Waste Disposal in An European Country Qchi PS388

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Waste disposal in an European country

The bar chart below illustrates various solutions of garbage disposal in an European country
from 2005 to 2008.
Overall, the landfill and dumping in sea witnessed a considerable drop while burning ran
rampant after fluctuated in 2008 . It also can be seen that the method of burning registered
the highest out of 3, others remained equal throughout the given period.
As mentioned, from 2005 to 2006, the use of burning waste is slighly plummet at 65 million
tonnes to 60 million. And the number was continually fall in 2007 at only 40 million.
However, the trend seems to be reversed and surged back at 65 million.
On one hand, the landfill at the starting point had potenial when the use of this solution stood
at 70 millon. On the other hand, it experinced a significant and enduring decrease: 60 in
2006, 50 in 2007 and reach 40 million tons in 2008.
The same thing went to dumping in sea when it hit a bottom of 40 million tonnes nearly as
twice as less 70 tonnes in 2005. This fingure decilned from 60 million to 45 just in two year
2006 and 2007. Those two all ended up at 40 making it the less popular than burning method
in an European country.

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