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The given bar chart indicates the difficulties people living in other countries have according to various

age groups.

Generally, all three age groups met the same problems that the data of each groups was not significantly
different. It is easily seen that the percentage of the middle age people finding schools for children was
higher than that of the other.

For the middle age people, financial solution which made up a good proportion of 35% was the largest
of all three groups. Similar to the youngest group and the oldest group, there were slightly fewer people
facing up with sorting out finances than that of the middle age people accounted for about 33% and

Looking at the detail, the percentage of people having problem with healthcare in the youngest group
and the oldest group was somewhat equal stood at nearly 33%. And that of the middle age people was a
bit higher recorded about 34%.

In contrast, the largest percentage of people finding schools for children with just around 17% was the
middle-aged group, followed by the youngest group with well over 5%. Opposed to the middle age
people, the oldest people had the smallest percentage of people finding somewhere to study for their
children was close to 3%.

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