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134 K머의 여정

IT WAS 1,834 kilometres long, and ran lrom the Southern

Ocean [ ) in the south, to Eighty Mile Beach north

near Esperance ㅡ

ol Port Hedland on the north coast. 남쪽 북쪽 년 서쪽 Australia

~ 1907

It was built in 1 to keep the rabbits out ol Western
서S 위해지어짐
Australia. When the white man lirst arrived in the country, he
최호의 백인이 새로운 동물을 데려음
brought strange new animais with him - horses, cows, sheep

.. . and rabbits. Belore long there were thousands and

thousands ol rabbits, eating ali the grass meant lor the cows

and the sheep. The government ol the time believed that a

good, strong
lence would stop the rabbits moving west into

강한 율타리 토끼가 서쪽으로 움적이는 것을 막음
larmlands. The plan did not work, ol course, because there
계획은 효과 λ ( : 01 미 남쪽보다 서쪽에 많은 토끼들이 있었음 ]
were already more rabbits on the Western Australian side ol

the lence than there were on the South Australian side.

But the rabbit-proof fence became an important landmark

rabbit prooffence :중요한랜드마트가
for everyone. And when the Mardudjara people - the Mardu

- began to move out ol the Western Desert, they used to lollow

Mapdu people 서쪽 사막으로 이동
the fence to the government depot at J igalong.
참고 ?

Rabbit-I'roor Fence

WESTERN rKjhty Mil.


The girls' route north Marble Bar e
Therabbit-prooffence __ I

__ 100 kilometres

. ,



p @
Fremantle � •


Growing Up at Jigalong
\IJ'� 1\1/1)\1/'1/\1
∞ 모들 곳으로부터 떨어져있음

J1GALONG WAS A long way from anywhcrc, right out in the D


desert. In the early years,it was just a small depot for the white 알합눈백인들의

참고 .

men who worked on the rabbit-proof fence. They rode on


horses up and down the fence, clearing away branches of

trees and dead animals, and mending holes made by fire or
고치다 L
storms or kangaroos. 말을 타면 >
나뭇카지나 죽을 동물들을 치우고 구멍을 고침
There was aIso a government store at ] igalong, which
EJTgalong 에 있음 :
정부 삼점 ? 무료음액 , 옷 등을 무료로나능]룸
gave out free food, clothing, and blankets to the local people.
And in the 1930s thc Mardu people decided that Jigalong
1930 년 대에 mardu 사남들은 Jigalong 으로 음
would be a good place↓ for them to sta)'. 1t became a new
home, a 'sitting down place' for their people.
\Ii\I ; Ii
Mol 1 Y 도 y ; galong 에서자람 Mapan 사람들 사이에서 )
Molly grew up at Jigalong, among her people, the Mardu.
Her mother, Maudc, was a young Mardu woman (who llsed
m m mw

molly 의 엄마 : 관리자의 하인으로 일함

to work as a domestic servant for the superintendent at the
하인 관리

] Her fathcr was Thomas

depot. ~~~
Craig, an Englishman who
rabbrt proof fence 의 감독관으로 일하는 영국인
Mollg 의 아빠 :

worked as an inspector of the rabbit-proof fence. He called

the baby Molly, after his si ster, and often brought her
3 아빠의 sister 의 이름을 따서 리어룸
presents of clothing and dresses. But after a few years his 1
wark on the fence finished, and he moved on. 아빠 몇연후에 이사

Molly was a pretty chiId, but while she was still quite
young, shc already knew she was different, because her skin
colaur was not as dark as the other Mardu children's.
mardu 아이들과 피분색이 달라서 이미 다르다는 것을 알고 있었음

Rabbit-Proof Fence

> chilk가 한말
'Yau not Mardu, you not wudgebulla!' the children used

molly 가
to shout at her. 'Yau nothing! You just a mongrel dog!' 한말
O ③
Molly used to throw srones at them, or chase them with a

돌던지기 나뭇가지고 괴롭히
stick, D
but the words still hurt her. SA she was very pleased one
말들을 molY 에게 삼처가침
when her mother said:

→ 써이 Y 의 엄마( Maude ) '

" got some news for you. Twa of your aunties have had
babies, little girls, and they're both muda-mudas, like you.'

mo 11 y
C'Thcy coming to Jigalong?' asked Molly, very excited.
'Yes, vcry saon,' said Maucle.
'What are their names?' Molly asked.
'Gracie and Daisy. They're both younger than you, but
they'll be nice friends for you. ' - Gracieer parsy 7 r서 기쁨
Molly was vcry happy. " got twa sisters!' she cried. " got
two sisters, coming to J igalong!' 대가록 엄마 이모 삼촌 ,

. ,

And sa it was. Molly, Gracie, and Daisy grew up in and
around Jigalong, among their big Aboriginal family of
mothers and auntics and uncles and grannies. They became
as close as sisters, always together, living, sleeping, playing,
walking in the bush, hunting for bush tucker . . .
미개간지 혼혈을 부르는 말

The white man called these children half-castes, children of

Aboriginal mothers and white fathers. All over the country
nalf castes가
more and more half-caste children were being born, and the

government was worried. Where did these chiJdren belong?
To their black Aboriginal families? ar to the white man's
world?The government decided that these children should go
to school, where they would learn how to become domestic
servants and farm workers.Twa schools were started, one in
비 / 하인과 농부가되는
정부는 half -(astes아이들을학교에 보내기도 함 방법을

4 배우기 위해

' .
2 개의학교 Growing up at Jigalong
, 교위치
학아 삼부 -

서부 O
the south-west, and one near Perth, called the Moore River

서부 ab . Kgin
Native Settlement. Aboriginal children all over Western
에 아이들은 이미 학교로보내집
Australia) were taken away from their families and sent to

these schools, to leam how to live like the white man.
The years passed, and the seasons came and went. Jigalong
was a lung way from anywhere, D
but government officers rode
all over the country, looking for part-Aboriginal children.
The arm of the law was long, and reached even to ]igalong.
Notes were kept at the depots and the stations, reports and
letters were written, orders were given . . .

To Mr A. O. Neville

Chief Protector of Aborigines, Perth

The half-caste girls at Jigalong have a hard time with the

other Aboriginal children here, who say unkind things

about them. The girls need a better chance in life than

they can get out here in the bush. y

half Eastle 아이들에게 더놓은 기회가
Arthur T. Hungerford
ㅡ 필요하다고함
Superintendent, Jigalong Depot
jigalong 관리자 > perth 관리자에게

To Mr A. O. Neville
moly 4 살매빠
Chief Protector of Aborigines, Perth Gracie 10 쌀

There are three half-caste girls at Jigalong - Molly 14

years, Gracie

10 years, and Daisy, about 8 years. I think
you should do something about them as they are

running wild at Jigalong Depot.

Mrs Chellow
Manager, Murra Munda Station Mundastation 관리자
Rabbit-Proof Fence

To Constable Riggs
Moore river native sethemont
Marble Bar Station

대 보내짐

Find the three half-caste girls, Molly, Gracie, and Daisy,

at Jigalong and bring them in. They will be sent to the

Moore River Native Settlement. Send them down by ship 8

to Fremantle, and an officer will meet them there.

Mr A. O. Neville perfu 관리사 → Marblebar

Chief Protector of Aborigines, Perth

<Find the three Ihlif-Cd::itc girls at Jigalong and bring them in.'


Leaving Jigalong
\IJ'K /\I/li\I/17\1
1931 년 7월 우리에 : bush 에서 컫고 사냥하고 …

IN JUty 1931 the rainy season was a good one. For the Mardu

people1in the Western Desert, this was the time for taking
long walks in the bush, hunting for bush food, and cooking
it over tlres at night. bash 에서 보호 걸즐김

Molly and her twa cousins enjayed living in the bush. They
picked yellow flowers from the trees, and put them in buckets
↓ 노란색 꽃을넣어 달콤한 음료수를 먹음
of water to make a sweet drink. They ate girdi-girdi, (a kind
생태루 한 종류
] and damper, a flat bread cooked in the hot ashes
of kangaroo,

of the fire. The weather was beautiful- warm, but not too hot,
with a deep blue sky behind the shiny, grey-green leaves of the
trees. When the rains were aver, the heat of the sun would
bum the land brown and dry, but for naw everything was
bright and new and green. It was a good time.
Early one morning everybody was having a breakfast of

damper and tea when the dogs began to bark. 개가 짖을 때 damper
er tea 로
먹고 있었음

'Shut up!' shouted Maude, throwing a stick at one of them.

니 "

Maade -

The dogs went quiet, 4

but soon began to bark again. All
eyes turned to look through the trees, and there, on a law hill
behind them, stood a rall white man, looking down at them.
He ware a uniform, with a wide brown hat. ⇒ 키가 큰 백인 :
유니폼 / 넓은 갈색모자

'Who's thar?' said Granny Frinda, rhe girls' grandmother.

오 "

'!t's thar policeman from Marble Bar,' said Maude, staring
at him. 'Riggs . .. Constable Riggs. ' :

백인의 이름 | 아이들을데리러 온사람 )
Rabbit-Pyoor Fence

The policeman began to walk down the hill towards them.

He was holding a piece of paper in his hand. ⇒ 손에 좀이 한장을 들고 않음

MahhK 오는 Mamle stood up, suddenly afraid. She knew what was
날기 라
무언가 일-


going to happen. The last time she was at Jigalong Depot, (Mr
Hungerford ] the superintendent had warned her that the
police we re lo"king for the half-caste girls.


Tve come to take Molly, Gracie, and Daisy, the half-caste

girls, ' Riggs called out. He held the piece of paper higher in
his hand, to show them. 'They have to go to school, at the
↓ "

Moore River Native Settlement. The law says sa.' RTggs

The oldest man in the family, the grandfather, nodded to

<Get in the back,' said Riggs. 'Hurry up!

We've gof a Jong way to go.'


Leaving ]igalong

show that he understood what Riggs was saying. Maude

held Molly close to her, and began to ery. ⇒ Maude 는 MI 서를 붙잡 고울기시작함

'Come on, yOll girls,' Riggs ordered. 'Don't worry about

" "

Riggs =

taking anything. We'II piek up what you need at Jigalong.'

The three girls stood up, seared and miserable. They
folIowed Riggs baek up the hill, through the trees, to his car.
Behind them they could hear their family erying, calIing out
the Mardu words of pain and grief. ⇒ Mardu 언어로 고통과 슬픔을 외험

When they reached the car, Riggs got in. The girls stood
silently, too frightened to speak.
'Come on,' Riggs said. 'Get in the back. Hurry up! I want
to get started. We've gor a long wal' to go.'
" "

He drove away slowly over the rocky ground. The family

암석 3 지면은 천천히 운전
left the camp at once, and began walking back to Jigalong.
They went quickly, but Riggs was already driving away when
they came near the depo t.
" "
관리과[ Mr Hungerford came out ro talk to them. x
'Why they take aur girls away?' Maude shouted. 'Why?
Why? Why?' She was angry and crying at the same time.
'!t's the law, Maude, you know that,' said Mr Hungerford.
Mr tangerfordss
'!t's to give the girls a berter chance, send them to school, 50
they can make a good life for themselves.' ⇒ ur f( ungerford

Alf Fields, Gracie's white father, was standing silent1y

GraEic 의 아빠
near the side of the depot building. Gracie's mother Lilly
Graci 은 엄마
saw him and ran over to him. She screamed at him in two cill φ 가

두가지 앤어로
languages, and beat his chest with her smali hands. 소리치면서 가슴을따림

Lilly =

'Why didn't you stop them?' she cried out.

'l couldn't,' said Alf Fields. 'The policeman was just doing

Rabbit-Proof Fence Alf fields

his job � doing what the law tells him to do. If J try to stop
him, they'lI put me in prison.'
Lilly wasn't listening. 'You're a white man too,' she cried.
'They'll listcn to you. Go and talk to them. ' - vrlly

'I'm sorry,' he said sadly. 'There's nothing I can do. I can't

stop the government taking aur daughter away from us.'
Lilly turned away. Then she feli to the ground, and began
to shout and cry. 'Worrah! Worrah! Worrah!'
Old Granny Frinda and the other women joined in.
'Aieee, aieee! They have taken Dur little ones away! Aieee,
aieee, aieee .. . ' ⇒ arannyfrinda 할머니 =

Long after the car had disappeared, the cries of the Mardu
women rang out over the desert, calIing for their daughters
and their granddaughters to come back to them.
\Ii \ l \ I/
- 첫째날 구멍이 많은 힘든길
The journey took several days.First they went north, a long
day driving on dirt roads fuli of holes. Once ar twice
Constable Riggs shouted over the noise of the car engine:

'You girls alright back there?'

⇒ Riggs

But those were the only words he spoke. He did not tell
L 내
them where they were going, ar what would happen next. By
the end of the day the girls were too tired to cry, and they
마지말 날 > 울다 지침
spoke onIy in whispers to each other, sitting close togcther on
속삭이며 말함
the back seat. Sometimes they slept, then woke again, to
stare out of the car windows, fuli of fear for the future. 가끔자기도하고
When they arrived at Marble Bar, it was late and the sky
was black with rain douds.They slept the night in thc police

! station there, and the next day a different policeman took

Marble Bar 도착했을 때 늘었고 비가왔음 ⇒ 경찰서에서 하룻밤잠

· ;

Leaving Jigalong

다른 경찰관인 기체로 1 At Hedland 로데려다꿈


thern by train to Port Hedland on the north coast. They went
by car frorn the railway station down to the ship. > 바다를 한번도 본적

Children (who have lived all their lives in the Western

Desert,have never seen the sea. Gracie and Daisy stared out
of the car window at the ship.
Gracie 로
'We going on that?' whispered Gracie. p
The policeman laughed at their scared faces. 'Yes, you're
" 이

going down to Frernant!e by ship. You'll like it, you'l! see.' polTceman

For five days they sailed down the coast of Western

5 일동안 배를타고 서호주로감
Australia, and when they stopped being scared by the
바다풍경 때문에 무서움 멈춤

rnovernent of the sea, the girls did enjoy it. It was warrn and + 즐김

sunny, and the people on the ship were kind to them. One of

날씨도 좋고 사람들 모두 친절함

Gracie and Daisy stared at the ship.

'We going on that?' whispered Gracie.

Rabbit-Proof Fence

the women took care of them, and they hecame friendly with
George, a sailor, who taught them the English names of the

sailor 8 별
stars and told them about his travels in far-away countries.
그의 여행사
As they sailed south, the weather changed, and when they
landed in Fremantle, it was wet and cold and grey.
Fremanfle 도착 > 습해 추워,
, 어두움

Fremantłe frightened them. It was so hig, so noisy, so
crowded. They had never seen so many white men in one
place before. They were driven to Perth, which was higger
Perth 은 더 크고 시끄러움
and noisier and even more frightening. And all the time there
were new people meeting them, taking them here, taking
them there, talking to them, asking questions.
'We're from Jigalong, ' Molly would say to all these strange
new faces looking down at them.
Jigalong was home. J igalong was where their mothers
were. Jigalong was a long, long way away . . .

At last they arrived at Moore River Native Settlement. In the
[ horne for several
government plan, this was going to be their
years. Here they would !carn to be European, learn the white
유럽인이 되는던 백인의 방식배우기
man's ways, learn to forget their own people and the wicle,
사람들 잊지

empty, beautiful Western Desert where they we re bom.

서부사막 잊기

대학했을 It was dark when the car stopped. They got out, and a
종 woman came towards them through theㅇ
rain. MTssEvang
'Come with me,' she said. 'I'm Miss Evans, I take care of
the girls here. 1'11 take you to your dormitory. This way.'
They folIowed her to a wooden building, and watched as
너무 빌딩
she unlocked the big padlocks on the door. Inside they saw
큰 자물쇠로 참겨져 있음
a long room, fuli of beds with shapes under grey blankets.
김방 회색 담요아래
Leaving Jigalong

" 벽 근처 침대
Miss vang

Miss Evans showed them some empty beds near one wall.
'There are your beds. Oh, and for a toilet, you usc one of
화장실 Bukk와 하나만 사용해야함
those buckets in the bathroom.' Then she went away.
Molly, Daisy, and Gracie lay down on the hard beds,
딱딱한 침해
under the thin blankets. They were shaking with cold.
얇은담요 "

After a while, Gracie whispered to Molly, 'Dgudu, I can't = Gracie

sleep. I'm SD cold.' She and Daisy were younger than Molly,
so they called her Dgudu, older sister, because that was the
나 사촌언니를 부르는말
usual Mardu way to speak to an older sister-cousin.
" "
사이니 'Bring your blanket and sleep in my bed,' Molly whispered.
Then Daisy sat up and whispered, Tm cold too, Dgudu.'⇒ paisy
molly 는
'You can sleep on my other side,' Molly said. 'Come on.'
For the rest of the night the three of them łay close in the
same bed, keeping warm. They were tired, and slept deeply.
노한침대에서 깊게 잠들 ,

To Constable Riggs

Marble Bar Station

The three girls from Jigalong have arrived safely at

Moore River. They seem very scared, and need watching

to stop them running away. We have seen this in other

children when they first arrive, but have always found

that they soon calm down and accept their new life here .

다른 아이들도
Mr A. O. Neville 는
무서워했지만 금방점응함
Chief Protector of Aborigines, Perth

4 August 1931 perm 관리자 ⇒ kiggs 에게


Leaming the white man's ways

\17\\ 1\1/11\1/'11\1

VERY EARlY NEXT morning the three girls were woken by a

strange voice shouting loudly, 날전목소리에 깸

'Come 011, girls, wake up, wake up!' ⇒ MissEvans

I t was Miss Evans. She went round the room, pulling the
blankets oH the beds and shaking the girls awake.When she
came to Molly's bed, she stared at the three girls Iying there.
'Ah yes . . .the new girls. Alright, make your beds, then get
some breakfast. The others will show you wherc to go.' ⇒ Miss EvaMs

C Making the beds was easy - you just pulled the blanket
이불정리쉬움 straight. There were no sheets. When visitors came to Moore
시트 X 방문자가 있을때만 Sheet 제)공
River, sheets were put on the beds, to look good. But after the
visitors had gone, the sheets were taken away again.
One of the bigger girls came over to them. Tm Martha
Jones,' she said. Tm from Port Hedland. I've been he re one
ycar now. I can show yOll round, if yOll like.'
UMartuan Jones

Martha was friendIy, and fuli of useful information. The

girls from Jigalong liked her at once. 한번에 Maytua Jones 를 좋아합

A loud bell sOllnded somewhere. 'That's the breakfast

bell,' said Martha.'We have to hurry, or the tea will be cold:⇒ Martha
They went outside. They could see the boys' dormitory
and children running across to another building. There was
thin sllnlight, but the air was cold. 'It's not 50 bad he re once
햇빛이 있으 나 공기로차가움
you know the place,' Martha told them. L
martha :

생각보다 이 곳 나보지 X

Learning the white man's ways

. ·':�'.·;·.'·.
. . '
.., ;)?--�.
� ' !p
- ''


'1 don't like this place,' Molly thought, '/t's like a prison,'

Molly said nothing, She stood still and stared across at

other dormitory buildings, saw the metal bars across all the
가물쇠가있는 빌링

철창 창문 )
windows, the big padlocks on all the doors,
'I don't Iike this place,' she thought, 'It's Iike a prison, 감옥같다고함
They loek you up at night time, and Iet you out in the
morning.' ⇒ 밤에 가두고 아 침에 풀어준다고 생각 아침었고

After breakfast, the new girls were sent to the washroom murse 가

where a nurse washed them from head to foot in cold water,
They we re given new white dresses to wear, and shoes. washroom으로
새로운 흰색 드레스
The lunch was just as bad as the breakfas!. 'The food never
gets any better,' said Martha, 'We get meat sometimes at
, 1
저녁에 고기가 가끔 h
Rabbit-Proof Fence

dinner, but mostly we get soup with not much meat in it.'
They walked together back to the dormitory. 'Do you want
to come for a walk?' Martha asked. 'I can show you the river
Marma :
if you like. Lots of girls go down there to play.' 장을 보여주고 싶다합
With another girl called Polly they walked behind the
또다른 여자아이
dormitory, passed a kind of field where some of the boys
we re playing a bali game, and c1imbed down the track to the
river. With the recent rains the river was high, its deep brown
waters hurrying noisily between the rocks. There were tall
trees, their tops waving in the wind, smali trees with bright
핌크 꽃 작은 내부
pink f1owers, and bushcs covcred with golden f1owers.
금색 꽃 bushes
!t was a beautiful place, but the trccs and the f10wers were
아름다웠지만 낱설었음
all strange to Molly. Her heart ached for home, for the red
earth and the dry salt lakes and the river beds of the Western
Desert, for the trees and bushes and flowers that she knew.
As they walked back into the settlement, they passed a
smali square building on the comer, and heard a voice calIing.
고작은원형 빌딩을 가리지름
'Hey, who's out there?'
'!t's me, Polly, with Martha, and three new girls.'
'Can you tell my sister to bring me some damper and some

tea?' the girl's voice said. She sounded verv unhappy. 불행해보임
'Yeah, l tell her,' Polly promised.
'What's that place?' asked Molly. There was one smali
window with bars, high on one wall. 벽도롱음
'lt's the punishment building,' said Martha. 'We cali it
L May tha
the "boob". Poor Violet is in there for two days, because she
nunisument building 을 저렇게 부름

said bad words to Miss Morgan, the teacher.But she's lucky.'

'Lucky? Why's she lucky?' Gracie said.

[ VT 이와은 선생업 [ miss mo 마gan ) 에게나뿐말

Gracrel 16
Learning the white man's ways

- "pon

'You should see the girls [who were locked up for running 3 일간

) Po11y said. 'They were in the "hoob" for seven days,

away,' 빵과물

4 water. They had a11 their hair cut right

with just bread and
off, and they were beaten too. lt was terrible.'
) 죄달림


'Oh!' Daisy whispered, her eyes wide with fear.


'How far did they get?' asked Mo11y.

mo 이
이 1
'Not very far. Only to the railway line south of Mogumber,'
Martha said. 'The trains slow down there, and they were
going to jump on a train. But the black tracker found them black frackr
there.' Martha's voice became angry. 'And he made them 와찰아업

walk a11 the way back here, without stopping, while he rade
behind them on his horse, like a white policeman.' black tracker 는
쉬지걷게만 들 / 자기는말을타고
There was a Iitde silence for a while.
Then Molly asked, 'Has anyone ever escaped? Really

escaped, I mean, got away and got back to their home"

'No. Lots of people have tried to run away, but that black
tracker has always caught them and brought them back.
Then they get beaten and locked up in the "boob". Sometimes
they're in there for fourteen days.' 이
한명도 탈출 X / boob 에 갈힘 ( 가끔 14일동안
The girls walked on in silence along the main raad thraugh
mlTn road 에서 조용해짐
the setdement. They had passed the church when Martha
stopped suddenly. Church 를 지나는 중에 black frack화봉

'Look,' she said, 'Iook over rhere. There's that black

tracker I was telling you about. His name's Moodoo.' =
black trackr

The girls turned to look, and saw a tall thin man in a

마르고키가 크고 검정자켓
black jacket. He passed them, his face unsmiling. Daisy hid
her face in Mo11y's skin as he passed. ⇒ parsy 는 사이에 치마에 숨음
At dinner it was the same uninteresting food - sweet milky

저녁 맛있지 *
Rabbit-Proof Fence

'There's thdt h/ack tracker l was telling you about:

tea, bread, and some kind of vegetable soup with small pieces
of grey meat. Molly put several pieces of bread in her pockets,
and whispered to Gracie and Daisy, ⇒ M이 1 는
Y 빵은 주거어에 챙김

'You take some too. Fill your pockets. For later.' ⇒ M미 lY


저녁식사후 After din ner cverybody ran back to the dormitories
많이와서 기숙사로뚜어감
because it was beginning to rain hardo The girls sat Dr lay on
the beds, the younger ones listening to the older ones telling
stories, laughing, talking about their hopes for the future.
'When I get back home . . . ' were words that we re often said,
이집에 돌아갔을때' 자는 단어가 홍종들림

Learning the white man's ways

- Bui 그들의 집을다시 보는 경우 X

but very few of these girls would ever see their homes again.
The government would send them to work as servants in
집과 멀리떨어린
farms and depots hundreds of miles from their homes. 그들의
farm 과 depot 의
Molly, Daisy, and Gracie sat together on one bed, talking 하인으로보법
in their own Mardu language. ⇒ 한 침대에 앉아 Mardu 언어로 대화 나눔
'You girls can't talk that bnguage here, yOll know,' a voice
warned from another bed. 'Y ou gotta forget it and talk
English al! the time.'
The Jigalong girls stared at the speaker in surprise.
'!t's true,' said Martha. 'l had to do the same. They tell
everyone that when they go to school the first time.


' ⇒

Molly could not bełieve it. 'We can't talk in our own "

language?' she whispered. 'That's awful. ' f molly

'We know it's awful,' Martha said. 'But we got over it.'
" "

⇒ uartha

Soon Miss Evans came to put the lights out and lock the
Miss Evans 가 불을 끄고 문을 잠궁
doors. Molly lay there in the darkness, listening to the keys
turning in the big padlocks. " "

⇒ Mo 114
'We can't live in this place,' she whispered to herself.
'We're gunna get away from here, we're gunna go home,
" "

home to Jigalong.' ⇒ Mo 114


They were woken at six o'clock the next morning. Molly ran
to the window and looked out. The sky was dark and grey. ⇒ 비가 와서어두움

nolly C 'More rain coming,' thought Molly, and smiled.

After breakfast, everybody returned to the dormitory to get
ready for school. Soon afterwards, the school bell sounded.
'Come on,' Martha said to Molly. 'The bell's gone. Don't
be late on your first day of school. ' fi "Marthan

Rabbit-Proof Fence

" M이니
'Yes, alright, but we gotta empty the toilet bucket first.'
Martuai 략

'\'l! wait for you then,' said Martha.

'No, don't wait,' said Mol!y softly. 'We'l! follow you, we
know where the school is.' ⇒ molly
'Alright, we'l! go along. Come on, Polly.' And Martha
W " "

left. Martha

When al! the girls had left, Molly turned to Gracie and
Daisy. 'We're not going to school,' she whispered. 'Get your
bags. We're going home to Jigalong. ' ⇒ 내미 "
The two younger girls stared at her, confused and scared.
'What?' said Gracie.
Daisy looked frightened. 'But Dgudu . . . How we gunna

find aur way back to Jigalong? It's a long way. ' ⇒ pa

·'l: ..,.

. .



" Pi.
Molly and Daisy i(lui-:.l'd l d I ('i iU i _l i ,)j'1 lici t he CUI }/('Y nf the building.

Learning the white man's ways

' I know it's a long way, but it's easy,' said MoIly. 'We'll


/ind the rabbit-proof fence and follow it home.' > M

Paisy C 'We gunna walk all the way?' said Oaisy.

'Yes,' said Molly. ' My daddy worked on the fence. He was
an inspector, alright? He told me about the fence. It goes all
the way frorn the sDuth to the north. We just gotta /ind it.'
The younger girls usually did what their big sister told
them to, sa they ran to get their white cotton hags, There was
하얀색 코튼가방
not much in them -(a hairbrush, a little mirror, a few pieces

of dry bread. They left the dormirory, carrying the toilet toilet Buckt울
bucket between them, and walked down to the washroom. 맞고 Wash room으로
When they came out, Molly looked carefully round the
corner of the building. Oaisy looked toO, holding on to
Molly's skirt. ⇒ Bais4 도 조심스럽계 빌딩모서리를 봤음 m이니의 체마를 잡으면서
There was nobody around. Thc road through the
setdemem was empty. Molly turned to the other two.
'Now!' she whispered. 'Run! FolIow me!'
And away they went, down through the trees towards the
너무를 가로치르면서
river, running like the wind. They ran by the river for two
2 시간 동안 감으로 뜀
hours, looking for a place to cross. After the rain the ground
was soft and wet, and it was hard work, pushing through the
비가와서 더힘듦
thick bushes. At last they found a good place. A tree had
한나무가 쓰러져
fallen across a narrow part of the river, making a bridge.
다리를 만들어
When they had crossed to the other side, Molly turned to
Gracie and Oaisy. 'We go north now, all the way home.'
" "


mollg 지도 X

남쪽은 낯설었지만 어디로가야하는지 암

acacia 잎들이 다리에 삼처를냄
Buf 범추지
Graie 는

⇒ Molli y "
: black frack가
흔적을못찾 ] 기 때문에

⇒ M이M : 토끼 구멍을더 크게만들자 ( 계곡의 )

Graiie C

" "
M 이니 :
아무도 우리를찾지 못함
" "

par 패


faced Cast 구멍을 선택함

비가 서목으로부터음

꼽았지만 따뜻하고 안전함 ⇒ 깊게 잠 잘 수 있었음

토끼들이 달러는 소리에 깸

Gra cie 가
마침으로 토끼 ? ~
토끼를 죽임

~ " "
시미서 -
불이 없어서 요리 X


두번째 식사 : 죽은토끼를 버리고

" "

돌아가라고 말함


M011 φ

그런곳으로 돌아가고
싶어 ?

" "
⇒ Moll 4

L "

Gracie :
" "

얇은 드레스를 입고 감

⇒ 고기 , Hamper , tea 생각이 계독남

또 I

river 반쯤진었을때 누군가 말하는걸들음

두꺼운 bush 조밈

Mard 니 언어의 목소지

2 명의 Mara 에 남자들 :

Marplepar 에서 온 mardu 남자들

사실대로 말함

Nmolly "

mardu meb

나뭇가지와 push로 SHel Ter 를 만들어

O O snelte 와 중간에 불을피움 ③

비는 멈췄지만데어두움

" "

⇒ Gracie

⇒ M 에어는 rabbrthole을 보고 소리지름

Grare 부

⇒ Mi 14

한마리는 먹고 한마리를 마침을 위해 남겨둥

4 번째날

더 건조

⇒ opengrassland 였지만
fmiEkbush 들이 꽤 있음





1 "

넘어린 휴식

" "



움직이지 않고 나무에 앉아있음

비행기까 가고 나서도 점지

나무와 붙어서 최대한 빨리 걸끔

무 비가움


⇒ Mo "
너무배가고파서 두렵지 X

[ )
내이 Y는 큰 나무에 앉아있음

농장비만다 앞에서
4살짜리 아기 가분고 있음

다젖은 상태로

나무 바닥에 물기를 떨구면서

⇒ woman

⇒ farmnoush woman 은 알고 있음

⇒ aracie

⇒ farmhouse woman (urs flanagan)

Molly 사실대로 말함


북쪽 가려면 Graldton 해안 / WabTn 도쪽

O 으로
② 므로가야행


urs flanagan은 갈색종이가방을체업

ㅇ e ③ ④ ⑤

8 O


⇒ ur sflanagan

은 보고해야겠다고
⇒ mrs flabagan

한다고 생각함
Moly는 다른 길을 원하지 X ~
- bush 에대해많은것을
" 알고있음


동쪽으로 안가


" "

⇒ Mo미
- nkm 빠르게 걸음

tire kole 을 덮고 she lter을무너뜨림 "


⇒ M 이다


발자국 남기 kX

1931 년 8 월 11 일에 WestAustralian Rewspap 다에 실림

[ 직발련한건 deaorap 대
~ Mrsflanagan은 그들의 탈플 소식을 아는 유일한 사람

> 그들은polTcesearca parfres 가 뒤에 있음을 알지 X

음식 거설

반대방향으로 떠날 것처럼 척함 ↓ 완전한 원을려

아무도 따라지 X 하게


Molly 가 쉴때는 서로 업어룹

다리상처는 좋아지지 X

1 ③

양가루로 Qamp와를 직접 만들어 먹음

( 뜨거운 햇볕
" "

~ paisy

일작선이 기 C
rabb it

임을 암
양쪽어 (
fene 는 mardu 사람들의 랜드마크

힘들 노력한 공간

집근처가 아니였음을 깨찰지 X

절반도 못갔고 8001cm 이상 걸어야함

( ,

가능한 빨리 세 gTvIs 들을

Constableso71m 1 명령
( ,

이미 이동한시점에

repor+ 가다음동

매일 30 Km 씩
fen 오를 찾은 이후
racarabushes 가 없어짐

며 "


가장두꺼운 acacia bume 로뚜어감 -

AbrrgTn @ l man ( pon )

이 음식을 가져음

무려움보다는 배고품
O 8

1 거딧말

그들은 뒤돌아 보지 않고 사막으로 사라짐

Larsen > Sim pSono)번

black traclser

9월 5 일 Mood 0
와 Larsen 이 을보러 감

α moodoo 가 처음으로 찾아낸 흔적

Dalgaranga 역의 북쪽으로 208Kkm이동 but Moodov 는 아무엇도찾제인

9월 7 일 :
Ya 1 go 0 로 돌아감

[ fene 위에나갔기
bush tucker을 찾아 되돌아갔기 때문
WT 110ck 에
pTndatmun 어의

집을 먹었다고 생각

매일 30 km 씩 가지 못할 거라 생각함

Larsen >

Gumcreek 을 통과하면

ㅡ 힘들어집


L wabbrf fence

따라가고 있다는
것을 확신

식량은 충분하지만 사막이라더 힘들릿

simpson -

) Mr Neville

pon 을 만난후에 모두가 자기를 찾고있음을 암


( ,

fnick bushes 아래에서 잠



경찰과 Mardu track라고생각함

farm worlker 였음
~ 동쪽하늘에빛이남

" "
⇒ Molly

Caa cia bushes 위에서

도 " "

" "
⇒ Gracce


⇒ molly

Mol 14와 Gracie 는 주장 / Daisy는 걱정*


⇒ Gracin e

⇒ MOll 9

일주일후 그냥 컨너가야한다고


그틀동안 기다림

fence 에 가까에서 걷지지

사막에 줄이어다있는지암
높 높

의Stat2 n
Mountkusse 철대를 지남


15분뒤 Gracie 롤아음

[ " ' "


r mollg

L " "


uDais 4

L "


Pais 4 는 Graice 에에

" Daisu ' "

Gracie 를 잃었을 때 가장데움

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