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1. Compute the elevation difference b/n two successive points if the staff reading on A & B are 2.

& 3.762 respectively, as BS and FS and the height of A is 2762.325m.
2. A theodolite is set up at station A and a 3 m long staff is held vertically at station B. The depression
angle reading at 2.5 m, marking on the staff is 6°10´. The horizontal distance between A and B is
2200m. Height of the instrument at station A is 1.1 m and R.L. of A is 880.88m. Apply the curvature
and refraction correction, and determine the R.L. of B (in m).
3. The theodolite is setup with height of 1.65m and a distance of 200.652m and a vertical angle of
920 44’15” are measured. If the staff reading & RL of A are 2.644m & 1500m respectively,
calculate the reduced level of point B.
4. The following readings were observed with a level: 1.143 (on BM, RL 612.28m), 1.765, 2.566,
3.820; 1.390, 2.262, 0.664, 0.433; 3.722, 2.886, 1.618 & 0.616. Reduce the levels by the Rise and
fall method
5. When the level is setup near point A, a staff reading of 1.435 as1.435 as BS & 2.381m as FS on A &
B respectively. On the next setup near point B, a reading of 3.026m on B and 1.054m on A
respectively. Calculate the altitude difference & elevation of point B if RL of A is 1508.764m.
6. Two points P & Q are on the opposite banks of a river. The following observations were obtained
in reciprocal leveling and the RL of point P is 560.468.

7. Determine the distance for which the combined correction is 5mm.

8. A staff is held at a distance of 200m from a level and a reading of 2.758m is obtained. What is the
correction on the reading due to curvature and refraction?
9. The following readings refer to reciprocal levels taken with one level:

The distance AB is 1110m and the reduced level is of A is 2130.815m. Determine the following:
i. True RL of point B
ii. Combined Correction for curvature and Refraction
10. The following staff readings were observed and recorded on a field. Compute the elevation of
all points using rise and fall method.

11. Compute the elevation of the points using HI method

12. The following staff readings were taken in the field with an automatic level as: 3.775, 1.010,
1.735, 1.325, 2.642, 1.440, 1.815, 1.660, 1.530, 1.105, 2.640, 2.550, 2.325, 2.225, &2.458. The first
reading was taken on point A having a RL of 1420.640m & the last reading was taken on point B.
the instrument was shifted after the 4th, 7th and 11th readings. Calculate the elevation of point B.
13. The following is a page of level book. Fill in the missed readings & compute the RL of all points
and apply the appropriate checks.

14. A differential leveling loop is run from an established BM A to a point 3.32km away and back,
with a permissible of 17mm. Determine the constant value.( E=m√ )
15. A differential leveling loop began and closed on a BM of elevation 2103.895m. The BS & FS
distances were kept approximately equal. The readings listed below are taken starting the BM as:
1.023, 1.208; 0.843, 0.685; 0.982, 0.944; 1.864 & 1.879. Prepare: check for the permissible error
and adjust the notes.

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