DIDs List

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F1 86 Active Diagnostic session

10 04 Battery Voltage

10 00 Engine RPM

20 08 ECU Life Time

10 09 ECU Time since Ignition ON

10 0C ECU Security Status
20 01 Odometer
Vehicle Identification Number
F1 90 (VIN)

F1 91 ECU Hardware Number

F1 95 ECU Software Version

F1 B4 Software Fingerprint read

F1 84 Software Fingerprint write


Gives the current session information

The ECU shall return the information about the Battery Voltage.

The ECU shall return the information about the Engine RPM

The ECU shall return the information about the ECU Life Time (total
power supply time of the ECU)

The ECU Time since Ignition ON indicating the time elapsed since Ignition
On detection
The ECU shall return the Security Status as 00 if its not unlocke and 01 if
The odometer master ECU shall return the odometer value

The ECU shall return the VIN Original

This data identifier shall be programmed at supplier end of line and shall
not be updated via flash programming, the off board tool shall not be able
to update this
parameter directly
The ECU shall return the supplier ECU Software Version

The ECU shall return the Application Software Fingerprint

Information needed by the tester to identify the tool that program the

The Application Software Fingerprint writing information is required only

for programmable ECUs.

Enter into ext session

TX:02 10 03
RX:06 50 03 00 32 01 F4

Read Current session info

TX:03 22 F1 86
RX:04 62 F1 86 03

1.Set the Power supply to 12v

2.Read Battery Voltage
TX:03 22 10 04
RX:04 62 10 04 12

1.Put the RPM to 70

ENGINE_FD_2.EngineSpeed_w = 30;//120
2.Read Battery Voltage
TX:03 22 10 00
RX:05 62 10 00 01 20

1.Power up the ECU and wait for 10mnts

2.Read ECU Life time
TX:03 22 20 08
RX:05 62 20 08 00 00 10
3.Power off
4.Wait for 5mnts
5.Power it again and wait for 7mnts
6.Read ECU Life time
TX:03 22 20 08
RX:05 62 20 08 00 00 17

1.Power up the ECU and wait for 15mnts

2.Read ECU Time since Ignition ON
TX:03 22 10 09
RX:05 62 10 09 00 15
3.Power off
4.Power it again and wait for 7mnts
5.Read ECU Time since Ignition ON
TX:03 22 10 09
RX:05 62 10 09 00 07
1.Unlock ECU
2.Read DID 10 0C
TX:03 22 10 0C
RX:04 62 10 0C 01
3.Give power supply
4.Read DID 10 0C
TX:03 22 10 0C
RX:04 62 10 0C 00

VIN number lengh is 17 Bytes

ECU Hardware Number length is 11 Bytes

Version length is 2ytes

Read DID F1 B4
TX:03 22 F1 B4
RX: L 62 F1 B4 <1B-Year> <1B-Month> <1B-
Date> <10B-Tool ID>

Write DID F1 84
TX: L 2E F1 84 <1B-Year> <1B-Month> <1B-
Date> <10B-Tool ID>
RX:03 6E F1 84

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