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2022 (A)
Full Marks: 100

Time 3 Hours
in theirr
Candidates are required to give their answer
in the
own words a s far a s practicable. Their figures
margin indicatefull marks.

Note: Answer all questions.

1. Antioxidant vitamins : biochemical basis of

their antioxidant effect and their clinical
2. Definition of high energy and low energ
phosphates. Reaction catalysed by adenylate
kinase (myokinase) and physiological &
pathological significance of this enzyme. 10

3. (a) Leukotriene synthesis, pathogenetic role

and its inhibitors.

(b) Excretion of cholesterol from human body.

7+3 10
MB-905 P.T.O.
4. Explain why
(a) Vitamin B12 deficiency leads to
megaloblastic anaemia.
given alone when
(b) Folic acid should not be
its deficiency coexists with vitamin B12

(c) Histidine load test is negative in vitamin
B12 deficiency.

5. (a) How can it be proved that both the

electrical and concentration gradient of a
proton a c r o s s the inner
membrane is required to drive ATP

synthetase (FoF1 particle) ?

(b) Explain the impact synthesis from

on ATP
FADH2 by oxidative phosphorylation
the following chemical individually is
tomitochondrial suspension:
(a) Cyanide -
(b) Amobarbital 1
(c) Carboxine
(d) Oligomycin and

(e) 2, 4 dinitrophenol
5+5 10

6. (a) List the substances (chemical
names) that
act as soluble and
insoluble dietary fibre.
(b) How does the use of dietary fibres lead to
primary and secondary prevention of
diseases ? 3+7 10
7. (a) Classify hormones based on their
mechanism of action.
(b) Write about the hormones that are
transported by plasma proteins.
8. (a) Transamination reaction.
(b) Chemiosmotic theory of oxidative
phosphorylation. TCA cycle as a metabolic
hub. 2+4+410

9. Write major metabolic fates of pyruvate and

acetyl CoA in mammals. Describe various

adaptive changes if fasting is prolonged to the
state of starvation. 4+6-10

MB-9055 P.T.O.
10.(a) Mechanisms of clinical disorders
associated with collagen defects.

(b) Explain the role played by pyruvatekinase

in glycolysis. Elaborate on pyruvate kinase
deficiency and hemolytic anaemia.
5+5 10

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