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Positive 1

American colonizer is that they provide resources coming from them like for example,
dealing with lands for farming of crops and plants. In addition, they are rich also in the
valuable resources such gold, oil and coal. Some of them benefited the Philippines.
From this first advantages, we can see the benefits that Philippines had in times of
American colony. Capabilities of Americans look forward on their goals in terms of
colonization but not to harm but to share an impact that will benefit its colonized country
or territory a sense of wealthiness and craftiness. I guests they want every country
they’ve been colonized to learn grow in their cultures and tradition they had. Through
this, they will been recognize as one of the wealthiest colonizer.

Positive 2
American colonization is that the power of influence through education, cultures and
religions. Filipino from the start until now catch up the vision of American colonizer
which is to share its some cultures and religions. We can see that the influence of
American colonizing rise up and have been recognize until now by Filipinos but the
sense of being nationalism sometimes affected because of the power of influence.

Positive 3
The most positive aspects of US cultural influence are managerial and technological
over the past century: US managerial and technological influence has benefitted
millions on the north American continent and, in the past 20 years or so and throughout
the current century it is benefitting and will benefit billions across the globe (e.g.
information & telecommunications technology, medical technology).

Positive 4
Americans quickly recognized a number of social and environmental problems existed.
These in- cluded poor quality housing, polluted waterways, widespread poverty, and the
lack of a national education system. Likewise, the Americans viewed the cultural
condition of the local population as being an issue of grave concern. Filipinos were
perceived to be lacking in moral fiber and trustworthiness. It was also noticed that they
had no grasp of nationhood, but rather had an identity de- rived from the variegated
assemblage of different ethnic groups to whom individuals had loyalty. Simply put, the
Americans viewed the Philippines as being a place in great need of “improvement,” and
a strategy was formed to disassociate Filipinos from their past and portray the
Philippines as an “uncivilized” place by creating a fresh culture, environment, and
Positive 5
To understand the US desire to initiate “progress,” it must be recognized that Americans
sought to place the Philippines “in the pathway of the world’s best civilization.”7 America
strove to create a new governmental system for the Philippines while also
manufacturing new surroundings for people to live and work. In some regards,
environmental improvement cannot be ignored. In the capital city of Manila, urban
renewal was desperately needed because so many buildings and districts had been
destroyed by war. There was an immediate need to improve hygiene and health. For
example, a cholera epidemic in 1902 killed an estimated 200,000 people across the
country. Healthier environments had to be built. This would allow the indigenous
population to live in healthier settings but would also provide the colonizers with familiar,
comfortable surroundings in which to live and work, and thus “improve” the Philippines.

Positive 6
In 1904, Daniel Burnham, the Chicago-based urban planning visionary, visited
Southeast Asia. As the former director of works for the 1893 Columbian World’s Fair in
Chicago and the architect of numerous prominent buildings in the late 1800s and early
1900s, e.g., the Flat Iron Building in New York and Union Station in Washington, DC,
Burnham’s trip to the Philippines had an enormous impact on the course of the nation’s
development. Despite being in the Philippines for just a handful of weeks.
Burnham’s Philippines visit remains to this day in the form of two city plans, created in
1905, for the settlements of Manila and Baguio in northern Luzon Island. The two plans
were composed along the same lines as Burnham’s work for the Columbian World’s
Fair—a scheme said to contain “many features of what an ideal city might be”—and the
1901–02 McMillan Plan in Washington, DC.8 Burnham’s urban plans in the Philippines
were to be of great value in helping sweep away predicaments that had previously
blighted the country while helping forge a pathway to social, economic, and cultural
development never seen before in the archipelago. Burnham was also interested in
making cities more beautiful, which was a common aspiration in late nineteenth- and
early twentieth-century American urban planning.

Positive 7
In 1970, they were gradually placed under the supervision and control of the
Department of Public Instruction. Consequently, they had to conform to the standards
and practices of the public schools in such matters as curriculum, course of study, and
English as the medium of instruction. Briefly, this was the development of the American
educational system in the Philippines. It began even before the establishment of a
colonial civil government. And, for the most part of its existence, the Americans were the
ones who "vitalized, guided, and ultimately controlled it."9 Through its instrumentality,
American-style education was adopted in the Philippines, resulting in an impact which
had affected Philippine life and culture during and after the colonial days.
The schools not only trained the Filipino for service in the lower levels of the colonial
bureaucracy, but also prepared them for leadership in the campaign for political
independence from the United States. The graduates of colleges and universities
became the small western educated or elite class which demanded initially greater
participation of the Filipino in all levels of the colonial government and, later, self-
government. Because of the increased literacy rate and the widespread knowledge of
the English language for effective communication, this group was able to carry out
political mobilization of a mass following.

(n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved January 20, 2024, from



(n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved January 20, 2024, from


(n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved January 20, 2024, from




PHILIPPINES. ScholarSpace. Retrieved January 20, 2024, from

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