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Assignment: 01

MGT 653
Corporate Leadership and Social Responsibility

Syed Hussain Ahmad

Enrollment No

01 – 322222 – 033

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CARE: Expanding Education or Risking Sustainability?

This case study delves into the critical decision faced by CARE, a social sector organization
dedicated to improving education. The government has offered them a monumental opportunity:
taking over the management of 140 additional schools. However, Aziz, the leader of CARE,
grapples with a complex dilemma. Accepting the offer presents both exciting prospects and
daunting challenges.

The Allure of Opportunity:

 Impact on Children's Education: Expanding their reach to 140 new schools allows CARE
to significantly increase the number of children receiving quality education. This aligns
perfectly with their core mission and could have a transformative effect on countless young
 Organizational Growth and Sustainability: Taking on a larger role could solidify
CARE's position as a leading educational force. The increased scale and prestige could
attract more funding and talent, ensuring the organization's long-term sustainability.

The Weight of Responsibility:

 Financial Strain: Managing 140 additional schools would require a significant financial
investment. CARE must carefully consider whether their existing resources are adequate or
if taking on this burden could lead to financial instability.
 Staff Motivation and Capacity: The influx of new schools would stretch CARE's staff
thin. Effectively motivating and equipping existing personnel to handle the expanded
workload becomes crucial. Recruiting additional staff might also be necessary, posing its
own logistical challenges.

Leadership at a Crossroads:

Aziz, as the leader, must carefully weigh the potential benefits and risks. He faces a critical

 Consolidation: This option involves focusing on improving the quality of education in

their existing schools. While less impactful in terms of immediate numbers of children
reached, it would ensure efficient resource allocation and staff support.
 Expansion: Embracing the government's offer would signify CARE's commitment to large-
scale educational transformation. However, managing such a vast network of schools
effectively would require meticulous planning, strategic resource management, and a robust
support system for staff.

The case study invites us to examine the intricate relationship between ambition and sustainability
in the social sector. Can CARE successfully navigate this expansion, or will it jeopardize their
existing achievements? The answer lies in Aziz's decision and the organization's ability to execute
their chosen path with foresight and meticulous planning.
Q:1 What type of leadership role does Aziz play in care?

Leadership is the process of influencing, guiding, and motivating individuals or groups toward
achieving a common goal or a shared vision. It involves setting a direction, making decisions,
and inspiring others to follow that direction willingly. Effective leaders exhibit qualities such as
communication, empathy, integrity, and the ability to adapt to various situations.

"The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that
gets the people to do the greatest things."
Aziz's Leadership Role in CARE
Visionary Leader:
Aziz serves as a visionary leader in CARE, driving the organization's mission forward with
dedication and relentless efforts. She remains the principal force behind the success of CARE,
despite facing negative feedback and discouragement.
Hands-On Manager:
As the Chairperson and CEO, Aziz actively involves herself in the day-to-day operations of
CARE, from visiting schools to meeting with stakeholders, addressing concerns, and making
important business decisions. She ensures a hands-on approach to managing the organization.
Aziz is perceived as highly committed to her cause, leading to personalized decision-making.
While some view her as inflexible, she remains focused on achieving success in CARE and
expanding the organization's impact through strategic decisions.
Challenges and Growth:
Aziz contemplates significant challenges and growth opportunities, especially in taking over
additional government schools. She weighs the implications of such a decision on the
organization's future and the education sector's public-private partnership model.
Team Builder:
Recognizing the importance of teamwork, Aziz emphasizes the need for collaboration and
forming a cohesive team of colleagues, teachers, and volunteers to pursue CARE's objectives
effectively. She values the collective effort in achieving the organization's goals.
Q:2 How effective has Aziz been as a "transformative leader" in the past?

Aziz's Leadership Effectiveness as a Transformative Leader

Visionary Leadership: Aziz demonstrated visionary leadership by initiating projects like
rehabilitating flood victims and providing education and income opportunities.
Team Building: She emphasized the importance of teamwork and successfully formed a team of
colleagues, teachers, and volunteers to pursue the organization's objectives.
Resilience and Commitment: Despite facing discouragement, Aziz remained committed and
dedicated relentless efforts to establish and strengthen CARE.
Personalized Decision-Making: Some perceived her commitment as leading to personalized
decision-making, which could be a potential area for improvement in involving others.
Challenges and Growth: Aziz faced challenges in managing rapid growth, financial constraints,
and bureaucratic opposition while contemplating taking over additional schools.
In conclusion, Aziz has shown transformative leadership qualities through her vision, team-
building skills, resilience, and commitment, although there are areas where further development in
decision-making processes could enhance her effectiveness.

Q:3 What should Aziz do: Rejects the government offer and continue as before or accept the
offer? Are there any other options? Give reasons. (Write an argument for both options)

Option 1: Reject the Government Offer and Continue as Before

Aziz could choose to reject the government's offer and continue focusing on strengthening the
existing CARE schools and the twenty government-adopted schools. This option would allow her
to maintain the current model without taking on the challenges associated with adopting 140
additional schools.

Option 2: Accept the Government Offer

Alternatively, Aziz could accept the government's offer to adopt 140 schools and run them based
on the established model. By doing so, she could significantly expand the organization's reach and
impact in the education sector, potentially benefiting a larger number of students.
Reasons for Rejecting the Offer
Rejecting the offer would ensure stability and focus on the current schools without the added
burden of managing a much larger organization.
It would also prevent potential financial challenges and conflicts with the government, maintaining
the current positive trajectory of the organization.
Reasons for Accepting the Offer
Accepting the offer would present a unique opportunity to scale up CARE's impact and contribute
to the education sector at a national level. It could strengthen the model of public-private
partnership and serve as a replicable example for other NGOs, aligning with Aziz's vision of
making a broader difference in education.

The decision Aziz makes will significantly impact the future direction and growth of CARE,
requiring careful consideration of the organization's capacity, resources, and long-term goals.

Q:4 How will Aziz role change if she decides to adopt 140 government schools? If Aziz
decides to adopt these 140 schools, what human resource/ organizational development steps
would you recommend to Aziz to ensure that the transition for these schools is smooth?
( Write recommendations )

Aziz's Role Change with Adoption of 140 Government Schools:

 Aziz's role would transition from managing a smaller organization to overseeing a much
larger and more complex structure.
 She would need to strengthen her team, provide guidance, and ensure effective coordination
across all 140 schools.
Recommendations for Human Resource/Organizational Development Steps:
 Conduct a thorough assessment of existing staff skills and roles to identify gaps and areas
for improvement.
 Implement comprehensive training programs to equip staff with the necessary skills to
handle the increased workload effectively.
 Establish clear communication channels and reporting structures to ensure smooth
coordination and decision-making across all schools.
Ensure transparent and efficient financial management to handle the increased expenses
associated with running 140 schools.
 Foster a culture of teamwork, motivation, and accountability to maintain staff morale and
productivity during the transition.
 Regularly monitor and evaluate the progress of the adoption process to address any
challenges promptly and ensure a successful transition.
Incorporate feedback mechanisms to gather input from staff and stakeholders for continuous
improvement and adjustment of strategies.
 Develop a strategic plan outlining short-term and long-term goals for the adopted schools to
provide a clear direction for the organization.
 Establish partnerships with relevant stakeholders, such as local communities and
government bodies, to support the successful integration of the 140 schools into CARE's
By following these recommendations, Aziz can navigate the challenges of adopting 140
government schools and ensure a smooth transition for these schools.

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