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25. Where did he go? frustrated.

26. What did he want to eat? - He went to a restaurant.

- He wanted to eat
27. At the restaurant, who did he meet? everything.
28. Where did he meet a beautiful
woman? - He met a beautiful woman.
- He met a beautiful woman
29. What did the women do everyday for at a restaurant.
the fat man? - Every day, the woman
cooked healthy food for the
30. When did the man lose weight? fat man.
- He lost weight after 6
31. How much did he weigh after 6 months.
months? - After 6 months, he
weighed only 170 pounds
32. When did the man weigh 77kg? (77 kg).
- After 6 months, he
33. How did he feel after 6 months? weighed 77 kg.
- He felt thrilled after 6
34. Who was thrilled? months.
- The man and his girlfriend
were both thrilled.

IV. Super Cow

There was a girl. She was a beautiful blond. Her name was Buffy and she lived on a farm
with vampire cows. The cows loved to suck blood! Dracula (King of the Vampires) once
owned them! One day, there was a powerful rainstorm! It lasted 7 days! The rain turned
into a big river flowing by Buffy’s farm. She moved her cows to higher ground. But she
slipped and hit her head on a giant tree. The fall knocked her out for a moment or two.
When she came to, Xander was licking her face. Xander was her favorite cow.
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Yes/No 1. Was there a girl and a boy? - There was a girl.
Question 2. Was she an ugly blonde? - No, she wasn’t. She was a
beautiful blonde.
3. Was she very pretty? - Yes, she was.
4. Did she have red hair or blonde - She had blonde hair.
5. Did she live on an island with - No, she didn’t. She lived on a
vampire cows? farm with vampire cows.
6. Did the cows love to suck - Yes, they did.
7. Did Buffy love to suck blood? - No, she didn’t.
8. Was he Queen of the vampires? - No, he wasn’t. He was a King of
9. Was there a rainstorm or a the Vampires.
snowstorm? - There was a powerful rainstorm.
10. Did the storm last two
days? - No, it isn’t. It lasted 7 days.
11. Did she move them to - No, no she didn't.
lower ground?
12. Did Buffy jump? - No, she didn’t. She slipped.
13. Did her head hit a giant tree - Her head slipped and hit her head
or did her hand hit a giant tree? on a giant tree.
14. Was the cow knocked out - No, it wasn’t.
for a moment?
Wh- 1. What was her name? - Her name was Buffy.
Question 2. Where did she live? - She lived on a farm.
3. Who did she live with? - She lived with vampire cows.
4. What kind of cows? - They are vampire cows.
5. Who once owned the cows? - Dracula once owned them.
6. Who is Dracula? - He is King of the Vampires.
7. How long did the storm last? - It lasted 7 days.
8. What did the rain turn into? - The rain turned into a big river
flowing by Buffy’s farm.
9. What turned into a big river? - The rain turned into a big river.
10. What did Buffy move to - She moved her cows to higher
higher ground? ground.
11. Where did she move her - She moved her cows to higher
cows? ground.
12. What happened to Buffy? - She slipped and hit her head on a
giant tree.
13. What did she hit her head - She hit her head on a giant tree.
on? - Buffy was knocked out.
14. Who was knocked out? - The fall knocked her out.
15. What knocked her out? - Xander was licking her
16. What was Xander doing? face/Buffy’s face.
The water rose. Buffy got up and walked with Xander. The water was waist high. Buffy
was tired. Finally she threw her arm around Xander’s neck and hung on. 27 minutes
passed and Xander pulled Buffy out of the water. They were on a small island in the
middle of the big river.
It was noon. The sky was dark and it rained very hard. Rescuers discovered Buffy right
away. A plane took her to the emergency room at the hospital.
Two days later, Buffy went back to the island. Xander was gone. He was one of 17
vampire cows that Buffy lost. Buffy cried and cried. Buffy said “I owe my life to him
after all!!!” “He saved me.”

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Yes/No 1. Did the water go up? - Yes, it was.
Question 2. Did Buffy get up and run with - No, she didn’t. She got up and
Zander? walked with Xander.
3. Was the water waist high or - The water was waist high.
was the water head high.
4. Did she throw her arm around - No, she didn’t.
Dracula's neck?
5. Did 77 minutes pass? - No. 27 minutes passed.
6. Were they on a big island at - No, they weren’t. They were on a
the end of the river? small island in the middle of the
big river.
7. Was it afternoon? - No, it wasn’t. It was noon.
8. Was the sky light or was the - It was dark.
sky dark?
9. Did Dracula discover Buffy? - No, it didn’t. Rescuers discovered
10. Did Buffy go back to the - Yes, she did.
Wh- 1. What rose? - The water rose.
Question 2. Whom did Buffy walk with? - Buffy walked with Xander.
3. Who got up and walked with - Buffy got up and walked with
Xander? Xander.
4. How high was the water? - The water was waist high.
5. Who was tired? - Buffy was tired.
6. Whose neck did she throw her - She threw her arm around
arm around? Xander’s neck.
7. What did she do finally? - Finally she threw her arm around
Xander’s neck and hung on.
8. How many minutes passed? - 27 minutes passed.
9. Where were they? - They were on a small island in
the middle of the big river.
10. What time was it? - It was noon.
11. What was the sky? - The sky was dark and it rained
very hard.
12. Who discovered Buffy? - Rescuers discovered Buffy.
13. What took Buffy to an - A plane took her to the
emergency room? emergency room.
14. Where did the plane take - A plane took her to the
Buffy? emergency room at the hospital.
- It was an emergency room.
15. What kind of room was Buffy
taken to an emergency room? - Buffy went back to the island.
16. Where did Buffy go? - Two days later, Buffy went
17. When did Buffy return to the back/returned to the island.
island? - Buffy cried.
18. Who cried because Xander
was gone? - Xander saved Buffy.
19. Who saved Buffy? - Xander was one of 17 vampire
20. Who was one of 17 vampire cows that Buffy lost.
cows that Buffy lost.

V. Evil English Teacher

There will be an evil English teacher. He will be a very bad teacher. He will come into
his class. The students will sit at their desks and wait for him.

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Yes/No - No, there won’t. There will be an
1. Will there be a nice English
Question evil English teacher.
2. Will the teacher be nice or will
- The teacher will be mean.
the teacher be mean?
- The teacher will be mean.
3. Will the teacher be friendly or
will the teacher be mean? - No, he won’t. He will come into
4. Will he come into his History English class.
class? - The students will sit.
5. Will the students sit or will the
students stand? - No, they won’t.

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