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Constant Integer SIZE = 7

Declare Integer lotteryNumber[7]

For i = 0 to 6
lotteryNumber[i] = random(0, 9)
End For

For i = 0 to 6
Display lotteryNumber[i]
End For

Constant Integer SIZE = 7

Declare Integer empId[SIZE] = 56588, 45201, 78951, 87775,

84512, 13028, 75804
Declare Integer hours[SIZE]
Declare Real payRate[SIZE]
Declare Real wages[SIZE]

For i = 0 to SIZE - 1
Display "Enter hours worked for employee ID", empId[i], ":"
Input hours[i]
Display "Enter hourly pay rate for employee ID", empId[i], ":"
Input payRate[i]
End For

For i = 0 to SIZE - 1
wages[i] = hours[i] * payRate[i]
End For

For i = 0 to SIZE - 1
Display "Employee ID:", empId[i]
Display "Hours Worked:", hours[i]
Display "Hourly Pay Rate:", payRate[i]
Display "Gross Wages:", wages[i]
End For


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