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Script – Bukidnon State University History


Scene 1

[Opening: Green scenery of BUKSU, including Bukidnon mountains]

Narrator 1 (VO): Set against a backdrop of lush landscapes and rolling meadows, lies a premier
institution steeped in the mysteries of the land’s rich history. This university flourishes, with its
skilled and talented members, fostering academic excellence, cultural sensitivity, innovative
and ethical faculty, and praise worthy scholars and artist. Within its captivating allure, the
seeds of wisdom are sown, and dreams take flight to new heights.

Scene 2

[Students walking around the campus]

Narrator 2 (VO): Students and faculty alike are drawn to the tranquil beauty that surrounds
them. Here, amidst the whispering winds and the rustling leaves, the campus seems to hum
with an ancient wisdom, as though the very ground beneath them harbors untold mysteries
yearning to be uncovered.

Scene 3

[Zoom in the gate or school’s logo, then, if possible, the bird’s eye view clip of the whole Malaybalay, then
the establishments of BSU, e.g., library, museum, clinic, etc. ]

Narrator 1 (VO): Welcome to Bukidnon State University located in the capital town of
Malaybalay City, Bukidnon and is strategically positioned to serve Region 10, the CARAGA
Region and other outlaying cities and provinces of Mindanao. It is one of the leading
educational institutions serving the people not only in Mindanao but also the country in
general. Students from diverse backgrounds converge here to pursue their dreams and
aspirations. BukSU has grown into a beacon of higher education, offering a wide range of
academic programs and research initiatives.

Narrator 2 (VO): But the story of Bukidnon State University didn't begin with bustling
campuses and modern facilities. It has its roots in humble beginnings, dating back to its
founding in 1924. Now, we’ll be going to look at the series of milestones that became
evolutionary decades in the history of Bukidnon State University.


Scene 4

[Insert old pictures/video clips highlighting the name of BPHS, BNS, and the students]
Narrator 1 (VO): As we uncover the origins of Bukidnon State University, it's intriguing to note
that its initial identity differed from what we know today. It first emerged in 1924 as the
Bukidnon Provincial High School (BPHS). Aside from its secondary education, it also offered
programs tailored for aspiring elementary school teachers. In October 1927, a significant
development unfolded as the institution secured a 6.02-hectare parcel of land, laying the
groundwork for many of the campus's current structures. Subsequently, in the following year,
the institution underwent a name change, transitioning from Bukidnon Provincial High School
to Bukidnon Normal School.

[Insert interview if applicable]

Scene 5

[In a busy crowd of students, one person went a different way, then stopped in the middle while the
crowd left the school quickly as if they were worried about a war]

Narrator 2 (VO): From 1934 to 1944, the Bukidnon Normal School (BNS) was tasked by the
Commonwealth government of “developing moral character, personal discipline, civic
conscience, and vocational efficiency.” However, despite its progress towards achieving
collegiate status, the school faced closure on December 9, 1941, amid the turmoil of World War

Scene 6

Narrator 1 (VO): In the wake of World War II, and as nations began to rebuild, Bukidnon
Normal School reopened on September 1, 1945. But the scars of conflict still lingered, and
classrooms were scarce. Undeterred, the school improvised. Classes were held in Army tents at
the provincial capitol grounds in Malaybalay and in private homes. By 1947, the landscape
began to change. Nipa-roofed buildings served as classrooms until new, semi-permanent
structures were built from war damage claims on February 11, 1950, and from ICA-NEC funds
in 1957. Mr. Pacifico A. Ramos assumed his post as principal. In a bold move to adapt to
changing times, the secondary curriculum was phased out, making room for two-year special
education courses starting in the school year 1952-53.

Scene 7
Narrator 2 (VO): In 1956, another pivotal moment emerged as the entrenched secondary course
was ceremoniously phased out, symbolizing the departure from outmoded curricula. Thus, the
total phase-out of the secondary course was done in 1956, and the two-year special curricula
were discontinued in the following year. But amidst these closures, new doors swung open,
welcoming the youngest learners into the fold. Kindergarten classes were opened. Graduate
studies began in 1960 and were carried out in external study centers located in neighboring
towns and provinces. Meanwhile, the bureaucratic structure of education underwent its own
evolution. The BNS became an independent school division, and the administrator was granted
the rank of superintendent in 1961.

Scene 8
Narrator 1 (VO): With unwavering determination, Congressmen Carlos Fortich and Benjamin
Tabios attempted to elevate the school’s status into a national teacher’s college. As the sun rose
on June 1971, another significant milestone was reached. The corridors of learning widened as
the Bachelor of Science in Secondary School Education was offered, and the high school training
department was also added. But the evolution didn't stop there. In 1972, the Bukidnon Normal
School shed its former identity and was renamed Bukidnon Normal College.

Scene 9
Narrator 2 (VO): It was the year 1975 when the first master's graduate emerged, marking a
pivotal moment in the region's academic journey. Dr. Jaime M. Gellor succeeded Supt. Ramos in
May 1976. As the winds of change swept through the educational landscape, the issuance of
P.D. 944, converted the Bukidnon Normal School into Bukidnon State College (BSC) on June 14,
1976. Dr. Gellor was appointed as the first president of the school on April 21, 1977. He set out
to expand the institution's footprint, overseeing the construction of more permanent buildings
that would serve as the pillars of knowledge for generations to come.

Scene 10
Narrator 1 (VO): Continuing infrastructure build-up was made. In 1986, Dr. Teresita T.
Tumapon was appointed as the second president of Bukidnon State College. Under Dr.
Tumapon's stewardship, the college witnessed the dawn of a new era in education. More course
offerings and organizational restructuring occurred. The new administration also pushed for
more development projects.

Scene 11
Narrator 2 (VO): As the school entered its eighth decade, a new chapter unfolded under the
visionary leadership of Dr. Tumapon. Determined to breathe fresh life into the institution, she
set her sights on pioneering innovation within the college's hallowed halls. Linkages with
external and internal groups were strengthened. Programs on Information Technology and
Instructional Systems Design were introduced. These linkages became the lifeblood of her
vision, fueling collaborations and partnerships that would propel the college into new realms of

Scene 12
Narrator 1 (VO): Dr. Victor M. Barroso stepped into the role of the institution's third President.
With a legacy of academic excellence behind him, Dr. Barroso's appointment marked a new
chapter for the esteemed college. He immediately mobilized his new team members to institute
significant changes in the academic and administrative aspects of the college, which promised a
continuing development to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Scene 13
Narrator 2 (VO): Bukidnon State College embarked on a journey of evolution and excellence.
But it was not until the dawn of a new millennium that the institution would undergo a
monumental transformation. The institution obtained university status with Republic Act 9456,
converting BSC to Bukidnon State University (BukSU), signed by former President Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo. Dr. Victor M. Barroso was inaugurated as the first BukSU President, a
vision fulfilled when he applied for the presidency in 1999. Dr. Barroso's tenure marked a
period of rigorous improvement and transformation, as the university embraced a global
perspective to meet the challenges of an interconnected world.

Scene 14
Narrator 1 (VO): As Dr. Barroso ended his term, Dr. Oscar B. Cabañelez assumed office as the
fourth president of Bukidnon State University on January 13, 2015. Under his dynamic
leadership, BukSU has fervently pursued its aspiration to become a preeminent higher
education institution, amassing a host of prestigious accolades and recognitions from esteemed
organizations. The university has notably achieved ISO 9001 certifications, leveled up the
AACCUP accreditations for numerous academic programs, and earned the coveted Philippine
Quality Awards. Dr. Cabañelez’s tenure has also witnessed significant infrastructure
developments, including the establishment of the Annex Campus and the expansion of the
university’s reach through the creation of 15 satellite campuses.

Scene 15
Narrator 2 (VO): Following the retirement of Dr. Cabanelez, the Commission on Higher
Education appointed Atty. Ryan L. Estevez as the officer in charge of BukSU. His brief four-
month tenure was dedicated to ensuring the uninterrupted provision of university services,
particularly during the challenging period of COVID-19 recovery, while the university
conducted its search for the next university president.

Scene 16
Narrator 1 (VO): On February 14, 2023, Dr. Joy M. Mirasol was inducted as the fifth president of
Bukidnon State University. Dr. Mirasol’s vision for BukSU revolves around the concept of a
forward-looking institution, referred to as “Smart BukSU,” designed to elevate the overall
experience, efficiency, and quality of education. Smart BukSU is guided by six key development
goals: 1) Smart Campus, 2) Smart Education, 3) Smart Research, Development, and Extension, 4)
Smart Governance, 5) Smart Students, and 6) Smart Workforce.
Narrator 2 (VO): This is the story of Bukidnon State University, a beacon of hope, lighting the
path towards a brighter tomorrow. And with Dr. Mirasol at the helm, the journey has only just

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