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TQ 10

JUNE 09, 2015

1. A solid petroleum that occurs as a component of shale

A. Kerogene - Solid organic material in shale.
B. Coal - Combustible rock primarily of carbon.
C. Coke - Solid carbonaceous material from coal.
D. Bitumen - Viscous petroleum found in tar sands.


2. Which of the following minerals is more likely to be found in very arid regions?
A. Coal - Not commonly found in arid regions.
B. Limestone - Forms in warm marine environments.
C. Dolomite - Altered limestone, not specific to arid regions.
D. Salt Domes - Likely found in very arid areas.


3. Guidelines on the issuance of Special Permits for pebble picking along beaches
A. DAO No. 28, Series of 1992
B. DAO No. 27, Series of 1992
C. Batas Pambansa Blg. 265
D. Batas Pambansa Blg. 264


4. Locality where at least 50 miners (i.c. transient and local miners) are extracting more than 5 tons gold ore per day
A. Potential Gold Rush Area - Possibly a future gold rush site.
B. Gold Rush Area - Site of sudden large-scale mining activity.
C. Claim Area - Designated land for mining exploration.
D. Claim Locality - Specific location with established mining claims.


5. The local government can issue a small-scale mining permit with an area of:
A. More than 20 has.
B. 5 has and below
C. not exceeding 20 has.
D. All of the above


6. The Mines and Geosciences bureau issues small-scale mining permit with an area of:
A. More than 20 has.
B. 5 Has.& below
C. not excceding 20 has.
D. All of the above

7. Establishing Small-Scale Mining as a New Dimension in Mineral Development
A. RA 7076 - Promotes small-scale mining development.
B. PD 1899 - Regulates small-scale mining operations.
C. RA 7942 - Governs mineral resource utilization.


8. What is the common term for highly intensive hand gut mining in the Philippines?
A. Glory-Hole mining - Vertical excavation for ore.
B. Camote mining - Hand-gut mining in the Philippines.
C. Underhand mining - Excavating from below the deposit.
D. Overhand mining - Excavating from above the deposit.


9. Rules and Regulations governing the granting of small-scale mining permits under PD 1899
A. Mines Administrative Order (MAO) No. MRD-41, Series of 1984
B. Mines Administrative Order (MAO) No.MRD-42.Series of 1984
C. Mines Administrative Order (MAO) No. MRD-43, Series of 1984
D. Mines Administrative Order (MAO) No. MRD-44, Series of 1984


10. Rules and regulations to implement RA 7076 0therwise known as "People's Small-Scale Mining Act of 1991"
A. DAO No. 66, Series of 1991
B. DAO No. 34, Series of 1991
C. DAO No. 76, Series of 1991
D. DAO No. 23, Series of 1991


11. Amendment to Mines Administrative order No. MRD-41, Rules and Regulations governing the granting of stall-scale mining permits under PD
A. RA 7076
B. RA 7676
C. MAO No. MRD 41-A, series of 1983
D. MAO No. MRD 41-A, Series of 1984


12. The doctrine that states that all minerals belong to tie state
A. Rizalian
B. Regalian
C. Fernandez
D. Proletarian

13. What type of coal is used primarily for its heating value?
A. Metallurgical coal - Used in steelmaking, not primarily for heating.
B. Steaming coal - Primarily used for electricity generation and heating.
C. Coking coal - Used in steelmaking, not primarily for heating.
D. none of these


14. The primary government agency responsible for the conservation, management, development and proper use of the country's mineral resources.
A. Mines and Geosciences Bureau - Responsible for mineral resource management.
B. Dept. of Mineral Resources
C. Dept. of Energy - Primarily focuses on energy supply.
D. Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources - Oversees environmental conservation.


15. All proposed Mineral Agreements shall be filed in

A. The region where the subject areas are located
B. Mines and Geosciences Bureau Central Office
C. the district office of the Mines and Gcosciences Bureau


16. Which of Central the Office following is not among cost-cutting measures resorted to by mining companies when metal prices are low?
A. Additional debt financing - Not commonly used for cost-cutting during low metal prices.
B. Down sizing - Reducing workforce or operations to streamline expenses.
C. Re-engineering - Restructuring processes to improve efficiency and cut costs.
D. Retrenchment - Layoffs or job cuts to reduce expenses during economic downturns.


17. The accurate most important and basic information, which the engineer must ensure is as accurate as possible, for feasibility study is:
A. Geology of the deposit - Essential for understanding the characteristics and potential of the resource.
B. Volume and grade of reserves - Critical for assessing the economic viability of the project.
C. Environmental and social impact - Important for compliance and sustainable development.
D. Forecast of future metal prices - Influences the financial feasibility but subject to uncertainty.


18. The Code of Ethics for Mining Engineers:

A. is silent on the issue of labor unions
B. prevents mining engineers from joining labor unions
C. requires mining engineers to join labor unions
D. encourages mining engineers to join the labor unions


19. Which of the following characterizes hard coals

A. High carbon content, low oxygen content, low hydrogen content
B. High carbon content, high oxygen content, low hydrogen content
C. High carbon content, low oxygen content, high hydrogen content
D. High carbon content, high oxygen content, high hydrogen content


20. To extract sand and gravel, quarry or loose unconsolidated materials in pursuit of its project, any government entity may be granted a
A. Gratuitous Permit - No charge for extraction.
B. Quarry Permit - Allows extraction of quarry resources.
C. Sand and Gravel Permit - Specifically for sand and gravel extraction.
D. Commercial Permit - General business activities, not specific to extraction.


21. One form of mineral agreement-between the Government and-the-Contractor wherein the Government shall provide inputs to the mining operations
other than the mineral resource is the

A. Co-production Agreement - Joint mineral production.

B. Joint Venture Agreement - Collaborative project between parties.
C. Mineral Production Sharing Agreement - Contractor shares production with government.
D. Mining Lease Contract - Exclusive mining rights granted to contractor.


22. Basic to all modern mine evaluation and design concepts is to operate the mineral property in such a way that the maximum internal rate of return is
generated from the discounted cash flows. This requirement is called;
A. Direct Cash Flow Optimization - Focusing on cash flow without considering time value.
B. Capital Recovery - Recovering initial investment over time.
C. Optimum Recovery - Maximizing resource extraction while minimizing costs.
D. Net Present Value Optimization - Maximizing project NPV by considering time value.

23. It refers to the water, sea bottom and subsurface measured from the baseline of the Philippine Archipelago up to 200 nautical miles offshore
A. Contiguous Zone - Extends up to 24 nautical miles for limited enforcement.
B. Offshore Area - Generally refers to areas beyond territorial waters.
C. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) - Extends up to 200 nautical miles for resource rights.
D. Continental Shelf - Submerged extension of coastal landmass for resource rights.


24. The landward side of the mean low tide level including submerged lands in lakes, rivers and creeks
A. Onshore - Land area by lakes, rivers, and oceans.
B. Offshore - Beyond the shoreline.
C. Coast - Area where land meets water.
D. Sea front - Where sea meets land.

25. It is an area closed to mining application
A. Military Zone - Restricted for military use.
B. Mineralized Area - Contains identified mineral deposits.
C. Forest Land - Covered by forests, subject to environmental protection.
D. Land with expired mining permit - Permit no longer valid for mining.


26. An Act reducing the age of the underground mine workers

A. RA 7076
B. RA 1899
C. RA 8558
D. RA 7942


27. It is a permit issued for the extraction, removal and disposition of sand and gravel and other loose or unconsolidated materials covering an area of
not more than 5 hectares for a term of 5 years, renewable for like periods up to 25 years.
A. Industrial Sand and Gravel Permit - Covers more than 5 hectares.
B. Quarry Permit - Covers up to 5 hectares, renewable for up to 25 years.
C. Guano Permit - covering an area of not more than 5 hectares for a term of 1 year
D. Small-scale Mining Permit - Covers small-scale mining operations, up to 20 hectares.


28. It is a permit issued for the extraction, removal and disposition of sand and gravel and other loose unconsolidated materials covering an area of not
more than for a non-renewable period of 60 days.
A. Industrial Sand and Gravel Permit - Covers more than 5 hectares.
B. Quarry Permit - Covers up to 5 hectares, renewable for up to 25 years.
C. Guano Permit - covering an area of not more than 5 hectares for a term of 1 year
D. Small-scale Mining Permit - Covers small-scale mining operations, up to 20 hectares.


29. It is a permit issued to for the extraction, removal and disposition of sand and gravel and other loose or unconsolidated materials covering an area of
not more than 5 hectares for a term of 1 year, renewable for like periods.
A. Industrial Sand and Gravel Permit - Covers more than 5 hectares.
B. Quarry Permit - Covers up to 5 hectares, renewable for up to 25 years.
C. Guano Permit - covering an area of not more than 5 hectares for a term of 1 year
D. Small-scale Mining Permit - Covers small-scale mining operations, up to 20 hectares.


30. It is an instrument issued for the extraction, removal, disposition and/or utilization of loose unconsolidated bat/bird excreta and other organic
fertilizer deposits in specific caves and/or confined sites for a term of 1 year with an area of not more than 5 hectares.
A. Mineral processing permit - permit granted to a Qualified Person for mineral processing.
B. Guano Permit - covering an area of not more than 5 hectares for a term of 1 year
C. Gratuitous Permit - Permit issued to capture/harvest and transport wildlife species from their natural habitat for scientific and other authorized
D. Quarry Permit - Covers up to 5 hectares, renewable for up to 25 years.


31. Private gratuitous permit is only good for

A. 30 days
B. 60 days
C. 1 year
D. 2 years


32. It is an instrument issued for the extraction, removal and disposition of sand and gravel and other loose or unconsolidated materials for public
infrastructure projects covering an area of not more than 2 hectares with a term not to exceed 1 year.
A. Government gratuitous permit
B. Government Permit
C. Special Permit
D. Exclusive sand and gravel permit


33. A gratuitous permit should extract not more than

A. 200 kg
B. 500 kg
C. 1000 kg
D. 2000 kg


34. Which of the following fuels does not emit carbon dioxide when burned
A. Oil - Emits carbon dioxide when burned.
B. Natural Gas - Emits carbon dioxide when burned.
C. Coal - Emits carbon dioxide when burned.
D. Uranium - Does not emit carbon dioxide when used in nuclear reactors.


35. The FTAA is applied to

A. All minerals
B. Metallic Minerals
C. All minerals except energy minerals
D. Non Metallic Minerals


36. The law otherwise known as the "Indigenous Peoples Right Act"
A. RA 8371 - passed to promote, protect and recognize the rights of the indigenous peoples.
B. RA 7076 - defines small-scale mining (SSM) as mining activities which rely heavily on manual labor.
C. RA 7942 - Act governs all mining operations and related rights in the Philippines
D. RA 8558 – an act to reduce the retirement age of underground mine workers or employees from sixty (60) to fifty (50) years old.


37. The maximum area that a qualified corporation may hold at any one time in any one province under mineral agreement onshore is__blocks
D. 500


38. Refers to water, sea bottom and substratum measured 24 nautical miles seaward from the base line of the Philippine Archipelago
A. Offshore Zone - Beyond coastal waters.
B. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) - Sovereign rights up to 200 nautical miles.
C. Offshore - Typically beyond the coastline.
D. Contiguous Zone - Adjacent to territorial sea, extends up to 24 nautical miles.


39. Governing law on surface compensation to damages

A. CA 137 - governs the ownership, exploitation, and conservation of mineral lands and minerals in the Philippines, requiring at least 60% Filipino
ownership and setting limitations on mining claims and leases.
B. PD 512 - declaring prospecting and other mining operations of public use and benefit and establishing the basis and prescribing the rules and
procedures relative to acquisition and use of surface rights in mineral prospecting, development and exploitation, and providing protection and
compensation to surface owners.
C.PD 463 - providing for a modernized system of administration and disposition of mineral lands and to promote and encourage the development and
exploitation thereof.
D. PD 421 - integrates the separate police forces, jails, and fire departments within the Greater Manila Area to ensure public safety and eliminate the
danger posed by criminal elements,


40. The Annual small-scale mining production under RA 7076 must not exceed ___ MT of ore
A. 30,000
B. 50,000
C. 70,000
D. 90.000


41. A small scale gold mine produced 15,000 MT of gold ore in 1993 averaging 6g Au/MT. It was able to sell the entire production at a selling price of
PHP 300.00/gr of Au. If operating cost before taxes is php 175.00/gr of Au, and the applicable taxes are:
Excise tax = 2% of gross sale
Income tax = 35% of the first PhP 100,000.00 and 40% for the balance.
The net income after lax posted in 1994 would be:
A.PhP 5,431,000.00
B. PhP 6,431,000.00
C. PhP 7,431,000.00
D. PhP 8,43l, ,000. 00

42. The New Mining Act was passed by the __ Congress in 1995
A. Eighth
B. Ninth
C. Tenth
D. Eleventh


43. No person under __years of age shall be employed in any phase of mining operations
A. 16
B. 18
C. 20
D. 22

44. What would you have done if you were among the Filipino Engineers working at the Busang gold project in Indonesia after learning that the
samples were being salted with management’s consent?
A. Quit as quickly as possible
B. None of these
C. Bought more stocks in Bre-Ex while continuing to work with the said company
D. Keep quiet about the whole thing
45. The isopach method of ore reserve estimation relies mainly in:
A. Contour - Geological feature outline.
B. Specific gravity of ore - Density ratio.
C. Drill holes - Data from boreholes.
D. Statistical data - Numerical analysis.


46. In order to insure just and timely compensation for damages, and progressive and sustainable rehabilitation if any adverse effects of mining
operation, DENR/MGB has organized a fund known as:
A. Contingent Liability and Rehabilitation Fund - Covers unforeseen mining operation costs.
B. Mine Rehabilitation Fund (MRF) - Finances restoration of areas affected by mining.
C. Monitoring Trust Fund (MTF) - Supports monitoring activities related to mining.
D. Mine Waste and Tailings Fees Reserve Fund - Collects fees for waste management.


47. A panel or group of people that has exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide disputes involving rights to mining areas; mineral agreement, surface
owners, claim holders and occupants; and disputes pending before the Regional Office and the Department known as:
A. Panel of arbitrators
B. Mines Adjudication Board
C. Secretariat
D. Board of Appeals


48. A mining company intends to sell their two iron stockpiles shown below:
Stockpile No. Average %Fe Tonnage (DMT)
A 48 40,000
B 65 25,000
A smelter plant is willing to buy the iron stockpiles based on the following terms and conditions:
Buying price PHP 600/DMT FOB Manila
Fe (Minimum) 59% and below 49% is rejected
Bonus and Penalty Clause PHP 12.00/unit above or below minimum
Without blending, what is the maximum tonnage the company could sell?
A. 25,000 DMT
B. 30,000 DMT
C. 35,000 DMT
D. 40,000 DMT
49. What will be the total amount receivable at the end of four period years if the sum of $25,000 is invested now at the rate of 8% P.A?
A. $30,000
B. $31,200
C. $33,012
D. $34,012
50. The pressure difference resulting from differences in elevation between intake and discharge points for a liquid.
A. Piping - System of fluid transport.
B. Hydraulic Uplift - Upward force from fluid pressure.
C. Head - Pressure difference due to elevation.
D. Liquefaction - Solid to liquid conversion.

51. It refers to the money necessary to operate a business on a day to day basis and includes raw material inventory, accounts receivable and ready cash.
A. Current Assets - Assets expected to convert to cash within a year.
B. Capitalization - Total funds invested in a business.
C. Capital Cost - Total cost of acquiring an asset.
D. Working Capital - Money needed for day-to-day operations.


52. Investment cost that is written off for the purpose by way of depreciation, depletion or amortization over a period of time.
A. Operating Cost - Regular business expenses.
B. Non-cash Cost - Written off over time.
C. Cash Cost - Actual cash outlays.
D. Capitalized Cost - Recorded as an asset.


53. A term commonly used in coal mining for an adit or a gently inclined shaft.
A. Cross-cut - Horizontal passage between shafts.
B. Drift - Slight angle underground excavation.
C. Level - Horizontal passage in a mine.
D. Entry - Common term for adit or inclined shaft.


54. Any mine working that will be driven under rivers on massive, unbroken igneous rock shall have a thickness of how many meters from the true
river bed to the roof of the mine working?
A. 50
B. 30-50
C. 25-30
D. 25


55. Oxygen concentrating in the air space shall not be more than how much % free oxygen by volume in handling coal deliveries.
A. 12
B. 14
C. 10
D. 16


56. The Mines and Geosciences Bureau issues small-scale mining permit with an area of:
A. More than 20 has
B. 5 has and below
C. Not exceeding 20 has
D. All of the above


57. The practice of Mining Engineering as a profession, is a/an:

A. Obligation given by the state
B. Privilege granted by the state
C. None of the choices
D. Responsibility given by the state


58. Rules and Regulations Governing the Granting of Processor's Permit Related to Small-Scale Gold Mining
A. DENR Administrative Order No. 06, Series of 1986
B. DENR Administrative Order No. 09, Series of 1989
C. DENR Administrative Order No. 05, Series of 1989
D. DENR Administrative Order No. 07, Series of 1989


59. For Accurate core logging, the cores must first be:
A. Grind to minus 200 mesh
B. Wetted with clear water
C. Polished in thin sections
D. Crushed to powder form


60. A rank of coal with heating value of nearly 15,000 btu/b:

A. Lignite - Low-grade coal.
B. Sub-bituminous - Higher heating value coal.
C. Bituminous - Medium-grade coal.
D. Anthracite - Highest heating value coal.

61. This coal generally has a lower sulphur content than other types, which makes it attractive for use because of its cleaner burning:
A. Anthracite - High carbon, low sulfur coal.
B. Bituminous - Medium-grade coal with moderate sulfur.
C. Sub-bituminous - Lower sulfur content coal.
D. Lignite - Low-grade coal with high sulfur.


62. It is the volume of overburden which costs a unit amount to move and is accepted as a standard for the
A. Effective Yardage - Material volume moved during mining.
B. Stripping Ratio - Overburden to ore ratio.
C. Equivalent Yardage - Comparing material volumes.
D. Stripping Yardage - Volume of overburden removed for access.


63. Strata means

A. Beds or Layers - Horizontal rock formations.
B. Beams or Bars - Structural supports.
C. Coal Seams - Layers of coal.
D. Surrounding Rocks - Enclosing geological formations.


64. Goaf means

A. In-situ Rocks - Original rock position.
B. Caved Roof Materials - Collapsed mine roof debris.
C. Coal Refuse - Waste from coal mining.
D. Powdered Coal - Crushed coal.

65. Where the microenvironment is located in a long wall mining operations
A. At the face
B. At the roof
C. At the floor
D. In the entire panel


66. It is one of the high extraction method of mining coal underground

A. Longwall Mining - Extracting coal along a long wall.
B. Hydraulic Mining - Using water jets to extract ore.
C. Auger Mining - Extracting coal using a large drill.
D. Square Set - Timber support in underground mines.


67. It is the most important geographical factor influencing coal formation, which affects the rate of floral growth and the degree of preservation of
accumulated plant materials in a peat swamp
A. Topography - Landscape features.
B. Depositional Factor - Sediment accumulation.
C. Climate - Prevailing weather conditions.
D. Biochemical Process - Organic matter reactions.


68. It is a liquid, very viscous by hydrocarbon not extractable from oil wells
A. Tar - Thick, viscous liquid.
B. Crude Oil - Unrefined petroleum.
C. Kerosene - Flammable fuel.
D. Petroleum - Naturally occurring hydrocarbons.


69. The two predominant methods in underground coal mining

A. Pillar Extraction and Longwalling - Extracting coal with pillars or a continuous wall.
B. Shortwall Mining and Pitch Mining - Short-faced mining methods.
C. Room and Pillar and Breast Mining - Creating rooms separated by pillars or extracting from exposed seams.
D. Hydraulic Mining and Stope-and-Pillar Mining - Using water jets or extracting from stopes with pillars.


70. Coal stockpile shall be built on open, clean, well drained ground, far from sources of heat and kept ____ meters within acceptable height of the pile.
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6


71. For fire protection, all existing provisions of the Fire Code of the Philippines shall be followed. The said Code is otherwise known as
A. PD 1185 - an act establishing a comprehensive fire code of the Philippines
B. PD 1899 - allow SSM as a cheap activity with cheap labor costs and viable to be done through artisanal or 'shovel and pick' style of mining in order
to extract and utilize the mineral resources.
C. PD 1561 - recognized that the country was in a crisis and directed that all proceeds from the ad valorem tax shall accrue to the national government's
General Fund
D. PD 4272 - Act Authorizing the Appropriation of the Amount of Three Hundred Thousand Pesos Out of Any Funds in the National Treasury not
Otherwise Appropriated

72. An intrinsic method of forecasting by studying time series statistical data.

A. Trend - General direction over time.
B. Time Series Analysis - Studying data patterns over time.
C. Forecasting - Predicting future trends.
D. Seasonal Movements - Regular fluctuations based on seasons.

73. Method or tools of forecasting that is an artificial series used to describe overall behavior of a time series when the trend cannot be ascertained
whether linear, non-linear or part of a cycle or a mathematical equation is not required
A. Straight Line - Simple linear trend projection.
B. Least Square Method - Minimizing distance to fit a line.
C. Method of Moments - Estimating distribution parameters.
D. Moving Average - Smoothing fluctuations with recent data.


74. Represent the smooth or regular underlying or the general long run behavior or movement of a series over a fairly long period of time. It depicts the
gradual growth or decay or a combination of both a particular time series observed over a long period of time.
A. Trend - Long-term direction of a series.
B. Season - Regular fluctuations in intervals.
C. Cycle - Recurrent patterns over longer periods.
D. Random - Unpredictable fluctuations.


75. Refers to the fluctuations which repeat themselves at a more or less regular interval; a periodic movement which has a period of one year;
movements in a time series which recur year after year in the same month of the year with a more or less the same intensity.
A. Secular trend - Long-term directional movement over many years.
B. Seasonal movement - Fluctuations within a year, tied to seasons or recurring events.
C. Cyclical variation - Periodic movements not tied to seasons, reflecting economic cycles.
D. Irregular variation - Unpredictable fluctuations, unrelated to seasonal or cyclical patterns.


76. Refers to the unexplained variation not covered by any of the other components and generally considered as accidental or random in nature, they are
totally unpredictable.
A. Long-term trend - Overall direction over time.
B. Cyclical fluctuation - Periodic movements tied to economic cycles.
C. Season - Division of the year with specific weather patterns.
D. Irregular fluctuation - Unexplained, random variations.

77. In room-and-pillar mining, this method is more preferred than the conventional mining method because separate unit operations are eliminated or
performed by a single high-performance mining machine. It is also more efficient than the latter, lends more easily to and benefits from simulation
analyses for improving its performance
A. Continuous mining - Uses a single machine for efficient extraction without separate operations.
B. Hydraulic coal mining - Involves high-pressure water jets for extraction.
C. Pitch mining - Extracting asphalt or tar from natural deposits.
D. Multiple seam mining - Extracting from multiple layers but not necessarily with high-performance machines.

78. A sudden spalling or collapse of the coalface caused by stress concentration at the face resulting from goaf hang-ups and presence of joints near and
parallel to the face. This happens under strong roof and floor conditions.
A. Cave in - Sudden roof collapse caused by excessive pressure.
B. Face break - Fracturing of the coalface due to geological stresses.
C. Coal bump - Violent release of stored energy in coal.
D. Face collapse - Failure of the coalface due to stress concentration


79. A large-scale instability involving the failure of a great number of pillars in a partial high extraction system. The massive failure is caused by a
tremendous overburden pressure transmitted to the pillars but a strong roof
A. Pillar spalling - Gradual breaking of pillar sections due to stress.
B. Pillar run - Sudden collapse of multiple pillars.
C. Pillar scaling - Removal of loose material from pillars.
D. Progressive failure - Gradual spread of structural collapse.


80. Why is a copper ore body very close to the surface usually excluded from the computation of the ore reserves, or at best discounted, before it is
added to the rest of the reserves?
A. Because it is usually oxidized
B. Because of the supergene enrichment
C. Because it cannot be mined
D. All of these


81. How does oxidation of a copper deposit affect copper recovery?

A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Does nothing
D. All of these


82. Big companies involved globally often hire well known political analysts as consultants to evaluate country risks. What do they focus on?
A. Overall political stability - Assessing government stability, rule of law, and potential unrest.
B. Geology - Study of Earth's structure, not typically a focus for political analysts.
C. World metal prices - Monitoring global market trends, important for metal industries.
D. None of these


83. Which of these statements about the general properties of coal is correct?
A. The higher the coal rank, the higher the heating value
B. The higher the coal rank, the lower the inherent moisture content
C. The higher the coal rank, the higher the fixed carbon content
D. All of these


84. Which of the following increases the heating value of coal?

A. Volatile combustible matter - Contributes to vaporization and increased energy release.
B. Fixed carbon - Solid carbonaceous material linked to higher heating value.
C. Low ash content - Reduces non-combustible residue, enhancing heating value.
D. All of these


85. Which if the following gases in a mine can be used to generate electricity?
A. Carbon dioxide - Not typically used directly for electricity generation.
B. Carbon monoxide - Can be used as a fuel for electricity generation.
C. Methane - Valuable energy resource used for power generation.
D. All of these


86. Which of the following is not a measure of a mine’s financial viability?

A. Gross income - Total revenue before deducting expenses.
B. IRR - Rate of return on investment.
C. NPV - Present value of future cash flows.
D. Payback - Time to recoup initial investment.


87. You have been tasked to evaluate an old mine using a modern mine valuation software. How will you handle old data?
A. Discard all of them as they cannot be used in a computer
B. Digitize relevant and useful data so they can be utilized
C. Do a separate manual evaluation using old data
D. Do all of these


88. An exhaustive evaluation of a mining project shows among the others the following: reserves of 100 million tons minable by open pit at a stripping
ratio of 1:1 copper grade of 1%; 100 million dollars of capital investment needed; and a net present value of minus ten million dollars. What will you
A. Acquire the mine because of the large reserves and good grade
B. Do further studies
C. Reject the property
D. None of these
89. What is the most fundamental principle in sampling an ore body?
A. To take as many samples as possible
B. To make sure that the high grade portions are sampled
C. To take the samples as quickly as possible
D. To make sure that the samples are as representative of the ore body as possible


90. Evaluating a copper deposit through drill holes in a grid pattern would be most applicable in a:
A. Vein type irregular deposit - Narrow, irregular bodies within fractures, benefit from grid drilling.
B. Contact metasomatic deposit - Altered by hot fluids near igneous contacts, suited for grid drilling.
C. Porphyry type deposit - Large, disseminated mineralization, commonly evaluated with grid drilling.
D. All of these


91. Which of the following is not a measure of a mining company’s financial performance?
A. Profit and loss statement - Summarizes revenue and expenses for financial performance.
B. Balance sheet - Provides snapshot of financial position, not direct performance measure.
C. Manpower complement - Indicates workforce size, not a financial performance measure.
D. All of these


92. Why is drilling done only after conducting other operations such as geological mapping, geochemical surveying and geophysical surveying
A. Drilling takes much longer time
B. It is the traditional approach
C. Drilling is much more expensive than the others
D. None of these


93. Mine valuation is done primarily to:

A. Boost company’s share value in the market
B. Make a good press release
C. Please the investors
D. None of these


94. Which of these comes first in evaluating an existing mine?

A. Pre-feasibility study - Initial assessment of technical and economic viability.
B. Feasibility study - Detailed analysis of project viability.
C. Due diligence - Comprehensive investigation of legal, financial, and operational aspects.
D. Financial closure - Finalizing funding arrangements after feasibility assessment.


95. The results of an Induced Polarization (IP) survey in a pyritic copper deposit need to be validated by other surveys primarily because:
A. IP surveys are unreliable
B. Pyrite and chalcopyrite have similar responses in an IP survey
C. Geochemical surveys are more reliable than geophysical surveys
D. All of these


96. Which of the following deposits can be sufficiently drilled with holes spaced 1 kilometer apart or even more?
A. An irregular vein type gold deposits extending about five kilometers along the strike
B. A deep-seated contact metasomatic deposit
C. A coal deposit of uniform thickness with hardly any faulting or folding
D. None of these


97. Which of the following measures the overall value of a mining project to society and not just the company?
A. Financial internal rate of return - Measures company profitability.
B. Economic internal rate of return - Considers societal impacts beyond company perspective.
C. Payback - Time to recoup investment, lacks broader societal consideration.
D. Total economic valuation - Comprehensive assessment of societal value.


98. Which of the following information is least relevant in the evaluation of a mine?
A. General geology - Provides foundational knowledge but less directly relevant to financial evaluation.
B. Capital and operating cost - Crucial for economic viability assessment.
C. Mineable reserves - Essential for estimating mine lifespan and profitability.
D. Metal prices - Significantly impact revenue and financial performance.

99. Which of the following mining operations has become unprofitable due to competition from cheap by-products from the refining of sour crude oil?
A. Elemental sulfur - Impacted by competition from cheap by-products of sour crude oil refining.
B. Salt - Typically unaffected by competition from crude oil refining by-products.
C. Phosphate - Usually not influenced by competition from sour crude oil by-products.
D. All of these


100. A contractor or a permittee is required by the Philippine National Police to acquire the following explosive permits in mining/quarrying
A. Right to possess and use explosives - Grants legal authority for explosive usage.
B. License to purchase/transfer explosives - Authorizes legal acquisition or transfer of explosives.
C. Blaster’s foreman license - Certifies supervision competency for blasting operations.
D. Purchasers license


101. The use of credit of borrowed funds to improve one’s speculative capacity and increase the rate of return from an investment.
A. Stock trading - Buying and selling shares for profit.
B. Leverage - Using borrowed funds to amplify investment returns.
C. Stock transfer - Changing ownership of shares.
D. Dividend - Distribution of profits to shareholders.


102. Omnibus Investment Code of 1987

A. MAO no. MRD 51 series of 1991 - "Mine Safety Rules and Regulations."
B. MAO no. MRD 27 series of 1991 - Sand and Gravel Law
C. EO #279 - authorized to negotiate and enter into, for and in behalf of the Government, joint venture, co-production, or production-sharing
agreements for the exploration, development, and utilization of mineral resources with any Filipino citizen
D. EO #226 - "Omnibus Investments Code"


103. It was originally organized in 1938 by a core of eight major mines in the Baguio Mining District under the name of Baguio Mine Operations
Safety Association (BMOSA). Its main objective was to promote the doctrine of safety for the preservation and conservation of lives and properties in
the mining, quarrying, metallurgical and allied industries.
A. PSEMP - a collaborative network of subject matter experts from many monitoring organizations and different parts of the region.
B. PMSEA - Philippine Mine Safety and Environment Association


104. Type of surveying in which the earth is considered as a flat surface. Distances and areas involved are of limited extent and the exact shape of the
earth is disregarded.
A. Earth surveying - surveying research tools for Google Earth.
B. Geodetic surveying - used to determine the exact shape and size of the Earth through precise measurements of points on its surface using techniques
like triangulation, benchmarks, and GPS control stations.
C. Plane surveying - method of measuring small areas of the earth's surface by disregarding curvature and geoid effects
D. None of these

105. PRC on Modernization act

A. RA 8558 - to reduce the retirement age of underground mine workers or employees from sixty (60) to fifty (50) years old.
B. RA 8749 - Act provides for the creation of a national program of air pollution management focusing primarily on pollution prevention
C. RA 8981 - act modernizing the professional regulation commission, repealing for the purpose presidential decree numbered two hundred and
twenty-three, entitled "creating the professional regulation commission and prescribing its powers and functions,"
D. RA 9136 - An Act Ordaining Reforms in the Electric Power Industry, Amending for the purpose certain laws and for other purposes.


106. With the knowledge that the ore deposit being explored is a massive base metal, what type of samples would be preferred?

A. Channel samples - Continuous samples across mineralized zones, preferred for massive base metal deposits.
B. Grab samples - Small, isolated samples, less preferred for exploring massive base metal deposits.
C. Chip samples - Continuous samples along rock faces, suitable for massive base metal deposits.
D. Random samples - Collected from various locations, may not provide representative data for massive base metal deposits.


107. The Mining Engineer’s existence is justified by:

A. The powers vested upon by the virtue of acquiring a license
B. The calling of that scientific discipline
C. The need to utilize, exploit, develop and conserve the God-given minerals for this patriarch
D. The essence of diversity in professions


108. What is the foremost responsibility to the community of a Mining Engineer?

A. To generate jobs in the immediate communities to follow programs contained in the Social Development Program of the mining
B. Safety and welfare of the people
C. Assure the economic development of the community where his employer operates.
D. Assure the economic development of the community where his employer operates.


109. Failure to comply with payments of the mine waste and tailings fee shall mean a __ surcharge on the principal amount for every month delay
A. 5%
B. 20%
C. 15%
D. 10%


110. Non-submission and a penalty of reports mean non-availment of the exemption from the payment of mine waste and tailings fees and a penalty of
A. P5,000
B. P50,000
C. P 1,000
D. P10,0000

112. Mine waste and tailings fees shall be collected ___ from each operating contractor based on the amount generated for the said period
A. Annually - Collected once per year.
B. Quarterly - Collected every three months.
C. Monthly - Collected each month.
D. Semi-annually - Collected every six months.


113. Formed from the destructive distillation of coal in the absence of air (pyrolysis)
A. Coke - Produced from coal through destructive distillation.
B. Anthracite - High-carbon coal, not directly formed through destructive distillation.
C. Petroleum - Liquid fuel, not derived from coal distillation.
D. All of the above


114. A good coke has _% Fuel content, 0.5-4% volatile matter, 9-15% ash content, <5% moisture, 0.5-3% sulfur and <0.0:4% phosphorus
A. 80-85%
B. 83-90%
C. 90-95%


115. The PMRC is applicable to:

A. all solid minerals, including industrial minerals and coal
B. all solid minerals, except coal
C. all solid minerals, including precious gems
D. all- solid minerals, including coal


116. A Competent Person'` must have a minimum of years experience which is relevant to the style of mineralization and type of deposit under
consideration and to the activity which that person is undertaking
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 10


117. The panel of arbitrators in the regional office of the Department shall be composed of how many members?
A. 3


118. The share of the Government in co-production and joint-venture agreements hall be negotiated by the Government and the contractor taking into
consideration the following except:
A. capital investment of the project
B. risks involved
C. contribution of the project to the economy
D. people involved


119. Waste from coal cleaning operations

A. Washers - Equipment used in coal cleaning, not waste.
B. Cuttings - Fragments from mining, not coal cleaning waste.
C. Culm - Waste from coal cleaning operations.
D. Tails - Industrial waste, not specific to coal cleaning.


120. Amount upon which income taxes are based

A. Revenue - Total income before expenses.
B. Taxable income - Amount subject to taxation after deductions.
C. Income - Money earned from various sources.
D. Net earnings - Total income after expenses and deductions.


121. Expected trade-in or market value when an asset is traded or disposed of

A. Depreciated value - Asset's current worth after depreciation.
B. Salvage value - Expected value at asset's disposal.
C. Depleted amount - Not a typical term for disposal value.
D. Asset value - Total worth of an asset, not specific to disposal.


122. Parameter characteristic that can take on any one of the several values, discrete and continuous
A.Fixed variable - are expenses that remain the same no matter how much a company produces
B. Random variable - variable whose value is unknown, or a function that assigns values to each of an experiment's outcomes.
C. Systematic variable
D. none of these


123. One nautical mile is equivalent to how many meters?

A.1609 meters
B. 1852 meters
C. 2000 meters
D. none of these


124. Method of leveling which involves the differences in gravity at various stations by means these of a gravimeter for geodetic purposes
A. Gravimeter leveling - Measures gravity differences for geodetic purposes.
B. Barometric leveling - Uses atmospheric pressure changes for elevation measurement.
C. Direct leveling - Measures vertical height differences directly.
D. Stadia leveling - Measures height differences using stadia rod and instrument.


125. When was RA 7076 finally passed the House of Representative and the Senate?
A. May 30, 1990
B. May 30, 1991
C. May 25, 1990
D. May 25, 1991

126. “Small-scale miners” are duly licensed by __ to engage, under the terms and conditions of a contract, in the extraction or removal of minerals or
ore bearing materials from the ground
A. MGB - Grants licenses for mining activities.
B. DENR - Regulates extraction of mineral resources.
C. P/CMRB - Local regulatory board for mining.
D. Provincial Governor - Local executive authority, not typically involved in mining licensing.


127. In a case site declared and set aside people’s small scale mining area is covered by an existing mining right. How much of the gross value of the
metallic mineral output is given to the claim owner as royalty?
A. 1%
B. 1.5%
C. 2%
D. 2.5%


128. Refer to all areas generally belonging ICC/IPs compromising lands, inland waters, coastal areas, and natural resources
A. Ancestral Land - Land traditionally owned by ICCs/IPs.
B. Ancestral Domain - Land, waters, and resources owned by ICCs/IPs.
C. Ancestral Ownership - Collective rights of ICCs/IPs over their territories.
D. All of these


129. How many kilograms of ore is exempted from Ore Transport Permit?
A.1 kg
B.2 kg
C.3 kg
A. 5 kg


130. The primary government agency responsible for the formulation and implementation of policies, plans and programs to promote and protect the
rights and well-being of the ICCS/IPs and the recognition of their ancestral domains as well as their rights.
A. DENR - Environment and natural resources management.
B. MGB - Regulates mining activities and geological studies.
C. P/CMRB - Local mining regulatory board.
D. NCIP - Promotes and protects indigenous rights and ancestral domains


131. Who should sign the ore resource report?

A. Geologist - Studies Earth's structure and mineral formation.
B. Mining Engineer - Plans and operates mining projects.
C. Competent Person - Certifies accuracy of ore resource reports.
D. All of these


132. What is the foremost responsibility of a Mining Engineer to the community?

A. rendering of professional service in cases of accidents, emergencies, or calamities
B. safety and welfare of the people, in the pursuit of his/her profession
C. not issue or cause to be issued any unwanted professional opinion, improper advice or false information tending to alarm
D. all of these


133. A fixed point or object, often temporary in character. used in leveling where the rod is held first for a foresight, then for a back sight
A. Benchmark - Permanent reference point for surveying.
B. Turning point - Temporary point for leveling foresights and backsights.
C. Level - Instrument for establishing horizontal lines.
D. None of these


134. Kind of vertical datum where horizontal surface is shaped by the gravity field of the earth.
A. Geoid - Represents Earth's gravitational field.
B. Ellipsoid - Mathematical model of Earth's shape.
C. Geodetic - Science of measuring Earth's surface.
D. None of these

135. This is the first staff reading. taken in any set-up of the instrument after the 1eveling has been conducted. This reading is always taken on a point
of known clevation
A. Foresight Reading - Taken on a point of unknown elevation.
B. Side Reading - Not specific to leveling procedures.
C. Backsight Reading - First reading on a point of known elevation.
D. Level Reading - General term for readings with a leveling instrument.


136. 1 Gunter's Chain is equivalent o how many inches?

A. 100
B. 792
C. 66
D. 660


137. What is the second largest ocean?

A. Pacific - Largest ocean.
B. Atlantic - Second largest ocean.
C. Indian - Third largest ocean.
D. Arctic - Smallest ocean.


138. It refers to the water, sea bottom and subsurface measured from the baseline of thc Philippine archipelago up to two hundred (200) nautical miles
A. EZZ - Extends 200 nautical miles offshore.
B. Continuous Zone - Adjacent to territorial sea.
C. Offshore - General term for areas beyond the coast.
D. Economic Zone - Not specific to the described maritime zone.


139. The present value will always be___the future value.

A. greater than
B. less than
C. equal
D. none of these


140. The following are coal regions in the Philippines, except;

A. Cagayan Region
B. Negros Region
C. Surigao Region
D. Cebu Region


141. 1 meridional block of coal is equivalent to

A. 2’ latitude & 2' longitude
B. 2' latitude & 1.5longitude
C. 1.5 latitude & 2 longitude
D. latitude & 1.5' longitude


142. Who will establish col regions delimiting is extent and boundaries after taking into consideration the various coal bearing lands of the
A. Dept of Energy - Regulates energy resources but doesn't establish coal regions.
B. DENR - Responsible for environmental management, including delineating coal regions.
C. Energy Development Board - shall establish coal regions delimiting its extent and boundaries after taking into consideration the various coal
bearing lands of the Philippines.
D. MGB - Regulates mineral resources and establishes coal regions.


143. Who approves Coal Operating Contract?

A. DOE Secretary
B. MGB Director
C. DENR Secretary
D. President


144. What is the type of anthracite that has 98% carbon?

A. Meta Anthracite - Anthracite type after metamorphism.
B. Anthracite - High carbon content coal.
C. Semi Anthracite - Intermediate between anthracite and bituminous coal.
D. Light Anthracite


145. How many tons of air should be provided for every 1 ton of coal mined?


146. Oil in its natural state before the same has been refined or otherwise treated, but excluding water foreign substances
A. Natural Gas - Hydrocarbon gas mixture.
B. Petroleum - Broad term for crude oil and its derivatives.
C. Crude Oil - Unrefined petroleum.
D. Diesel - Refined petroleum fuel.


147. According to RA 387, one barrel is equivalent to how many liters?

A. 42.50
B. 158.98
C. 200.35
D. 155.35


148. What is the maximum Petroleum exploitation area a person may hold in any one Petroleum region?
A. 100,000 hectares
B. 150,000 hectares
C. 200,000 hectares
D. 250,000 hectares


149. The following are basis for cancellation of Petroleum concession, except:
A. failure to pay for two consecutive years the exploration tax due
B. suspending production operations for more than 1 year without prior written approval
C. failure to deliver or pay to the Government its royalty within one year
D. failure to pay for two consecutive years the annual exploitation

150. PhP 12,000 is borrowed now at 12% interest. The first payment is PhP 4,500 and is made 3 years from now. The balance of the debt immediately
after the payment is
A. 4000


151. The annual amount of series of payments to be made at the end of each of the next twelve years is $500. What is the present worth of the
payments at 8% interest compounded annually?
A. $500
B. $3,768
C. $6,000
D. S6,480


152. The rate of interest which deducts all the earnings of a future sum to time
A. Depreciation - Asset value decrease over time.
B. Discount Rate - Rate for calculating present value of future earnings.
C. Percentage - Fraction expressed out of 100.
D. All of these


153. The effect of porosity in the ore

A. decrease in volume without any addition to weight
B. decrease in volume with increase in weight
C. increase in volume without any addition in weight
D. increase in volume


154. If an amount invested five years ago has doubled, what is the annual interest rate?
B. 12%
C. 10%
D. 6%


155. Example of resources

A. land
B. capital
C. labour
D. none of these


156. To a borrower or user of funds, it is a cost or a charge and will impact on the ensuing cash flow analysis of an alternative in an engineering
economy study
A. Interest Rate - Cost of borrowing funds, impacts cash flow analysis.
B. Rate of Return - Investment profitability indicator.
C. Rate of Investment - is an approximate measure of an investment's profitability.
D. Economic Rate of Investment - Efficiency measure for capital investment.


157. The interest earned is directly proportional to the initial amount of loan
A. Compound Interest - Interest grows exponentially.
B. Cost of Investment - Total expenses in acquiring an investment.
C. Simple Interest - Directly proportional to initial loan amount.
D. Rate of Return - Investment profitability indicator.


158. Wealth in the form of money or property that can be used to produce more wealth
A. Resources - Available means for support.
B. Capital - Wealth for generating more wealth.
C. Profit - Financial gain after expenses.
D. Income - Money earned over time.


159. Exists when management decides restrict the total amount of capital investment, by desire or limit of available capital. Involves selection off
project which provides annual rate of returm in excess of MARR.
A. Capital Rationing - Restricts total investment, selects projects with high returns.
B. Capital Allocation - Distributes available capital among projects.
C. Recession - Economic downturn with reduced activity.
D. Budgeting - Financial resource management planning.


160. The value that solves for the interest rate that equates the equivalent worth of an alternative’s cash inflow (receipts or saving to the equivalent
worth of cash outflows (expenditure). Continuous// iteration is conducted until the yield the project can give can be seen
A. ROI - Profitability measure relative to investment cost.
B. IRR - Interest rate equating cash inflows to outflows.
C. MARR - Minimum required rate of return for investment.
D. ROR - Investment profitability measure.

161. You can find sedimentary basins in the following provinces except
A. Cagayan
B. Ilocos
C. Marinduque
D. Cotabato


162. This refers to the temperature needed to transform the organic material to petroleum.
A. Thermal Maturity - Temperature needed for organic material to turn into petroleum.
B. Temperature Requirement - Specific temperature needed for a process.
C. Thermal Gradient - Rate of temperature change over distance.
D. Thermal Limit - Maximum functional temperature for a process or material.


163. Source rock of petroleum products should be rich in __ and must be buried deep in the basin
A. Carbon - Essential in organic compounds for petroleum.
B. Organic Matter - Source rock richness for petroleum.
C. Oxygen - Commonly found in organic compounds.
D. Fatty Matter - Contributes to petroleum formation.


164. The following are requisites of petroleum system except

A. Source Rock - Organic material for petroleum generation.
B. Saturation - Degree of pore filling with petroleum.
C. Migration - Petroleum movement to reservoir rock.
D. Trap - Geological structure holding petroleum.


165. An effective manager can:

A. accomplish all tasks by himself
B. get other people to do things
C. supervise his subordinates well
D. inspire others


166. A term commonly used in coal mining for an adit or a gently inclined shaft
A. Crosscut - Horizontal passage driven across the vein of coal.
B. Drift - Gently inclined or horizontal passage in coal mining.
C. Level - A horizontal passage at a specific elevation in a mine.
D. Entry - General term for a passage or access point into a mine.


167. The chemical formula of methane gas when confined in an underground mine heading is?
A. CH3 - Methyl group formula.
B. CH4 - formula for methane gas.
C. CH5 - Chemical formula of methanium
D. none of these


168. Positive ore reserve is the same as:

A. Possible Ore Reserve - Uncertain existence.
B. Inferred Ore Reserve - Limited data, reasonable estimate.
C. Measured Ore Reserve - Highest confidence, detailed exploration.
D. Probable Ore Reserve - Higher confidence than inferred.


169. As chief mining engineer, you found out that the area outside, probable but adjoining the company's mining rights has potential extensions of the
deposit currently being mined. What would you do?
A. apply for an area on your own
B. have an employer apply for said area
C. do nothing
D. resign and apply for the area


170. You are an employee a mining company actively involving in developing new mining projects. With your expertise, you have been offered an
extra job involving the evaluation of ECCs for the DENR and your employer encourages you to accept the additional job. Will you accept the additional
A. yes, because my employer encourages me to do so
B. yes, because of the extra compensation
C. no, because there could be conflict of interest
D. yes, so I can share my expertise with others


171. Under the Code of Ethics for Mining Engineers, what is the penalty for a mining engineer signing a technical report that was not prepared by him
or under his supervision?
A. Fine - Monetary penalty.
B. Imprisonment - Jail time.
C. Fine and Imprisonment - Both penalties.
D. Revocation of License - Loss of professional license.


172. Which of the following consideration would you consider as top priority in the design of a deep underground coal mine?
A. Maximum Coal Extraction - Focus on coal volume.
B. Maximum Mechanization - Emphasize automation.
C. Safety & Accident Prevention - Priority on worker safety.
D. Minimum Dilution - Reduce coal contamination.


173. A coal basin underlain by a one-meter thick continuous horizontal seam is open for concession applications. What is the minimum number of coal
blocks one has to apply to supply the 25-year requirements of a 300 megawatt power plant which requires 1 million tons of run-of-mine coal a year.
Assuming a specific gravity of 1.25 for the coal as mined, one block consisting of 1000 hectares, and a mining recovery of 100%
A. 2 blocks
B. 20 blocks
C. 30 blocks
D. 10 blocks
174. What is the most common method of financing a mining project?
A. Debt - Financing through loans or bonds.
B. Equity - Financing through selling ownership shares.
C. Debt and Equity - Combination of both financing methods.
D. None of These


175. The production cycle of operations in the room-and-pillar mining of coal with conventional equipment is modified from the basic cycle by the
insertion of cutting to improve breakage
A. cut + drill-+ blast -+load + haul
B. drill + blast + load + haul + cut
C. blast -+ load- haul + cut + drill
D. load + haul + cut + drill + blast


176. The theory which implies that upon excavation of an opening in a coal seam, the redistributed stress forms an elliptical arch
A. Dome Theory - Geological formation theory.
B. Pressure Arch Theory - Stress forms elliptical arch.
C. Voissoir Arch Theory - Stability of masonry arches.
D. Tributary Theory - Water flow concept in hydrology.


177. When the roof caves (in longwalling)

A. the abutments arc completely relieved of their loads
B. the stresses are redistributed
C. the load disappears
D. the load is doubled


178. The coal mining method that best control coal bumps
A. Room-and-Pillar Strip Mining - Extracts coal leaving pillars.
B. Strip Mining - Removes layers to expose coal seams.
C. Longwall Mining - Extracts coal in single slices, providing roof support.
D. Pitch Mining - Involves inclined shafts for coal extraction.


179. Effect of corners in coal mining

A. no effect
B. high stress concentration
C. stable
D. low stress concentration


180. Effect of high stress on the face

A. coal handling difficult
B. coal conveying easy
C. coal cutting harder
D. coal cutting easier


181. A copper mine has the following net cash flow for years:

Year 1 25,000,000
Year 2 20,000,000
Year 3 30,000,000
Year 4 30,000,000
Year 5 20,000,000
Determine the NPV of the mine if its capital cost is 10,000,000, and the rate is 5%.
A. 98M
C. 121M
D. none of these
182. What incident happened in Semirara Mining Corporation this 2013?
A. explosion at the mine due to methane concentration in the air
B. landslide at a section of the open pit wall
C. mud flooding due to incessant rains
D. burning of equipment by rebels


183. Biggest and only large-scale coal producer in the Philippines

A. Semirara Mining Corporation
B. Mirant Power Corporation
C. Energy Development Corporation


184. An open pit coal mine has an overall stripping ratio of 10 cubic meters to ton of coal. If the owner decides to contract out both the waste stripping
and coal mining at a price per cubic meter of material, what should be the minimum contract price for the mine to break-even, assuming a selling price
of coal of 1000 pesos per ton and coal specific gravity of 1.25.
A. 91.00 per cubic meter
B. 92.00 per cubic meter
C. 91.59 per cubic meter
D. 92.59 per cubic meter

185. Which of the following characterizes hard coals:

A. High carbon content, low oxygen content, high hydrogen content
B. High carbon content, high oxygen content, low hydrogen content
C. High carbon content, low oxygen content, low hydrogen content
D. High carbon content, high oxygen content, high hydrogen content


186. How many died in the incident that happened in Semirara Mining Corporation in February 2013?
A. 3
B. 2
C. 5
D. 10


187. A copper mining company generated 560,000 tons of mine waste, 250.000 tons of which is utilized, 2,000,450 tons of tailings. How much should
the company pay to Mine Waste Tailings Fee?
A. PhP156,022.5
B. PhP228,045
C. PhP480.045
D. PhP215.545
188. Which of the following increases the heating value of coal?
A. Non-Volatile Combustible Matter - Enhances heating value.
B. Fixed Carbon - Increases coal's heating value.
C. High Ash Content - Typically reduces heating value.
D. All of These


189. Which of the following mining operations has become unprofitable due to competition from cheap by- products from the refining of sour crude
A. Elemental Sulfur - Faces competition from cheap oil by-products.
B. Salt - Less likely impacted by crude oil refining.
C. Phosphate - Competes with alternative sources.
D. All of These - All affected by cheap oil by-products.


190. These mine gases produces asphyxiating effect except:

A. Nitrogen
B. CO2
C. H2S
D. Methane


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