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2022 (A)
Full Marks: 100
Time: 3 Hours

Candidates are required to give their answer in their

own words as far as practicable. Their figures in the

margin indicate full marks.

Note Answer all questions.
1. (a) What is promoter escape ?

(b) Write the mechanism of action of RNA

(c) List the prokaryotic and eukaryotic RNA
polymerase inhibitors.
d) Why does RNA polymerase have lower
fidelity than DNA polymerase?

2 List different post-translational modifications

of histones. How do these modifications
influence gene expression ? 3+7 10

MB-906 P.T.O.
3. Write the molecular mechanisms by which p53 8
and retinoblastoma regulate the cell cycle
progression. Name different DNA repair
mechanisms that exist in human cell.
6+4 10

4. What is non-specific immunity ? Write in detail

about its various components. 4+6 10

5. What are complements ? Write in detail about

its role in immunity. 3+7 10

6. a) Hypersensitivity
(b) SCID (Severe Combined Immunodeficiency

(c) Ribozymes
(d) SNP (Single Nuçleotide Polymorphism)

2.5x4 10
7. (a) Mechanism and clinical implications of
defects in nucleotide excision repair
(b) Role of DNA recombination in the DNNA
repair system. 6+4 10D

MB-906 2
8. (a) Next generation sequencing of DNA.
(b) Role of introns in splicing mechanisms.
9. (a) Mitochondrial DNA

(b) Protein targeting

5+5 10
10.(a) Explain how translocation of chromosomes
contributes to thee pathogenesis of
leukaemia and what is the principle of
treatment of suçh leukaemia ?
(b) Role of growth factors and growth factor
receptors in carcinogenesis.


MB-906 3

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