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Web Programming Assignment

6. Write a JavaScript program that computes the average marks of the following students. Then, this average
is used to determine the corresponding grade.


Palak 86

Payal 81

Chetan 88

Nimita 95

Sneha 68

Sayan 75

The grades are computed as follows:


<60 F

<70 D

<80 C

<90 B

<100 A

7. Using Nested tables create your Curriculum Vitae.

8. Write a PHP class called 'Calculator' that has a private property called 'result'. Implement methods to
perform basic arithmetic operations like addition and subtraction.

9. Write a PHP program to create Chess board in PHP using for loop.
You can use html table having width=”400px” and take “30px” as cell height and width for check boxes.

10. You need to write a PHP program to calculate electricity bill using if-else conditions.
For first 40 units – Rs. 3.50/unit
For next 80 units – Rs. 4.00/unit
For next 120 units – Rs. 5.20/unit
For units above 250 – Rs. 6.50/unit

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