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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT SChlEME usN 135 @ Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, July/August 20: Electromagnetic Waves Time: 3 hrs. Max. Markf0o, Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question fy ode Es. Also write jeal and spherical 1, Convert point PCL, 3, 5) from Cartes the equation for differential surface and differential volume system, (08 Marks) b. A line charge of 2 nolm lies along y-axis while sue sities of 0.1 and “0,1 neim? exist on the plane z ~ 3 and 7 ~ —4 respect Find the electric fiekd intensity atapoint (1, ~7, 2) (06 Marks) 6. A point charge of $0 ne each are located at ACL, 0, 0). RRQL. ON, CO, 1, 0)and DE, =1, 0) in five space. Find the total force on the charge (06 Marks) on, 2 & Compute the value of Eat Pa, 1,1) four identical 3ne charges located at PAC 1. 0), PSL, 1,0), PKL. =1, and sats) b. Define electric field intensity and tus & rive the expression for electric field intensity due to several point chars (06 Marks) ©. Caloulate the total charge for the din 10. Given that 0.1 $x fy, 21$0.2 omc (06 Marks) rm dagen os lines on he rernng Bank pages {dition oped to evaluator and or uations wie 1258 ~ 50, betel ae marae date-2 Fs 30 both sider gffive weorem for the defined ple in which 1 a if potential V r= band V = Voat ra, Also find the capacitance between the two concentris spheres\ : 1b. State and explain Biot-Savart law. fos Nios © Ifthe magnetic field intensity in a region is HI = Gy~2)8, + 2xa,. Find the culfgpt den: atthe origin oR 6 a, State and prove uniqueness theorem Priors b. Find E at PG, 1, 2) for the field of two coaxial conducting eylind ‘Sly tp = 2m and V = 20 V at p= 3m (6 Mar ©. Evaluate both side of the Stoke's theorem for the filed Ti Meta, SSM Aim and the rectangular path around the reaion 2 $x $5, -1 Sy St ARS 0, Lene direction of d, tobe a, or Marks) Modute-4 7 a, Obtain the expression for magnetio force between dl Bb, Caleulate the normal components of the magne) ing w, ~ 2.5 and 4, = 4. Given th ial Ment clements. (06 Marke) gh traversal from medium 1 to + 508, + 708, Vim, (06 Marks) (os Marks) tegral and differential form of i Ba 1dL, =10a, Amis 0, 0) and another current clement yal, 10" Ts, 285+ 34,1 Amis BF 00) Both arin fre space. Find Focus acrid ca Ls by Wi Fores exerted on dls by Lal (ve storks b. Caleulats the magnstzation iia where 8 x 10° (Hl/m) an| 2 Aven) Gi) = 22, there args M10] Ptoms/m’ and cach stom has a dipole moment of 4.5 x 107 (Am Git) B= 300 eT) a (06 ark c. Obtain the megrdyboliggy conditions at interface between two diffrent magnets moveril easton Module 9. Listand Nytin SRgygBe canton in point form an integral form 06 acd B Catet BM sence my the propagation constant and. wave velocity © for a conduct ety which o 58 Nisin, pee Trae Tata Requoney of 100 Mie (Go sank em ive apece is given by Hi= 1000x104 fxd, Am. Find i and 6s, at B02, 03) and t~ 1m, cox arts on 10 1 Wrove Poynthing theorem. (8 Marko al sheet of aluminium has 6 = 38.2 M Ulm and 44 = 1. Calculate the skin depth 8, ropagation constant y and velocity of propagation v at the frequency of 1.6 MH. (06 Marks) the field E=E,sinxsint a, and H ==" cosxcost&,. Satiafy Maxwell's equation He (06 Marks) ee ors oe BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative

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