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Meaning : are all fees and commissions paid when buying or selling securities,

such as search costs, cost of distributing securities to investors, cost of SEC

registration, and the time and hassle of the financial transaction
Including : search cost, negotiation – implementation cost, monitoring cost

Meaning : one party often does not know enough about the other party to
make accurate decisions. This inequality is called asymmetric information.

occurs when buyers and sellers do not have access to the same
ASYMMETRIC INFORMATION information; sellers usually have more information than buyers.

The problems which are created by asymmetric information include : adverse

selection and moral hazard

occurs before transaction takes place

occurs when one party in a transaction has better

information than the other party

Private Production and Sale of Information:

ADVERSE SELECTION free-rider problem

Government Regulation to Increase Information:

--> Require/encourage companies to disclose
--> For example, annual audits of public
Tools to solve adverse selection (lemons) problem

Financial Intermediation:

Collateral and Net Worth:

Mortgage: an asset that compensates the
lender in case the borrower goes

occur after the transaction takes place

occur when one party has an incentive to behave differently once

an agreement is made between parties

Stockholders can engage in the monitoring (auditing) of firms’
activities to reduce moral hazard:
• ensure that information asymmetry is not exploited by one party at
the expenses of the other
• the value of equity contracts cannot be certain or be observed at the
moment of purchase

Government regulation to increase information

Tools to solve the problems arising from moral hazard

Financial intermediaries active in the equity market:
--> avoid free-rider problem, for example: venture
capital firms

Debt contracts:
MORAL HAZARD Equity contracts claims on profits in all situations >< debt
contracts is independently from the profits of the firms
➢ Debt contract are preferred to equity contracts
➢ Explain why stocks are not the most important external source
of financing for firms.

Net Worth and Collateral

Monitoring and Enforcement of Restrictive Covenants

Tools to Help Solve Moral Hazard in Debt Contracts

Financial Intermediation
--> banks and other intermediaries have special
advantages in monitoring

- stockholders, bondholders, outside

Create a strong management system:

Tools to solve agency problem -Transparent responsibility system
- Business code of ethics

- provide a compensation package to managers that try to
induce them to act in stockholders' interest
- this is performance based incentives -> stock options

Asymmetric Information & The Role of

Financial Intermediaries Stocks are not the most important source
of external financing

Marketable securities are not the primary

source of finance

Indirect finance is more important than

direct finance

Banks are the most important source of

The financial system is heavily regulated

Only large, well-established firms have

access to securities markets

Collateral is prevalent in debt contracts

Debt contracts have numerous restrictive


Meaning : are organizations with legal status doing business in the

financial and monetary sector with the main and regular activity of
mobilizing idle capital from those who have excess capital and then
lending it to those who need capital.
FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES Minimize transaction costs: savings thanks to scale, professionalism, and technology

Minimize risks arising from asymmetric


Helps investors spread risks

Meaning : is a typical financial intermediary

organization, allowed to accept deposits for lending
and provide payment services and other services.

Commercial Banks Features :

- Raise funds by issuing checkable deposits, savings deposits,
time deposits
- Use funds to make commercial, consumer and mortgage loans
and to buy government securities/ municipal bonds
- Gather small amounts of money from households and make
(bigger) loans

Mutual saving banks provide companies (usually

corporations and large companies) with services to sell
securities issued by companies.

When companies want to raise capital, they often hire

Depository institutions Savings and Loan Associations / the services of investment banks to help sell securities
Mutual Savings Banks
- Operating mainly on the primary market
+ Consulting on whether businesses should issue securities
or not?
+ What maturity date and interest rate should be applied
+ Guarantee for the issuance - ensure the selling price for
the business, take responsibility to sold to the public
+ If the issuance is large-scale, many different investment
banks will join forces to limit risks

Small cooperative lending institutions organized around a particular

group: union members, employees of a particular firm,...
Credit Unions
Acquire funds from deposits (called shares) and make consumer loans

Meaning : are financial intermediaries that acquire funds at periodic intervals

on a contractual basis

Insure people against financial hazards following a death and

sell annuities (annual income payments upon retirement)
Life insurance companies
Acquire funds from the premiums that people pay for the insurance
contract and use funds to buy corporate bonds, mortgages, and stock
(restricted in the amount they can hold)

Insure people against loss from theft, fire and accidents

3 TYPES OF FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES Contractual savings institutions

Acquire funds from the premiums that people pay for
the insurance contract and use funds to buy municipal
Fire and Casualty insurance companies bonds (largest), corporate bonds and stocks,
government securities

Have a greater possibility of loss of funds if major

disasters occur→buy more liquid assets than life
insurance compnaies

Provide retirement income in the form of annuities to

employees who are covered by a pension plan

Acquire funds from contributions from employers and

Pension funds and government
employees (automatically deducted from paychecks or
retirement funds
contribute voluntarily)

Use funds to buy corporate bonds and stocks

Raise funds by selling commercial paper and by issuing stock and bonds

Finance Companies Lend funds to consumers and to small business

Gather big amounts of money and then lend small

amounts to consumers & SMEs

Acquire funds by selling shares to many individuals

Use funds to purchase diversified portfolios of stocks

Investment intermediaries Mutual Funds
and bonds

Investments in mutual funds can be risky

Similar to mutual fund but also function as a depoitory

Sell shares to acquire funds and use to buy money market
Money market mutual funds

Shareholders can write checks against the value of their


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