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Draft essay: Academy Writing

Isabela Mosquera - Emily Ossa. Topic:

our friendship.


Start with the story of a stressful partial exams day and how that emotion and the feeling of anxiety get
us united. (Context: exams day, a stressful moment in life, contrast between us) (setting: the university,
the galpon) dominant impressions: loneliness, expectations, changing processes).

Thesis statement: phrase that defines our friendship relationship. Body

paragraph #1
Individual point of view Emily Ossa
Union temporal entre el primer encuentro con el resto de la relationship Description:
funny, lovely, family, loyalty… feelings
First impressions

Body paragraph #2. Isabela Mosquera Individual

point of view
Eyes to describe connection, facial expressions to describe complicity, hands to describe home.


How being into this relationship feels right now and the expectations for the future.

In the vast landscape of university life, stories are woven of chance encounters that trigger deep and
lasting connections. A friendship that blossoms and is enriched by sharing dreams and longings. She
appeared in my life on one of those days that pass quickly and without thinking about it will leave a
mark forever. Coming out of a midterm that had us with the nerves that every student knows so high,
the hunger guided us to the same place and fortunately, to the same table, unaided by another start, we
both caught the sparkle in the complicity of the other.

From the first moment we met, there was an instant connection, as if we had known each other for
years, I would never have imagined that this day would be the beginning to know a new world,
discover new friends, emotions and experiences that would make us grow together, united by life.
It is so hard to describe how warm it feels to fall into her arms when I really need a sister hug and
how intense and direct her eyes, just like a mirror, reflect as complicity as if we were two little girls in
a fantasy world and anything about us and the feeling we are into exist in all over the universe. If
there is something I have for sure always is that if I’m laughing or crying I’m always able to find
comprehension in her soul.
In this moment of our lives, there’s nothing as peaceful as having someone like her, a woman
discovering life back to back with you; growing emotionally, academically and spiritually
together. If I could wish something really good for everyone, I would wish for someone who
can teach real friendship like she has taught me.


- Hook: engages the reader with the hook.
(1) - Context: background information
contextualizes the reader. (2)
- Thesis statement: states the topics
that will be addressed in the next
paragraphs. (2)

Body Paragraphs:
- Topic sentence: introduces the
topic of the paragraph. (1)
- Description: describes the subject/object
and provides examples to support the
description. (3) - Transition sentence:
closes the paragraph and introduces the next
paragraph. (1)

Conclusion: summarizes the

description main points. (3)
- Final thought: contributes to the essay’s
objective. (2)

Voice: audience and genre awareness are

evidenced throughout the essay. (3)
- Detailed description.(2)

Organization: displays the main ideas in a

coherent and cohesive way. (2)
- Format assists readers orientation (1)
- Transitions are smooth and varied (1)
- Sentences are soundly constructed. (1)

- Vocabulary reflects precision and
accuracy. (3) - Repetition is rarely
present. (2)

- Capitalization: accurate for sentence
beginnings, proper names, titles. (1)
- Punctuation: end punctuation, commas in
series. (2)
- Spelling: complex words are spelled
accurately. (1)
- Grammar: accurate grammar (1)
Nora Lucía Marulanda Ángel, Yesenia Osorio Castaño,
David Andrés Lasso García

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