Unit 6

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The house is inaccessible from the main road in It's IMPOSSIBLE TO REACH THE HOUSE FROM
winter. (reach) the main road in winter.
He crashed the car because he was overtired. (caused) Overtiredness CAUSED HIM TO CRASH the car.
I'm sorry I was not there when he opened his present. I'd LOVE TO HAVE BEEN THERE WHEN HE
(love) OPENED his present.
You would be wise to read it carefully before you sign You HAD BETTER READ IT CAREFULLY
it. (had) BEFORE YOU sign it.
It made me very angry when he wouldn't speak to me. His REFUSAL TO SPEAK TO ME MADE ME very
(refusal) angry.
We must not be late for the meeting, whatever We ARE NOT TO BE LATE FOR THE MEETING,
happens. (are) whatever happens.
It hardly ever snows at this time of year. (it) For IT TO SNOW AT THIS TIME OF YEAR is rare.
He did not want to wake anybody up so he tiptoed So AS NOT TO WAKE ANYBODY UP, he tiptoed
down the hall. (as) down the hall.
You don't have to buy a phone card; borrow mine. Why NOT BORROW MY PHONE CARD
(my) INSTEAND OF buying one?
Extreme hunger prevented them from walking any They WERE TOO HUNGRY TO WALK any further.
further. (too)
The landlord fully intends to carry out his threat to The landlord HAS EVERY INTENTION OF
take the matter to court. (every) CARRING OUT HIS THREAT to take the matter to
Adam found it very difficult to translate the report Adam HAD GREAT DIFFICULTY IN
accurately. (great) TRANSLATING THE REPORT accurately.
The director called an emergency meeting in order to With A VIEW TO AVERTING FURTHER JOB
avert further job losses. (view) LOSSES, the director called an emergency meeting.
Nicole isn't in the least bit sorry that she gave up her Nicole HAS NO REGRETS ABOUT GIVING UP her
job. (regrets) job
It's impossible to say what frame of mind we'll find There'sNO TELLING WHAT FRAME OF MIND
him in. (telling) we'll find him in.
It's highly unlikely that the company will renew There's LITTLE LIKELIHOOD OF THE
Thompson's contract. (likelihood) COMPANY'S RENEWING Thompson's contract.
Terry refused to let anyone help her with the washing- Terry INSISTED ON DOING THE WASHING-UP
up. (on) herself.
I can't play tennis every weekend as I used to. (miss) I MISS BEING ABLE TO PLAY TENNIS every
weekend as I used to.
In all honesty, I knew nothing about his plans. (tell) To TELL YOU THE TRUTH, I KNEW NOTHING
ABOUT his plans.
Doctors said he became ill because he had been Doctors said he became ill ARE AS A RESULT OF
exposed to radiation. (result) BEING EXPOSED TO radiation.
They said he was a liar and a thief. (being) They ACCUSED HIM OF BEING A LIAR and a
Kim lost no time in pointing out the errors in the Kim WAS QUICK TO POINT OUT THE ERRORS
spreadsheets. (quick) in the spreadsheets.
Moira wishes she had not sold her flat in town. Moria REGRETS HAVING SOLD HER FLAT in
(having) town.
After queuing for two hours, we were told all tickets We queued for two hours, ONLY TO BE TOLD
had sold out. (only) THAT ALL TICKETS had sold out.
His doctor's advice was to drink less. (cut) His doctor told HIM TO CUT DOWN ON drinking.
He will be appointed only if all members of the board His BEING APPOINTED IS SUBJECT TO THE
give their approval. (subject) APPROVAL OF all members of the board.
Frank always phones first before he comes to visit us. Frank NEVER COMES TO VISIT WITHOUT
(without) PHONING first.
The rock fall made it impossible for us to proceed any The rock PREVENTED US FROM PROCEEDING
further on the mountain road. (prevented) ANY FURTHER on the mountain road.
It pays to đáng để
in retrospect nhìn lại quá khứ
pay dividends mang lại lợi ích
in the hope of với hi vọng
persist in kiên trì
look down my nose at coi thường ai- diiom
make allowances for suy xét
fed up with chán ngấy
look onto =have a view of
look around =search
look up tra cứu
look upon =consider
look up to =respect
look down on =disrespect
look into =investigate
look in on =pay a short visit to
pay back =get revenge
pay off =successful
pay down =make an initial payment as a deposit
pay off =pay the whole of
pay for =receive punishment
pay up =settle debts
pay out =spend in small amounts
She fully intends to get her revenge on him for what She has EVERY INTENTION OF PAYING HIM
he did to her. (back) BACK for what he did to her.
The expression on her face was one of great anger She LOOKED DAGGERS AT HIM when he was
when he was rude to her mother. (daggers) rude to her mother.
This matter needs to be investigated thoroughly. This matter NEEDS LOOKING INTO thoroughly.
Tomatoes these days are ridiculously expensive. You PAY THROUGH THE NOSE FOR tomatoes
(nose) these days.
She's never had a high opinion of her sister-in-law. She's ALWAYS LOOKED DOWN ON her sister-in-
(looked) law.
The barman asked all his customers to settle their bills The barman asked ALL HIS CUSTOMERS TO PAY
and leave. (up) UP AND leave.
My mother-in-law doesn't think much of my My mother-in-law LOOKED DOWN HER NOSE AT
achievements. (looks) MY achievement.
We were wise to use delaying tactics. (paid) It PAID OFF FOR US TO USE delaying tactics.
The boss told us he was very pleased with our work. The boss PAID US A TRIBUTE FOR/PAID A
(tribute) TRIBUTE TO our work.
I shudder whenever I remember those days. (back) I shudder WHENEVER I LOOK BACK ON those
Well done on your exam results! (sincerely) I SINCERELY CONGRATULATE YOU ON YOUR
exam results!
We got a good price when we sold our car. (deal) We GOT A SQUARE DEAL WHEN WE SOLD our
Frank would do anything to become a full-time writer Frank WOULD JUMP AT THE CHANCE TO
(jump) BECOME a full-time writer.
Most people think Mozart was the greatest composer Mozart IS WIDELY RECOGNISED AS THE
of all. (widely) GREATEST COMPOSER of all.
It makes me really angry when Ben gets drunk. It MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL when Ben gets drunk.
Somebody with influence must have helped Richard Somebody MUST HAVE PULLED SOME STRINGS
when he got that promotion. (pulled) when Richard got that promotion.
Life should be easy once the business is making Life SHOULD BE PLAIN SAILING once the
money. (plain) business is making money.
Tim is determined to become a professional Tim HAS SET HIS HEART ON BECOMING a
footballer. (set) professional footballer.
at a rough guess đoán đại
plain sailing thuận buồm xuôi gió
a blank cheque séc để trống
get under your skin chọc tức ai- idiom
see red rất tức giận- idiom
hit the roof giận dữ- idiom
in the driving seat giữ vị trí lãnh đạo
call the shots đưa ra quyết định- idiom
stop at nothing không từ thủ đoạn- idiom
set your mind on =set your heart on
by fair means or foul bằng bất cứ giá nào- idiom
grab the chance nắm bắt cơ hội
come under the hammer được đưa ra bán đấu giá- idiom
mean business nghiêm túc- idiom
fight tooth and nail chiến đấu ác liệt- idiom
make a record thu âm
off the record không chính thức- idiom
on further reflection sau khi suy nghĩ lại- idiom
plain stupid cực ngốc
a rough ride lái xe gồ ghề
blow your top nổi giận- idiom
on top of the world vui sướng, hạnh phúc- idiom
top seed hạt giống trong thể thao
plant a seed gieo hạt
haven't a clue không biết
come across tình cờ gặp
follow your footsteps theo bước chân của ai
a hard act to follow việc khó để theo
have your eye on muốn cái gì
keep an eye on để mắt tới
in the public eye trong mắt công chúng
a spot of ink a spot of rain
feel the pinch túng tiền- idiom
take...with a pinch of salt đón nhận một thứ gì đó, ví dụ như một thông tin, với
thái độ thận trọng, ngờ vực, có khi còn là đa nghi-
at an advantage ở một lợi thế
on the increase đang tăng
to my astonishment =to my amazement/surprise
on occasions thỉnh thoảng
with success><without success thành công><thất bại
in disguise ngụy trang
commentary on bài bình luận vào
regard for sự coi trọng đối với
appreciative of biết ơn
consistent in kiên trì với
immune to miễn dịch với
thorough in tỉ mỉ về
in tune with đúng giọng với
on the stroke of đúng thời điểm
in fairness of công bằng với
in charge of chịu trách nhiệm với
at the thought of khi nghĩ đến
with reference to có liên quan tới
in its heyday thời hoàng kim
with luck><out of luck may><không may
within your rights trong quyền hạn
without a break không ngừng
on schedule theo lịch
in the same boat cùng hội cùng thuyền- idiom
without respite không nghỉ ngơi
under regulations theo quy định
in a flash nhanh- idiom
without a scratch nguyên vẹn
by all accounts theo những thông tin thu thập được
in debt to nợ ai
in line with phù hợp với
in terms of xét về mặt
in view of bởi vì
with a view to = so as to/in order to
It is Denise's job to send out the invoices to all Denise IS IN CHARGE OF SENDING OUT THE
customers. (in) INVOICES to all customers.
I work here so I am allowed to park here. (rights) I work here SO I AM WITHIN MY RIGHTS to park
The new equal rights commission seems to be making The new equal rights commission seems TO BE
great progress. (on) COMING IN LEAPS AND bounds.
This new regulation contravenes EU law. (line) This new regulation IS NOT IN LINE WITH EU law.
John appreciated your spending so much time John WAS APPRECIATIVE OF YOUR SPENDING
checking his report. (of) SO MUCH TIME checking his report.
It was exactly ten o'clock when the burglar alarm It was ON THE STROKE OF TEN that the burglar
went off. (stroke) alaem went off.
Students who break the school rules will be punished. Students WHO DO NOT ABIDE BY THE RULES
(by) will be punished.
The man the police were hunting disappeared and was The man the police WERE HUNTING VANISHED
never seen or heard of again. (without) WITHOUT A trace.
He is totally unaffected by criticism. (to) He IS TOTALLY IMMUNE TO criticism.
Considering the defendant's remorse, the judge gave In VIEW OF DEFENDANT'S REMORSE, the judge
him a light sentence. (view) gave him a light sentence.
a range of mountains một dãy núi
a flood of tears khóc như mưa
a fleet of ships một đoàn tàu
a set of teacups bộ ấm chén
a chain of shops 1 chuỗi cửa hàng
a bed of flowers 1 bồn hoa
a clump of bushes 1 chùm cây
a bundle of sticks bó đũa
a cluster of stars/houses chòm sao
a panel of experts nhóm chuyên gia
a round of applause một tràng vỗ tay
a batch of letters một mẻ thư
go round in circles tốn thời gian vô ích- idiom
I wish he'd come to the point instead of saying the I wish he'd come to the point INSTEAD OF GOING
same thing over and over again. (in) ROUND IN circles.
tell flat nói thẳng ra- idiom
I told him quite definitely never to call my daughter I told HIM FLAT NEVER TO CALL my daughter
again. (flat) again.
draw the line at từ chối- idiom
They can stay a few days, but I refuse to let them stay They can stay a few days, but I DRAW THE LINE
the entire summer again. (draw) AT LETTING THEM STAY the entire summer
square up with thanh toán hết nợ- idiom
Can I pay you the money I owe? (up) Can I SQUARE UP WITH you?
on the dot đúng giờ- idiom
He arrived at noon exactly but found no one in the He arrived AT NOON ON THE DOT but found no
office. (dot) one in the office.
lay it on the line nói thẳng nói thật- idiom
I had no choice but to make it clear to him that his job I LAID IT ON THE LINE WITH HIM that his job
was at risk. (laid) was at risk.
a vicious circle vòng tròn luẩn quẩn- idiom
War causes poverty and poverty causes war - the War causes poverty and poverty causes war- IT'S A
process just repeats itself. (vicious) VICIOUS circle.
square with đồng ý với- idiom
I have no objection to your leaving early, but you'll I have no objection to your leaving early, BUT
have to make sure the boss agrees. (square) YOU'LL HAVE TO SQUARE IT WITH the boss.
square the circle làm điều không thể- idiom
Doing this job is like trying to do the impossible. (the) Doing this job IS LIKE TRYING TO SQUARE THE
a square deal giao dịch công bình- idiom
The factory workers did not think that the The factory workers did not think they WERE
management's offer was fair. (deal) GETTING A SQUARE DEAL from the management.
table a proposal bàn về đề xuất
inch your way di chuyển chậm
pepper with lặp lại với
floor your opponent hạ gục đối thủ
mirror your good character học theo tính tốt
word the letter đánh chữ lá thư
coat the table bọc bàn
tax my patience làm mất kiên nhẫn
station overseas gửi ra nước ngoài
vet the contestant kiểm tra kỳ thí sinh
dead and gone xa xưa
scream and shout hét lên
rant and rave nguyền rủa
spick and span ngăn nắp, gọn gàng
willing and able sẵn lòng
alive and kicking tràn đầy sức sống
wait and see chờ xem
hit and miss khi trúng khi trật
bow and scrape lễ độ, tôn trọng (quá mức)
scrimp and save sống tằn tiện
pick and choose kén cá chọn canh
forgive and forget tha thứ và bỏ qua
null and void vô hiệu lực
safe and sound bình an vô sự
up and about bình phục
good and ready qua loa
wheeling and dealing thương lượng hoặc mặc cả một cách lanh lợi
all but hầu như
go a long way towards thành công
not...in the least bit not...at all
in the least tối thiểu
a far cry from khác xa với- idiom
walk out on bỏ giữa chừng
look ahead nghĩ về tương lai
look on the bright side lạc quan- idiom
look the other way lờ đi
lose your temper mất bình tĩnh
state of mind tâm trạng
look before you leap cẩn tắc vô ưu- idiom

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