing. However, there are many
parts are easily replaceable, even for individuals. We can more (Rolnick et al. 2019).
mention the smartphones Fairphone (Fairphone 2019) and
Shiftphone (Galán Herranz 2017), as well as the computers • Smart energy
Why! (why! 2019).
Even today, it is very difficult to store electricity. So, if
you produce it all at once, some of it will be wasted
(Slaughter 2015). In addition, during peaks in demand
for electricity, it is sometimes necessary to rely on
additional power plants that are very often polluting,
especially if they are powered by fossil fuels. These
plants need to be kept constantly running to be ready
in case of increased demand, which results in signifi-
cant additional energy expenditure. It is therefore es-
sential to match electricity production with demand as
closely as possible. However, this action is extremely
complicated because it is difficult to predict electricity
Fairphone, a more ethical alternative. demand over a 24-hour period each day. The installa-
© Fairphone - CC BY-SA 2.0
tion of "smart" electricity meters, or smart meters, can
partially solve this problem.
First, since the latter sends consumption information
“Digital promises” once an hour to the grid operator, it is easier to pre-
dict demand (European Commission 2019). Second,
this type of system could help raise the price of electri-
Since its inception, digital technology has been seen
city during pre-detected (and, therefore, subsequently
as a means to reduce the environmental footprint of
predictable with reasonable certainty) demand peaks,
human activities as it would increase efficiency. For
prompting users to consume significantly less in ex-
example, digital technology would allow people to print
pensive time slots while making it unnecessary to
less paper, travel less for work, retrieve information, or
keep the more polluting back-up power plants running.
make purchases (Bihouix and Mauvilly 2016).
Third, the arrival of connected devices inside homes
This perception of digital as helping to reduce our could further refine demand forecasts if consumption
environmental footprint is still prevalent. According data * are sent to the grid operator.
to GeSi, a European lobby representing the interests
However, this type of measure raises questions about
of digital businesses, massive digitization would, by
data protection (IEA and OECD 2017) and social justice
2030, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20%, fuel
if poor people or those with forced choices cannot
consumption by 15%, and water and food waste by
avoid having to consume electricity at peak times.
20%, while more effectively preserving terrestrial and
marine ecosystems (GeSI and Accenture 2017). Al-
though these figures have been seriously questioned
as being based on simplistic, if not optimistic, assump-
tions (Bieser and Hilty 2018), many institutional actors
emphasize the possibilities offered by digital techno-
logy (European Parliament 2010; Figueres 2015; Biggs
Several digital technologies actually have great po-
tential. Basically, it involves using digital technology A smart meter.
to collect, via sensors*, a large amount of information. © CC BY-SA 3.0 - EVB Energy
This is then processed by big data* analytics systems,
In addition, it is extremely difficult to manage the
sometimes using artificial intelligence* (AI), with the
power grid. There are numerous production sites, in-
aim of optimizing the amount of resources needed to
cluding home solar panels, as well as billions of po-
perform an action, and thus increasing efficiency.
tential sources of consumption. Not to mention that
This process can be applied to more or less all aspects each means of production, distribution and storage
of life. Actions performed using this practice are called has a different environmental impact. So managing the
"smart." Thus, smart agriculture (smart farming) ap- grid overall with the goal of reducing energy losses as
plies this principle in agriculture (see Chapter 6), smart much as possible is a pharaonic task. Digital can help.
mobility and smart logistics apply it in the transport In fact, AI*, endowed with computational power and
of people and goods, and the smart building or smart memories far superior to human ones could facilitate
home uses it to reduce consumption and resource use optimal grid management. Energy grids managed with

information and communication technologies (ICTs) Effets rebonds
are referred to as "smart." They are also referred to as
smart grids (GeSI and Accenture 2015). Note that this
type of system can also be adopted for gas and wa-
ter distribution (European Commission 2019; GeSI and
Accenture 2017).
It is estimated that the use of all smart energy tech-
nologies could reduce electricity production (and
consumption) by 9% for the same demand (European Thanks to technological advances, in the digital eco-
Commission 2019). nomy as in other sectors, fewer and fewer resources
The smart grid can also facilitate the shift to renewable are needed to perform the same action (Gossart 2015;
energies, which emit fewer greenhouse gases, even Jackson 2017, p.121). However, despite these gains,
if their emissions are not zero (Jancovici 2019), in the total amount of energy and raw materials used has
the first instance due to the use of metals in their in- been increasing worldwide for over a century (The Shift
frastructure (see "Metal depletion" section); this is Project 2019; Geldron 2018, p.6). This counterintui-
especially true for first-generation wind and solar PV. tive phenomenon is related to the rebound effect, also
In addition, the production of this type of energy (still) known as Jevons' paradox.
depends on weather conditions: if wind and light are A rebound effect is that phenomenon whereby the de-
weak, wind turbines and solar panels produce almost crease in the amount of energy or a natural resource
no electricity. It is, therefore, sometimes necessary required to perform an action is partially or fully off-
to rely on supplementary power plants that generate set by the increase in demand for that same resource
significant environmental impacts elsewhere in the caused by adaptive behaviors of firms (Villani 2018). In
power grid (Luoma 2009). And if their arrival makes the other words, the decrease in the amount of resources
management of electricity grids more complex, on the needed would be offset, at least in part, by changes in
other hand, the systematic adoption of smart grids has individual and collective behaviors.
the potential to solve this problem through the timely
monitoring of a myriad of data, cascading increased
adoption of renewable energy grid points (IEA and Direct and Indirect rebound effects
OECD 2017, pp. 93-94).
There are several types of rebound effects. The first is
Smart manufacturing : the direct effect, where the increase in efficiency causes
an increase in the use of the same good or service. The
The concept of smart manufacturing is very similar second is the indirect effect, which is about increasing
to that of Industry 4.0 (see Chapter 1), except that the the consumption of other goods or services (Gossart
emphasis is on reducing environmental impact. The 2015). To illustrate this, let's take the example of the
various components of the enterprise - machines, em- smart grid, which by increasing energy efficiency, at the
ployees, etc. - are equipped with sensors that collect same time, drastically reduces electricity prices. In this
data, sent through the Internet of Things* and interpre- way, people save money that they can decide to spend,
ted through big data analytics* (very voluminous data either by consuming more electricity (direct rebound
that requires artificial intelligence systems to analyze). effect), or by purchasing and using other goods and
It is possible to avoid failures and breakage of parts, services that in turn require energy (indirect rebound
better coordinate the actions of various departments effect). For example, people may decide to go on va-
in the company or better organize human-machine in- cation to distant places by taking a plane. Saving also
teraction (Accenture 2015). Other digital technologies consumes energy because the bank will still reinvest
can also be used. It is hoped, although not necessa- the money deposited in the account into the economy,
rily empirically verified (Lifset 2017), that 3D printers even if there are more ethical and sustainable invest-
can reduce resource waste during manufacturing and ments (Financité 2020).
make products lighter (IEA and OECD 2017).
In fact, any resource gain will be at least partially offset.
In all, GeSI and Accenture (2015, p.131) predict a 50% In the case of energy, which is the most studied, the di-
reduction in greenhouse gas emissions for a com- rect and indirect rebound effects are, according to stu-
pany adopting these practices. While this figure seems dies, on the order of 41-78%, depending on the scope
exaggerated, the potential to reduce environmental im- (Chitnis and Sorrell 2015). Thus, in the worst case, the
pact is indeed high. assumed energy gains are almost completely offset by
these two levels of rebound effects.
In summary, digital technology causes direct and indi-
rect rebound effects because it allows the same acti-
vity to be performed at a lower cost. In fact, watching a
movie or listening to music has become less expensive
with streaming platforms*. The Internet allows you to
collect a wealth of information for free, Airbnb makes it
possible to reduce the price of renting a place to stay,


the cloud* can lower the cost of storing information,

and so on. This saved money will then be reinvested, Hey! Have you Well, I really need
generating environmental effects and costs (Santarius seen the last to watch it
2017). episode of tonight...
Warrior ?
Here it is! It’s a great
A fish,
deal, twice as cheap,
please! Yeah, it is much
Here it is! It’s a great
A fish, too cool! Bla bla
deal, twice as cheap,
Ah! So, I’m bying 2
of them! SYSTEMIC Rebound Effect:
Ah! So, I’m bying 2 transformation of social norms
of them!
DIRECT Rebound effect • Rebound effect “Activities acceleration”Hé ! Bonne nouvelle !
prévu mais ça m’a
Second, technologies allow actions to be performed
DIRECT Rebound effect much faster. For example, shopping, listening to mu-
Here it is! It’s a great
A fish, sic, ordering a cab, or sharing information are perfor-
deal, twice as cheap,
please! med much faster with digital technologies (Santarius
A fish,
Here it is! It’s a great 2017). The time saved then allows for other activities to
deal, twice as cheap, be performed, which in turn will have an environmen-
Awesome! today! tal impact (Gossart 2015; Wallenborn 2018). It is even
So, I’m buying stickers suspected that digital technology has a tendency to
for my collection too!
Awesome! speed up the pace of life (see Chapter 7), which could
So, I’m buying stickers further increase this rebound effect.
for my collection too!

INDIRECT Rebound Effect .

Super! With this new program, I go
INDIRECT Rebound Effect 10 times faster!

Wow! In this way I And tonight, I’ll

can increase my have the time to
Macroeconomic rebound effects work load. pay a visit to my
friend Carla!
There is a third type of rebound effects: macroecono-
mic or structural rebound effects (Wallenborn 2018;
Gossart 2015). While the first two types described
above concern changes in individual behavior, the ones
analyzed in this section pertain to collective changes SYSTEMIC Rebound Effect :
triggered by efficiency gains. There are several types of
macroeconomic rebound effects: we will analyze four "Accelerator of activity"
of them, each related to the other three. This list is not
exhaustive. Indeed, it is extremely difficult to list all po-
tential rebound effects, and it is even more difficult to • Rebound effect “Cascade of technological
quantify them (Wallenborn 2018). innovations”
• Rebound effect "trasformation of social Third, a technological innovation allows new technolo-
rules systems" gical advances to occur. It may reduce production
costs, increase performance quality, or even increase
First, new technologies allow for such an increase in output. These different characteristics can make cer-
comfort (see Chapter 8), that societal expectations in tain previously impossible innovations possible or fea-
this regard are gradually expanding in a virtually ir- sible. Cascading innovations have the potential to radi-
reversible way (Shove 2003). Consumer behavior is cally transform society. As an illustration, without the
adapting to the new standards. When it comes to di- invention of the steam engine in the 18th century, to-
gital technology, it has become very difficult to do wi- day's society, with its environmental impacts, would
thout it since so much of life happens in contact with not have been possible (Wallenborn 2018). In terms of
it. If you haven't watched the latest Netflix series or if digital technology, advancements have allowed for the
you are not on social, it will be harder to participate in implementation of artificial intelligence, connected ob-
social life. Because of this, the risks of exclusion have jects, and even the transmission of an increasing
increased. If you don't have computer skills, it's harder amount of information. However, the latter activity has
to find a job. The list goes on.

a large environmental impact (see Chapters 10 and 13). effects, yet some studies have tried their hand at it. For
the case of energy, Lange et al. (2020) created a model
to account for systemic rebound effects, concluding
And And search that digital technology had a rebound effect of over
Here is and Linux!
Minitel! engine 100%. This case, known as "blowback," is such that
Yahoo! the initial benefit is more than offset. Therefore, digital
technology as a whole has, to date, resulted in an in-
crease, not a decrease, in overall energy consumption.
These findings are entirely contrary to the claims of di-
gital lobbies such as GeSI and Accenture (2017), whose
analyses largely underestimate rebound effects.
And a And And And…
And Another attempt to consider systemic rebound effects
mobile Wifi! Wikipedia! YouTube! all the
was made by Magee and Devezas (2017) who created
phone! World! an economic model that includes potential rebound ef-
SYSTEMIC Rebound Effect: fects. By analyzing data from the past fifty years, they
"Cascade of technological innovations" realized that technological advances had not led to a
decrease, but, rather, an increase in the total amount of
energy used, resulting in a rebound effect of over 100%.
In addition, the two scholars analyzed rebound effects
• Rebound effect "Production acceleration" on some fifty materials and concluded that, in most
cases, the increased efficiency caused the increased
Fourth, increasing efficiency simultaneously increases
consumption that more than offset the initial gains.
productivity because less work is required to perform
Therefore, "backfiring" would be the norm. This study
the same action (Wallenborn 2018). However, producti-
does not focus specifically on digital technology, but
vity itself is, in general, a source of economic growth
on technological progress in general. However, since
(see Chapter 2). The latter is linked, studies and histori-
digital is a major part of innovation in recent decades
cal trends in hand, to greater environmental impacts.
(see Chapter 4), the conclusions should apply to it as
Indeed, it has never been possible to grow economical-
ly while reducing global environmental impacts in a
sustainable way. There are many reasons to believe The facts point to the fact that digital technology so
that this will not change in the future (Parrique et al. far has not led to the dematerialization of our societies.
2019). Finally, some early research indicates a close First, contrary to popular belief about the immaterial
link between digitization, economic growth, and energy nature of digital, a large amount of material is used in
consumption (Lange 2017). this area. Thus, in 2020, French digital consumption
predicted the excavation of 197 kg of soil per day per
Courage! I’ll have user (Bordage et al. 2020, p. 9). Second, there are many
the kiddies pool materials rebound effects in the digital world, thus
in two days! outside the domain of energy. As an example, in the
2000s it was hoped that the advent of these technolo-
gies would cause a drastic drop in paper consumption.
For example, "zero paper" goals were implemented in
France. However, due to many rebound effects, such
Great! In one-hour-time it will as the arrival of home printers or increased access to
be ready! Onward to the next information, digital technology caused an impercep-
building site! tible drop in paper consumption, only 1.3% between
2000 and 2010, remaining far from the "zero paper"
dematerialization goal (Bihouix and Mauvilly 2016) -
SYSTEMIC Rebound Effect:
The situation seems to have improved in recent years
"Accelerator of production" within businesses (Bordage 2020). Globally, the num-
ber of printed books is not decreasing while e-book
consumption and Internet book reading has exploded
• What about the peculiar case of digital (Lange et al. 2020).
technology? Consequently, digital technology would be no stranger
to the possible depletion of some materials in a few de-
As explained above, digital technology increases effi-
cades, as it tends to cause an increase, not a decrease,
ciency, and more, in energy. For example, there is no
in their use. It would also cause increased pressure on
longer a need for stores to sell products or books to
ecosystems (see Chapter 12).
find information, let alone too many resources, thanks
to smart manufacturing and smart agriculture, etc. We
are talking about the potential of digital dematerializa- • Future prospects
tion (Magee and Devezas 2017). As analyzed in previous sections, digital technology
It is very difficult to take into account all the rebound has so far increased, not decreased, Humanity's envi-


ronmental impacts. Unless this course is reversed, im- Metals depletion

pacts will be increasingly important in the future. The
possible worldwide deployment of 5G will require new
heavy infrastructure (Grijpink et al. 2018) resulting in a Most of the more than sixty metals on the Periodic
large increase in data traffic (Cisco 2018), and pur- Table are used in digital devices, usually in minute
chase of a plethora of new connected objects. There amounts. In a smartphone, for example, there are 200
were already 19 billion of them in 2019 and their num- to 300 mg of silver, 10 mg of palladium and even 2 mg
ber could reach 48 billion by 2025 (Bordage 2019b). In of platinum, among other elements.
particular, 5G would require many satellites to be put
into orbit. SpaceX and Amazon's Project Kuiper plan to
deploy approximately 50,000 satellites, while, at the Minerals, metals, and other elements of an iPhone
Materials used to produce an Iphone 6 (model of 16 GB)
moment, there are only 8,000 objects sent into space Sources of data: 911 Metallurgist (
since the beginning of the space age (Lucchese 2020).
The next few years could also see the massive advent Aluminium 31,15 g Hydrogen 5,52 g
of cryptocurrencies* and blockchain*, whose environ- Carbon 19,85 g Chromium 4,94 g
mental impact will be considerable, according to pre- Total
18,71 g Nickel 2,72 g
dictions (Digiconomist 2019), although there are some Oxygen 129 grams

blockchain techniques that consume less energy Iron 18,63 g Value of the Lithium 0,87 g

(Jospe 2019). Silicon 8,14 g

elements: 1,03$
Zinc 0,69 g
Copper 7,84 g

Cobalt 6,59 g

But were are we Magnesium, Tin, Calcium, Sulfur, Potassium, Manganese, Titanium, Phosphorous, Lead.

going??? Wouldn’t be the

time to slow ?
Do we actually
need all this? The quantities are slightly higher in tablets and com-
Given all the
puters (Bihouix and Mauvilly 2016). However, given the
damages ...
huge demand for digital objects - for example, 258 mil-
Are we really
lion computers (Gartner 2019) and 1.45 billion smart-
happier? phones were produced in 2018 (TrendForce 2019) - the
share of digital in the consumption of some metals is
very high (see Table 1).
The future, however, is not hopeless. Rebound effects
are not necessarily immutable and are also the conse-
quence of political and social decisions. Research is Part of the electronics in
underway to determine under what circumstances they the World production
occur and how to reduce them (Van den Bergh 2011; Copper 6%
Santarius et al. 2018). Some solutions have been pro- Gold 10%
posed, such as slowing down the construction of new Palladium 10%
infrastructure that risks causing new rebound effects Silver 20%
or reducing inequalities in power or even decreasing Tin 35%
competition at all levels (Wallenborn 2018). Policies Cobalt 35%
geared toward more sober and responsible consump- Tantalum 60%
tion are also likely to generate positive effects (Gossart Indium 80%
2015; Hilty 2008, p.72; Bordage 2019b).
Ruthenium 80%
Gallium 90%
Yet, one should not believe that technologies are neces- Germanium 30-50%
sarily harmful to the environment (Hilty and Aebischer
2015). It is up to businesses and individuals to make
choices that lead to the use of technologies to reduce Table 1. Percentages of global consumption of metals from the
environmental impact. However, without a change in electronics sector, of which the digital economy is a primary
social, political, and economic direction, it is likely that component.
digital technology will continue to be a hindrance and Source : Bihouix et Mauvilly (2016).
not an asset in building sustainable societies.

However, as discussed in the "Why does it matter?"

section at the beginning of the chapter, many decisive
metals for the digital sector would be close to depletion
(see Table 2).

Short-term exhaustion Medium-term exhaustion their non-recyclable output continues to increase (Gel-
(less than 30 year) (less than 50 years) dron 2018). This is, again, a partial consequence of the
rebound effect. Therefore, even if companies strive to
Antimony Manganese
Tin Nickel maximize material recycling, the savings will most li-
Silver Copper kely be partially or fully offset by rebound effects.
Cobalt Selenium In addition to calling into question the sustainability of
Gold Niobium our lifestyles, metal depletion poses real problems with
Zinc Molybdenum regard to the transition to renewable energy. Indeed,
Lead Lithium
many metals important to the digital economy that are
Chromium close to depletion are used to produce renewable ener-
Indium gy (World Bank 2017, p.75), and many of them have
Germanium characteristics that make them difficult to replace (Bi-
Tantalum houix 2015, p.13). It is likely that, in a decade or two, we
will have to make the choice between more digital for
Table 2. Estimated date of depletion of important metals in the energy use and more digital for other uses.
digital world if production rates continue at the rate of recent
decades. Not all of the reserves considered are profitable, and
therefore not necessarily exploitable at this time.

(USGS 2019, p.195-196).

Data sources: data crossing from Bihouix (2015), Geldron
(2018, p.9), Halloy (2018, p.40-41) et USGS (2019).

Metal reserves are variable; in fact, they can be ex-

panded if new reserves are discovered or if new mining
techniques are applied (Bihouix 2015, p.9). Between mining metals for digital services and mining metals for
renewable energy, which one to choose?
However, as explained above, increasing reserves © CC0 - Public Domain
would imply new rebound effects.
Magee and Devezas (2017) suggest that "blowback" The depletion of metals, in addition to questioning the
was largely material-related in the past, so paradoxi- sustainability of our lifestyles, poses real problems
cally, the number of years until reserves are depleted with regard to the transition to renewable energies. In-
could decrease if new reserves are discovered or are deed, many important metals in the digital world and
technically accessible. close to exhaustion are used in renewable energies
(World Bank 2017, p.75), and several of them have cha-
In addition, we must keep in mind that different me- racteristics that make them difficult to replace ( Bihouix
tals are generally produced by mining a single ore. For 2015, p.13). It is likely that, in a decade or two, we will
example, tantalum may be associated with niobium, have to make the choice between "more digital" and
lithium, tin, zirconium, titanium, cesium, and beryllium "more renewable energy" .
in its deposits (L'élementarium 2020). Thus, if a metal
is near depletion, it can still be mined (and used) be-
cause other metals with which it is associated are nee- In short.
ded (Geldron 2018).
• Planned obsolescence induces the consump-
Therefore, stopping or slowing the production of a tion of new devices instead of increasing the
nearly depleted metal is much more complicated than usability of old ones. It therefore makes pro-
one might think. duction and consumption very unresponsible
Additionally, recycling most metals is extremely diffi- and sustainable. Both public authorities and
cult. First, recycled materials often decline in quality individuals have important levers of action to
such that they can no longer be used in the industries reduce these practices as much as possible.
that require them (Bihouix 2018, 12:14-13:21). Second, • The digital industry promises a reduction in
they are often used in very small quantities, both in the
environmental impact, particularly through so-
digital economy and in other sectors. Thus, the finan-
called "smart" technologies.
cial and energy costs of recycling become prohibitive
(Bihouix 2018). According to the United Nations Envi- • The benefits from technologies, and particu-
ronment Programme (2011), in 2011 less than 1% of larly digital technology, will be partially or fully
34 of the more than 60 metals in the Periodic Table offset by changes in individual and collective
were being recycled in the form of a metal or metal behavior. These are the rebound effects. Em-
alloy, retaining the same initial chemical and physical pirical models show us that digital technology
properties - this is referred to as functional recycling. tends to increase humanity's total environmen-
Eighteen of the sixty metals, on the other hand, had tal impact.
a rate greater than 50%. Most of the metals listed in
Table 2 have a functional recycling rate above 50%, but • Rebound effects are not immutable. We must,


individually and collectively, think about how goals. Genève : ITU.

• Bihouix, P. 2015. Les métaux dans les TICs. 10 ans EcoInfo : “Vers une
to reduce them. This will undoubtedly require informatique éco-responsable ?”. Paris.
major political and social changes. • Bihouix, P. et Mauvilly, K. 2016. Le Désastre de l'école numérique : Plai-
doyer pour une école sans écrans. Paris : Seuil.
• The digital sector is very greedy for metals. • Bihouix, P. 2018. Le mensonge de la croissance verte ? (on the Internet).
Thin- kerview.
Therefore, it contributes to the depletion of • Bordage, F. 2018. Les octets : premier levier d’obsolescence du matériel
many of them. In a few decades, it may no ? Grenoble : Journée thématique EcoInfo.
longer be possible to produce and consume • Bordage, F. 2019a. Sobriété numérique : Les clés pour agir. Paris :
• Buchet-Chastel.
so many digital services. Many of the metals • Bordage, F. 2019b. Empreinte environnementale du numérique mondial.
used in digital are also important for energy
• Bordage, F. 2020. Interview.
production, renewables in the lead. Global di- • BP. 2019. BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2019, 68th edition.
gital consumption and production is therefore • Brown, S. 2017. Apple’s Batterygate is great news for consumers (on the
unsustainable and irresponsible.
• Cash Investigation. 2012. La mort programmée de nos appareils. Paris :
France Télévisions.
• Chitnis, M. et Sorrell, S. 2015. Living up to expectations: estimating
direct and indirect rebound effects UK households. Energy Economics 52,
Related classroom resources • Cisco. 2018. Cisco Global Cloud Index, Forecast and Methodology
2016–2021, Whitepaper. Etats-Unis.
• CE (Commission européenne). 2019. Smart grids and meters (on the
Educational Pathway n. 2 : What do you say, is it • Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat. 2019. Socle d’information initial à
ecological? destination des membres de la Convention.
• Digiconomist. 2019. Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index (on the Internet).
• Activity N. 1 - "The lifecycle of a smartphone" • EcoInfo. 2013. Obsolescence (extrait) (on the Internet). CNRS. emarke-
ting. 2019. Consommacteur (ou consom’acteur) (on the Internet).
• Activity N. 2 - "In search of information!” • European Parliament. 2010. Report on mobilising Information and Com-
munication Technologies to facilitate the transition to an energy-efficient,
• Activity N. 3 - The digital quiz" low-carbon economy. Bruxelles.
• Fairphone. 2019. Long-Lasting Design (on the Internet).
Educational Pathway n. 3 : “What does digital tech- • Figueres, C. 2015. Foreword by UNFCCC. In: GeSI (Global e-Sustai- nabi-
lity Initiative) et Accenture. #SMARTer2030: ICT Solutions for 21st Century
nology bring to my life, to our lives?” Challenges. Bruxelles.
• Galán Herranz, A. 2017. Shiftphone: an Ethical Smartphone That's Made
• Activity N. 1 "In the skin of a seller" in Germany (on the Internet). RESET.
• Gartner.2019. Gartner Says Worldwide PC Shipments Declined 4.3
• Activity 4 "The Philosophical debate". Percent in 4Q18 and 1.3 Percent for the Year (on the Internet).
• Geldron, A. 2018. Sobriété et lutte contre l’obsolescence des biens: une
Educational Pathway n. 4 : What Rebound Effects? impérative nécessité pour l’humanité ? Grenoble.
• GeSI (Global e-Sustainability Initiative) et Accenture. 2015. #SMAR-
• Activité 1 "Daily rebound effects?" Ter2030: ICT Solutions for 21st Century Challenges. Bruxelles. http:// [Accessed September
5, 2019].
Educational Pathway n. 5 : How can we act? • GeSI (Global e-Sustainability Initiative) et Accenture. 2017. #Sys-
temTransformation: How digital solutions will drive progress towards the
• Activity N. 1 "In search of solutions!" sustainable development goals. Bruxelles.
• Global Footprint Network. 2019. Earth Overshoot Day 2019 is July 29th,
• Activity N. 2 "Law makers" the earliest ever [online].
• Gossart, C. 2015. Rebound Effects and ICT: A Reviewof the Literature. IN
: Hilty, L. et Aebischer, B. (eds). ICT Innovations for Sustainability. Zurich :
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© CC IPBES - Denis Zhitnik -




CHaPTeR 12: ecosytems

Why is it important? Digital technology as hope for ecosystem

An ecosystem is defined as a living whole formed by
a grouping of different interrelated species, among
themselves and with their environment. It is therefore
not a static element, but a system resulting from the Limiting resource consumption
co-evolution between different living beings and their
habitats (Aufray and Rovillé). First, there are digital services* designed with the
Humanity in fact lives in constant interaction with its goal of reducing the consumption of human re-
environment and the ecosystems that compose it, sources, particularly in the areas of agriculture (see
drawing great benefits from ecosystems that allow, ch. 6), transportation and housing (see ch. 13), or
among other things, to purify air and water, to feed us,
to protect us from natural disasters, to cure us or delay business (see ch. 11). Because these techniques
the most harmful consequences of climate change. aim to reduce environmental and ecosystem degra-
Thus, ecosystems are essential for the survival of human dation caused by human activities, digital techno-
communities and future generations (Lambertini 2017).
On the other hand, the conservation of ecosystems can logy* can be seen as hopeful. However, it has been
be seen as a moral duty, recognizing that each of its widely observed and studied that technologies not
components - some of which feel pain, while others are infrequently result in additional consumption of re-
endowed with subjective experiences - has, by certain
margins of tolerance, the right to exist, to live, to maintain sources, partially or wholly offsetting the initial be-
and regenerate (Singer 1975). nefits. For example, it is possible that the application
A large part of ecosystems, however, is in danger. About
of new technologies in the transportation and hou-
13 million hectares of forests are lost each year, about sing sectors will cause more cars to be purchased
three times the area of Belgium. However, forests are and/or used per inhabitant, replacing them more
home to more than 80% of animal, plant and insect often and/or even causing the temperature of buil-
species (UN 2019). As for coral reefs, on which about a
third of known marine species depend (Lim 2017), about dings to rise (see ch.13). This is the phenomenon of
20% of them have already been completely destroyed and the rebound effect, explained in Chapter 11.
50% are at high risk (UN 2016).
Global warming of 2 degrees would reduce the total area Conservation and restoration of ecosystems
of coral reefs by 99% (IPCC 2018). Equally alarming, 60%
of the world's wild vertebrate populations - mammals, Second, digital technology has the potential to im-
fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians - disappeared prove the conservation and restoration of ecosystems
between 1970 and 2014 (WWF 2018). In Europe,
flying insect populations were reportedly reduced by (Arts et al. 2015). The arrival of these new technolo-
80% between 1989 and 2016 (Hallmann et al. 2017). gies applied to the environment has been met with en-
The degradation of ecosystems can go as far as the thusiasm (Arts et al. 2015) and is generating a whole
disappearance of some species. Thus, about 7% have
already disappeared due to the human species (Régnier range of initiatives.
et al. 2015) and up to 1 million of the 8 million animal
and plant species recorded on Earth are threatened with Using sensors*, cameras, drones*, and even satellites,
extinction (IPBES 2019). If the current rate of extinction they are able to gather new information about the en-
is confirmed, we could be at the beginning of the "sixth vironment and ecosystems. This information can be
mass extinction" on the planet (AFP 2019). Ecosystem
collapse could occur suddenly in the coming decades, more frequent, over a wider space, with a higher re-
particularly due to climate change (Trisos et al. 2020). solution, being able, moreover, to reach previously
Human activity is responsible for the degradation
inaccessible places (Blumstein et al. 2011). Two exa-
of ecosystems. Causes include climate change, soil mples of platforms that bring together such data* are
and air pollution, deforestation, water consumption, Global Forest Watch (2020) and InfoAmazonia (2020),
environmental transformation, land grabbing, waste which provide the public with the latest maps of the
accumulation, poaching, and overfishing.
world's forest cover, density, deforestation, fires, etc.
In 2019, human consumption required the production of (Blumstein et al. 2011). Another innovative way to
the equivalent of 1.7 times what the Earth can provide. For
Europe, this figure rises to 2.8 planets (Global Footprint gather information about ecosystems is through ro-
Network 2019). bots. These robots, designed to resemble species,
are able to camouflage themselves in the natural en-
vironment, thus collecting data that is unaffected by
the presence of an external agent outside the context
(Arts et al. 2015).

* Word or acronym defined at the end of the document PAGE 79

12. ecosytems

Fight against poaching and trafficking of species

Digital technologies are helping in the fight against
poaching and trade in protected and/or endangered
species. Using drones, radars, GPS trackers, thermal
imaging cameras, shot detectors sometimes aided
by Big data* and AI analytics, poachers can be more
easily monitored and stopped. Marco Lambertini
(2017), director general of WWF International,
explains that the use of such technologies in Kenya's
Masai Mara National Reserve has increased the
An example of digital modeling of the world's threatened aquatic and
terrestrial species. effectiveness of patrols by 60%. It is also hoped that
© UNEP-WCMC blockchain* can prevent illegal trafficking. In fact, this
technology can be used to fulfill contracts without
The data thus collected can be used and interpreted tampering. If it is applied, it will become impossible
by scientists or artificial intelligences* (AIs) (Lamba et to misrepresent on a particular merchandise or
al. 2019; Lambertini 2017) to help restore or conserve shipment (Chapron 2017; Howson 2020).
ecosystems. For example, they can help better ma-
nage forests, count the number of species, or better Advantages and opportunities, but also risks
understand their movements. For example, this in- and limits
formation can be used to prevent overfishing or boat
passage in certain locations (Lim 2017; Lambertini These examples represent just a few activities and
2017), to establish smart barriers to divert wildlife to areas where digital technology is assisting in preser-
conserve them (Villani 2018), to plan for moving waste ving and restoring ecosystems. Another example is
into the ocean to recover it (Ocean Cleanup 2020), or the use of drones to plant forests faster (Peters 2019;
to assess the socioeconomic benefits of ecosystems Villani 2018). These new techniques raise hopes for
so that policymakers take them into account by giving better, faster, and lower cost results while being more
them the right value (Natural Capital Project 2020). accessible to citizens than traditional conservation
techniques (Arts et al. 2015). Certain uses of these
technologies do indeed lead to real advances (Petto-
Citizens’ participation relli et al. 2014), but not everything is as rosy as in the
Digital technology also allows citizens to be involved initial promises. There are, in fact, many unknowns and
in conservation. The term "citizen science" ("citizen problems with them (Arts et al. 2015; Andrachuk et al.
science") refers to the participation of the general pu- 2019). Their practical implementation is usually more
blic in scientific research (Andrachuk et al. 2019). Ap- difficult than expected and does not always bring the
plications such as eBird (2020) and iNaturalist (2020) expected results (Joppa 2015). In addition, ecosys-
allow citizens to report the presence of animal or plant tems can be negatively affected, see noise caused by
species and their geographic location. Another illus- drones (Lambertini 2017). And again, data collected
tration of citizen science, the Let's Do It (2020) initia- through citizen science often includes biased errors
tive collected images from users to infer-thanks to that end up distorting research results (Andrachuk et
AI image analysis systems-the places that contain al. 2019). Some of the techniques mentioned above
the most waste to be collected (Fing and Transition2 can end up in the hands of enemies of ecosystem
2019). The main advantage of citizen science is that it conservation, in particular, poachers (Arts et al. 2015;
allows a large amount of information to be collected in Lambertini 2017) or industrial fishing fleets that can
a short time and without too much effort on the part use AI to find shoals of fish more easily, thus, conti-
of scientists (Andrachuk et al. 2019). In some cases, nuing to empty the oceans. Finally, digital technology
local communities are involved in the design of the itself has a significant impact on the environment.
innovation, with the goal of making it more useful for Chapters 10, 11, and 13 explore this issue.
the conservation of their environment (Andrachuk et
al. 2019). Digital technology’s role in ecosystem

Despite the potential for safeguarding ecosystems, the

use of digitized tools has its share of negative conse-
quences. From here on, the chapter offers an exami-
nation of the problems associated with the production
of metals in digital devices and the resulting electrical
and electronic waste (WEEE). However, they are not the
only harmful impacts of technology on ecosystems; in
a sense, they represent the tip of the iceberg. Their visi-
Digital technology facilitates citizen participation in science bility is inherent in the fact that they materialize locally
© CC0 - Public Domain
or regionally in the short to medium term. Other much

less visible damaging effects on ecosystems occur in taking into account only six of the many metals used in
the long term, on other continents or even across the digital devices. According to their results, 7 kg of land
Planet (McGranahan 2006): climate change is one of must be removed to produce a laptop computer, which
the most damaging. For more on the impacts of digi- becomes 200 kg in the case of an Internet-connected
tal technology on climate change, see Chapter 10. For TV (smart TV). A 2002 study calculated that 32 kg of
a complete view of the impacts on the environment, raw materials were needed to build a 2 g microchip
we recommend reading the entire second part of the (Williams et al. 2002). In total, the amount of waste
booklet (chapters 10,11, 12, 13). from global metal production, of which digital is only a
part, is between 6 and 7 billion tons per year, about one
ton per person (Bihouix and Mauvilly 2016).
Metals production
The production of the metals found in digital devices
Most of the more than sixty natural metals of the pe-
requires a large amount of fresh water, equivalent to 3.6
riodic table of metals and nonmetals are used in digital
billion showers in 2019, or about 0.2% of global water
equipment (Rathi et al. 2013; IDDRI et al. 2018). They
consumption that year (Bordage 2019). These figures
must be extracted from the ground in the form of ore to
are much larger in the case of France, the only country
be recovered, following various operations, mechanical
on which information could be found. Thus, a French
and chemical. For this reason, the metal mining and
person would consume approximately 9 liters of fresh
production sector is among the most polluting in the
water per day through their digital activities (Bordage
world (Bihouix and Mauvilly 2016).
et al. 2020, p.9), or the equivalent of over 6% of their
First, in order to extract the minerals, one has to frag- household water consumption (SDES 2019). Howe-
ment, clean over and over again, build roads, railways ver, 88% of that water consumption occurs during the
or port facilities. These activities are carried out at the manufacturing phase and thus has an overwhelming
expense of forests, agricultural or coastal areas (Bi- impact on the states in which minerals are extracted
houix and Mauvilly 2016). Ecosystems still suffer im- (Bordage et al. 2020, pp. 9-10). Therefore, the ma-
pacts. In several cases, extraction takes place within nufacture of a connected television would require an
protected nature reserves. One example for all is that average of 26,000 liters of freshwater (Bordage et al.
of the Lower Kando region, in the Katanga province of 2020). As a result, the consumption and production
the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where mi- of digital devices disrupt water cycles contributing to
ning concessions have been granted within the nature drinking water shortages in some regions of the Planet,
reserve. Until the early 2000s, this protected area in- harming ecosystems and humans (WWF 2020).
cluded many endangered species, which have disap-
peared or significantly declined since mining activities
began. For example, the hippo population dropped
from 400 to 50 in less than 15 years (Milieudefensie,
SOMO, and GoodElectronics 2015)..

Mining in Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

© CC BY NC 2.0 - Dave Dyet

Des méthodes diverses et variées ont été mises en

Deforestation due to informal gold mining in a nature reserve in Peru. place pour l’extraction de minerais et la récupération
This type of mining typically uses toxic products that are discharged
directly into nature, such as cyanide and mercury, causing degradation des métaux, celles-ci utilisant dans de nombreux cas
of ecosystems and the health of inhabitants (Byrne et Hudson-Edwards) des produits dangereux pour l’environnement – pour
© CC BY-SA 4.0 -Planet Labs n’en mentionner que quelques-uns, mercure, cya-
nure, acide sulfurique et plusieurs solvants (Bihouix
et Mauvilly 2016). En plus des métaux recherchés, ces
Mining produces the displacement of large amounts of
procédés li- bèrent d’autres métaux présents dans le
land from which to extract minerals. As an example, in
minerai dans des concentrations pouvant les rendre
2020, the digital consumption of a single French citizen
dangereux. Tous ces produits, qui se retrouvent gé-
caused each person to excavate 197 kg of land per year
néralement sous formes d’eaux ou de boues conta-
(Bordage et al. 2020, p. 9). The production of an iPhone
minées mais aussi sous forme de poussières, sont
6 is estimated to require the displacement of about 30
appelés des « résidus miniers ». Les réglementations
kg of soil. Weighing only 129 g, data in hand, it would
environnemen- tales obligent généralement l’industrie
produce a (ecosystem) impact on the soil about 230
à filtrer et neu- traliser au maximum ces résidus pour
times greater than its mass (Merchant 2017). The Shift
qu’ils impactent le moins possible l’environnement et
Project (2018) calculated the land displaced by mining,
la santé. Une par- tie des résidus est récupérée pour

12. ecosytems

être réutilisée. Une autre est stockée dans des bassins, precision the impact of the digital sector in terms of
appelés « bassins de décantation » (Bihouix et Mauvilly ecosystem degradation, it should be noted that most
2016). of the proposed examples concern precisely metals
that are widely used by the digital industry, such as rare
Ces mesures n’empêchent pas pour autant une dé-
earths - tantalum, palladium, copper or even tin - and
gradation des écosystèmes. En premier lieu, les lé-
other metals with high environmental impact, such as
gislations ne sont pas suffisantes pour éviter tous les
silicon (EcoInfo 2010), lithium (EcoInfo 2011), indium
risques. Nous sOMMes loin du risque zéro, surtout eu
(EcoInfo 2012) and silver (Marhart et. al. 2016). The link
égard à la quantité de métaux produits chaque an-
between the chosen examples and digital technology
née. Il est ainsi très difficile d’éviter la propagation de
is, therefore, sufficiently relevant.
poussières des mines. Une surveillance constante des
bassins pendant des dizaines ou des centaines d’an- It can happen that some tailings ponds, designed in
nées est par ailleurs nécessaire pour éviter des ruis- the form of dams, break. Such events, forty in the de-
sèlements d’eaux toxiques en dehors des bassins de cade 2000-2010 (Byrne and Hudson-Edwards 2018),
décantation, ce qui n’empêche pas que des fuites se are extremely dangerous to ecosystems and also pose
produisent parfois (Bihouix et Mauvilly 2016). En deu- risks to residents, who may be contaminated by toxic
xième lieu, ces règles ne sont pas appliquées par tous. sludge, or lose their lives by ending up buried under-
Il existe des pays où les législations sont plus permis- neath them. Some of these collapses have been ma-
sives. En troisième lieu, la loi n’est pas toujours respec- naged to dramatically reduce their environmental and
tée. La production informelle de métaux – un secteur social damage (Byrne et al. 2018), others not so much.
étant considéré cOMMe informel s’il n’est ni imposé ni In Brazil, two disastrous incidents have occurred in the
surveillé par aucune forme de gouvernement – ne suit past six years. The first, the break of the Mariana Dam
que rarement les contraintes législatives. La produc- in 2015, claimed the lives of 19 people and dumped
tion industrielle, censée être contrôlée, ne les suit pas an estimated 33 million cubic meters - the equivalent
toujours non plus. of 23,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools - of fer-
rous waste into the Rio Doce, traveling 650 km until it
Ces différentes raisons peuvent donc mener à de
reached the Atlantic Ocean seventeen days later (Byrne
graves dégradations de l’environnement et des éco-
and Hudson-Edwards 2018). The breaching of the Bru-
systèmes. Ainsi, bien que les impacts soient bien diffé-
madinho Dam in 2019 was even more tragic in human
rents d’une mine à l’autre, d’un type de production à un
terms, resulting in the deaths of 270 people (Pearson
autre, d’un métal à un autre, il n’existe ni mine durable,
et al. 2019).
ni production de métal durable (Bihouix et Mauvilly

Landscape of desolation following the bursting of the Mariana Dam,

Brazil, in 2015.
© CC-BY 2.0 - Senado Federal

Lithium production in Salar de Uyuni, Chile. This site has a peculiar

ecosystem, which has been protected until now.
© CC-BY-SA-3.0 IGO - European Space Agency

• Some examples of ecosystem degradation

This subsection describes the degradation potential
of the metallurgical industry through some (non-ex-
haustive) examples. It is important to note that the
electronics-digital industry, while being one of the
"customers" of metallurgy, is not the only one, and,
therefore, not solely responsible for the environmental Aerial view a few days after the Brumadinho Dam
damage illustrated. Finally, it is impossible to know, at broke in 2019.
© BY-SA 2.0 - Ibama
present, the origin of the metals in electronic and digital
devices (see Chapter 1). The digital industry covers a A large portion-about 60% in 2019 (USGS 2020a)-
part of the total global demand for metals - see Table 1, of rare earths, a group of 17 metals particularly used
Chapter 11 to reconstruct the percentages of the global by the digital industry, are produced around the city
consumption of some metals. of Baotou, China. Mining these metals is difficult and
Although it is difficult if not impossible to establish with polluting because it involves the use of sulfuric and

hydrofluoric acid, with large amounts of toxic mining most polluted in the world (Blacksmith Institute and
waste being released (Byrne and Edwards 2018). Near Green Cross Switzerland 2013). The snow is black, the
Baotou, an artificial lake several hundred meters long air smells of sulfur, and the life expectancy of workers
was constructed to collect toxic sludge. The lands- is 10 years lower than the Russian average (Blacksmith
capes around the lake have become apocalyptic: gray Institute and Green Cross Switzerland 2013).
and lifeless, with dozens of pipelines constantly trans-
porting the sludge. Radioactivity levels near the lake
also became 3 to 4 times higher than normal (Maughan
2015; Cash Investigation 2015).

Discharge towers in Norilsk.

© BY-SA 2.0 - ONU - Peter Prokosch

The Indonesian islands Bangka and Belitung provide

about a quarter of the world's tin production (USGS
The Baotou toxic sludge lake in China.
© GoogleEarth MaxarTechnologies 2020 2020b; Franceinfo 2015). They have fragile coastal
ecosystems composed of corals, seagrasses, and
mangroves (Milieudefensie and GoodElectronics 2016)
Another example of ecosystem degradation, for which
that are severely degraded, in part due to tin mining in
the digital sector is partially responsible, is that of the
coastal areas. In these places, sand is vacuumed by
Kafubu Valley in the Democratic Republic of Congo
moonlighting workers, then examined on a small raft or
(DRC). What used to be a verse valley where the inha-
dumped on the nearby beach to pulverize the precious
bitants lived on agriculture and artisanal fishing has
metal. The residue is then dumped directly into the sea,
progressively deteriorated following the installation of
causing fish to die and corals and algae to suffocate
a series of cobalt mines from 2005 onwards. Today, it
(Milieudefensie and GoodElectronics 2016; Franceinfo
is no longer possible to produce fruits and vegetables,
2015). In addition, sand vacuuming is extremely dan-
fish are dying from lack of oxygen in the river waters
gerous, causing the death of many workers (Franceinfo
and the water in the area is no longer drinkable. Mi-
ning companies are accused of illegally dumping toxic
mining waste into the river (Milieudefensie, SOMO
and Good Electronics 2015; Scheele et al. 2016). Then
again, in the DRC, pollutions caused by the mining in-
dustry are frequent. Indeed, the minerals extracted
there contain, in addition to the metals initially sought,
rather high concentrations of heavy and radioactive
metals (Manhart et al. 2016). Their dust is dispersed
into the environment during the extraction and trans-
port of the minerals (Scheele et al. 2016; Bihouix and
Mauvilly 2016). The problem in the DRC is not limited
Tin research on Bangka Island, Indonesia.
to the case of cobalt: tantalum mining produces waste © CC BY-NC-ND 4.0- Milieudefensie et GoodElectronics
containing high concentrations of uranium and tho-
rium, both of which are extremely radioactive (Manhart
et al. 2016). Some research has proven that Congolese Digital waste
living near mines have much higher concentrations of
cobalt, lead, cadmium, and uranium in their urine than • Growing quantitities
an average American, forty-three, five, and four times
higher, respectively (Scheele et al. 2016). Pollution Another issue of great concern for ecosystems relates
from these toxic metals is therefore ubiquitous, and to digital waste. The amount of digital waste produced
both ecosystems and humans are affected. each year is not known precisely, as data on it is very
scarce. The amount of waste electrical and electronic
The Norilsk region in the far north of Russia supplies equipment (WEEE), which includes both digital waste,
most of the world's palladium production, as well as and others, such as light bulbs, refrigerators, washing
copper and nickel, three metals used in the electronics machines, toasters, etc. - on the other hand, is known.
and digital industries. The problem here stems pri- It stood at 44.7 billion kg in 2016, the equivalent of
marily from operations performed on the ores, which about 6.1 kg per person. Estimates for 2021 are 52 bil-
cause the release of huge amounts of heavy metals lion kg. In Europe, the number of such wastes was 16.6
and sulfur dioxide (Manhart et al. 2016). The region kg per capita in 2016 (Baldé et al. 2017). WEEE waste
was listed in both 2006 and 2013 as one of the ten is classified into six categories, one of which mainly

12. ecosytems

concerns digital devices, and three others touch it par- Thus, in total, about fifteen to twenty metals in our
tially (Baldé et al. 2017). Based on these figures, we can digital devices are recycled for reuse (Bihouix and
estimate that, in 2016, digital waste amounted to ap- Mauvilly 2016; Charbuillet 2017; IDDRI et al. 2018).
proximately 5-10 billion tons, about 1 kg (on average) However, some digital equipment contains the majo-
per person. This figure is likely to increase in the years rity of the more than sixty metals found on Earth (Rathi
to come, given the explosion in the number of digital et al. 2013). And then, some parts will be incinerated,
devices - from 15 to 34 billion between 2010 and 2019, causing severe air pollution (Böni et al. 2015). Incine-
with a projection of 69 billion in 2025 (Bordage 2019, ration residues, called "bottom ash," often end up in
p.21). The lack of reliable data on digital waste means landfills, are used as road pavement, or end up within
that only WEEE waste can be analyzed. construction materials, even though they contain toxic
products, such as heavy metals (Bihouix and Mauvilly
2016). Non-incinerated parts also go to landfills (Sal-
• Partial recycling do not prevent from voch and Pirot 2019). A 2001 study showed that, at the
ecosystem degration time, 70% of heavy metals in U.S. landfills came from
WEEE waste includes products that are hazardous to WEEE waste (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
health and the environment - see EcoInfo (2014, Table 2001). All of these residues pose serious risks of long-
3.9), given the hazardous substances in digital ap- term contamination of soils and groundwater.
pliances. For this reason, they should be collected, dis- It is extremely difficult to know the fate of the 80% of
posed of, and their parts reused and recycled as much WEEE waste that is not properly collected and recycled.
as possible. Yet, worldwide, only 20% of WEEE waste Approximately 4% of the total would be waste from
was collected and recycled properly in 2016; in Europe, high-income countries that would be discarded with
almost twice as much: 35%. This share has been the other household waste. Without further action, this
same since 2009 (Baldé et al. 2017, p.72). waste will be incinerated or sent to landfills, where it
will slowly pollute the environment. The remaining 76%
ends up under the radar, and it is arduous to know its
fate (Baldé et al. 2017).

• Passing through mafia networks and

sending to Southern countries
It seems that some of the waste that is not properly re-
cycled is collected by traffickers along the streets when
residents leave it on bulky item collection days (Sal-
voch and Pirot 2019). Some of it is stolen from waste
The recycling rate is very low.
© CC BY-SA 3.0-Volker Thies and recycling centers. Another part is sent directly to
nearby scrap dealers, members of some mafia and/or
criminal network that traffics them. The appliances are
Collection and recycling do not mean the absence of
dismantled without any decontamination. The remai-
environmental and health consequences. First, the dis-
ning parts are sent to landfills or abandoned in the wild.
mantling of some parts, even if supervised, can result
These completely illegal, often criminal, practices are
in the release of toxic dust into the air (Böni et al. 2015).
believed to be very common (Salvoch and Pirot 2019).
Second, it is currently not possible to recycle all parts;
usually, only some parts can be recycled, e.g., circuit In other cases, the waste travels a long way, passing
boards and batteries (Böni et al. 2015). through major European ports (Hamburg, Antwerp,
Rotterdam) bound for some southern countries, where
other traffickers take it over (Salvoch and Pirot 2019).
This traffic is very profitable: a 28-ton container of
WEEE waste can be worth between 10,000 and 15,000
euros (Odeyingbo 2019). Later, the waste will be resold,
for example away from the Computer Village in Ike-
ja, near Lagos in Nigeria. Once in the hands of these
dealers, the equipment is deboned in order to recover
its noble parts, which will in turn be resold. The unsa-
lable parts are burned, causing very serious pollution,
particularly from plastics (Salvoch and Pirot 2019).
Miniaturization and assembly of multiple components
pose serious challenges. The precious metals to be mined will not suffer a more
© CC0- Public Domain enviable fate. One of the most widely used techniques
to recover some of them is to burn certain components
Other parts are simply not recyclable or are priced too
(Böni et al. 2015). In many cases, toxic chemicals are
high because they contain amounts of material too
used. The products resulting from these operations
small to be separated from each other (Bihouix and
will contaminate soils and air (Böni et al. 2015). A re-
Mauvilly 2016). In addition, the devices were not de-
view of the literature on emissions caused by recycling
signed to be easily disassembled (see Chapter 11).

activities in the informal economy in India and China Digital waste from around the world is found in these
leads to the identification of high concentrations of dumps. Computers from the prestigious King's College
lead, polybrominated diphenyl ether, dioxin, and furan, School in London and the University Hospital of Gro-
all highly toxic chemicals, in both soil and air, water, and ningen in the Netherlands are examples of devices that
river sediments (Sepùlveda et al. 2010). The practice have been found in Agbogbloshie (Salvoch and Pirot
of recovering metals such as copper, iron, and alu- 2019). In total, about 3.5% of European WEEE waste
minum by burning cables containing PVC insulation ends up in countries in the global south. This figure
has been identified as a major source of dioxin (Basel corresponds to 350,000 tons of hazardous waste per
Convention Secretariat 2011). In addition, it appears year (Puckett et al. 2019). The case of the United States
that increasing levels of brominated flame retardants of America is much more troubling, as as much as 40%
- hazardous chemicals increasingly removed from of North American WEEE waste makes its way to these
electronic equipment - are found in the breast milk of illegal underground recycling sites (Puckett et al. 2019).
people living near illegal recycling sites (Manhart et al.
This traffic, both within and outside the EU, is illegal,
2011). Workers in this industry, very often marginalized
undeclared, and criminal, and therefore extremely dif-
groups (Böni et al. 2015), endanger the environment,
ficult to control. In practice, due to a decrease in en-
their own health, and that of other inhabitants in return
forcement personnel in Europe, few efforts have been
for starvation incomes. Among them, there are also
made to stop this trafficking, (Kuerch 2019). In addi-
children (Salvoch and Pirot 2019) - see Chapter 1 for
tion, some countries are blocking the implementation
more details on working conditions in the digital sector.
of stricter international regulations (Salvoch and Pirot
Thus, there are known to be dumpsites (and workers) 2019).
for the undeclared recycling of WEEE waste in Agboblo-
shie (Ghana), Lagos (Nigeria), Bangalore (India), Ka-
rachi (Pakistan), and Guiyu (China; Bihouix and Mauvil-
ly 2016; Böni et al.2015; Salvoch and Pirot 2019). The
best known of all is, without a doubt, that of Agbog- This chapter has described the positive and negative
bloshie, on the outskirts of Accra, Ghana. Twenty years potential of digital technology. On the one hand, it helps
ago, this place still consisted of grasslands and wet- save ecosystems; on the other, it causes their degrada-
lands where inhabitants came to fish and bathe. tion. The following formula applies well to the situation:
"Technology is neither good nor bad, without necessa-
Today it is one of the ten most polluted areas in the rily having a neutral impact" (Kranzberg 1986). There-
world (Blacksmith Institute and Green Cross Switzer- fore, new technologies can generate impacts, both po-
land 2013). About 40,000 people, including many child- sitive and negative. It is up to us, both individually and
ren, work there using stones, collectively, to use digital tools in such a way as to reap
iron bars and hammers. Once the interesting pieces the benefits while avoiding the deleterious impacts. In
have been isolated, they are burned to recover some of this case, ideally, we should retain only those digital
the metals they contain. Among the substances found services that are most useful to people - particularly
in dangerous quantities are cadmium, lead, mercury those that help protect ecosystems - while minimizing
and rare earths. With each rain, an oil spill flows out the impacts that cause environmental degradation. In
into the Atlantic Ocean, spreading and polluting the en- chapters 10 and 11, some concrete measures to re-
tire Planet (Salvoch and Pirot 2019). duce the environmental impact of the digital sector in
the manufacturing and usage phases have been men-
tioned; certainly, recycling devices in a proper way, deli-
vering them to legally mandated territorial sorting cen-
ters, is of crucial importance andrepresents a specific
additional measure.

In short.
• Digital technologies can be used to protect and
conserve ecosystems. They embody the hope
that surveillance, monitoring, restoration...
Ghanaians burning electrical wires in Agbogbloshie, Gha-
na, in September 2019. operations can be carried out more efficiently,
© CC BY-SA 4.0 - Muntaka Chasant quickly, cheaply, and widely.
• Yet, data and studies show that the digital sec-
tor contributes to ecosystem degradation:
◊ The production of metals needed for digital
equipment has a very heavy impact on eco-
systems in different regions of the Planet and
is responsible for many ecological disasters.
◊ One French person's digital consumption

Open-air landfill in Agbobloshie, Ghana.

©CC BY-SA 2.0-Agbogbloshie Makerspace Platform PAGE 85
12. ecosytems

causes the displacement of 197 kilograms of Bibliography

soil each year and accounts for more than 6%
of his or her domestic freshwater consump- • AFP. 2019. Les principales "extinctions de masse" sur la Terre [on the
tion. internet].
• Andrachuk, M. et al. 2019. Smartphone technologies supporting com-
◊ Digital waste is rarely collected and recycled munity-based environmental monitoring and implementation: a systema-
tic scoping review. Biological Conservation 237, pp.430-442.
properly. It is found in mafia networks, within • Arts, K. et al. 2015. Digital technology and the conservation of nature.
which the operation of recovering a few me- Ambio 44(4), pp. 661-673.
• Aufray, R. et Rovillé, M. Sans date. Qu’est-ce qu’un écosystème ? [On the
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• Baldé, C. 2017. The Global E-waste Monitor – 2017. Bonn/Geneva/ Vien-
na: United Nations University (UNU), International Telecommunication
Union (ITU) & International Solid Waste Association (ISWA).
• Bihouix, P. et Mauvilly, K. 2016. Le désastre de l'école numérique : plai-
doyer pour une école sans écrans. Paris : Seuil.
Related classroom resources • Blacksmith Institute et Green Cross Switzerland. 2013. The world’s worst
2013: The top ten toxic threats. Cleanup, progress, and ongoing challen-
ges. New York et Zürich.
Educational Pathway n. 1 : What does sustainable • Böni, H. et al. 2015. Recycling of ICT Equipment in Industrialized and
digital technology really means? Developing Countries. In: Hilty, L. et Aebischer, B. eds. ICT Innovations for
Sustainability. Zurich: Springer.
• Activity N. 1: "The ecological footprint?"What • Bordage, F. 2019. Empreinte environnementale du numérique mondial.
does sustainable digital technology really • Bordage, F. et al. 2020. Impacts environnementaux du numérique en
means? France.
• Blumstein, D. et al. 2011. Acoustic monitoring in terrestrial environ
ments using microphone arrays: Applications, technological considera-
Educational Pathway n. 2 : What do you think, is it tions and prospectus. Journal of Applied Ecology 48, pp.758-767.
ecological? • Byrne, P. et Hudson-Edwards, K. 2018. Three ways making a smartphone
can harm the environment [on the internet]
• Activity N.1 "The life cycle of a smartphone" • Byrne, P. et al. 2018. Water quality impacts and river system recovery
following the 2014 Mount Polley mine tailings dam spill, British Columbia,
Canada. Applied Geochemistry 91, pp.64-74.
• Activity N. 2 "In search of information!" • Cash Investigation. 2015. Les secrets inavouables de nos téléphones
portables. Paris : Premières lignes.
Educational Pathway n. 3 : “What does digital tech- • Chapron, G. 2017. The environment needs cryptogovernance. Nature
nology bring to my life, to our lives?” 545(7655), pp. 403-405.
• Charbuillet, C. 2017. In : Dufour, A. Quel est l’impact environnemen- tal
• Activity 4 "The Philosophical debate". d’un téléphone portable ? [On the Internet]. La Croix.
• Secrétariat de la Convention de Bâle. 2011. DEEE en Afrique : Etat des
Educational Pathway n. 4 : “What are the rebound lieux. Châtelaine, Suisse. eBird. 2020.
• EcoInfo. 2010. Les impacts environnementaux liés à la production du
effects?” silicium [[In internet].
• EcoInfo. 2011. Impacts de la production du lithium [on the internet].
• Activity N. 1 "Everyday rebound effects?" • EcoInfo. 2012. Impacts environnementaux [on the internet].
• EcoInfo. 2014. Les impacts écologiques des DEEE [On the internet].
Educational Pathway n. 5 : How can we act? • Fing et Transitions². 2019. L’agenda pour un futur numérique et
• Activity N. 1 "In search of solutions!" • Franceinfo. 2015. Bangka, l'île indonésienne sacrifiée au nom de la
poudre d'étain [On the internet].
Educational Pathway n. 6 : A future with or without • GIEC. 2018. Global warming of 1.5°C.
digital technology? • Global Footprint Network. 2019a. Country Trends [on the internet].
• Global Forest Watch. 2020. About [on the Internet].
• Activity N. 1 "Future controversial scenarios?" • Hallmann, C. et al. 2017. More than 75 percent decline over 27 years
in total flying insect biomass in protected areas. PLoS ONE 12(10):
• Howson, P. 2020. Building trust and equity in marine conservation and
fisheries supply chain management with blockchain. Marine Policy 103873
Training Modules: • Joppa, L. 2015. Technology for nature conservation: An industry perspec-
tive. Ambio 44, pp.522–526.
1 (1.1., 1.2., 1.3., 1.4., 1.5., 1.6.), 2 (U.A. 2.1.), 3 (U.A. • Kranzberg M. 1986. Technology and history: Kranzberg’s laws. Technolo-
gy and Culture 27, pp.544-560.
3.4.), 4 (U.A. 4.1., 4.2.), 5 (U.A. 5.1.), 6 (U.A. 6.2., 6.3., • Kuerch, R. 2019. In : Salvoch, C. et Pirot, A. 2019. Déchets électro- niques
6.4.). : Le grand détournement. Paris : Maximal et France Télévision.
• Lamba, A. 2019. Deep learning for environmental conservation. Current
Biology 29(19), pp. R977-R982.
• Lambertini, M. 2017. Life on land. In: Biggs, P. ed. Fast-forward progress
Leveraging tech to achieve the global goals. Genève: ITU, pp.121-124.
• Let’s Do It. 2020.
• Lim, K. 2017. Life below water. In: Biggs, P. ed. Fast-forward progress
Leveraging tech to achieve the global goals. Genève: ITU, pp.108-113.
• IDDRI (Institut du développement durable et des relations internatio-
nales) et al. 2018. Livre blanc Numérique et Environnement.
• iNaturalist. 2020.
• InfoAmazonia. 2020. About [on the internet].
• IPBES (Plateforme intergouvernementale sur la biodiversité et les
services écosystémiques). 2019. Summary for policymakers of the global
assessment report.
• Manhart, A. et al. 2011. Informal e-waste management in Lagos,
Nigeria – socio-economic impacts and feasibility of international recycling
co-operations. Fribourg : Öko-Institut.
• Manhart, A. et al. 2016. Resource Efficiency in the ICT Sector. Allemagne
: Greenpeace et Öko-Institut.
• Maughan, T. 2015. The dystopian lake filled by the world’s tech lust on
the internet]. BBC Future.
• McGranahan, G. 2006. Urban Transitions and the Spatial Displacement

of Environmental Burdens. In: Marcotullio, P. and McGranahan, G. eds.
Scaling Urban Environmental Challenges: From Local to Global and Back.
London: Earthscan, pp. 18-44.
• Merchant, B. 2017. Op-Ed: Were the raw materials in your iPhone mined
by children in inhumane conditions? [On the internet]. Los Angeles Times.
• Milieudefensie et GoodElectronics. 2016. Responsible Mining: Tin.
• Milieudefensie, SOMO (Centre for Research on Multinational Corpora-
tions) et Good Electronics. 2015. Katanga calling: Congolese cobalt and
consumer electronics. Amsterdam.
• Natural Capital Project. 2020.
• Ocean Cleanup. 2020. About [on the internet].
• Odeyingbo, S. 2019. In : Salvoch, C. et Pirot, A. 2019. Déchets électro-
niques : Le grand détournement. Paris : Maximal et France Télévision.
• Pearson, S. et al. 2019. Brazil’s Vale Vowed ‘Never Again.’ Then Another
Dam Collapsed [on the internet]. The Wall Street Journal.
• Peters, A. 2019. These tree-planting drones are firing seed missiles to
restore the world’s forests [on the internet]. Fast Company.
• Pettorelli, N. et al. 2014. Satellite remote sensing, biodiversity research
and conservation of the future. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society B (369).
• Puckett, J. et al. 2019. Holes in the Circular Economy: WEEE Leakage
from Europe. Seattle: Basel Action Network.
• Rathi, A. et al. 2013. Metals in your smartphone have no substitutes [on
the internet].
• Régnier, C. et al. 2015. Mass extinction in poorly known taxa. Procee-
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• Salvoch, C. et Pirot, A. 2019. Déchets électroniques : Le grand détourne-
ment. Paris : Maximal et France Télévision.
• Scheele, F. et al. 2016. Cobalt blues: Environmental pollution and human
rights violations in Katanga’s copper and cobalt mines. Amsterdam:
SOMO (Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations) et Good
• SDES. 2019. Évolution de la consommation domestique journalière d’eau
potable [on the internet].
• Sepùlveda, A. et al. 2010. A review of the environmental fate and effects
of hazardous substances released from electrical and electronic equip-
ments during recycling: Examples from China and India. Environmental
Impact Assessment Review 30(1), pp.28-41.
• Singer, P. 1975. Animal Liberation: A New Ethics for Our Treatment of
Animals. New York : Random House.
• The Shift Project. 2018. Lean ICT : Pour une sobriété numérique [on the
• Trisos, C. et al. 2020. The projected timing of abrupt ecological disrup-
tion from climate change. Nature 580, pp. 496-501.
• UN. 2016. Vie aquatique : Pourquoi est-ce important ? [On the internet].
• UN. 2019. Vie terrestre : Pourquoi est-ce important ? [On the internet].
• U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2001. Computers, E-Waste,
and Product Stewardship: Is California Ready for the Challenge? [On the
• USGS (U.S. Geological Survey). 2020a. Mineral Commodity Summaries:
Rare earths.
• USGS (U.S. Geological Survey). 2020b. Mineral Commodity Summaries:
• Villani, C. 2018. Donner un sens à l’intelligence artificielle. Pour une
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• Williams, E. et al. 2002. The 1.7 Kilogram Microchip: Energy and
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• WWF. 2018. Rapport Planète Vivante 2018 : Soyons ambitieux. Grooten,
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• WWF. 2020. Living Planet Report 2020 [On the internet].
• WWF. 2020. Threats: Water scarcity [On the internet].

13. cities and

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CHaPTeR 13: sustainable cities and

tools and services in urban environments. Thus, sen-
Why is it important? sors are used to detect areas of high pollution, which
Cities are home to about half of the world's population is essential for coordinated action to reduce it (Woetzel
(UN 2016) and three-quarters of Europe's (Eurostat et al. 2018a). In Cascais, Portugal, a mobile application
2018). These figures are expected to reach 70% and allows citizens to photograph and report incidents and
80% respectively in 2050 (Clos 2017; Eurostat 2018).
Urban centers are also catalysts for ideas, business, problems to relevant municipal services (Eggers and
occupations, culture, science, and social development Skowron 2018). The city of Boston in the United States
(UN 2016). They are likewise an indispensable context of created a mobile application that, when downloaded,
action for the implementation of measures that provide uses smartphone sensors to detect potholes within the
solutions to major environmental problems (Ostrom
2009). In short, urban realities are extremely important to city (Eggers and Skowron 2018).
human societies.
In Exeter, UK, a system based on sensors and satellite
However, cities are associated with many problems imagery was implemented to improve the efficiency of
and challenges: although they represent only 3 to 4% of
the earth's surface, they generate about 70% of global the waste collection service. Time was saved with bet-
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Air pollution causes ter organized collection, meaning more was done with
premature deaths estimated at between 400,000 (Eurostat less, without having to buy new trucks or hire new staff.
2018) and 800,000 (Carrington 2019) people per year in
Europe, 15-30 times more than road accidents (Eurostat For an initial investment of £240,000, the city estimates
2018). About 90% of global city dwellers breathed it has saved more than £800,000 since introduction
unhealthy air in 2016 (UN 2016), compared to 74% in (Eurisy 2019).
Europe (Eurostat 2018). Noise, which is very present in
urban centers, is also the cause of 16,600 premature Similar examples exist for water conveyance systems
deaths each year in Europe (Eurostat 2018). These
problems are compounded by poor and/or substandard or public lighting (Eggers and Skowron 2018). Futuris-
housing, degraded infrastructure, numerous traffic jams, tic cities filled with digital city services have even been
and high rates of crime and vandalism (UN 2016; Eurostat built or are under construction, such as Songdo in Sou-
th Korea or Masdar City in the United Arab Emirates.
Therefore, it is imperative to adapt, transform, and
reframe urban realities so that everyone can live a There are several broad areas of smart city application:
fulfilling life there without harming the environment or mobility, housing, security, economy and business,
future generations.
energy and natural resources, and governance (Höjer
and Wangel 2015; Eggers and Skowron 2018). The first
three cases will be described in detail below. The last
three are addressed in Chapters 3, 12, and 10, respec-
Smart city

In the last two decades, the concept of "smart city", or

"intelligent city" in Italian, has emerged. It is a rather
vague and difficult to define expression (Van den
Buuse and Kolk 2019), mainly because it was created
with the marketing goal of attracting attention (Höjer
and Wangel 2015). The smart city generally refers to
the massive application of digital services * within ci-
ties (European Union 2014; Fing and Transition2 2019),
containing in particular: sensors, multiple objects
connected * to the Internet of Things (IoT)* and even
artificial intelligence (AI)* systems. These technologies
enable the collection of information that, when inter- The notion of “smart city” entails several fields of digital
preted, can make urban processes more efficient. application.
© CC - CND (photo PxSphere)
Official smart city goals are to improve the quality of
life for residents and visitors, increase economic com-
petitiveness to attract new talent and businesses, and
make cities environmentally sustainable (Eggers and
Skowron 2018; Ferro de Guimarães et al. 2020).
There are many examples of the application of digital

* Word or acronym defined at the end of the document PAGE 89

13. Sustainable cities and communities

Digital promises or BlaBlaCar also allow people to share a car ride with
other people. Although this is not their main motiva-
Mobility and/or “smart mobility” tion, they increase the occupancy rate of vehicles, thus
reducing pollution and GHG emissions (Fing and Tran-
The term "smart mobility" characterizes the use of digi- sition2 2019).
tal services* in the field of mobility. It is assumed that
mobility will benefit greatly from the deployment of di- • Autonomous cars
gital technologies.
Within a few years or decades, mobility could be ra-
dically transformed by the arrival of self-driving cars
once again. Capable of driving without human as-
sistance, they could avoid many accidents as well as
greatly fluidify traffic (Axsen and Sovacool 2019). Au-
tonomous cars could then be programmed to always
stay at a predefined distance from the car in front, thus
avoiding many slowdowns. In addition, if autonomous
cars were used on a shared basis, they could drastical-
ly reduce transportation-related greenhouse gas emis-
sions (Wadud et al. 2016).

The notion of “smart city” entails several Habitat – “smart home” or “smart building”
fields of digital application.
© CC - CND (photo PxSphere) The terms "smart home" and "smart building" in the
English language designate a habitat in which digital
technology has made an appearance "big time."
• Smoothing road traffic Among a wide range of objects in this category, we can
mention connected thermostats (to the Internet),
Some digital services would allow traffic to flow more connected lamps, computer security systems, robot
smoothly. The Waze mobile app is a driving assistant vacuum cleaners or personal assistants such as Alexa,
that, using information about the service user's loca- Siri or Google Assistant. The most advanced stage of
tion, adapts to traffic delays and road problems to en- habitat "intelligence", not yet achieved today, will be to
sure the fastest route at all times (Fing and Transition2 create fully automated buildings that predict and adapt
2019). to the needs of their occupants in all circumstances
Digital services can detect or even prevent road in- and that are integrated into a larger network, at the level
frastructure problems more quickly, such as, for exa- of neighborhood, city, region, country (Sovacool and
mple, a sign failure. They may include "smart parking" Furszyfer Del Rio 2020).
systems, aimed at providing information about the
location of available parking spaces to avoid endless
and unnecessary trips around the city (Woetzel et al.
"Smart" traffic sign panels are currently being tested,
which would adapt to traffic at any given time and keep
it flowing. Such signs could, for example, allow people
to reduce the speed limit during periods of heavy traffic
or drive in the bus lane when buses are not present.
These various innovations are likely to reduce average
travel time by nearly 10%, if taken all together and used
to their full potential (Woetzel et al. 2018b).
The "smart Home" promises numerous evolutions in our
• Reducing pollution and greenhouse gas towns.
© CC 0- PxSphere
Some digital services would reduce the environmental
impact of the transportation sector (Axsen and Sova- • Optimizing energy and resource use
cool 2019). These innovations are generally part of the
concept of "shared mobility" which, as the name sug- Some smart home objects are simply intended to im-
gests, is characterized by the way of moving around prove living comfort, entertain, or even elevate the so-
using different shared means of transport (car sharing, cial status of their users (Sovacool and Furszyfer Del
bike sharing, scooter sharing, but also carpooling). Rio 2020). Others have the potential to reduce resource
consumption, including energy. Thus, a connected
Shared bicycle, scooter, or car systems have appeared thermostat (or "smart meter") enables remote tempe-
and promote the use of shared transportation (Fing rature reduction. It can also anticipate occupant beha-
and Transition2 2019). Platforms such as Uber, Lyft vior and rely on weather data* to predict heating needs

at certain times of day, thus preventing overuse (IEA Critical remarks
and OECD 2017). Connected lights may turn off if no
one is in the room.
Smart city actors readily and enthusiastically promise
The same functions apply to other items such as the that their services will make cities more satisfying and
oven or TV on standby. This type of service can be es- sustainable (Fing and Transition2 2019). However, the
pecially useful in office buildings, where more people figures and scenarios generally cited are often overly
tend to forget to turn off the heat at night and/or leave optimistic. In fact, the estimates are based on an "idea-
computers on standby. In total, it is estimated that lized" use of new technologies by the population. Ins-
these technologies could reduce energy use in homes tead of following realistic scenarios, smart city advo-
by up to 10% by 2040 (IEA and OECD 2017). cates imagine how the population should react in order
to achieve the expected goals (Axsen and Sovacool
• Optimizing space 2019). As a result, research often tends to overestimate
In addition, digital technology helps optimize the use the benefits of implementing new digital systems. In
of space, particularly through platforms such as Airbnb addition, the independence of existing research and
or CouchSurfing. In this way, it could help reduce the data has been strongly questioned, as much of it co-
construction of new buildings (Fing and Transition2 mes from the same actors offering these smart city
2019). services (Axsen and Sovacool 2019) [1].

Security Environmental gains from the smart city?

The phenomenon of the rebound effects
The rebound effect is a phenomenon whereby the de-
crease in the amount of energy and/or natural resource
needed to perform an activity is partially or fully offset
as a result of adjustments in the behavior of the indivi-
dual and/or society (and the economy) as a whole (Vil-
lani 2018). In other words, the decrease in the quantity
of resources needed would be offset, at least in part, by
changes in individual and collective behavior. There are
several types of rebound effects, six of which are ex-
plained in detail in Chapter 11. This phenomenon is
In addition to camera surveillance, there are numerous most prevalent in the mobility and habitat sectors.
applications for everyday security.
© CC 0- PxSphere
Using the innovations already mentioned, the smart
city would be able to decrease the number of traffic ac-
cidents (Woetzel et al. 2018b), send an alert if an elder-
ly person forgets to turn off the stove, or even contact
the fire department when a connected object detects
smoke inside. At the same time, security and alarm
systems are becoming more sophisticated through di- • In mobility
gital innovation (Sovacool and Furszyfer Del Rio 2020). If, as promised by its proponents, the smart city will
Technology can assist law enforcement in curbing indeed make city traffic smoother, then it is likely that
crime and preventing criminal events. For example, the population will adapt to it, using their cars more
some software* can detect gunshots. Thus, if a mi- (Gossart 2015). In the long run, if commute time de-
crophone connected to the police network detects a creases, the population may choose to move out of the
gunshot thanks to such software, patrols will be able city, eventually increasing overall traffic on the roads,
to get to the crime scene much faster (Woetzel et al. pollution, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
2018b). Another example relates to crime prevention, In addition, smart mobility is able to lower travel costs,
including through the use of artificial intelligence. A such as by taking an Uber rather than a traditional
few years ago, the city of Santa Cruz, California, began cab, using Waze to decrease the amount of gasoline
applying data-driven algorithms on city crime with the consumed, splitting transportation costs, sharing your
goal of predicting the exact location and time of bur- car through the use of carpooling platforms, such as
glaries and other crime events, thus being able to de- BlaBlaCar. It is very likely that the money saved will be
ploy police officers in a preventive manner. In the first reinvested in some way. So, perhaps, it will be used to
six months of this program, burglaries decreased by go more on airplane vacations or to buy a new connec-
14% and auto theft by 4% (Woetzel et al. 2018b). ted item. The environmental gain on the one hand
In a city like New York City, it has been estimated that could thus be partially or fully offset.
the efficient, maximum-potential implementation of In total, Coulombel et al. (2019) estimated that the re-
these technologies could reduce crime rates by more bound effect in "smart mobility" would be between 68
than 10% (Woetzel et al. 2018b). and 77 percent for GHG emissions and somewhat less

13. Sustainable cities and communities

for traffic and pollution. In other words, the reduction a lot of data, people and organizations in possession
is 3 to 4 times less than what smart city proponents of that data can use it for illicit, harmful and/or mali-
promise. Yet, this study only takes into account certain cious purposes. Data interpretation tools have beco-
types of rebound effects. It is also likely that some digi- me so powerful that they can better understand our
tal services reinforce the social model of "automobility," intentions, our innermost nature, with the help of see-
that is, the model of the automobile as the dominant mingly innocuous data. Renowned intellectual Yuval
mode of transportation (Axsen and Sovacool 2019). By Harari (2019, 37:15 to 38:45) believes that algorithms
incorporating uncounted rebound effects, the initially can already understand us better than we understand
promised environmental gain could be largely offset if ourselves. As an example, he says he believes that if he
not, in fact, zeroed out if the rebound effect is 100%, or, had been a teenager in our time, some artificial intelli-
worse yet, could cause unseen environmental damage. gence from Google, Facebook or Amazon would have
noticed his homosexuality before him. What happens if
• In the housing sector the algorithm transmits this information, not to the per-
son, but to the advertiser or power in operation? This
The phenomenon of the rebound effect is also present
kind of tool can be used in particular by states for un-
in the housing sector. Therefore, you will usually save
democratic purposes (see Chapter 10). The very broad
money by renting accommodation on the Airbnb plat-
topic of privacy in the digital age is also discussed in
form instead of a hotel room, or by consuming less
Chapters 4 and 10.
heat or electricity through connected thermostats and
lamps. The money reinvested elsewhere will trigger a Other social issues
rebound effect.
Smart city digital services open up social questions.
It appears that the rebound effect in the home environ- Many digital companies, especially Uber, are criti-
ment is on the order of 60% (Walzberg et al. 2020). This cized for the working conditions of their employees
study, however, was only able to quantify the effect at (see chapter 3). In addition, the smart city is not ac-
the individual level. Several collective and systemic cessible to everyone, for example if services are paid
rebound effects are likely. For example, the ubiquity of for (Sovacool and Furszyfer Del Rio 2020). In addition,
Airbnb-like platforms could tend to transform society some social groups such as the elderly and margina-
by pushing many people to go on more vacations. The lized or vulnerable people find it more difficult to use
use of "eco-responsible" connected items in the home these services, which, therefore, can amplify inequa-
could at the same time encourage the purchase of lities, expanding the sense of isolation and exclusion
other digital items that provide no environmental be- in urban environments (Sovacool and Furszyfer Del
nefit (Santarius 2017). Once again, the rebound effect
Rio 2020; Van Eeckhout and Legros 2018). The social
in real estate could offset some or all of the initially pro- aspects, both positive and negative, associated with
mised gains.
NO ! digital technology are discussed in more detail in the
first socioeconomic section of the booklet, primarily in
• The disregarded environmental impact of Chapters 5 and 9.
digital technologies
Most studies tend not to take into account the environ-
mental impact of the digital technology itself (Sovacool
and Furszyfer Del Rio 2019). As explained in Chapters
10 and 11, this is a crucial point. In addition, since de-
vices that are part of the digital universe generally have
a very short lifespan, particularly due to planned ob- YES !
solescence (see Chapter 11), it is likely that they will
need to be replaced on a regular basis, thereby increa-
NO !
sing their environmental impact.

Security problems and privacy MAYBE ! IF...

Although the smart city has the potential to increase
security within the city, other unknowns, fears and
concerns arise. First, connected objects can be It seems that the smart city so far has failed to deli-
hacked. The "smarter" the city, the more susceptible it ver on its initial promises of reducing environmental
is to cybersecurity breaches (Sovacool and Furszyfer impact and increasing people's quality of life. Moreo-
Del Rio 2020). Thus, a simple connected toaster could ver, although field trials have shown that some of the
be a gateway to hacking all the connected objects in promised improvements have materialized, it is worth
the smart home (Sovacool and Furszyfer Del Rio 2020). asking whether this is the best strategy for achieving
The problems are similar in the area of mobility: what sustainable cities and communities. It is possible that
happens if smart street signs are hacked or, in the fu- focusing on policies to redevelop housing, promote
ture, if an autonomous car is hacked? public transportation... will prove much more effective
(Sovacool and Furszyfer Del Rio 2020).
Furthermore, because digital objects generally collect
One of the main reasons why the smart city so far

seems to be failing to deliver on its promises is that Related classroom resources
it is not designed to improve quality of life and make
cities truly more sustainable. Smart city innovations
have primarily economic (Bertossi 2016) and tech- Educational Pathway n. 1 : What does sustainable
nological (Eggers and Skowron 2018) motivations. In digital technology really means?
reality, the implementation of technologies in cities is • Activity N. 1: "The ecological footprint?"What
often an end in itself. In fact, environmental and social does sustainable digital technology really
goals are largely secondary (Bertossi 2016) - this is not means?
the case everywhere, especially in Grenoble (Fing and
Transition2 2019). However, smart city innovations are Educational Pathway n. 2 : What do you think, is it
unlikely to lead toward truly positive social and envi- ecological?
ronmental outcomes, at least until they have been truly • Activity N. 2 - "In search of information!”
designed to do so (Fing and Transition2 2019; Zheng
et al. 2020). • Activity N. 3 - The digital quiz"

However, we should not be left with the feeling of failure Educational Pathway n. 3 : “What does digital tech-
and give in to a certain pessimism about digital tech- nology bring to my life, to our lives?”
nologies. Indeed, they still have the potential to make • Activity 4 "The Philosophical debate".
cities more rewarding and sustainable. For example,
it is believed that the autonomous car, depending on Educational Pathway n. 6 : A future with or without
how it is applied, could result in halving or doubling the digital technology?
greenhouse gas emissions of road transport (Wadud • Activity N. 1 "Controversial future scenarios?"
et al. 2016).
• Activity N. 2 "A letter to the future!"
In reality, digital is only a useful tool to achieve goals on
which it cannot proceed autonomously. In fact, it must
be accompanied and coordinated by policies focused
on social and environmental objectives, verified with Training Modules:
independent thematic research (Sovacool and Furs- 1 (U.A. 1.5.), 6 (U.A. 6.3. and 6.4.).
zyfer Del Rio 2020; Sperling 2018; Axsen and Sovacool
2019). In this way, the smart city can begin to achieve
some of the goals promised by its advocates.

In short.
• The "smart city" characterizes the massive
deployment of digital technology in cities that
is radically transforming in many areas, inclu-
ding: mobility, housing and security.
[1] In the "Digital Promises" section, we meant to include only
• Advocates of the smart city promise that it will
studies and articles with serious methodologies. The references
improve the quality of life for citizens while
"Woetzel et al. (2018)" and "Eggers and Skowron (2018)" relate to
making it more sustainable.
the work of consulting firms McKinsey & Company and Deloitte.
• So far, these promises do not seem to have Even if firms are not digital lobbies, it is still in their interest to pro-
been fulfilled in practice. mote the use of digital technologies. In fact, with palatable figures,
• The phenomenon of the rebound effect seems governments will tend to implement smart city tools, and then hire
to be very prominent in urban areas, largely these firms as consultants.
suppressing the environmental benefits an-
nounced at the outset.
• One of the reasons for this failure is that the
smart city was created first and foremost to
meet economic and technological goals, and
not social and environmental ones.
• To make cities and communities truly sus-
tainable, digital technology will need to be
accompanied by policies that are informed by
independent scientific research.

13. Sustainable cities and communities

• Zheng, C. et al. 2020. From digital to sustainable: A scientometric review

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duction, 120689.
• IEA (International Energy Agency) et OECD (Organization for Economic
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• Axsen, J. et Sovacool, B. 2019. The roles of users in electric, shared and
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Part D: Transport and Environment 71, pp. 110-126.
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Production 253, 119926.
• Fing et Transition2. 2019. L’agenda pour un futur numérique et écolo-
gique. da-pour-un-
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• Gossart, C. 2015. Rebound Effects and ICT: A Review of the Literature. In:
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Springer, pp. 435-448.
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nability. Zürich : Springer, pp. 333-349.
• Ostrom, E. 2009. A Polycentric Approach for Coping with Climate
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in Europe: A critical review of concepts, benefits, risks and policies. Re-
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• Sperling, D. 2018. Three Revolutions: Steering Automated, Shared, and
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impacts of highly automated vehicles. Transportation Research Part A 86,
pp. 1-18.
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homes? Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 125, 109798.
• Woetzel, J. et al. 2018a. Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable
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• Woetzel, J. et al. 2018b. Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable
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June 1, 2020].


uring the writing of this awareness booklet we have often wondered whether or not the digital
economy is conducive to sustainable development. In agreement with the definitions of "digital"
and "sustainable development", we have qualified "sustainable digital" as: "that set of electronic
devices, including their material components and software capable of manipulating binary data,
which is capable of meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their needs."
Digital technology has positive and negative aspects. On the positive side, it solves numerous societal
problems. For example, it makes it possible to provide quality education and other social and economic
services in isolated regions, and/or to marginalized populations, prevent food waste, foster innovation,
improve democracies, or even reduce the amount of resources needed to perform a certain activity. Tele-
commuting and telemedicine helped prevent numerous infections during the Covid-19 pandemic. On the
negative side, digital technology reinforces some existing problems and/or creates new ones: for example,
it has been observed that it has favored the growth of inequalities, provoked consumption and produc-
tion that are unsustainable, becoming a key factor in global warming and the degradation of ecosystems,
thanks also to the phenomenon of rebound effects, another important element of the booklet.
Moreover, new technologies are associated with violent and undemocratic practices, cause addiction and
health problems, where working conditions in digital production chains are often indecent, not decent at
all. As a result, it is difficult to define whether digital technology has an overall positive or negative impact
on sustainable development and society.
Our reflections made evident the first law of technology formulated by the American historian Melvin
Kranzberg, for whom: "technology is neither good nor bad, without having a neutral impact." Digital tech-
nologies can be thought of, developed, implemented, deployed and used in very different ways. Therefore,
they are "political tools", in the sense that their impact can only be studied in relation to the society in which
they are embedded, with the social, cultural, political and economic characteristics that qualify it. From this
point of view, technologies in general do not really change the face of a society, even if they can contribute
to giving new impulses. In other words, digital will not "save" us from our current problems: as part of a
world that has not yet made the transition to sustainability, it is not surprising that it has not yet managed
to be truly sustainable.
But there is hope for the future. It is entirely feasible that digital technology will facilitate Humanity's
growth by reducing its ecological footprint. However, this will not happen without significant changes in
the way people, businesses and governments think. It is clear that the increase in the use of digital objects
and services cannot be infinite, and so sobriety practices must be promoted. In a world with limits, limiting
use is really just common sense. Some digital services that are not truly useful or even socially destructive
should be drastically reduced to make room for those that make a real contribution.
If these evolutions are implemented, then digital technology can become a formidable tool for building a
better, socially just and ecologically sustainable world. It is only in this context that its immense potential
can develop. We hope that this work, like the other creations of the "Sustainable Digital Consciousness"
project, will motivate you to act in this direction.

The most well-known applications of the blockchain

are cryptocurrencies, which are virtual currencies
based on the principle of the blockchain. The best
known of these is Bitcoin.

NOTICE: An IT organization model that enables the conti-
nuous circulation of data, via the Internet, between
The following definitions have been taken and/or
digital devices and servers (the cloud), the latter
adapted to our scopes from several sources and au-
usually being part of data centers.
thors such as: Wikipedia, Universalis, Frédéric Bor-
dage (Green IT), Larousse, and others.
Computer Program
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Representation in computer language of one or more
algorithms that is intended to be executed by digital
All the theories and techniques implemented for the
equipment. A program is therefore the concretiza-
purpose of building computer programs engaged in
tion of an algorithm, which is abstract.
tasks that are generally considered "intelligent". By
extension, any program or software that fulfills this
Connected objects
function is, in common parlance, called artificial in-
telligence. There are two main types of artificial in- Object capable, in addition to their primary function,
telligence. The first relies on algorithms designed in of sending or receiving information through a tele-
advance, with no dependence on the data fed to it. communications network. In a more specific sense,
The second is based on programs designed to adapt it designates objects just connected to the Internet,
to the data they receive, with the aim of performing thus being part of the Internet of Things (IoT in En-
the required task in the best possible way. This se- glish). The object itself is therefore included in the
cond branch of artificial intelligence, called "machine digital universe.
learning," has developed strongly in recent years.
Data centers (or IT centers)
Most artificial intelligence methods were designed
several decades ago, but its recent application has Server and data storage facilities. The former are
been amplified by the increase in computing power large, screenless computers that perform proces-
of computers and the arrival of big data, big data. sing: they calculate, for example, your bank account
balance and create the web page displayed on your
browser. The latter consist of a multitude of hard
drives where data is stored. Data centers are one of
A finite sequence of elementary rules and opera- the three structural elements of the digital universe;
tions on a finite number of data that solves a class the other two are computer networks and user ter-
of problems. An algorithm is usually translated into minals.
a computer program by means of a programming
language. Data
Representation in the form of a number of informa-
Big data tion to be manipulated with digital equipment.
Data sets that have become so large that they ex-
ceed human intuition and analytical capabilities, as
well as those of traditional IT database management The word “Digital” refers to a manner of representing
tools. By extension, this term refers to, both the data the information in the form of data. It can therefore
and the techniques used to analyze it, although the be manipulated by computer programs.
latter are usually part of the artificial intelligence re-
By extension, "digital" refers to the digital world,
search domain.
consisting of electronic equipment-and everything
in it, both at the hardware (electrical and electro-
nic components; other infrastructure) and software
A set of techniques that allow the construction of re- (computer programs)-that manipulates binary data
gisters of information that are stored, not in a central and is, in general, connected to the Internet.
storage unit, but in a decentralized manner. "Blocks"
Digital equipment is sometimes referred to as "in-
of information are gradually added to the registry,
formation and communications technology" (ICT),
what gives the appearance of a "blockchain". The
although it does not necessarily cover all elements
nature of this ledger makes it very difficult to falsify
of the digital world.
and allows you to avoid possession of the data in
the ledger by a central body, such as a state, bank,
etc. Drone
An unmanned aerial transportation that is automati-

cally piloted or remotely controlled. Drones are part Airbnb", etc.
of the digital universe.
Representation in computer language of one or more
A technique for the automated and reproducible algorithms that is intended to be executed by digital
production of three-dimensional objects in different equipment. A program is therefore the concretiza-
materials such as plastic, polymer resin or metal. tion of an algorithm, which is abstract.
The principle of operation is quite similar to that of
2D printing and volume is created by stacking suc- Streaming
cessive layers. 3D printers are part of the digital uni-
Special transmission technique via data internet
data from a datacenter to a user's terminal as they
are consumed. It is to be put in opposition with the
download, which requires the transmission of the
Global network of computer networks and acces- entire data before being able to be consumed. Plat-
sible to the general public. Among its best-known forms like YouTube or Netflix use this principle.
applications are instant messaging and the World
Wide Web. An increasing number of devices can be
connected to the Internet, this evolution is called the
Internet of Things.

Internet of things (IoT)

Computer network formed by the addition to the In-
ternet of things that historically were not connected
to it - these are then called connected objects. This
evolution has been made possible by the arrival of
new technologies, sensors such as RFID chips or
faster mobile connections. The Internet of Things
makes it possible to add new masses of data - big
data - to the network and thus new knowledge and
forms of knowledge.

IT Networks
A set of computer equipment connected to ex-
change information. The connection between the
different equipment in the network is generally made
using wired (low-speed public switched telephone
network, ADSL, fiber to the home) or wireless (Wi-Fi,
satellite, 3G, 4G or 5G) connections. The network is
one of three main infrastructure of the digital uni-
verse, along with data centers and user terminals.

RFID Micro-processor (also named RFID chip)

Small object for remote data storage and retrieval. It
can take the form of a self-adhesive label and/or can
be glued or embedded into an object or even a living
organism. This technology is essential for connec-
ting objects to the Internet of Things.

Mechatronic device, combining mechanics, electro-
nics, and computer science, designed to automa-
tically perform specific tasks. They are part of the
digital universe.

Digital Services
Services consisting of various digital equipment and
software that, when used together, make it possible
to perform an everyday life action such as: "watching
a movie on streaming", "booking accommodation on

our partners
Financial supporters
The development and dissemination of the project's productions require financial resources. Europe is the
first supporter of the project with the Program "Erasmus +", ADEME has provided a second co-financing.
Alongside them are other entities that, by supporting our usual activities, have allowed the realization of the
project. Without them, CND would not have taken place. To all of them our sincere thanks.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The positions reported in this document are the sole res-
ponsibility of the authors. The Commission is in no way responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

our scientific and pedagogical partners

Depending on the territories and expertise of each, different entities provided scientific supervision to the
chapters of the awareness booklet, the information of which is an integral part of all CND productions. Other
partners participated, enriching the more pedagogical aspects. To all of them goes our most sincere thanks
for their valuable contributions.


La Pacaudière - France BIAGIO PASCAL Etterbeek - Belgique Régny - France
Rome- Italie


Bruxelles - Belgique Roanne - France Rome- Italie

The elaborated contents bind only the authors of the productions. Any interpretation, position or
recommendation contained therein can in no way be attributed to the educational partners and/or those who
have carried out tasks of proofreading the texts and/or scientific supervision and validation.


The work carried out by our three entities has benefited from the support of numerous facilities and individuals
who have agreed to give us their time, thus enriching our work.
Our special thanks go to: Frédéric Bordage (Green IT), Maxime Effoui-Hess and Laurie Marrauld (The Shift
Project), Mathilde JAY and her staff (ADEME), Brigitte Demeure (Electronics Watch), Perrine Douhéret (DANE
of Lyon), Jacques Faverjon (DSDEN Loire), Patay Maud (Collège de la Pacaudière), Alexandre Ballaré (Collège
de Régny), Leonardo Becchetti (NEXT, ASVIS) Professor of Political economy at the University of Rome 2 -
Tor Vergata, Federico Baleani (IT expert and president of Access Point), Chiara Medini, Press agent of NEXT
Nuova Economia per tutti, Jaime Antonio García Ruíz (Senior trainer in IT & audiovisual matters, Attività di
pensiero and UPTER), Roland D'Hoop e Patrick Veillard of Oxfam-Magasins du monde, the Abelli staff (Belgian
association for the promotion of free software), Federica Tommasi (Chemical engineer at the Italian Health
Higher Institute - ISS), Pierpaolo Lacquaniti (Environmental & Land engineer; founding member of DEKA
progetti, Board Member of Agri Island and PAINGEA), Juliette Bossé and Nathalie Masure (LEEP), Anthony
Roux (Ligue de l'Enseignement 42).

All content is deposited under license CC-BY-NC-SA

2020 © Conscience Numérique Durable
Consult and download freely all educational and informative materials
of the project and others on the website: www. conscience-numé

D igital sustainable consciousness is a European educational project whose aim is to
animate reflections on the digital issues in our societies, crossing social and environmental
problems, on a local and global scale. This information booklet is part of a larger set of tools
and resources aimed at enabling education and teaching professionals to develop educational
activities on the issues addressed based on reliable and scientifically sound educational resources.
Each chapter of the booklet aims to assess the positive and negative consequences, as well as the
potential and risks for the future in relation to the goals of sustainable development of the 2030
Agenda. The booklet has been conceived in such a way as to provide pluralistic views, based on
facts and data referenced in recent scientific studies, without any claim to exhaustiveness
or absolute truth. Each reader will be able to find in it material for reflection useful for
forming his or her own opinion.

All of our educational resources are downloadable from our website:

With the backing and participation of:

The partnership is presented in the preceding pages.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The positions reported in this document are the sole responsibility PAGE 100
of the authors. The Commission is in no way responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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