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8. Which word is stressed on the third syllable?

A. celebration
B. education
C. informational
D. understandable
9. Which of the following phrases follows a RISING intonation pattern?
A. I'm so excited!
B. The party starts at 7.
C. They completed the project
D. Are you coming to the event?
10.Which of the following phrases follows a FALLING intonation pattern?
A. How was your day?
B. I'll meet you at the park.
C. She's going to the movies.
D. What's your favorite color?
11.Which of the following sentences has a different intonation pattern?
A. It's a beautiful day, isn't it?
B. Can you pass me the salt, please?
C. She's a talented musician, isn't she?
D. Are you coming to the party tonight?
12.Which of the following sentences has a different intonation pattern?
A. I really enjoyed the movie.
B. I can't believe you did that.
C. Is it going to rain tomorrow?
D. Do you want to go for a walk later?
13.What gesture is most suitable for conveying enthusiasm and excitement when
discussing a topic
that you are passionate about?
A. tapping your foot
B. keeping your hands at your sides
C. clasping your hands in front of you
D. animated hand movements and facial expressions
14.Which gesture can be used to express frustration or disappointment when discussing
and obstacles?
A. smiling brightly
B. clapping your hands
C. putting your hands on your hips
D. a hand on your forehead or a deep sigh
15.What is the primary goal of effective staging and positioning in a choir performance?
A. minimize and improve the choir's presence on stage
B. keep the choir members stationary throughout the performance
C. engage the audience and enhance the emotional impact of the performance
D. ensure the choir can exit quickly to save and minimize the time on their performance
16.What is the primary purpose of adding or subtracting sections or vocal groups in a
A. increase the tempo of the music
B. change the lyrics and sounds of the song
C. control and produce the pitch of the performance
D. create a balanced sound and enhance the emotional impact
17.The sound /ʒ/ is an example of __________.
A. affricate
B. fricative
C. glide
D. nasal

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