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General Instructions:

1. Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

2. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
3. The time given at the head of the paper is the time allotted for writing the answers.
4. Attempt all questions from Part I (Compulsory). A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II.
5. The intended marks of questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [].
(i) In all Map Work, make wise use of arrows to avoid overcrowding of the map.
(ii) The map given at the end of this question paper must be detached and after marking, must be fastened
to your answer booklet.
(iii) All sub-sections of the questions attempted must be answered in the correct serial order.
(iv) All working including rough work should be done on the same answer sheet which is used to answer the
rest of the paper.

PART-I(30 Marks)
(Attempt all questions from this part)

Question 1
Study the extract of the Survey f India Map sheet No. 45D/10 and answer the
following questions:
(i) (a) What is the compass direction of Sunset Point from the settlement of Anadra?
(b) What is the pattern of drainage in grid square 2315?
(ii) Mention any two features seen in the map extract which indicate that the region
has seasonal rainfall.
(iii) (a) Give the six-figure grid reference of Anjini Devi ka Mandir.
(b) What is the difference between the slope in grid square 2115 and the one in
1811. Give a reason for your answer.
(iv) What do the following represent?
(a) The red square in grid square 2316.
(b) 4r in grid square 1612.
(v) What is the purpose of:
(a) the fire line in grid square 2316.
(b) the pipeline in grid square 2209.

Question 2
On the outline map of India provided:
(i) Mark the Standard Meridian
(ii) Label the river Yamuna
(iii) Label the Gulf of Khambhat
(iv) Mark and name the Nathu-La Pass
(v) Mark and name the Karakoram Range.
(vi) Shade and name a sparsely populated State in Northeast India
(vii) Mark the Andaman Sea
(viii) Mark with a dot and name Kochi
(ix) Mark and name the winds that bring rain to West Bengal in summer
(x) Print S on the iron mines in Singhbhum.
Question 3
Choose the correct option:
(i) Which of the following regions get adequate rainfall from the winter monsoon?
a) The Malabar Coast
b) The Konkan Coast
c) The Telangana Plateau
d) The Southern Coromandel Coast

(ii) Which soil is useful in the growing of tea and coffee?

a) Laterite soil
b) Alluvial soil
c) Red soil
d) Yellow soil

(iii) The washing away of the topsoil because of flowing of water over large areas is
known as
a) Sheet
b) Rill
c) Shore
d) Gully

(iv) In which method of soil conservation, trees are planted in rows to break the force
of the winds?
a) Strip cropping
b) Terrace Farming
c) Shelter Belts
d) Crop rotation

(v) Which of the following trees are found in the desert region?
a) Ebony
b) Teak
c) Date palm
d) Chestnut

(vi) Which of the following statements is incorrect?

a) Rainwater harvesting includes collection and storing of rainwater.
b) It is only recently that water harvesting has begun to be practiced in India.
c) Water harvesting is required as there is scarcity of water.
d) It helps in recharging the underground water.

(vii) In which method of waste disposal wastes are decomposed by the aerobic
a) Open dumping
b) Sanitary landfills
c) Composting
d) Segregation

(viii) Which is the fastest means of transport?

a) Roadways
b) Railways
c) Waterways
d) Airways

(ix) Which agrobased industry is the second largest organised industry after cotton
textile industries?
a) Sugar
b) Silk
c) Paper
d) Jute

(x) Rourkela steel plant was built with the cooperation of

a) Germany
b) Japan
d) France

Question 4
(a) Name two types of cyclonic systems that affect India and two areas that receive
rainfall from the system.

(b) Give two important characteristics of the southwest monsoon rainfall.

(c) Give reasons for the following:

(i) When the Malabar Coast is receiving heavy rainfall in July, the Tamil Nadu coast
is comparatively dry.
(ii) The Northern Plains of India have a Continental type of climate.
(iii) Central Maharashtra receives little rainfall.

(d) Study the climatic data given below and answer the questions that follow:

(i) Calculate the annual rainfall experienced by the station.

(ii) Suggest a name for this station, giving a reason for your answer.
(iii) Name the season during which the rainfall is heaviest.
Question 5
(a) What is rainwater harvesting? How is it useful?

(b) What is drip irrigation? Mention e advantage of using this method of irrigation.

(c) Name two states in which tanks are extensively used. Give a reason to explain
its importance as a source of irrigation.

(d) Give three reasons to justify the need to conserve water.

Question 6
(a) Mention any two characteristics of the tropical desert forests.

(b) Explain any three key differences between the tropical evergreen and tropical
deciduous forests.

(c) Give reason for the following:

(1) Tropical evergreen forests always appear green.
(ii) It is important to celebrate programmes like 'Van Mahotsav' in India.
(iii) At higher latitudes mosses and lichens are found.

(d) Mention any two objectives of the social forestry.

Question 7
(a) Differentiate between the bangar and the khadar soil.

(b) Identify the soil:

(i) It is a transported soil.
(ii) This soil is suitable for the growth of rice, ragi, tobacco, groundnut and
(iii) This soil is acidic because of the leaching of alkalis.
(iv) This soil is prominently found in the Deccan region of India.

(c) Give reasons for the following:

(i) Alluvial soil is also called the riverine soil.
(ii) Black soil is the residual soil.
(iii) Laterite soil appear red in colour.

(d) Explain the below terms:

(i) Gully erosion.
(ii) Afforestation
(iii) Terrace farming
Question 8
(a) Mention two states where manganese is found in India. Mention one use of it.

(b) Mention two advantages of petroleum.

(c) On which river if Hirakud dam located? Discuss two benefits of this dam.

(d) State three advantages of using nuclear energy.

Question 9
(a) Mention two steps that have been taken to improve agricultural production in

(b) Mention the sowing months and two crops each that are grown during the rabi
and the kharif season.

(c) Mention two climatic conditions and the type of soil required for the growth of
ground nut.

(d) State two methods that are used to grow tea.

Question 10
(a) Sugar industries have shifted to the south. Give three reasons.

(b) Mention two differences between agro based and mineral based industries.

(c) Where does the Rourkela steel industry get its supply of coal, iron ore and

(d) Name two raw materials used by the petrochemical industry. Also, name its
two finished products.

Question 11
(a) Mention two differences between the national and the state highways.

(b) State three advantages of roadways over railways.

(c) Mention any two disadvantages of airways.

(d) Identify the port:

(i) It is located on the coast of Odisha and handles i
(ii) One of the oldest artificial ports in the country. coal.
(iii) Located in south India, this port export of tea,coffee and spices and the
imports of petroleum oil and fertilisers.

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