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Transmission Line Operation part 1

Engr. Ernest Noel P. Socong

Course Instructor
Short Transmission line

• Transmission line having its length of less than 80 km

• Capacitance is mostly neglected due to small
leakage current.
Important Terms
Voltage Regulation

• When a transmission line is carrying current, there is a

voltage drop in the line due to resistance and
inductance of the line.
• The result is that receiving end voltage (VR) of the
line is generally less than the sending end voltage
• This voltage drop (VS − VR) in the line
is expressed as a percentage of receiving end voltage
VR and is called voltage regulation.
• The difference in voltage at the receiving end of a
transmission line
**between conditions of no load and full load is called
regulation and is expressed as a percentage of the
receiving end
Transmission Efficiency

• The power obtained at the receiving end of a

transmission line is generally less than the sending
end power due to losses in the line resistance.
• The ratio of receiving end power to the sending end
power of a transmission line is known as the
transmission efficiency of the line.
Short Transmission line diagram
I = load current
R = loop resistance
i.e. resistance of
both conductors
XL = loop reactance
Reactive drop = IX VR = receiving end
cos θR = receiving
end power factor
cos θS = sending end power factor (lagging)
Reactive drop = IX VS = sending end
Resistive drop = IR voltage
Short Transmission line Formula

1. A 3-phase, 3-wire, short transmission line has a

resistance of 3 ohms and a reactance of 8
ohms per wire. At the receiving end, a
balanced 3-phase load draws a line current of
60A at 13,500 volts line to line, 0.90 power
factor lagging. Determine the voltage at the
sending end.
2. A 10 km 3 phase transmission line delivers
power to a load rated 200 kW, 6.9kV and at
80% lagging power factor. The resistance and
reactance of each line are 0.8 and 1.2 ohms,
respectively. What percentage of the power
generated is lost in the transmission line?
1. A 33-kV, 3-phase generating station is to supply 10
MW load at 31 kV and 0.9 power factor lagging
over a 3-phase transmission line is 3 km long. For
the efficiency of the line to be 96%, what must be
the resistance and reactance of the line?
2. Estimate the distance over which a load a 15,000
kW at 0.85 pf can be delivered by a 3-phase
transmission line having conductors of steel-cored
each of resistance 0.905 Ω per kilometer. The
voltage at the receiving end is to be 132 kV and
the loss in transmission is to be 7.5% of the load.

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