Đề Nói Tiếng Anh 3

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Card 1: You and your friend, an architect, are in a café discussing a design of a new
hospital in your city.
L.anh: can I ask you some questions about plans for the new hospital?
N.anh ( Architect) : yes, of course. I'm really excited about the opportunity to work on
the design of the new hospital.
L.anh: Absolutely! It's a crucial project for the city, and your architectural expertise will
play a key role. What is the building area of the hospital ?
N.anh: I think the building area of the hospital will be 2000 squaremeters and will have
10 floors.
L.anh: and what about the location of the hospital ?
N.anh: I think the most suitable location to build a hospital is in the city center and has
convenient transportation.
L.anh: That's a good idea, because a location makes it possible for the patient to reach the
hospital in time. What about the interiors?
NANH : I'm envisioning a balance between functionality and aesthetics. Comfortable and
calming interiors, with patient-centric design principles, will be our priority. Also,
utilizing technology for smart healthcare solutions can enhance the overall experience for
patients and staff.
L.anh: Smart healthcare solutions would indeed bring the hospital into the 21st century.
Considering the scale of the project, have you thought about incorporating any specific
architectural elements or features?
NANH : I was thinking of a combination of green spaces and modern aesthetics. Rooftop
gardens and open courtyards could provide patients with a serene atmosphere. Also, I
believe a focus on energy efficiency and eco-friendly materials will contribute to the
sustainability of the building.
L. anh: Those are excellent ideas. I also think accessibility should be a priority, ensuring
that the design considers the needs of all residents, including those with disabilities.
NANH : Absolutely. We'll make sure that the hospital is easily accessible for everyone,
and that includes parking facilities and public transportation options.
Card 2: A friend is visiting your city/town. You have taken him/her around some
popular places. Now you and your friend are at a famous building talking about it.
Lanh: oh! Look at the building, it’s very beautiful ! Can you tell me about the name of
the building ?
Nanh: the name of the building is Landmark 81
Lanh: and what about the size of the building ?
B: I don’t know how wide this building, but the buildinh has 81 floos, The building is the
tallest building in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. Including a shopping centre, offices,
apartments and a hotel.
Lanh: Well, i see the elevation of the building is impressive, towering over the
surrounding structures.
B: That's right, it is very different.
Lanh: And what about the style ?
B : Landmark 81 has a style and elegant design, inspired by the shape of bamboo, a
traditional symbol of Vietnamese culture.
Lanh: I see the building is very beautiful and this building has a style and modern design
that both functional and visually striking.
B: Materials of the building are made of reinforced concrete, and the building's exterior is
covered in sleek, modern glass panels.
Lanh: Well, the building's window provides ample natural light and a stunning view of
the city. So high that you can see this building at the farthest places in Ho Chi Minh City.
B: that’s right. And The functional uses of the building are primarily used for commercial
and residential purposes, attracting visitors from all over the world with its impressive
height and stunning architecture.
Lanh: In my opinion, not only does it contribute to the economy but also brings pride to
Vietnam. It is proof that Vietnamese are able to create amazing skyscrapers that can
compare to any other country in the world.
Card 3: You want to decorate the living room in your house, and you are discussing
it with your friend.
L.anh : Hey, I've been thinking about redecorating the living room in my house. I want to
give it a fresh look, you know?
N.anh: That sounds like a fun project! What's the theme or style you're thinking of going
L.anh: I'm leaning towards a cozy and modern vibe. I want it to feel welcoming and
comfortable but with a touch of contemporary design.
N.anh: Nice choice! Any specific color scheme in mind?
L.anh: I'm thinking of going with a neutral base—maybe some light grays and whites.
That way, I can add pops of color with accent pieces and artwork. What do you think?
Friend: Neutrals are always a safe and stylish choice. They create a great backdrop for
other elements. Have you thought about the furniture?
L.anh: Yes, I've been eyeing a sleek and comfortable sectional sofa. Something that's
both stylish and practical. Maybe in a light gray or beige to keep with the neutral theme.
Friend: Perfect! Sectionals are great for creating a cozy seating area. What about the
centerpiece or focal point of the room?
L.anh: I'm considering a statement coffee table—maybe something with a unique design
or material. Something that adds character to the room without being too overpowering.
Friend: Sounds like a plan. And don't forget the lighting. It can make a huge difference in
creating the right ambiance.
L.anh: Absolutely! I was thinking of pendant lights or maybe a stylish floor lamp to add
some warmth. Plus, they can be great accent pieces.
Friend: Nice choices. What about decorations? Any specific artwork or decor items you
have in mind?
L.anh: I'm a fan of abstract art, so I'm thinking of hanging a large abstract painting as a
focal point. As for decor, maybe some plants, throw pillows, and a cozy rug to tie
everything together.
Friend: Adding greenery is always a good idea. It brings life to the space. And a rug can
really define the seating area.
L.anh: Exactly! I want it to feel like a place where you can unwind after a long day. Oh,
and maybe some shelves for books and personal items.
Friend: That's a great idea. It adds a personal touch and makes the space feel lived-in.
Have you set a budget for this project?
Lanh: Thanks! I might take you up on that offer. Let's plan a cozy housewarming once
it's all done.
Card 4: You are studying abroad in the United States. You have been invited to the
Christmas party at your friend’s home. You feel confused and worried as you know
little about the culture there. Talk with a friend who has been living there for a long
time to get some good manners at the party.
L.anh: Hey, I got invited to a Christmas party at my friend's place, and I'm feeling a bit
nervous. I'm not quite sure about the etiquette and customs here. Can you help me out?
N.anh: Of course! No need to worry; I've got your back. First things first, it's a pretty
casual atmosphere, especially among friends. Just relax and enjoy yourself.
L.anh: That's a relief. But what about gifts? Do I need to bring something?
Friend: It's a nice gesture, but it's not mandatory. If you decide to bring something, a
small gift or a dish for everyone to share is appreciated. Maybe a box of chocolates or a
bottle of wine.
L.anh: Got it. And what should I wear? Is it a formal event?
Friend: Nah, it's usually casual. You can wear something festive like a nice sweater or a
dress. If it's mentioned as a "Ugly Christmas Sweater" party, even better—embrace the
L.anh: Good to know. And what about the timing? When should I arrive?
Friend: Generally, it's good to be on time, but if it's a more laid-back gathering, you can
be fashionably late by 15-20 minutes. People are usually pretty understanding about it.
L.anh: Got it. Thanks so much for the advice. I'm feeling more confident now.
Friend: No problem at all! Just be yourself, enjoy the holiday spirit, and you'll fit right in.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
Lanh: Will do. Thanks again, and I'll see you soon!
Card 5: You and your friend are in a café talking about a game that children like
L.anh: Hey, have you noticed how kids these days are really into those digital games on
tablets and smartphones?
Friend: Oh, absolutely! It's incredible how much the gaming landscape has changed. But
you know, there are still some classic games that kids enjoy a lot.
L.anh: That's interesting. It's nice to hear that some traditional games are still popular.
What kind of games are they playing?
N.anh : Well, I've seen kids getting into games that we used to play when we were their
age. that is the game of chess.
L.anh: I don't know how to play the game of chess, so you can tell me about the rules of
the game?
N.anh : Rules of the game are based on the way of the chess to go and eat all the
opponent is chess to win, but absolutely you must do everything to protect your team's
champion. And you know, The game of chess only requires 2 players besides, can play
alone in the internet.
L.anh: That sounds interesting! What is the benefit of the game?
N.anh: Some of the benefits: if children can play chess, it will help children develop
many skills, especially it is good for the brain. For example: people's learning, reasoning,
analytical and decision making skill improves. Besides, chess teaches us how to be
strategic in both the game and in life. How about you? What games do you think children
like to play?
L.anh: I think it's Tug of War, a sport and a folk game preserved to this day. Tug of war
is not only a health exercise sport, but also a team sport, honoring collective strength,
bringing joy and comfort to everyone participating and is often played during holidays.
festivals or Tet holidays.
N.ANH: Oh yes, I also know about that game but I only cheered and didn't know the
rules. Can you tell me?
LANH: Yes of course. That is, the players are also divided into two sides, each side uses
their strength to pull the other side to their side, in the middle of the rope is tied a red
scarf, each side pulls the string with the red scarf tied across their line. first is win.
N.ANH: What a passionate game. Thank you for telling me it was great.
LANH: Me too. Thank you!
Card 6:You are staying in your friend’s house talking with him/her about families.
You can talk about family history, Importance of the family, members of family …
Me ( L.anh): You know, spending time here with your family makes me think a lot about
the importance of family.
Friend(N.anh): I'm glad you feel that way! Family is everything to me. What specifically
are you thinking about?
Me: Well, for starters, I'm intrigued by your family history. How far back do you know
about your ancestors?
Friend: Funny you should ask. My grandparents on both sides were great storytellers, so
I've heard quite a bit about our family history. It's fascinating to learn about where we
come from and the experiences that shaped us.
Me: That's incredible. I wish I knew more about my own family history. It must be nice
to have those stories passed down through generations.
Friend: Absolutely. Knowing where we come from gives us a sense of identity and
belonging. It's like connecting the dots between our past, present, and future.
Me: I can see that. And beyond just history, I can feel the warmth and love within your
family. It's palpable.
Friend: Thank you. Family is a source of love, support, and strength. We go through ups
and downs together, but at the end of the day, we always have each other's backs.
Me: It's clear that your family is close-knit. How do you maintain that bond?
Friend: Communication is key. We make an effort to spend quality time together,
whether it's sharing meals, going on outings, or simply having conversations. It's those
little moments that strengthen our bond.
Me: That's beautiful. And who are the members of your family? Do you have any
Friend: Yes, I have an older sister and a younger brother. We're like a trio, always there
for each other no matter what. And of course, there's my parents, the pillars of our family.
Me: It sounds like you have a wonderful family dynamic. I can see how each member
plays a special role in shaping your family's identity.
Friend: Absolutely. Each member brings their own strengths and quirks to the table, but
together, we're stronger. That's the beauty of family.
Card 7: You are in class talking with a classmate about a do-it-yourself project that
you have done.
Me(L.anh): Hey, have I shown you the do-it-yourself project I recently completed? I'm
pretty proud of it.
Classmate(N.anh): No, I don't think so. What did you make?
Me: I decided to revamp my old bookshelf into something more stylish and functional. It
was a fun project, and I'm really happy with how it turned out.
Classmate: That sounds cool! What did you do to revamp it?
Me: Well, first, I sanded down the entire surface to remove the old finish and roughen it
up for better paint adhesion. Then, I painted it with a fresh coat of matte black paint to
give it a modern look.
Classmate: Nice choice! Black always adds a touch of elegance. Did you add any other
elements to it?
Me: Yes, I installed some new hardware—sleek, minimalist handles that complement the
black paint perfectly. I also added a few coats of clear sealant to protect the finish and
give it a subtle shine.
Classmate: That sounds like quite the transformation! How long did it take you to
complete the project?
Me: It took me about a weekend to finish everything. Sanding and painting were the most
time-consuming parts, but the end result was definitely worth the effort.
Classmate: I can imagine! It must feel rewarding to see your old bookshelf completely
transformed into something new and stylish.
Me: Absolutely! And the best part is that I didn't have to spend a ton of money on buying
a new bookshelf. Plus, I got to unleash my creativity and put my DIY skills to good use.
Classmate: That's awesome. I've been wanting to try some DIY projects myself, but I
never know where to start.
Me: You should definitely give it a shot! Start with something small and manageable, like
refurbishing a piece of furniture or creating some wall art. You'll be surprised at what you
can accomplish with a little creativity and patience.
Classmate: Thanks for the inspiration! I'll definitely give it a try.
Card 8: You are taking a vacation at Ha Long Bay. You are in a café near the beach,
talking with one of your friends about trash on the beach.
Me: Hey, have you noticed all the trash on the beach lately? It's really starting to bother
Friend: Yeah, it's such a shame to see such a beautiful place being polluted like this.
Me: Exactly! I mean, Ha Long Bay is one of the most stunning natural landscapes in the
world, and it's heartbreaking to see it tarnished by litter and waste.
Friend: I couldn't agree more. It's not just unsightly; it's also harmful to the marine life
and ecosystems here.
Me: Absolutely. All that plastic and debris can end up in the water, posing serious threats
to marine animals and birds. It's a vicious cycle of pollution that we need to break.
Friend: Definitely. But what can we do about it? It feels like such a big problem to
Me: It might seem daunting, but every little action counts. For starters, we can make sure
to properly dispose of our own trash and even pick up any litter we see on the beach.
Small acts like these can make a big difference.
Friend: That's true. And we can also spread awareness about the importance of keeping
our beaches and oceans clean. Education and community involvement are key to changing
behaviors and attitudes towards littering.
Me: Absolutely. Maybe we could even organize a beach cleanup event with other locals
and tourists. It's a great way to make a tangible impact and show our commitment to
preserving this beautiful environment.
Friend: I love that idea! Getting the community involved can create a sense of ownership
and responsibility for keeping Ha Long Bay clean and pristine.
Me: Exactly. And it's not just about the beach itself; it's about protecting the entire
ecosystem and ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy the beauty of Ha
Long Bay.
Friend: Well said. Let's make a plan to organize that beach cleanup event and do our part
to protect this incredible natural wonder.
Card 9: You and your friend are in the office talking about water and sanitation in
your city/town.
Me(L.anh): Hey, have you noticed the issues with water and sanitation in our city lately?
It seems like there are more problems cropping up.
Friend(N.anh): Yeah, I've definitely noticed. It's concerning how some areas are
experiencing water shortages while others are dealing with contaminated water.
Me: Exactly. It's not just an inconvenience; it's a public health issue. Access to clean
water and proper sanitation is essential for the well-being of our community.
Friend: Agreed. And we also need to raise awareness about water conservation and
responsible water usage. With growing population and urbanization, it's crucial that we
use our water resources wisely.
Me: Definitely. Simple measures like fixing leaks, using water-efficient appliances, and
practicing water-saving habits can make a big difference in reducing water waste.
Friend: Absolutely. And when it comes to sanitation, proper waste management and
sewage treatment are essential to prevent pollution and protect public health.
Me: Definitely. Maybe we could even start a community initiative to raise awareness and
take action on these issues. Education and advocacy can go a long way in bringing about
positive change.
Friend: That's a great idea! Let's brainstorm some ideas and see how we can make a
difference in improving water and sanitation in our city.
Card 10: You and your friend are in a café discussing a project related to trash
reduction in some public places around your city/town.
Me(L.anh): Hey, I've been thinking a lot about the issue of trash buildup in public places
around our city. It's becoming a real eyesore, don't you think?
Friend(N.anh): Absolutely. It's frustrating to see litter piling up in parks, streets, and
other public areas. Something needs to be done about it.
Me: Exactly. I was thinking we could start a project to reduce trash in these areas and
promote cleaner, more sustainable practices.
Friend: That's a fantastic idea! What do you have in mind?
Me: Well, first, I think we need to raise awareness about the importance of proper waste
disposal and the impact of littering on the environment. We could organize educational
workshops or awareness campaigns to get the community involved.
Friend: That's a great start. It's important to get people on board and show them why this
issue matters.
Me: Agreed. And in addition to education, we could also implement practical solutions,
like placing more trash bins in high-traffic areas and ensuring regular collection and
Friend: Definitely. Making it easier for people to dispose of their trash properly will help
reduce littering.
Me: Exactly. And we could also organize community clean-up events where volunteers
come together to pick up trash in public spaces. It's a great way to mobilize people and
make a visible impact.
Friend: I love that idea. Not only does it help clean up the environment, but it also fosters
a sense of community pride and responsibility.
Me: I couldn't agree more. Let's start putting our plan into action and make our city a
cleaner, greener place to live.

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