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Q.Do you have a favorite flower or plant?

Yes, I do enjoy flowers. I like visiting and walking through lovely flower
gardens.I love visiting Da Lat, especially in the winter, to observe fresh growing
Q.What kinds of flowers and plants grow near where you live?
My house is surrounded by very few flowers because I live in an urban
location with packed land. However, I still set aside a little area on my terrace for
Moss Rose flowers. These flowers are inherently special because they only bloom
at 10 a.m. and then fade quickly, but when a new day comes, the flowers bloom at
exactly 10 a.m.
Q.Is it important to you to have flowers and plants in your home?
Of course, I think growing indoor plants will make my house look more
aesthetically pleasing, have more fragrance. At the same time, it also produces
Q.Have you ever bought flowers for someone else?
To be honest, I've never given anyone flowers since I was a kid. Because I think
the act of giving looks cheesy, more than that the flowers will quickly fade. So I
often replace the act of giving flowers by going out to eat or hang out

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