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Are you struggling with writing your research paper?

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22. How to write a research paper? Key Elements of Publishing • Style and language • Structure of
paper • Components of paper • Article submission/journal selection • Publisher’s process/peer review
• Ethical Issues 13. Main body Your paper your way… • It is the part where you directly speak to the
reader. • Important parts: – Methodology – Result and Discussion 06-May-15 ©Amimul Ehsan 13
Note that it is always advisable to accompany paraphrased or summarized text with a reference. In
this page you will find the steps towards writing a well developed research paper. Down below you
will find the explanation of each step and above is the picture of how it should look like in case you
are a visual learner! When your research paper is all done and ready, submit it to the journal. If it is
rejected for the first time, do not lose heart, we are ready for the Instant Assignment Help. Also
include all entries, every resource that you used have it written in here. To know how to cite a source
use the website below by clicking in the owl image! In this scenario, the student is hard-working and
focused but he is inexperienced. Here is where the problem lies. Writing a research paper is not as
easy as it may seem. There is a mechanism for every part and there is a standardized rule of
formatting and other things. To write a thought-provoking and stirring research paper, a student
needs to scour and polish his skills as an academic writer. As a general rule, facts that are well-known
do not require citations, while more specific information does. Some of the questions you should ask
yourself about the information you want to write include; One of the main ways to avoid plagiarism
or citing everything is to write your research paper from scratches. This means that you will
personally write your paper from start to finish. 1. Mehrshad Mehrpouya, Ph.D. Department of
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Via Eudossiana, 18, 00184
Rome, Italy Email: Web:
/mehrpouya/ October 2018 How to write a research paper? Read out what our happy students has to
say about us. Download Now Download Now A research paper writing is a problem for every
newcomer in the research field. This slide deck explains research writing in simple words and
examples. 11. Get Advice If you are confused with a topic that feels “just right,” then get advice
from your professor or coworkers/classmates. Don’t be afraid to change your topic. If you select
a topic, start researching, and realize that it isn’t the right decision for you for some reason, don’t
afraid! You can change the topic. For more Https:// 6. How to write a
research paper? Key Elements of Publishing • Style and language • Structure of paper • Components
of paper • Article submission/journal selection • Publisher’s process/peer review • Ethical Issues 32.
What is Research Writing ? 32 Is it synonymous to End-to-end Story Writing ? 57. Publication
process 57 Content Acquisition Pre-Production Process Production Process Distribution Call For
Papers (CFP) Abstract Abstract Review Selection Full Paper Full Paper Review and Selection
Workshop / Conference Short listing of Papers For SB Author Rewrites Copy Editing Layout and
content proofing IP Audit Author Signoff Printing Distribution Start End 14. I can see future
challenges and emerging trends in testing. I have innovative ideas to influence business and
community. I have in-depth knowledge and skill in particular area. E.g. Knowledge of Machine
Learning Who am I ? 14 I know the problems, which need to addressed. I can systematically
analyze the problem and find out the most appropriate solution. Expert Thought Leader Researcher
28. How to write a research paper? Citation, H-Index,… The h-index is an author-level metric that
attempts to measure both the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scientist or
scholar. The index is based on the set of the scientist's most cited papers and the number of citations
that they have received in other publications. A citation index is an index of citations between
publications, allowing the user to easily discern which later documents cite which earlier documents.
29. Research Results & Examples (1/2) 29 Research result Example Procedure or Technique New
or better way to do some task such as design, implementation, maintenance, measurement,
evaluation, selection from alternatives Use technique to implement, represent, management and
analysis Technique should be operational, not advise or guideline, but a procedure Qualitative or
Descriptive Model Structure or taxonomy for a problem area; architectural style, framework, or
design pattern. Non-formal domain analysis, well-grounded checklist, well-argued informal
generalization, guidance for integrating other results, well-organized interesting observations
Empirical Model Empirical model based on observed data Reference: Mary Shaw, "Writing good
software engineering research paper", Proceedingof the 25th International Conference on Software
Engineering, IEEE, Computer Society, 2003, pp. 726-736
icse03.pdf 19. Method 4. Writing your paper Write your Body Paragraphs Support each statement
you make with evidence. Supply enough explanations for your research. Avoid using many direct
and long quotes Use clear segues into adjacent points in your paper. Write the Conclusions The
objective of the conclusion, in very simple terms, is to answer the question, “So what?” It’s a good
idea to write the conclusion before the introduction for many reasons. For more Https:/
/ 4. Where to Publish RP? • Conferences • Journal Some worldwide
recognized publishers: • IEEE • Elsevier • Springer • Scopus • Taylor & Francis • Wily • AIT…..and
so on. 06-May-15 ©Amimul Ehsan 4 •Choose your topic. 39. What is New Result ? 39 What new
knowledge have you contributed that the reader can use elsewhere? What previous work do you
build on? What do you provide superior alternative to? How is your result different from and
better than this prior work? What precisely and in details, is your new result? Reference: Mary
Shaw, "Writing good software engineering research paper", Proceedingof the 25th International
Conference on Software Engineering, IEEE, Computer Society, 2003, pp. 726-736 http:/
/ The first step towards writting a Research Paper is to
have it in MLA Format. •Making an outline.
Summarizing, on the other hand, requires you to focus on the most important parts while restating
something. If you find this helpful and want to thank, put your thumbs up.... 14. Use Academic
Databases Use databases which are related to your subject only. Take a trip to your school library
and ask the librarian for complete information of the academic databases they use to. Get Creative
with your Research If you get one really interesting book or journal that completely covers your
topic, look in the works cited/bibliography/reference list at the end of it. They also have some many
more books and journals that are related your topic as well. For more Https:/
/ After you have this ready (which is the easiest part) you may start writing
your research paper. Subscribe and Receive 10% Discount Code 14. How to write a research paper?
Authors Listing • ONLY include those who have made an intellectual contribution to the research •
OR those who will publicly defend the data and conclusions, and who have approved the final
version • Order of the names of the authors can vary from discipline to discipline – In some fields,
the corresponding author’s name appears first The journal methodically maps out the writing of
drafts and revisions. Helpful tips from the author are scattered throughout the lessons. There is a
gradual easing-into writing on appointed topics that are informative, biographical, comparison
/contrast, or persuasive in nature. 6. How to write a research paper? Key Elements of Publishing •
Style and language • Structure of paper • Components of paper • Article submission/journal selection
• Publisher’s process/peer review • Ethical Issues 41. General Structure of Research Paper 41
Abstract Problem and solution Short paragraph Introduction Background of problem
Necessity to solve the problem Problem Definition Contribution of work Literature Review
Earlier research work done in the same area and gap analysis to show that your are not repeating the
work Body Detailed Problem Methodology used Solution/experiment Details Validation
of solution/results Discussion and Conclusion Discussion of result and show that your results are
better. Conclusion References List all the references used during the research, provide
appropriate credit Reference: 7 0 Use Times
New Roman or Arial font as well as 12 font size. 2. Background… • What is research? • How to do
research? • Why research paper? 06-May-15 ©Amimul Ehsan 2 You should utilize premium
plagiarism checks if they are available to you. Number of visits by Joseph KenasNovember 30,
2023Writing Tips Make sure to use quotation marks in sentences that you can’t avoid. There are no
negative consequences of using ideas from other works in this way. Woods Hole, MA 02543 Want
someone to write a research paper for you? NeedAssignmentHelp can surely! You can contact us at
[email protected] It is also possible to buy the same paper with your coursemate without knowing.
After all, websites only need the money. The only safe way to do this is to hire a private writer or
tutor to help your research paper completely from scratch. 28. Research Methods (3/3) 28 Mixed
Method Approach Methods discussed earlier are combined depending upon the problem Action
Research Implement, observe, modify Cyclic process
different-types-of-research-paper%E2%80%A6 Remember, you are writing a research paper and not
a piece of fiction. So, it is going to take a while. Do not get frustrated or irked at the redoing of all
the processes again and again. Practice makes a man perfect after all. With our Business Research
Methods Assignment Help you will be able to draft a perfect draft. Apart from these, there are other
features of NeedAssignmentHelp and hence, it is the most preferred choice for the students.
20. What is detailed study? Systematic investigation of study of materials Conduct
Experiments, Collect Data, Simulation, Interviews, Case Studies, Modeling and … Analysis and
reporting Definition A detailed study of a subject in order to discover (new) information or reach a
(new) understanding. Cambridge Dictionaries Online, © Cambridge University Press 2003 What is
Research? 15. Method 3. Making an Outline Annotate Your research Once you’ve collected all
your research, print it out (if it is collected from an online source). This step is very necessary: read
through your research, take notes on what you think is important, and highlight important facts and
phrases. Organize your notes Organize your notes by collecting all of your highlighted phrases
and ideas into categories based on topic. For more Https:// I agree with
Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions (Recommended) 47. References 47 What is Reference?
References is the list of all the literature used for the paper Note: Giving credit to others does
not diminish the credit you get from your paper Failing to give credit to others can kill your paper
Warmly acknowledge people who have helped you What should References Contain? List all
literature cited in your paper, in alphabetical order, by first author. Use style suggested by
publisher. Common styles are Harvard and IEEE Be cautious about using web sites as references -
anyone can put just about anything on a web site, and you have no sure way of knowing if it is truth
or fiction. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Get Started
Remember, you are writing a research paper and not a piece of fiction. So, it is going to take a while.
Do not get frustrated or irked at the redoing of all the processes again and again. Practice makes a
man perfect after all. With our Business Research Methods Assignment Help you will be able to draft
a perfect draft. 59. Disclaimer This presentation is purely for academic purpose and does not carry
any commercial value. All images used in this presentation are property of respective image
holders. Images are used only for indicative purpose and does not carry any other meaning.
Download Now On the contrary, a statement like, In contrast, stating something like the average
rainfall is expected to rise by 500ml in the next two years requires you to cite the source of
information. A high level of attention must be given to this part. A research paper is divided into the
following parts and all of them play a specific role:- 54. Things to Avoid 54 Copyright Violation
Copyright is the exclusive right granted to the author or creator of an original work, including the
right to copy, distribute and adapt the work. Original works of authorship includes literary,
dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works. Plagiarism Using someone else's
ideas or phrasing and representing those ideas or phrasing as our own, either, is a serious offense
known as plagiarism. written or spoken material from whole papers and paragraphs to sentences
phrases — but it also includes statistics, lab results, art work, etc. © 2024 The Thinking Tree LLC,
All rights reserved. 32. What is Research Writing ? 32 Is it synonymous to End-to-end Story Writing
? 34. How to write a research paper? Ethical Issues • Disclosure of Conflict of Interest •
Acknowledgment of funding sources • Graphical Abstract • Online submission - supplemental
information (datasets, videos) 11. Literature Review (contd.) How to search??? – Select some key
phrase. – Search in online data base (as stated in slide-7) – Year basis (recent), Title, Abstract…
How to store? – Write summary. How to add in paper and cite? 06-May-15 ©Amimul Ehsan 11
26. Some Questions from Class • How to put footnote? – Smaller font at the end of the page and
refer in text as superscript. • How to list various references? – Every article publisher has their own
format for reference listing. – For example, please follow the link - and go to
reference page. 06-May-15 ©Amimul Ehsan 26 Read a complete guide on how to write a research
paper from scratch to know the steps needed to do this. As a general rule, facts that are well-known
do not require citations, while more specific information does. Some of the questions you should ask
yourself about the information you want to write include; Every part of the research paper holds
significance irrespective of its size. For example, an abstract is written in around 200-300 words, but
it encompasses the gist of your paper and if it is not written in its peculiar way, your paper may find
its way to the file room. So, every part is important. For reference, the Buy Research Paper
Assignment sample online from Sample Assignment can be viewed. Learning how to write a
research paper without plagiarism is important in both academic and professional life. In this post,
we will discuss several ways to avoid plagiarism. Phone: 508-548-7270 5. Section Purpose of the
Section Abstract To briefly introduce the reader to the study aims, the methodology, results and
findings. Introduction • To introduce a clear overall purpose for the study • To define the research
question(s). • To provide a very brief background of relevant theory and practice for your topic. For
more Https:// and that the title is centered. The slide was presented in a
class arranged by Mr. C. K. Das among his undergrad project students of EEE'10, CUET on 4th
April, 2015. It was a first time experience for me standing on Dias and talking for almost one and a
half hour. Download Now
4. What is Engineering ? 4 Engineers identify a problem, and come up with a solution – often
creating something completely new in the process. Traditionally, engineering is about
infrastructure. Engineers were known to create bridges and vehicles that got us from A to B faster
more efficiently. Now engineering is acknowledged as a discipline that opens up opportunities and
creates technology and products that help make our lives easier. Engineers are shaping the future
by applying their skills to almost everything you can think of, from medicine to renewable energy,
food technologies to sustainable mining. There really is no limit to what engineers can do. Reference: A research paper writing is a problem for
every newcomer in the research field. This slide deck explains research writing in simple words and
examples. 26. How to write a research paper? Impact factor? About Journal Impact Impact Factor -
What is it?; Why use it? The impact factor (IF) is a measure of the frequency with which the average
article in a journal has been cited in a particular year. It is used to measure the importance or rank of
a journal by calculating the times it's articles are cited 59. Disclaimer This presentation is purely
for academic purpose and does not carry any commercial value. All images used in this
presentation are property of respective image holders. Images are used only for indicative purpose
and does not carry any other meaning. These slides are related to our last event at the Sapienza
University of Rome for the graduate students. Please follow our website:
/psa.sapienza How to write a research paper: How to write a research paper? 27. Research Methods
(2/3) 27 Ethnographic How designer community is adopting UML. How technical communities
build a culture of practices and communication strategies that enable them to perform technical work
collaboratively. Survey Questionnaire or Structured interview Select of representative sample
from well defined population. Analysis of data to generalize/answer base-rate questions http:/
/ 25.
Research Methods 25 Controlled experiments Case studies Survey research Ethnographic Action
research Mixed-methods approach Reference:
/SelectingEmpiricalMethods.pdf 29. Difference between abstract and summery …highlights the
major points but will probably omit some parts of the document and it will also reduce some of them
disproportionately …is interdentally gives readers a nutshell idea of the paper, a snapshot, an outline
or proportion, rendition or what the original work is 06-May-15 ©Amimul Ehsan 29 30. Types of
Abstracts • Indicative/descriptive – purpose, scope or methodology • Informative/ summary –
purpose, scope or methodology, results, conclusion and recommendations 06-May-15 ©Amimul
Ehsan 30 10. How to write a research paper? Key Elements of Publishing • Style and language •
Structure of paper • Components of paper • Article submission/journal selection • Publisher’s process
/peer review • Ethical Issues 10. Pick something you love
Choose a topic that you have interest about. Writing about something you enjoy surely shows in the
final product. Stay original Also consider other students, If you are writing a research paper for a
class. Is it likely that they will also be writing about your topic? How can you make your paper
unique and interesting if everyone is writing about the same topic. Continued.. For more Https:/
/ 11. Get Advice If you are confused with a topic that feels “just right,”
then get advice from your professor or coworkers/classmates. Don’t be afraid to change your
topic. If you select a topic, start researching, and realize that it isn’t the right decision for you for
some reason, don’t afraid! You can change the topic. For more Https:// 47.
References 47 What is Reference? References is the list of all the literature used for the paper
Note: Giving credit to others does not diminish the credit you get from your paper Failing to
give credit to others can kill your paper Warmly acknowledge people who have helped you What
should References Contain? List all literature cited in your paper, in alphabetical order, by first
author. Use style suggested by publisher. Common styles are Harvard and IEEE Be cautious
about using web sites as references - anyone can put just about anything on a web site, and you have
no sure way of knowing if it is truth or fiction. 13. Who am I ? 13 I may be any one of these Expert,
Thought Leader, Researcher I may be more than one. I may be all. Download to read offline After
you have this ready (which is the easiest part) you may start writing your research paper. Such
shortcuts are considered plagiarism which is a serious academic offense. If discovered plagiarism
may result in serious punishments such as expulsion or failing the entire exam. P.O. Box 185, Woods
Hole, MA 02543 One of the main ways to avoid plagiarism or citing everything is to write your
research paper from scratches. This means that you will personally write your paper from start to
finish. Use Times New Roman or Arial font as well as 12 font size. Acrobat Adobe 28. Research
Methods (3/3) 28 Mixed Method Approach Methods discussed earlier are combined depending
upon the problem Action Research Implement, observe, modify Cyclic process http:/
/ Subscribe
and Receive 10% Discount Code A high level of attention must be given to this part. A research
paper is divided into the following parts and all of them play a specific role:-
This software can be a helpful tool in ensuring that your paper is not copied anywhere. Note that
there are also free plagiarism tools available on the internet. 16. Knowledge: Share & publish 16
Knowledge should be shared. PublishHow to share? 27. How to write a research paper? Impact
factor? The JCR provides quantitative tools for ranking, evaluating, categorizing, and comparing
journals. The impact factor is one of these; it is a measure of the frequency with which the “average
article” in a journal has been cited in a particular year or period. 14. Methodology • Main description
• Experiment • Calculation and Analysis • Subsections (as less as possible to clarify) • Graphical
presentations (viz., Figure, Table, Graph & Video) 06-May-15 ©Amimul Ehsan 14 Despite warnings
and sanctions, many students continue to copy, both intentionally and unintentionally. Therefore to
avoid copying consider the following. 22. Why use a Consistent Format? For more Https:/
/ 6. How to write a research paper? Key Elements of Publishing • Style and
language • Structure of paper • Components of paper • Article submission/journal selection •
Publisher’s process/peer review • Ethical Issues License: Creative Commons Attribution Language:
English Media Format: Graphics/Photos, Text/HTML 42. Abstract 42 What is Abstract? The
abstract is a summary of the entire paper and hence should be written at the end. Abstract contains
the purpose of the study - hypothesis, overall question, research objective , brief of the experiment,
Important conclusions What should Abstract Contain? The abstracts to address 4 questions State
the problem Explain why the problem need to be solved Explain how your solution solved the
problem Explain what follows your solution. Home It's good to see that the writer has
implemented all the sent requirements. Thank you so much for taking them into consideration. ... 21.
Other Important Points • Acknowledgements • Highlights • Appendix • Footnote • Conversions
(viz., BDT » $US) • Cover letter • Bibliography • Nomenclature • Over all organization 06-May-15
©Amimul Ehsan 21 4. How to write a research paper? Author versus Reader Behaviour • Author
behaviour – Want to publish more – Peer review essential – Other journal functions crucial – Wider
dissemination • Reader behaviour – Want integrated system – Browsing is crucial – Quality
information important – Want to read less If you are not an expert in writing from scratch, consider
the following ideas to help you avoid plagiarism. With the tips below, you can copy a paper from
Course Hero or Chegg without plagiarism. However, you should familiarize yourself with citation
rules to ensure that you do so correctly. This is a good way to copy-paste without plagiarism because
it gives the source as it is and one introduces it as a quotation. 4. Where to Publish RP? •
Conferences • Journal Some worldwide recognized publishers: • IEEE • Elsevier • Springer • Scopus
• Taylor & Francis • Wily • AIT…..and so on. 06-May-15 ©Amimul Ehsan 4 12. How to write a
research paper? Key Elements of Publishing • Style and language • Structure of paper • Components
of paper • Article submission/journal selection • Publisher’s process/peer review • Ethical Issues On
the contrary, a statement like, In contrast, stating something like the average rainfall is expected to
rise by 500ml in the next two years requires you to cite the source of information. 21. Edit Your
Rough Draft If you edit your own paper, wait minimum three days before returning to it. Don’t
neglect edits by others just because they need a bit more work. Create The Final Draft You are
prepared to make the final draft. Go through your paper and correct all mistakes, rearranging
information if important. Adjust the line spacing, font and margins to fulfill the needs set by your
professor. For more Https:// After this you may continue to the next step.
(ON YOUR RIGHT) 17. Develop Your Thesis The thesis statement is always a 1-2 sentence
statement at the starting of your paper that specifies the your paper goal or argument. Determine
your main points When you determine your main ideas, putting them in a particular order. A single
main point should not keep in a single paragraph, particularly when you are writing a comparatively
long research paper. For more Https:// 16. How to write a research paper?
Abstract • Briefly summarize (often 150 words) - the problem, the method, the results, and the
conclusions so that – The reader can decide whether or not to read the whole article • Together, the
title and the abstract should stand on their own • Many authors write the abstract last so that it
accurately reflects the content of the paper See: The Structured Abstract: An Essential Tool for
Research You possess knowledge. But, can you
effectively put across your thoughts incoherent stream of words otherwise known as sentences? You
have toiled day and night collating relevant material for your subject but you do not know how to
chaff the bundle of information. Almost every student has this self-doubt within themselves. They
can work harder but most of the time owing to nnumber of limitations, he feels lost and insecure and
his mind pleads him to exclaim, Solve My Assignment! No
comments yet! Add one to start the conversation.

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