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A Capstone Project
Presented to the Faculty of the
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Santa Maria, Bulacan Campus

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology


Jimp Israel S. Cabuhat

Donna L. Ganza
Jonas Louis R. Javinar
Kimberly Mae M. Santos

Mr. Homer S. Picardal


March 2018

TITLE PAGE....................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL SHEET........................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT................................................................................... iii
DEDICATIONS................................................................................................... v
ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................... vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................... viii
LISTS OF TABLES.............................................................................................. x
LISTS OF FIGURES........................................................................................... xi

Context............................................................................................................. 1
Purpose and Description............................................................................................

Scope and
Limitation................................................................................................... 4


Literature........................................................................................................ 7
Literature............................................................................................................. 11
Studies............................................................................................................. 13
Studies................................................................................................................. 16


Approach...................................................................................................... 18

Analysis.................................................................................................. 21
Requirements................................................................................................. 23

Requirements Documentation...................................................................................
Design of the
Software................................................................................................ 29
Development and Testing..........................................................................................
Plan................................................................................................... 34






Chapter 1


Technology has brought about many changes today. People interact, socialize

and process information in entirely different ways which were not even possible twenty

years ago. These changes were applied to all areas of life including medicine,

agriculture, transportation, communication, and education. Technology can indeed play

a vital role in improving the education system. Twenty years ago, teachers used pen and

paper in tracking the students’ information, now, electronic gadgets and computers are

found in different academic set-up assisting the learning processes.

Along with these gadgets are the automated and computerized systems which

make the processing of information and transactions easier than the manual systems.

With the use of these electronic gadgets and systems, work becomes faster - from

months of work duration to days. Indeed, Technology helps people make their work

faster and easier. There are lots of systems available nowadays that can perform that

way, although they differ in terms of their service - one good example is a student

grading system.

Project Context

The project entitled K-12 Student Grading System for Channel of Dreams

Christian Academy – Bulacan is a system that deals with the automation of encoding

and computation of grades, school announcements, generates reports, and grade sheet.

There are many problems the school staff encounter with the manual system in dealing

with the students’ grades. The main problem is that all the transactions such as the

computation and encoding of grades, and managing of student records, take a lot of time

and effort.

A computerized system for student grades can faster processes with a more

accurate result. The management of the students’ data, specifically their grades in a

school will not take much of the administration and faculty members’ effort since the

system is computerized. The accuracy and consistency of the records will not be

affected as the changes in the processes occur.

Purpose and Description

The proponents studied and analyzed the findings in the manual system to

improve and apply the suggestions of the respondents and the beneficiary to the

proposed system to come up with a well-defined purpose and description of the system.

Purpose. The computerized system for student grades will help all the

beneficiaries. The proposed system will make their transactions and processes faster

and easier than their manual system. This project gives benefits both to the proponents

and the beneficiaries. The proponents will gain and learn a lot in developing this project

while helping the beneficiaries with the management of their students’ grades.

Description. The current system is manually operated; although, teachers and

school staff use computer units in keeping and managing student grades, they still do

not have a system which will help them with their workloads. Teachers themselves

compute grades and manage student’s information using the traditional system. They

use Microsoft Office Applications (e.g., Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word) to encode,

compute and keep them.

In the proposed system, the manual management of student grades will be

improved using the Student Grading System to make it easier, faster and more reliable.

The proposed system has several functions which are specially programmed for the

beneficiaries. Student Grading System has functions which computerize the grading of

each student. The Student Grading System will also display remarks of each student.

This system also keeps records of the student per class. The additional function which

provides organization in the system is the “User menu”. This menu allows a certain user

to access modules allowed for his/her position. The system also offers some features to

its users. The main feature of the proposed system is its flexibility. If ever there is a

change in the school’s processes, the system will allow the administrator to modify the

system itself in its “Settings” for it to adapt to the changes, eventually making the system

usable in the future. The system also has a sub function that automatically displays

announcements in its “Home menu” (e.g. Birthdays, calendar of activities, date of

encoding of grades). Student Grading System is not just a mere class record-

management system, it has several functions which will provide convenience at the

same time security to the beneficiary, all programmed to help the school manage

student grades and other student-related processes in an efficient way.


Managing the information of every student is not easy especially when the

population of the school is enormous. The school staff may encounter difficulties in doing


General Objective. The general objective of this study is to design, develop and

provide the schools which are currently engaged in the manual management of student

grades a computerized system which will allow them to manage student grades and

other processes related in an efficient and more convenient way.

Specific Objectives. Specifically, the project sought to accomplish the following:

1. To understand how the current (existing) system operates.

2. To determine the problems encountered in the current (existing) system.

3. To design, and develop a software application that would:

a. Automate the announcements and important updates to

the teachers and faculty staff who use the system

b. Provide convenience and consumes less time in managing

student-related records

c. computerized the computation of grades

d. Provide accuracy in the computation and summarization of


e. Automate the remarks of each student’s grades if passed

or failed

f. Provide a printable form of the grade sheets, class list, and

class standing for printing purposes

g. Provide confidentiality in the user’s accounts

h. Provide flexibility for the school system changes

4. To determine whether the proposed project technically, operationally,

scheduled and economically feasible to implement; and

5. To provide an implementation plan for the proposed software/ system.

Scope and Limitations

This section presents the scope and limitations of the Student Grading System.

Scope. Student Grading System is a system that would help users avoid

inconvenience and inconsistency when dealing with the student’s grades. This system

will lessen the workload of the teachers because it will make the computation of grades

faster, convenient in their part because they don’t have to compute grades manually.

The system assures the accuracy and correctness of the result, so the users don’t have

to double check the computer grades. The proposed system will provide users with the

information they need in just a few clicks away. The system consists of modules for

viewing, modifying, and deleting student grades. It computes the grades and statistically

displays the corresponding remarks of the grades of each student per quarter whether it

has passed or failed. It also computes the number of students who passed, or number of

students who failed. The system also generates student numbers automatically. The

system also provides confidentiality because it only allows registered users to access

the system. The system has an automatic update to the teachers and other staff for

special and important announcements. The period of the encoding or posting of grades,

teacher’s birthday, calendar of activities and other special announcements are

automatically displayed in the default window. The system has the capability to allow the

administrator to add, modify, or delete any field or function in the system to adapt to the

school’s future changes. Such as add another user account, delete section, delete

subjects and such.

Limitations. Furthermore, the system does not have a function which will allow

the school to manage all its records (faculty record, student registration or admission,

generate student schedule, school registration and legality of its records, school external

affairs etc.) The system does not rely on the internet for its database thus, it gets

information from a local source. On the other hand, the functions that the system cannot

handle are to allow students to access its functionality. The use of the system is limited

only to the administrator or the principal, schoolteachers, and future system registered

users. The system is not responsible for checking the authorization from unauthorized

users of the system furthermore administrator has the full control on to whom he/she will

entrust the system.

Chapter 2


There are several steps in a research project and one of these is conducting a

literature review. With this chapter, the readers, even without having a background in

Information Technology, can familiarize themselves with the study of the researcher. The

related and previous studies presented in this chapter will give the readers and future

researchers an idea of the proposed system of the proponent. The researcher selected

and reviewed these previous works to provide information to the readers.

This chapter presents literature and studies done by experts that are relevant to

this project. These studies guided the proponent on the framework they used for the


Student Record Management System

The following literatures are foreign literatures which have the same topic as

what the proponent is undertaking. The researchers have studied the following literature

to get relevant information for their proposed system.

The researcher gathered information related to their study which will help them

prove the effectiveness of the proposed system. This information was based on the

knowledge of other researchers who have done an existing or previous study relevant to

the topic of the proponent which served as a guide to pursue the study.

According to Caroline Dominey (2011) workload before Student Record

Management System is not considerable, it consumes more time because they manage

records over shared drives and emails. “Email accounts and over shared drives

management of records are not Records Management systems and their use as such

may have inconsiderable effects on the process.” She also stated some disadvantages

they encountered in the management of the records before the record management

system they have now. “There were several instances where personal drives and email

accounts were used to store student information and records. This is a risk to the

University in the case where a member of staff is off ill or leaves suddenly access to the

information may be lost.” The manual system is not recommended for others based on

her findings and the university prefers a Student Record Management System.

Richard W. Riley (2000) stated that Student records contain information needed

to make effective decisions about instruction and student services. To help promote

student achievement and success, education organizations must have access to

complete, accurate, and timely information about students. He also enumerated benefits

an automated student record management system can give, Cost savings and cost

avoidance. A well-conceived and implemented automated student record system can

reduce the costs of handling the paperwork associated with record keeping. Even when

such a system proves initially expensive and actual reductions in current costs are not

achieved, it is justified given future savings and efficiency. Riley also stated a mistake

often committed when developing an automated system in replacement of the current

system. He said one mistake often made is that organizations automate a paper system

instead of completely redesigning a system that takes advantage of the computer’s

capabilities as they exist now as well as thinking about future possibilities.

Reconceptualizing a system that contains virtually no paper means that redundant

activities such as entering data can be avoided. If, however, you merely automate the

paper system, you may achieve fewer savings than could be achieved through a newly

conceived automated system. Another benefit is Quick Response. A well-designed

student record system allows for timely retrieval of needed information. Accuracy is

another one; maintaining data quality as information is shared, analyzed, and reported is

a characteristic of a well-designed system. Accuracy is vital at every stage, from data

collection, to entry, to maintenance in the system. Accuracy provides users with the

confidence they will require to rely upon a student record system. Riley also stated the

importance of an identifier for students. A well-designed automated student record

system must contain unique student identification numbers. Each number should be

associated with only one student and be used in every file with information about that

student. This is particularly important if data is kept in a longitudinal database. The

unique identifier will enable information to be linked from different files for analytical or

reporting purposes. Without such identifiers, it could be difficult to match records for

students simply by using a name and birthdate.

As what Margaret Rouse (2008) has written about, A unique identifier (UID) is a

numeric or alphanumeric string that is associated with a single entity within a given

system. UIDs make it possible to address that entity, so that it can be accessed and

interacted with. She has also enumerated few examples of UIDs; A Uniform Resource

Locator (URL) is a particular type of URI that targets Web pages so that when a browser

requests them, they can be found and served to users. A Universal Unique Identifier

(UUID) is a 128-bit number used to uniquely identify some object or entity on the

Internet. A global unique identifier (GUID) is a number that Microsoft programming

generates to create a unique identity for an entity such as a Word document. A bank

identifier code (BIC) is a unique identifier for a specific financial institution.

Sheraz Mejeed (2010) discusses in his literature the importance of having an

automated system for the management of records nowadays. Student Records is a

section within the Information Services and Systems (ISS) of Swansea University

responsible for the student database records and administration which are a central part

of the core administration function. Increased integration of student record systems with

other systems such as timetabling of the schedule, assessment of the student fees, and

such play a vital role in delivering effective academic and administrative services.

Grading System

The following literatures are local literatures which have the same topic as what

the proponents are undertaking. The researcher studied the related literatures to get

information which will help them in their study.

Cajidiocan (2010) Grading System is designed to provide incentive reward for

achievement and assist in identifying problems of the student. Grading System is the

most used in computing and analyzing the performance, talent and skills of students? It

is an important record to keep even for the longest time for the referral and credentials of

the student to enter their next level of attaining their goals. It is the tract record that

recognizes of one student, this may be use for analyzing of your attitude and values.

Based on our research the school of Romblon State University Cajidiocan Campus is

using a manual computation of grades of each student, which is the traditional use when

technology is not yet developed. Manual computation is very prompt to risk for any

circumstances. It is time consuming in terms of recording grades, computation using of

calculator. If some records are lost, they never retrieve it in case of unexpected calamity.

Accuracy and security are not so defined.

Andrienne Gail E. Ramos, (2011) entitled Systematized Grading System of

Canossa School High School Department. The school is having problems in transferring

grades from one grade sheet to another. Re-checking and re-encoding grades take

some time. The proponents attempt to design and develop a grading system which it has

the same process and flow as the old system. However, the proposed system has

eliminated manual writing and the school staff can save time and energy consumption by

using a system that guarantees accurate grade recording. It will also eliminate tons of

papers used in computerized grading sheets, grading sheet per quarter, and summary

sheet. The grade will directly encode in the system. Visual Basic is used as a tool for

programming the functionalities of forms, buttons, menus, and encoding of grades. They

also used Microsoft Access 2007 for the recording of data and grades of the students

and Adobe Photoshop CS4 for editing images and icons for the interface of the system.

On the thesis A Computer-Based Generic Registration System by Julius Ivan A. Layos

(2002), he stated that computers are known for their speed, accuracy, and efficiency.

The proponent conducted this study to create a standard computer-based registration

system for elementary and high schools. The software is designed to run on Windows

95, 98, NT, ME and 2000. Visual Basic 6 by Microsoft was the programming used in

implementing the software product. It is the most popular Rapid Application

Development (RAD) tool. One very important feature of Visual Basic is a reversal of the

normal approach to programming. Adobe Photoshop is also one of the software used in

creating the system.

Inoue29 (2012) notably, student information system or SIS incurs such

application software designed for educational establishments to manage student data.

Student information systems provide capabilities for entering student test and other

assessment scores, building student schedules, tracking student attendance as well as

managing many other student-related data needs within the institution university. Thus,

many of these systems applied in the Philippines can be scaled to different levels of

activity and can be configured by their home institutions to meet local needs. Moreover,

before universities created their own bespoke student record systems, but with growing

complexity in the business of educational establishments, organizations now choose to

buy customizable within the shelf software. It can be that modern student information

systems are usually server-based, with the application residing on central computer

server and are being accessed by client applications at various places within and even

outside the school. During the year 1990s, student information systems have been

changing and are fast adopted through the presence of a web medium as a channel for

accessing SIS without any hassle upon viewing student details and information. Ideally,

educational institutions are under constant pressure to demonstrate both willingness and

capacity to incorporate the latest developments in student information systems along

with communications technology supporting various teaching ways. As Liao et al., (2007)

asserts that SIS process within such technological sophistication does create precise

knowledge edge, that such SIS application can be appealing to students and to the

academic faculty as well as the parents. Thus, believing that technology is the repository

of the bulk of the information that underpins society’s major enterprises and concerns

and the medium of communication through which SIS interact with one another.

According to Desousa (2008), Student Information Systems are systems which

will give convenience to the school staff and the school itself over time. At first this

system is costly, but in the end the convenience will repay the cost because the SIS will

lessen the burden of the teachers, and the administrative staff when dealing with student

records. SIS should be user-friendly, even without a knowledge in Information

Technology, users will still comprehend with the system. It also should be accurate, fast,

reliable, and efficient to use. Student information is not easy to deal with. Having an

efficient system to use for dealing with the information is a big help with the processes.

Automated System

The following are international case studies of systems which are related to the

study the proponents are undertaking. The case studies were mostly done and applied

to international schools, which is positive for the proponents since their beneficiary is a

school also. The researchers have studied the following case studies to get additional

information for their own study.

Steve Edwards (2010) have stated, “Optix provided a massive improvement over

our previous paper process.” Optix® was the name they gave to their system which they

used in the management of Maryland University records especially in the admission of

the students. In the past, a folder was created for each student and became the eventual

receptacle for all incoming documents in either original or copy form. Incoming

documents were sorted, the student identified, and the paper manually placed into a

folder. They found the process extremely time-consuming. The process of entering data

into each office’s data system, collection of processing fees, and evaluating the

applications is excessively long and challenging. An average of four weeks was required

to process a typical application up to the point of being able to generate an acceptance

letter to the applying student. The new Optix system is deployed on a Sun Enterprise

250 platform running Solaris and Oracle RDBMS. Optix index and query screens as well

as workflow routes were developed by UMD using Optix tools. Based on their study, in

2001, admissions were processed manually, with a typical application requiring an

average of four weeks to complete the approval process. In 2002, admissions

processing was automated using Optix®, with per-application processing time reduced

to an average of 72 hours.

Harvard (2011) (1) An automated system may be employed for the record

keeping system, if the following conditions have been met:

(a) The system shall have the capability of producing legible documents of all original

and refilled prescription information. During an on-site inspection the records must be

accessible for viewing or printing.

(b) The individual pharmacist responsible for completeness and accuracy of the entries

to system must provide documentation of the fact that prescription information entered

the computer is correct. In documenting this information, the pharmacy shall have the

option to either:

(i) maintain a bound logbook, or separate file, in which each individual pharmacist

involved in such dispensing shall sign a statement each day, attesting to the fact that the

prescription information entered into the computer that day has been reviewed and is

correct as shown. Such a book or file must be maintained at the pharmacy employing

such a system for a period of at least two years after the date of last dispensing; or

(ii) Provide a printout of each day's prescription information. That printout shall be

verified, dated and signed by the individual pharmacist verifying that the information

indicated is correct and then sign this document in the same manner as signing a check

or legal document (e.g., J. H. Smith, or John H. Smith). Such printout must be

maintained at least two years from the date of last dispensing; or

(iii) Utilize a software system which requires a unique log in for each function such that it

can be easily and accurately determined who performed every function within the

prescription dispensing process. The records must be readily accessible for viewing or

printing at the request of the board.

(c) An auxiliary recordkeeping system shall be established for the documentation of

refills if the automated system is inoperative for any reason. The auxiliary system shall

ensure that all refills are authorized by the original prescription and that the maximum

number of refills is not exceeded. When this automated system is restored to operation,

the information regarding prescriptions filled and refilled during the inoperative period

shall be entered into the automated system within 96 hours. However, nothing in this

section shall preclude the pharmacist from using his professional judgment for the

benefit of a patient's health and safety.

(d) Any pharmacy using an automated system must comply with all applicable state and

federal laws and regulations.

Dave Alderson (2012) stated in his study that changes in Information Technology

(IT) allow schools to utilize databases and applications such as Student Information

System (SIS) thus, making the accessing of records centralized. One of the changes

that came about is automated software applications. These applications improved the

traditional‐transaction processing systems. Thus, most universities switch to automated

systems because of its effectivity to acquire, process, store and retrieve information from

a local database. Moreover, the system is accessible to all students’ information within

the school.

Student Information System

The following studies are local case and experimental studies of systems which

are related to the study the proponents are undertaking. The researchers have studied

the following case studies to get additional information for their own study.

AISIS (2012) posted a precise definition and description of Ateneo Integrated

Student Information System (AISIS) serves as the portal for Ateneo students, faculty,

and staff. Through the AISIS Online officially enrolled Ateneo students may view

pertinent school information including their Individual Program of Study (IPS), grades,

class schedules and the like. Students may also eventually enlist using AISIS Online.

Ateneo faculty and staff with access to AISIS, on the other hand, may submit grades and

access their class schedules from outside the campus. AISIS has one other version that

could be usable even without the internet, the system is still functional with regards to

generating reports, grades, and its other functions. AISIS local could help administrative

staff in managing the university’s student records. Ateneo felt grateful for having an

automated system for in their case, a big number of students enrolled in the university,

imagine not having a system that would help them manage student records.

Marrero (2012) in his study entitled “Student Information System for the

University of the Cordilleras” stressed that the concept of Information Systems (IS)

emerged in the early 1960s. More often, when information system is defined, the field

Information Science is always associated, Information System is an academic field that

deals with the generation, collection, organization, storage, retrieval, and dissemination

of recorded knowledge. Furthermore, it is a collection of related components designed to

support operations, management, and decision making in an organization. Generally,

Information System is supposed to inform people. Information System supports people

or users in making intelligent decisions based upon the information derived from reliable


According to Evangelista (2011) based on their implementation of the university’s

Student Information System (SIS) of Nueva Vizcaya State University is a secure,

accessible interactive computer system that allows user access to grade reports,

schedule of classes, and remaining balance for the quarter and register for classes.

Through the system, students would be assigned a unique identification number. All data

to and from the school would use that unique identifier. The use of individual student

records would: 1) Increase the admissions capacity to follow a student’s progress over

time; 2) provide better quality data to drive more enlightened policy decisions resulting in

enhanced educational opportunities for all students; and 3) reduce data collection

burden through SIS.

Chapter 3


System analysis and design is one of the processes in the development of a

system which focuses on defining the components, modules, interfaces, functions, and

architecture for a system to satisfy specified requirements. The main objectives of the

design are practicality, efficiency, cost, convenience, flexibility, and security.

This chapter discusses the research method used, system development

methodology, different requirement analysis tools, and systems requirements of the

software product such as hardware, software, people ware, and the network used in the

development of the system.

Research Approach

The approach that the proponents utilized to achieve persistent, accurate and

systematic pursuit for new and additional information about the system is the descriptive

research method. The researchers help to accomplish their study using this method.

Descriptive research is a study designed to depict the participants in an accurate

way. It is all about describing people who take part in the study. It refers to the type of

research design, questions, and data analysis that will be applied to the given topic. The

descriptive research approach has ways on how to understand individuals or groups of

people in the study. These are through observations, case studies, interviews, surveys,

or document review.

The proponents understand the respondents and the responsible people in the

study through detailed description in an interview, observation, survey, and document

review. The proponent’s goal is to collect information and evidence supporting the

information that gives a comprehensive perception of their topic thus giving additional


The researchers collected information by giving interviews, questionnaires and

surveys aimed at gathering information about the current system they are engaged in

which will help the proponents to analyze in the development of the proposed system.

This method helped the researchers in determining specific problems encountered in the

existing software. The researchers were able to identify the advantages and

disadvantages of the existing software and used it to provide a basis in defining

objectives for the researchers. Using this method, the proponents obtain more accurate

and detailed information that they need to accomplish their study.


In the development of a system, there are several methods which the

proponents need to follow to achieve the objectives of the system. The following are the

system development methods, system requirement analysis, software design, and

software testing and software implementation. These methods have specific stages

which will help the proponents to develop the proposed system. These system

development methods fall under different models of a system development life cycle.

These models describe the phases in the process of developing a system in a different

approach. One of these is the Rapid Application Model.

Rapid application development (RAD) is both a general term used to refer to

alternatives to the conventional waterfall model of software development. RAD

approaches to software development put less emphasis on planning tasks and more

emphasis on development. In contrast to the waterfall model, which emphasizes

rigorous specification and planning, RAD approaches emphasize the necessity of

adjusting requirements in reaction to knowledge gained as the project progresses. This

causes RAD to use prototypes in addition to or even sometimes in place of design

specifications. RAD approaches also emphasize a flexible process that can adapt as the

project evolves rather than rigorously defining specifications and plans correctly from the


Figure 3.1 Rapid Application Development Model

The proponents utilized Rapid Application Development. RAD is a software

development methodology that uses minimal planning in favor of rapid prototyping. A

prototype is a working model that is functionally equivalent to a component of the

product. The most important aspect for this model to be successful is to make sure that

the prototypes developed are reusable. RAD systems provide a number of tools to help

build graphical user interfaces that would normally take a large development effort. This

model helps the proponents to have a working system by not focusing on the interface

but on the development stage more. This helps the proponents develop a system that

would focus on the functionality and would satisfy system requirements instead of

focusing on the user interface.

Requirements Analysis

Consistent communication with the user or target beneficiary is one great step to

having precise information needed for the development of the system. To develop a

system which satisfies the requirement, the proponents have done some processes

which will help them meet the user’s expectations. Not just meeting the requirements but

requirements which must be quantifiable, relevant, detailed, and precise. These are the

following procedures done by the researchers to be able to develop the system.

Observation. To be able to get data personally, the researcher did the

observation of the school’s transactions and processes. Observations enable the

researcher to describe existing situations using the five senses, providing a "written

photograph" of the situation under study. During the data gathering period, the

researchers have observed that the school still uses a manual system although utilizing

a computer unit in its processes. The school manually computes grades of the students,

manually encoding them and saving them in the computer unit using Microsoft Office

Applications. The proponents also observed that all their transactions are done

manually, which doesn’t make use of their computer unit. The resources are not being


Interview. Another method of data collection done by the researchers is an

interview. It involves asking a series of questions. An interview represents a meeting or

dialogue between people where personal and social interaction occur. The proponents

make an interview guide question for the principal who manages most of the

transactions and processes in the school. The researchers conducted a face-to-face

interview with the principal in which the researchers prepared a guide question about the

existing system the school is using and questions which will get the perception of the

school principal towards an automated system. The principal enumerated several

disadvantages and problems they encountered in using the manual system (existing

system). The school principal also has a positive perception about an automated system

in managing student records. The proponents have recorded the results, opinions and all

the information they gathered for the development of the system.

Questionnaire. Another way the researchers used in data gathering is the use of

a questionnaire which is also one of the forms of surveys. The proponents have set

questions for the target user to answer for the researchers to get ideas which they will be

using in developing the system. The questionnaire consists of questions regarding the

current system (manual system) and questions about the proposed system.

Survey. To collect direct information from the respondents without having the

researchers engaged personally, the proponents used survey. A survey may focus on

information about individuals, or it might aim to collect the opinions of the survey takers.

A survey can be administered in a couple of different ways. In one method known as a

structured interview, the researcher asks each participant the questions prepared. In the

other method known as a questionnaire, the participant fills out the survey on his or her

own. The survey allowed the proponents to collect large amounts of data in a relatively

short period of time. The researchers were able to administer the questions easily.

Form and Document Analysis. For the researchers to develop the system,

they must gather enough information that they will use in the development. This method

helped the researchers to have an idea of the current forms and documents the school is

using in their current system. Forms like registration form for the admission of the

students, official receipts, grade sheet, form 137, form 138, and enrollment form. These

forms served as the basis for the new forms that the proposed system will be using. This

method helped the researchers to not just make forms without an actual basis although

they modified these forms in the proposed system.

Systems Requirements

In the development process of the system, the proponents used several

resources. Such as the specification of the software, hardware, people ware and the

network. These resources and their specifications help the proponent in making the

system accurate, efficient, reliable, stable, faster, portable, flexible, and user-friendly.

These specifications were used in the development of the system and nevertheless will

also be required in the implementation stage of the system. These specifications are

important to fully maximize the use of the system and its functionality. System

requirements define the intended functionality required to satisfy the user. In addition to

specifying how the system should behave, the specification also defines at a high-level

the main business process that will be supported, what simplifying assumptions have

been made and what key performance parameters will need to be met by the system.

Software. One of the important specifications is the software specifications used

in the development of the system. Specifications of the software and applications used

during the development and the software specification of the computer unit on which the

system would implementation stage.


Operating System Windows XP Windows 7 - latest

MySQL Workbench
MySQL Workbench
Database 6.2 C.E – latest
6.2 C.E
Table 3.1 Software Specifications
Hardware. In this part, all the physical components of a computer system,

computer unit itself, all devices and gadgets used in the development and devices

needed to implement the system are enlisted here.

Computer Unit
Processor Intel Dual Core Intel core i3 - latest

Memory 2.00 GB 4.00 GB

Hard Disk 1 GB 64 GB

e 3.2 Hardware Specifications

Peopleware. It refers to the role people play in the development of the system. It

can include various aspects of the process such as human interaction, programming,

productivity, teamwork, and other factors.

In this part of the chapter, the people who helped in the development of the

system, as well as their roles are enlisted here. The figure below shows the

organizational chart of the development team of the proposed system. Starts with the

Project Manager who is accountable for ensuring that everyone on the team knows and

executes his or her role, feels empowered and supported in the role. The project

manager affects all team members. Next is the Head programmer who is responsible for

the underlying architecture for the software program, as well as for overseeing the work

being done by any other software engineers working on the project. Under the head

programmer is Assistant Programmer, responsible for assisting the head programmer,

making sure the system meets requirements. Under this is the Quality Assurance

Analyst who is responsible for responsible for maintaining software quality in the team.

System Analyst Programmer
Jonas Louis Javier Jonas Louis Javier
Technical System Designer
Writer Scheduler Assistant Donna Gador
Donna Gador Jimp Israel
Cabuhat Donna Gador

Figure 3.2 Organizational chart

After the Head Programmer comes the System Designer who oversees the

components, modules, and data for a system to satisfy specified interface requirements.

Under the System Designer is the GUI Designer responsible for the architecture,

components, modules, interfaces, and data for the system to satisfy system

requirements. Next is the Database Designer who is responsible for the installation,

configuration, upgrading, administrating, monitoring, and maintenance and security of

databases in an organization. On the left side of the organizational chart shows the

System Analyst who specializes in analyzing, designing, and implementing information

systems. The Technical Writer comes next after this who engages in technical writing

and produces technical documentation that helps people use a product or service. The

researchers do careful study to find and report new knowledge to contribute to the

system. Under the researchers is the scheduler who is responsible for organizing

deliverables and other requirements, making sure they fall under the schedule.

Project Manager
Jimp Israel Cabuhat
Network. The network shows the connection used in the development of the

system, and the network needed for its implementation. Connection among computer

units to be used and how one activity done with the system on the other computer

affects the other computer unit connected to it. This figure shows the connection

between the administrator of the system and its users. The administrator acts as the

server of the whole system. Any activity done by the principal or teacher or any of the

faculty will be reported to the administrator (principal) using the system.

Figure 3.3 Network Specifications



Chapter 4


Nowadays, systems are so big and complex that teams of architects, analysts,

programmers, testers, and users must work together to create the millions of lines of

custom-written code that drive our enterprises. This chapter shows how the proponents

work like real system architects, analysts, programmers, testers, and users as well, to

come up to this student grading system.

Requirements Documentation

This part tells all the requirements done for the proposed system development. It

includes the system flowchart and data flow diagrams.

Systems Flowchart. This type of chart is a way of displaying how data flows in a

system and how decisions are made to control events. To illustrate this, symbols are

used. They are connected to show what happens to data and where it goes.

Note that system flow charts are very similar to data flow charts. Data flow charts

do not include decisions, they just show the path that data takes, where it is held,

processed, and then output.

System flowchart shows the flow of information in the manual process inputting

and computation of grades of the students. The student’s class participation in every

activity is recorded by the teacher. The teacher will then save the data in a class record

manually and compute the grades after every quarter. see Appendix H.

Data Flow Diagrams. A data flow diagram (DFD) illustrates how data is

processed by a system in terms of inputs and outputs. As its name indicates, its focus is

on the flow of information, where data comes from, where it goes and how it gets stored.

It enables you to represent the processes in your information system from the viewpoint

of data. The DFD lets you visualize how the system operates, what the system

accomplishes and how it will be implemented, when it is refined with further

specification. Data flow diagrams are used by systems analysts to design information-

processing systems but also to model whole organizations. You build a DFD at the very

beginning of your business process modeling to model the functions your system has to

carry out and the interaction between those functions together with focusing on data

exchanges between processes. You can associate data with conceptual, logical, and

physical data models and object-oriented models. A data flow diagram (DFD) maps out

the flow of information for any process or system. It uses defined symbols like

rectangles, circles and arrows, plus short text labels, to show data inputs, outputs,

storage points and the routes between each destination. Data flowcharts can range from

simple, even hand-drawn process overviews, to in-depth, multi-level DFDs that dig

progressively deeper into how the data is handled. They can be used to analyze an

existing system or model a new one. Like all the best diagrams and charts, a DFD can

often visually “say” things that would be hard to explain in words, and they work for both

technical and nontechnical audiences, from developer to CEO. That’s why DFDs remain

so popular after all these years. While they work well for data flow software and systems,

they are less applicable nowadays to visualizing interactive, real-time, or database-

oriented software or systems. Diagram 0 shows the detailed process by which each

teacher coordinates directly to the administrator or the principal for every student

information. The principal holds records of student’s vital information. The principal also

coordinates directly to the teachers for the student’s classroom records.

The Exploded Data Flow Diagram, a more detailed process of the manual

system, shows the lower-level flow of the manual process. In this diagram it shows how

administrators add new level, then add new students. After the addition of the students,

they then process and handle grades of those new students by encoding their grades

from the computed outputs of those students from the teachers. By confirming the

processed grades and outputs of the students, they then print the grade and status of

the student. Using EDD, it is like using magnifying glass to see the more detailed steps

and functions in the whole process. See Appendix G.

Design of the Software

This section talks about the diagrams which the proponents used to construct the

prototype and the flow of the proposed system.

Hierarchical Input-Process-Output. This model (short for hierarchical input

process output model) is a systems analysis design aid and documentation technique

from the 1970s, used for representing the modules of a system as a hierarchy and for

documenting each module. It was used to develop requirements, construct the design,

and support implementation of an expert system to demonstrate automated rendezvous.

Verification was then conducted systematically because of the method of design and

implementation. The overall design of the system is documented using HIPO charts

or structure charts. The structure chart is similar in appearance to an organizational

chart but has been modified to show additional detail. Structure charts can be used to

display several types of information, but are used most commonly to diagram either data

structures or code structures.

This consisted of:

Visual Table of Contents. This is a more formal name for a hierarchy chart.

Summarizes the primary tasks to be performed by an interactive program. If you check

Appendix O, it shows one possible hierarchy chart (or visual table of contents) for the

proposed program. Each box represents one module that can call its subordinates and

return control to its higher-level parent. See Appendix J.

Input-Process-Output. This stands for Input-Process-Output. The design and

documentation style that uses module hierarchy diagrams with IPOs for each module is

(or at least used to be) called HIPO, in IBM mainframe circles. IPO is often called IPOS

or input, process, output, storage. Storage is where the data is kept once the computer

is turned off. An example of IPO can be given with a toaster; the input is a slice of bread;

the process is heating, and the output is toast. A simple computer IPO example is

pressing keys on a keyboard is the input, the process is making words and the output is

displaying words or symbols or printing them.

A 3-column layout is used on landscape-oriented A (8.5x11) or B (11x17) size

paper. The left column is the list of inputs, the right column a list of outputs, and the

center column is a sequential list of processing operations to be done, with provisions for

describing if/then/else, selection, looping and procedure call/return as required for out-of-

sequence execution. Outline-style numbering and indentation is used in the Processing

column to show nesting. Arrows graphically tie processing steps to inputs used and

outputs produced in the other two columns. An IPO for a single module consists of a

single page. If the processing is too long and/or complicated to fit on a page, that

complexity is to be packaged into sub modules, each with a single page IPO. Input

Process Output charts replaced flowcharts as "structured" documentation of (intended)

program flow and processing. See Appendix K.

Program Flowchart. A diagram which uses a set of standard symbols to

represent the sequence of operations of a computer program. Such a chart may show,

for instance, the steps of a subroutine. Also spelled program flow chart. Also called

program flow diagram. A diagram which uses a set of standard symbols to represent the

sequence of operations of a computer program. Such a chart may show, for instance,

the steps of a subroutine. Also spelled program flow chart. Also called program flow


A graphical representation of the sequence of operations in an information

system or program. Information system flowcharts show how data flows from source

documents through the computer to final distribution to users. Program flowcharts show

the sequence of instructions in a single program or subroutine. Different symbols are

used to draw each type of flowchart. See Appendix L.

Development and Testing. The Student Grading System of Channel of Dreams

Christian Academy of Bulacan is an automated system prepared and developed by the

proponents to replace the manual system of the school on grading their students. The

teachers will still monitor and record the students’ performances and progress manually

or by the conventional way of doing it. After gathering the student’s data, the teachers

will then input the numbers in the system. The system will process every number the

teacher will input for every student. After putting all information in the system for every

student, the system will then compute the grade of the student for every area. After

computing the per area grades, the system will then compute the final grade of the

students and shows whether it will be a passing or a failing grade following the

components of the K-12 program.

The proponents come up with the software’s functional requirements through

Data Gathering instruments conducted and the analysis of data from it. Tools which

defined the existing system were helpful for the definition of each internal process in the

existing system, which are the ones to automate, and must be included in the system

design. Also, the one that causes the problems in the existing system should be

removed during the proposed system development phase. From the analysis of existing

system during the data gathering, the proponents come up with the solution of providing

an automated system for the computation of grades of every student in the school. The

system will help the teachers and the whole teaching force including the principal to

compute and finalize each student’s grades following the grading process and standards

of the K-12 program in a more convenient and accurate way of doing it.

During the development, the proponents used software tools that made the

proposed system’s solution possible.

Table 4.1: Front and Back-End of the software solution


MySQL Workbench CE 6.3

Adobe Photoshop CS5
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010
(.Net framework tools)

As shown in table 4.1. The development of this system has undergone several

processes through the defined Front End which makes the interface for the user. This is

what the user can see. All the windows forms, all the message dialog boxes, etc. and

Back End which makes use of commands input by the user to perform some process to

derive in an output. By manipulating the back end of the system during the development,

it allows the objects and all the things included in the front end to work.

After development, the proponents staged the system into a testing phase which

will allow them to know errors whether it’s logical, run-time and other types of errors

users can encounter. In the testing phase, the proponents will then resolve and debug all

the errors and bugs that came up during this phase.

Pre-Testing Post-Testing
Phase Phase
Prototype Trial and Error Actual Testing
Method Orientation with the
Computer unit Computer Unit Users
Network Testing Evaluation
Output Testing Discussion
System Testing Adjustments

Figure 4.2: Proposed System’s Test Plan

To test the full functionality of the proposed system, as shown in Figure 4.1, the

proponents constructed a prototype which consists of the adapted manual system of the

school into the proposed system including the proposed processed in one. The

proponents tried to use the proposed system to input and process student grades

several times and still come up with the same output proving the accuracy of the

proposed system. The proponents also tried to use the sub modules of the proposed

system if it will also work and provide desired outcome. The proponents tried to change

every component to make sure that the system would also adapt to future changes in

the whole process and the system also provided the desired results. They also tried to

have the teachers experience it to familiarize them with the system’s flow and process.

Implementation Plan

This part discusses the actual set up of the system when it is already

implemented. This involves the actual system and the teachers or users who will

manipulate the proposed system.




Figure 4.2: Deployment Diagram

Figure 4.2 shows each system component and how they are connected to each

other through this proposed project’s software solution.

The proposed system must be evaluated and weighed first against the existing

system to see if the new system has accomplished its goal and ready for

implementation. It must also be examined to determine whether there are flaws in the

proposed system that may cause malfunctions. The proposed system has been tested

by the proponents and on their evaluation, the system is functional and almost met all

the specified requirements; but needs further development, through a beta testing for at

least 1 or 2 years, to test its full functionality.

For the pre-implementation of this system, the proponents would require the

chosen beneficiary or school to put into practice the following protocols/rules and

regulations made by the proponents for the full function of the system. These protocols

are applicable only inside the computer laboratory room wherein the system is located.

The following protocols are:

1. The users and maintenance of the school should make sure that the

computer laboratory is always clean and dry to ensure the safety of the

computer and hardware involved.

2. The teachers should only input correct data from the student’s performance.

3. The users should always make sure that they save every record they put into

the system.

Chapter 5


This chapter talks about the conclusion and recommendations the proponents

have after the research course. This also presents the objectives the researchers had

before they started to develop the proposed system.


After coming up with a beneficiary, the proponents have studied and observed

the problems the beneficiary is currently encountering with the system that they are

using. This is for the proponents to come up with objectives on what and how they will

address those problems by developing a system. After the observation, the proponents

found out that the school is having inconvenience when computing grades of the

students. Since they do the process manually, it takes a longer period to finish. They find

it hard to release grades of the students easily and within a short time. This proposed

system helps to address the school’s problem in the computation of the grades. The

system automates the computation of grades, automates averaging, finalize grades in a

faster way, and automates the ranking of the students. The system also automates the

class records making it easier for the teacher to monitor the performance of the

students. This system also offers additional functions or features to its users. Through

months of development and testing, the proponents concluded that the project had

achieved the ideal system that provides positive feedback on its general and specific

objectives such as:

1. It automatically displays special and important announcements about the

school events, period of posting of grades and other important

announcements to its users.

2. It automatically computes the grades of the students.

3. It provides accuracy in the computation of grades.

4. The system also automates the remarks of the student’s grade whether it has

passed or failed.

5. It provides printed reports of grades and summarization of rankings of the


6. The system also successfully provides security in providing user accounts to

the teachers and its users in the future.

7. It also offers flexibility because it has settings that will allow the admin user

account to add, modify, delete components to the system itself if ever there

are changes in the process of computation of grades.

Throughout the development process, the proponents had trouble in coming up

with a stable process since the K-12 grading system has influenced the process. But

with the help of their research and with the help of the school beneficiary, they were able

to create a smooth flow of the proposed system. During the development, the

proponents were able to understand more about the K-12 system. This proposed system

might also be a big help to the future researchers or proponents who consider grading

system as their study.


After the development of the system, the proponents have studied all the results

of their findings and conclusions; the proponents would like to approach readers,

especially the beneficiaries of this project and future researchers/proponents, the

following recommendations:

1. The beneficiary can also make this system into an inter-based system so the

students may view their grades online, everywhere.

2. The principal who will be the admin of the system should be fully aware of the

whole system itself.

3. The administrator should make sure the system is updated by checking the

outputs, especially the dates.

4. The school should hire a professional that would maintain the system to make

sure this will provide accurate results in the long run.

5. The system administrator or the principal should only entrust the use of the

system to the bona fide teachers at the school.

The proponents recommend to the proponents and researchers who will take the

same study to provide additional functions and features to the system same as the

proposed system to make this one more useful and efficient to the users.


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