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Zurich Hazard Analysis


( The Zurich Hazard Analysis (ZHA) was developed over twenty years
ago and has been used successfully by various industries to identify
and manage all types of risks. It relies on your in-house expertise of
those who are most knowledgeable about the component, product
or process being analyzed. Its ability to reveal risks makes it one of
the most powerful risk management tools. With the ZHA, you make
all the key decisions yourself: you determine the gravity of the risks
identified, and you decide what level of risk you're prepared to
tolerate. This level of involvement increases risk awareness and
builds confidence in the results of the analysis, making it easier to
develop tailor-made risk improvement measures.

The ZHA is straightforward and simple. Identify Hazards, Define and

The steps of the process are outlined below: Assess Hazard Scenarios
Scenarios are developed as the team brain-
Define the Scope storms through a ·Pathway" . a defined
The scope of the ZHA describes both the route through the scope of the analysis.
content and the boundaries of the product, The ZHA "Tickler List", a set of thought
process or components to be analyzed. provoking words that encourage the team
A realistically delineated scope takes into to systematically focus on each type of
consideration the expertise and time potential threat, is used to stimulate the
avallable for the analysis. thought process and t o ensure that hazards
are revealed. Once a hazard scenario is
Choose the Team & Teamleader Identified and documented it is then rated
Ideally, the people most knowledgeable for relative severity and frequency. Both
about the product, process or components elements determine the significance of the
to be analyzed are selected to participate as risk.
team members. A Teamleader is needed to
faciUtate the ZHA process. This is the only Build the Risk Profile, set the Risk
person on the team who really must under- Tolerance Boundary and plot the
stand the ZHA process well. risks
The Risk Profile is a matrix divided into
four severity categories and six probability
levels. From a risk management point of
view, the most important aspect of the
Risk Profile Is the Risk Tolerance Boundary
- a segmented line drawn across the
Risk Profile. The Risk Tolerance Boundary Develop Risk Improvement Actions
establishes the border between tolerable Improvement actions are devised to elimi-
and intolerable risks. Exactly where that nate or reduce the risks above the Tolerance
line is drawn on the matrix depends on Boundary. The risk scenarios are re-ranked
your company's risk management strategy. to take into account the improvement
actions. This, then, defines the Target
The risks categorized in the Hazard Profile.
Catalog are then plotted onto the
corresponding coordinates of the Current Implement the Risk Improvements
Risk Profile matrix. The Risk Profile The Risk Improvement Actions developed
thus provides you with an Instant graphic by the team provide concise direction as to
overview of your risk exposure. how, when and by whom they should be

Review the Analysis

Given that legal reqUirements, industrial
standards, as well as consumer expectations
- and indeed your own processes -
continue to change, it will be necessary to
periodically review the results of the analysis.

The power ofthe ZHA

Simpl icity. A ZHA projectcan begin immediately because the methodology is simple and
straightforward and the team members only require minimal training.

Efficiency. A ZHA takes Jess time than other hazard analysis methodologies. because it focuses
on risk(s) that you have defined as intolerable.

Visibility. A graphical depiction of the CUrrent and Target Risk Profiles lets you 'see' the
results of implementing the improvement actions.

Proficiency. The team-based nature of the ZHA brings together individuals who have fi~t hand
knowledge and expertise of the scope of the analYS;s.

Flexibility. The ZHA can be appl ied across a wide range of irn:1ustries, and at any phase of a
process, project. or product life cycle.

Zurich Insurance Company
Risk Engineering
Group Head Office

MythenqlJai 2
8022 ZlJich

Telephone + 41 {O}1 6253951

Fax + 41 (0)1 6252600
Internet WW\N.risk ·engineerlng .com

~ 1509001
Quality Assured Support Unit
Zurich Hazard Analysis

Software: ZHA-NT 3.0

The Zurich Hazard Analysis is the ideal tool for identifying and
analyzing hazard and risk exposure. ZHA-NT 3.0, the latest version of
the ZHA software support package, is the most effective way of
recording, tracking, and 'interrogating' the data from a ZHA. For those
already familiar with the ZHA-NT software, you will be pleased to
know that the new, improved release is fully compatible with older

Recording ZHA data Of course, the Explorer facility also enables you
With ZHA-NT3.0 there is no need. for example. to re-name files or create new ones.
to first scribble hazard scenarios on paper copies
of the Hazard Catalog and then t ranscribe them Editing features
into a more legible electronic form. N ow you can The same hazard scenario may feature more than
rerord all data directly into the appropriate once in a hazard analysis. ZHA-NT 3.0 allows
form at ill one simple step. as the team develops you to copy and paste any number of scenarios
them. (For a d escription of the Z HA process, (including 'hazard', 'trigger' and 'effect') any-
please see the flyerl"ZHA Methodology".) where within the Hazard Catalog.

An effective use of the software is to project it Exporting capabilities

during a ZHA session so all the team members With ZHA-NT 3.0 you can distribute eiectroni-
can see the data as it is being rerorded. This leads cally risk analyses information to anyone in your
to qUjcker consensus as well as more concise and own organization, or externally: all hazard
accurate wording, and at the end of the day the analysis data, including the Risk ProfUe, can be
process is documented in the system. exported into Microsoft Excel, where they can be
freely edited and revised. This function is
Finding your way particularly useful to those who don't have access
ZHA-NT 3.0 makes it easy to navigate through to the ZHA software.
the system. The entire database makes extensive
use of the Windows Explorer file or 'tree' struc- Multi-language and language
ture. So if you are familiar with Windows. you editing function
will have no trouble orientating yourself. Indeed. ZHA-NT 3.0 has a language editor that enables
the Project Wizard, ZHA-NT's logical guide you to modll)< the ZHA terminology in three
through the Zurich Hazard Analysis process, currently available languages: i.e. English,
automatically provides you with an overview of French, Gennan. Other language versions can be
all recorded 'projects' or hazard analyses, and d eveloped, subject to demand, e.g. Portuguese or
gives you qUick access to individual screens and Spanish.
scenarios every time you open ZHA-NT 3.0.
HACCP matically generate these statistics and produce a
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points corresponding graph. Of course, you can also
methodology was specifically integrated to meet extract two or more risk areas and!or types of
the requirements of the food industry. risks, either from specific sites or from all
This feature enables users to define the hazard locations (e.g. all reputation risks). Please note,
analysis cdtica! control points and attach the list however, this feature is only available in the 'Pro'
of improvement measures requlred by health version of ZHA-NT 3.0.
ZHA-NT 3.0 'Standard' and 'Pro'
Interrogating ZHA data Essentially the ZHA-NT 3.0 Pro and ZHA-NT
A m'!ior development in ZHA-NT 3 .0 is the 3.0 Standard versions are bullt in with the same
'consolidation' feature. This feature allows you framework. Both are compatible with each other
to merge any number of hazard analyses and and their precun;or, ZHA-NT 2.0; and both are
categorize each scenario with risk 'keywords'. stand-alone packages. The one big difference
For example: by location, area of risk such as between ZHA-NT 3.0 Pro and ZHA-NT 3.0
'strategic' or 'operational' and type of risk; e.g. Standard is that the latter doesn't include the
under ·operational' . you might have 'business 'oonsolldation' (merging) function.
interruption' or 'health & safety' as sub-cate- The Standard version, therefore, is primarily
gories. Having established !)lese categories, the intended for recording and monitoring risks at
consolidation feature now enables you to extract single locations, while ZHA-NT 3.0 Pro is the
specific information; for example. you might ideal supporting tool for m anaging numerous
want to know your company's total business locations of one or several companies. It's the
interruption exposure. ZHA-NT 3.0 will auto- tool for the Risk Manager!

ZHA NT 3.0 at a glance

Contains all ZHANT 2.0 features.
Exports all data entered in ZHA-NT 3.0, including the Risk Profile, into Microsoft Excel, vvhere it can be
Organized around Windows Explorer-type 'file tree structure'.
MUlti-language functionality: available in English. French and German .
Other language versions can be developecl. subject to demand, e.g. Portuguese or Spanish.
Compatible with older ZHA-NTversions.
Stand alone software, which runs on Windows 95/98 , Windows NT and Windows 2000.

Additional ZHA-NT 3.0 'Pro' features

Combines any number of hazard analysis scenarios.
Defines scenarios according to category and type of risk.
Creates dynamic graphs and charts of selected categories and risks.

To order your copy of ZHA-NT 3.0 'Standard or 'Pro', or to find out more about the software:
Contact your local Zurich Risk Engineering representative. for details visit our website
W\VW.risk~engineerj ng .com, or
Contact: Risk Engineering at Group Head Office in SWitzerland on: +411 6253951. or
Send us an e-mail

Zurich Insurance Company
Risk Engineering
Group Head Office


Tel ephone +41 {O)1 62539 51

Fax+41 (0)16252600
Internet www.risk·engineering .com

~ 1509001
Quality Assured Support UI,it
Zurich Hazard Analysis (ZHA)
Methode & Software
fur die unternehmensweite Risikobeurteilung

(Auszug aus dem Teamleader's Handbook)

1) Copyright 1998 by t he Zurich Insurance Company. Mythenqual 2. 8002 ZuriCh Switzerland

Ori gi nally published as "An Introduction to Zu ri ch Hazard Analysis" in 19B1
., Copyri ght 1 981. 1984, 1987 by t he Zurich Insurance Company, Mythenquai 2, B002 Zurich Switze rland .

All rights reserved. No parlof this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior written
permission of the copyright owner.

ISBN 3-909292-00-4
1 Introduction .. .......... .... .. .... ... ... ..... ...... .............................. .
2 Hazard Analysis Fundamentals .. .. ..... .. ... .............. .. .....
What is a Hazard? ................. .. .... ..... ... .. .... ... .. ......... .. .. .. ........ .
What is a Risk? ....................... " .. ... ..... .. ........ .. .................. ..... ..
What is Hazard Analysis? ....... .... ... ........ ..... ........... .. ................ .
Why Hazard Analysis? ............ .......... .... ...... .. .................... " ..
When Hazard AnaJysis? ...... ... ....... ...... .... .............. .. .... .. .......... .
Which Hazard Analysis Methodology? .. .............. ............... ..... .
Inducti ve versus DL'CiuctiVG ..... ........ ......... ... .......... .... .. ....... .... .
Selecti on Factors... ....... ..... ..... ... .... ... .. ... ...... .. .. ................ ... .

3 Zurich Hazard Analysis ..... .. ... ............... ......... ............. ... .

Methodology Overview .... ...... .,....... ... ......... ..... ........ ....... .. ... ..
Define the Scope ................. ... ... ....... .... .. ... ............ ....... ........ ..
( Scope versus Perspective ... .. .. ............ ... .. .... .... .. ............. .. .... ..
ZHA Documentation .... ..... .. .. .. .. ............. ..... .. .. .. ... ........ .... .. ..
ZHA Planning Variabl es ....... ... .. .... ... ... .. .... ... ....... ... .............. ... .

Choose the Teamleader ........ ... ,.. ...... ...... .... ...... ...................... ...
leamleader Responsibilities ............. .. ........... .. ....................... .
Important Teamlollder Cllaracteris\lcs ................. ... ............ ,,, ... .
Select a Team ....................... .......... ........ ..... .......................... ..
ZHA Tea m Size ...... .. ...... .. .. .... .. ........ ... ..... ......... ;............... ..
Typ ical ZH A Duration ....... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .................. .
ZHA Team Compatibil ity ........... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .... ...... ...... ..... .. .. ... .
Identity the Hazards ... .... ... ...... .... ... .. ........... .. ............ .. .. .. ....... .
ZHA Tickler List. ... ...... ... .. .. .. ... ... ... ... ..... .... ... ........ ... ... .. ..... .. .
ZHA Pathways .. ... .... .. ... ....... .. ... .... .. ... .. .... .... .. .. ....... .. ... ... ... . .

Complete the Hazard Catalog .. .. ... ............ .. ......... .......... ........ .

Discussing the Scena rio .... .. ..... .... ..... ... ..... .... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. .. .... .
Addi ng the Scenario to th e Hazard Cata log ..... .. .. ... ..... .. ..... ..... ..
Scenario Specifics.. ......... .. .... .. ...... ... ...... ... ... .... .. .................. .
TllO Timeline or Time Axis ... ... ..... ... ...... .. " ..... .. .................... ..
Rating tile Haza I'd Scenarios .......... ........ .. .......... .. .. ............... .
Severity Categories .................. .. ... .. ....... .. ........................... .
Probability Levels ......... ......... ... ....... .... ... ..... ........................ .
Selecting the Severity Category and the Probabil ity Level ............. ..
The Severity Matrix ......... .. ... ... .. ..... ... .... ...... ...................... .. .
Complete tile Risk Profile .. .. ........ .. ... .... .. .. ......... ...... ............ .. ..
Setting the RlsK Tolerance Boundary ... ...... " ..... .... .. ...... ... ... .. ... .
Plotting the RiskS ............ " ... ... .. ...... .................... .. ...... ... ... ..
Risk Profile Quality Cheek ... ... .... .. ... .......... .. .... ...... ..... .. ..... .... .
Families of risk .. ..... ......... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ..... .. ..... .. .. ... .... .
Develop Improvement Actions...... ... ............. ..... ... ... .......... .. .. ..
Priority for Risk Improvement ...... ........ ... .. ... ... ........ ... ...... .. .... .
Sequence far Applying Improvement Action s ...... .. ................... ..
CostlBenefit .......... ......... ... ... ...... .... .. ... ..... .. .... .................. .
Final Cll0k for "AutomatiC IlTi provernents .. ... ... ...................... ..
Revi ew the Analysis .................. ...... .... ... ................................. .
4 Glossary of Terms ........ ................................................. ..
5 References ................ ..... .... .. ........... ......... ... ... .. ................. .
ZHA-Form Beispiel: Massnahmenkatalog

Zunch Hazard AnaJysis

Risk Improvement Catalog ZURICH•
r~="",i6""=======-=======11·11-'""-'" ' =='...' -===9
i:r.p;' B!t'001lK
Prof ile No. Risk ImprD'l'el'mHlt Action By-lOam

Probability level-: A: Frequent B: Moderate C: OccaSiOOBi 0 : Remote E: Unl i k~[)' F; AImcst ImpCIl!ible
~ .sew~rit.y Cat~QOfY : I: Catin:trophk: II : Critical III; Marginal IV: Negligible
ZHA-Flowchart: Approach & Ergebnisse

I Team I
Hazard Identification

Hazard Assessment
I Severity

Company Risk Policy I

Risk Tolerance Boundary


Risk Improve ment I

Priority I Sequence


Zurich Im:urilrlctl Company
Risk Engineering
Mythenquai 10
8C02 Zurich

- . " . - ~- T(~hl ph()nf! ~· 41 (Ol'

2m; :m Sl
Fax ..41 (01 20S 25 00
RE Drivan Services leam-based solutions Kt"IONledga Transfer

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