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Negotiation Vocabulary


Zone of Possible Agreement Position

The bargaining range created by the two A proposed outcome that represents one way
reservation values. The ZOPA defines a “surplus” among many that issues might be resolved and
that must be divided between the parties. (Robert H. interests met. Explicit demands made during a
Mnookin, Scott R. Peppet and Andrew S. negotiation often represent a party’s position,
Tulumello, Beyond Winning [Belknap Press, 2004], although the underlying interest may be broader
19). See Also: Creating Value Through Haggling, and quite different. (Michael L. Moffitt and Robert
Setting the Stage for Negotiation Success, C. Bordone, eds., Handbook of Dispute Resolution
Dealmaking: Six Strategies for Creating or [Program on Negotiation/Jossey-Bass, 2005], 280)
Claiming Value Through Haggling, Conflict
Management: Becoming a Team Player.
Reservation Value or Reservation Point A party’s basic needs, wants, and motivations that
are potentially at stake in a negotiation. The
Translation of BATNA into a value at the table –
measure of success in a negotiation is how well
the amount at which you are indifferent between
your interests are met. (David A. Lax and James K.
reaching a deal and walking away to your BATNA.
Sebenius, 3-D Negotiation [Harvard Business
(Robert H. Mnookin, Scott R. Peppet and Andrew
School Press, 2006], 69)
S. Tulumello, Beyond Winning [Belknap Press,
2004], 19)

Integrative Negotiation
Positional Bargaining Negotiations in which there is a potential for the
parties’ interests to be integrated in ways that create
An approach to negotiation that frames negotiation
joint value or enlarge the pie. Integrative
as an adversarial, zero-sum exercise focused on
negotiation is possible when the parties have some
claiming – rather than creating – value. Typically,
shared interests or opportunities to realize mutual
one party will stake out a high (or low) opening
gains through trades across multiple issues.
position (demand or offer) and the other a
(Michael Watkins and Susan Rosegrant,
correspondingly low (or high) one. Then a series of
Breakthrough International Negotiations [Jossey-
(usually reciprocal) concessions are made until an
Bass, 2001], 31)
agreement is reached somewhere in the middle of
the opening positions, or no agreement is reached
at all. (Bruce Patton, Building Relationships and
the Bottom Line: The Circle of Value Approach to Anchoring
Negotiation [Harvard University Press, 2004], 288) An attempt to establish an initial position around
which negotiatiors will make adjustments.
(Richard Luecke, Harvard Business Essentials:
Negotiation [Harvard Business Press, 2003], 49)

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Department of Government Spring 2024
Aspiration Value or Target Point Distributive Negotiation
Outcome to which you aspire that would serve your A type of negotiation in which the parties compete
interests much better than your best alternative. over the distribution of a fixed pool of value. Here,
Your aspiration value should aim high (much any gain by one party represents a loss to the other.
research has shown that negotiators with high Also known as a zero-sum negotiation or win-lose
aspirations on average do better), but also be negotiation. (Richard Luecke, Harvard Business
supportable by arguments about why this value is Essentials: Negotiation [Harvard Business Press,
reasonable. (Robert H. Mnookin, Scott R. Peppet 2003], 2-3)
and Andrew S. Tulumello, Beyond Winning
[Belknap Press, 2004], 34)
Back-and-forth communication designed to reach
an agreement between two or more parties with
Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement. The some interests that are shared and others that may
true measure by which you should judge any conflict or simply be different. Negotiation is an
proposed agreement. It is the only standard which intrinsic part of any kind of joint action, problem
can protect you both from accepting terms that are solving, and dispute resolution, and may be verbal,
too unfavorable and from rejecting terms it would nonverbal, explicit, implicit, direct, or through
be in your interest to accept. (Roger Fisher and intermediaries. (Michael L. Moffitt and Robert C.
William Ury, Getting to Yes [Penguin Books, 1991], Bordone, eds., Handbook of Dispute Resolution
100-01) [Program on Negotiation/Jossey-Bass, 2005], 279)

Coalition Principled Negotiation

Structures that become possible when three or more The name given to the interest-based approach to
parties negotiate, and parties ally together to exploit negotiation set out in the best-known conflict
or buy off each other. Coalition dynamics can arise resolution book, Getting to Yes, first published in
across the table (between parties in a dispute) or 1981 by Roger Fisher and William Ury. The book
behind the table (among individuals on one side or advocates four fundamental principles of
the other). (David A. Lax and James K. Sebenius) negotiation: 1) separate the people from the
problem; 2) focus on interests, not positions; 3)
invent options for mutual gain; and 4) insist on
Concessions objective criteria.

The things one side gives up in order to deescalate

or resolve a conflict. They may simply be points in
an argument, a reduction in demands, or a softening
of one side’s position. (from http://www. The process of defining what a problem is about. Just as a frame can be placed around a photograph,
including some portions of the picture, but
cropping other portions out, people can define
some aspects of a problem as important, while they
ignore (or are unaware of) other issues that do not
concern them.
Harvard University GOV 1199
Department of Government Spring 2024

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