Bcis3714 Chapter 5 Class Activity

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1. Define IT governance.
2. Mention and describe the two primary goals of effective IT governance.
3. Name the two IT governance frameworks that are considered to be the best in table
5-3. What does each of them entail?
4. The process for developing a disaster recovery plan is described in seven steps. List
and describe these steps.
5. You have been assigned by your manager to lead a multifunctional team to develop
your organisation’s first disaster recovery plan. As you join the others on the team
for your initial meeting, you overhear a lot of grumbling from the non-IT members
on the team. They feel it is a waste of time for them to be involved in this exercise
that is supposed to be done by the IT members. You realise that you have to explain
to them the significance of a disaster recovery plan and why their participation is
important in developing it. In your explanation, address the following:
a) Describe a recovery plan.
b) Explain why non-IT members should form part of the team developing this
recovery plan.
c) Mention the groups of people that are needed in the recovery team and
explain their responsibilities in the case of a disaster.
6. What is the scope of a business continuity plan? How is it different from a disaster
recovery plan?

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