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General Instructions

1. Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately

2. You will be not allowed to write during first 15 minutes
3. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
4. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

Section Ais compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B

The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets

Section A
(Attempt all question from this section

Question 1

Name the following by choosing the correct answers to the questions from the given
options. (Do not copy the question, Write the correct answer only.) [15]
(i) A de-starched plant is the one in which
1. Plant is free from starch
2. Aerial parts are free from starch
3. Leaves are free from chlorophyll
4. Leaves are free from starch

(ii) Which of the following shows the correct sequence of the stages of mitosis?
1. Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
2. Prophase, Metaphase, Telophase, Anaphase
3. Anaphase, Telophase, Prophase, Metaphase
4. Telophase, Anaphase, Prophase, Metaphase

(iii) The excretory product released through the lung is

1. Urea
2. Oxygen
3. Carbon dioxide
4. Uric acid

(iv) The part of the human eye where rod cells and cone cells are located is the
1. Cornea
2. Retina
3. Choroid
4. Sclera
(v) The recessive gene is the one that expresses itself in

1. Homozygous condition
2. Heterozygous condition
3. F2 generation
4. Y-linked inheritance

(vi) Which gland secretes both hormone and enzyme?

1. Pancreas
2. Pituitary
3. Thyroid
4. Adrenal

(vii) Name the part of the chloroplast where the light reaction of photosynthesis takes
1. Lumen
2. Lamella
3. Grana
4. Stroma

(viii) Name the waxy layer on the epidermis of the leaf meant to reduce transpiration.
1. Cuticle
2. Epidermis
3. Xylem
4. Phloem

(ix) What is the scientific name of the garden pea used by Mendel for his experiment?
1. Pisum vulgare
2. Pisum florae
3. Pisum fabaceae
4. Pisum biflorum

(x) which of the following is mainly responsible for the formation of acid rain?
1. Carbon dioxide
2. CNG
3. Sulphur dioxide
4. Carbon monoxide

(xi) name the process of uptake of minerals ions against the concentration gradient using
energy from the cell.
1. Active absorption
2. Osmosis
3. Passive absorption
4. Flaccidity
(xii) Complete stoppage of the menstrual cycle in females

1. Menarche
2. Menopause
3. Ovulation
4. Follicular phase

(xiii) The cell sap of root hair is

1. Hypertonic
2. Hypotonic
3. Isotonic
4. None of the above

(xiv) On what does the harmful effect of pollution depend on?

1. Concentration of pollutants and organism

2. Concentration, duration of exposure to pollutants and the organism
3. Concentration of pollutants and duration of exposure
4. All of these

(xv) What does CPCB stand for?

1. Central Particulate Control Board

2. Central Pollution Control
3. Central Pollution Channel Board
4. None of these

Question 2
(i) Name the following

a) A pair of corresponding chromosomes of the same shape and size but one from each parent.
b) the hollow,pear-shaped muscular organ where the embryo develops.
c) The solvent used to dissolve the chlorophyll pigment while testing a leaf of starch.
d) The complex molecule consisting of a DNA strand and a core of histones.

(ii) Arrange and rewrite the terms in each group in the correct order so as to be in a logical
sequence beginning with the term that is underlined. [5]

a) outer membrane,inner membrane,intermembrane space,thylakoid,granum

b) Afferent arteriole,renal vein,capillary network,glomerulus,efferent arteriole
c) Renal artery,urethra,ureter,kidney,urinary bladder
d) Cerebrum,diencephalon,Cerebellum,Medulla oblongata,pons
e) Auditory canal,cochlea,tympanum,ear ossicles,oval window
(iii) Match the items given in column I with the most appropriate ones in column II and
re-write the correct matching pairs [5]

Column I Column II

(a) Pupil (1) Industrial waste

(b) Ethylene (2) Glomerulus

(c) SA Node (3) Fruit ripening

(d) Bowman's capsule (4) Global warming

(e) Fly ash (5) Shape of the lens

(6) Iris

(7) Pacemaker

(iv) Choose the odd one out from the following terms and name the category to which
the others belong; [5]
(a) Transpiration,photosynthesis,phagocytosis,guttation
(b) Sulphuir dioxide,carbon dioxide,methane,water vapour
(c) thyroid,thyroxine,pancreas,andrenal gland
(d) Leptotene,metaphase,anaphase,telophase
(e) Ovary,fallopian tube,ureter,uterus

(v) State the exact location of the following structures. [5]

(a) Spindle fibres
(b) Root hair
(c) Thylakoids
(d) PCT
(e) thyroid gland

(Attempt any four questions from this section)
Question 3
(i) What is cytokinests? [1]
(ii) A certain couple got four daughters in a sequence and no son. Does it mean that the husband does
not produce Y-chromosomes bearing sperms? Explain. What is the chance of this couple having a [2]
(iii) Afew RBCs were kept in three test tubes containing isotonic,hypotonic and hypertonic solutions.
What will be three expected observations after a few hours? Explain.
(iv) Why respiration is said to be a reserved process of photosynthesis? [2]
(v) Write short note on tissue fluid? [3]
Question 4
(i) Why is urine yellow in colour? [1]
(ii) State the location and function of the yellow spot.
(iii) Draw a diagram of a single Malpighian corpuscle and label the [2]
following parts: Glomerulus, Bowman's capsule, Afferent arteriole and [2]
Efferent arteriole.
(iv) Which part of the ear is responsible for [2]
1. Static equilibrium
2. Dynamic equilibrium
(v)The given figure shows a cell kept in a certain solution.Study it and
answer the questions that follow:

(a) Name the solution in which the cell is kept.

(b) Name the condition of the cell.
(c) Label the parts 1-5

Question 5
(i) Wilted lettuce leaves become crisp or firm when placed in cold water
for a while. [1]
(ii) Describe the impact of air pollution. [2]
(iii) What is meant by 'pollution density'? How are women operated to [2]
prevent the flow of eggs into oviduct?
(iv) "Kidneys are the master chemist of the body". Comment. [2]
(v) the circulatory system of the foetus and that of the mother are never [3]
connected directly. What are the advantages
Question 6

(i) Define mutation and give its significance. [1]

(ii) Complete the following table by filling in the blanks numbered 1 to 4; [3]

No Glands Hormones Function Diseases

(i) Pituitary 1 2
(ii) 3 Thyroxine 4
(iii) Explain whytranspiration and photosynthesis are interlinked during the day. [2]
(iv) People living in hilly regions usually suffer from simple goitre. Explain [2]
(v) The below diagram represents the vertical view of the human female [3]
reproductive system.

a) Label the parts indicated by the guidelines 1 to 8

b) How does the uterus prepare for the reception of a zygote?
c) What happens to the uterus if fertilization takes place?
Questions 7
(i) What is the important of meiosis? [1]
(ii) What is crossing-over? What are the factors affecting it?
(iii) Name the hormones which cause the following conditions:
(a) Myxoedema [2]
(b) Gigantism
(iv) Why injury to medulla oblongata results in death? [2]
(v) Our resources cannot keep pace with the ever-increasing population. Give
three examples in support of this statement. [3]

Question 8
(i) Which tissues and cells are mainly concerned with photosynthesis? [1]
(ii) Give any four advantages of transpiration to the plant. [2]
(iii) What is blood pressure? How is it measured? [2]
(iv) Write in brief about the causes and symptoms of exophthalmic goiter.
(v) The diagram below reprents two reproductive cells A and B. Study the same
and then answer the questions that follow

a) Identify the reproductive cella A and B.

b) Name the specific part of the reproductive system where the above cells are
c) Where in the female reproductive system do these cells unite?

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