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John Gabriell De Guzman



1.)International law consists of a comprehensive set of rules and principles that govern the
conduct of states, international organizations, and sometimes individuals on the global
stage. It covers a broad spectrum of topics, such as diplomacy, treaties, human rights,
environmental protection, conflict resolution, trade, and more. These rules and principles
stem from various sources like treaties, customary practices, general legal principles
accepted by civilized nations, and judicial decisions. International law serves as a
framework for resolving disputes between states, fostering cooperation, and upholding
stability and order worldwide. Its enforcement mechanisms are decentralized, relying on
the consent of states and international institutions for implementation and adherence.
Ultimately, international law plays a vital role in shaping the behavior of states and
individuals within the global community.

2.)Maritime law, also known as admiralty law, is a specialized legal framework governing
activities and disputes on navigable waters. It addresses various issues like maritime
commerce, navigation, pollution, salvage, accidents, and more. Maritime law is global and
influenced by national laws and international treaties. It sets rules for maritime conduct,
the rights and duties of ship-related parties, and dispute resolution procedures.
Essentially, it regulates maritime trade and ensures safety and sustainability at sea.

3.)Private law, also known as civil law, is a foundational aspect of legal systems globally.
Unlike public law, which governs interactions between individuals and the state, private
law focuses on regulating interactions among private individuals or entities. It covers a
wide range of legal areas, including contracts, property, torts (civil wrongs), family law
(such as marriage, divorce, and child custody), and inheritance.Essentially, private law
delineates the rights and obligations of individuals and entities in their dealings with each
other. For instance, contract law specifies the terms parties must follow when entering
agreements, while property law determines ownership rights and oversees property
transfer and usage.A primary function of private law is to provide a structure for resolving
disputes between private parties. When conflicts arise, individuals can seek resolution
through civil litigation, where courts decide based on relevant private law
principles.Overall, private law is vital for maintaining order and facilitating interactions
within society by establishing acceptable conduct parameters and offering avenues for
resolving disputes. Its role is to safeguard individuals’ interests and uphold their rights, thus
fostering a legal system that promotes fairness and justice in private matters.
4.)Mercantile law, also known as commercial law or business law, is a branch of law that
governs the conduct and transactions of businesses and commercial entities. It
encompasses a wide range of legal principles and rules that regulate commercial
activities, including contracts, sales, partnerships, negotiable instruments, and business
entities’ formation and dissolution. Mercantile law is concerned with ensuring fair and
efficient business practices, protecting the rights of parties involved in commercial
transactions, and resolving disputes that may arise in the course of business dealings. It
plays a crucial role in facilitating commerce and economic activity by providing a legal
framework within which businesses can operate and interact with confidence.

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