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 Placenta is the intimate association between the foetus and
uterine wall to exchange the materials.
 Placenta begins to form after implantation.
 It is a temporary organ that connects the developing fetus via
the umbilical cord to the uterine wall.
 humans have chorio - allantoic placenta that formed from
the chorion and allantois.
 After implantation, chorionic villi penetrate the tissues of
uterine wall and embedded there.
 The blood vessels of chorionic villi are bathed directly in the
blood of mother and thus the placenta is considered as
Haemochorial type.
 Placenta consists both maternal and foetal parts.
 Maternal components are decidua basalis
 Foetal components are chorion.
 Umbilical cord connects placenta with the embryo. It helps in
the transport of substances to and from the embryo.
 Components of umbilical cord are :
Components in Role
umbilical cord
i)2 umbilical arteries Carry deoxygenated blood from
foetus to placenta
ii)1 umbilical vein Carry oxygenated blood from
placenta to foetus
iii)Whorton’s jelly With mucus connective tissue &
stem cells
iv)amnion Surrounds umbilical cord

a)Nutrition Supplies nutrients from maternal blood into
b)Respiration Exchange of gases between maternal blood
& foetal blood through umbilical cord
c)excretion Brings foetal excretory products to maternal
blood to eliminate to out
d) protection Protects foetus from high BP of mother
i)oestrogens Promote uterine growth & development of
mammary glands
ii)Progesterone Maintenance of Pregnancy after 4th month
(corpus luteum degenerates at that time
Similar to the actions of LH.
iii)Human Maintains corpus luteum & secretion of
chorionic progesterone.
gonadotropin Prevents menstruation and further ovulation
(hCG) Presence of hCG in blood / urine confirms
pregnancy. It is Direct Competitive ELISA
iv)Somato- Anti – insulin effect. Increases the levels of
mamotropin glucose and amino acids in maternal blood
(human and make their availability to foetus
Lactogen (hPL)
v)immune Secrete immune suppressants against
system paternal chromosomes
vi)Relaxin It is from both placenta and corpus luteum.
Relaxes pelvic ligaments in the process of
 Pregnancy is Intra – uterine development of embryo/foetus.
 It is Gestation period.
 Duration in human beings is
i)266 days (38 weeks) …. From fertilization of egg or
ii)280 days (40 weeks) …. From the start of last menstrual
 It can be divided into 3 trimesters (each trimester has 3
 Different changes in the foetus during pregnancy are given
Trimester Month Changes
1 month Formation of Heart in embryo.
st nd
a)1 2 Development of limbs & digits
(organogenesis) month
3 month Limbs & digits, external genital

b)2nd 5th month 1st movements of foetus,

Hair on head
6th Fine hairs covers the body
Separation of eye – lids, eye lashes

c)3rd 9th month Fully developed foetus

 it is child birth/process of delivery of the foetus.
 it begins with a series of strong, rhythmic uterine
contractions known as Labor which pushes the foetus and
placenta out of the body.
 it is initiated / induced by a complex neuro – endocrine
 Signals for parturition originate from both the fully
developed foetus and the placenta.
 They induce mild uterine contractions known as Foetal
ejection reflex. It stimulates the releasing of OXYTOCIN
from the maternal pituitary (posterior).
 Oxytocin acts on uterine muscles in myometrium and
causes stronger contractions. They stimulate the
secretion of oxytocin further (positive feed back
 It causes further stronger contractions that results the
expulsion of baby out of uterus through birth canal.
 Later the placenta and decidua also expelled out.
 Relaxin is a hormone produced by the ovary and the
placenta. In preparation for childbirth, it relaxes the
ligaments in the pelvis and softens and widens the cervix.
 Lactation is the post – natal care shown by mammals.

 Hypothalamus stimulates anterior pituitary gland to secrete Prolactin.

 Prolactin stimulates the production of milk in mammary glands.

 Oxytocin from posterior pituitary gland helps in ejection of milk.

 Colostrum is the milk produced during initial few days of lactation

 Colostrum contains different types of antibodies with more abundant

Ig A type.

 Antibodies transfer from mother to child provide Natural passive

acquired immunity in child.
World breast feeding week AUGUST 1ST – AUGUST 7TH
Pregnancy (mammals) § Gestation periods

Mammal Gestation period (days) Reference

Min Max Average

Alpaca 345

Baboon 185

Bear (black) 220

Bear (grizzly) 215

Bear (polar) 241

Beaver 122

American bison 217

Camel (Bactrian) 360 420 390

Cat (domestic) 58 67 64

Chimpanzee 230 250 240

Mammal Gestation period (days) Reference

Chinchilla 105 115 110

Chipmunk 31

Cow 279 292 286

Deer (white-tailed) 201

Dog (domestic) 58 65 61

Donkey 365

Elephant (Asian) 617

Elephant (African) 645

Elk (wapiti) 240 250 245

European mink 38 76 57

Ferret (domestic) 41 42 41

Fox (red) 52

Gerbil 22 26 24
Mammal Gestation period (days) Reference

Giraffe 420 450 430

Goat (domestic) 145 155 150

Gorilla 255 260 257

Guinea pig 56 74 65

Hamster 16 23 20

Hippopotamus 225 250 237

Horse 330 342 336

Human 259 275 270

Kangaroo 42

Koala 34

Leopard 92 95 93

Lion 108

Llama 330
Mammal Gestation period (days) Reference

Mink 40 75 57

Monkey (rhesus) 164

Moose 240 250 245

Mouse (domestic white) 19

Mouse (meadow) 21

Muskrat 28 30 29

Opossum (Virginia) 12 13 12

Orca 473 567 532

Otter 60 86 73

Pig (domestic) 112 115 113

Porcupine 210

Puma 90

Rabbit (domestic) 28 35 31
Mammal Gestation period (days) Reference

Raccoon 63

Rat 21 23 22

Rhinoceros (black) 450

Seal 330

Sea lion (California) 350

Squirrel (gray) 30 40 35

Stripe-faced dunnart 9.5 12 11

Tiger 105 113 109

Walrus 456

Whale (sperm) 480 590 535

Wolf 60 68 64

Wombat 26 28 27

Zebra (Grant's) 361 390

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