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In today’s era, kids tend to spend more time watching TV.

This trend has

raised concerns among parents worldwide. This essay will discuss the probable
causes and propose possible solutions to this problem.
The first reason is that technology is increasingly developing, so children
have easier access to smart devices. Furthermore, there are many attractive and
lively programs on TV to attract children such as cartoons, game shows, or music.
Therefore, kids can spend all day watching TV. The second reason is that parents
do not give proper attention to their children. They have a hectic schedule, so
until they come back home from work, they still allow their children to watch TV.
They consider TV as a babysitter. Perhaps, parents feel that only then will their
kid not disturb or bother them.
To prevent excessive TV watching, several solutions can be implemented.
Firstly, parents play a crucial role in setting limits and supervising screen time.
Parents should encourage alternative activities such as reading, and board games.
Secondly, parents should spend more time playing with their kids. For example,
take your child to an entertainment center or shopping mall on weekends; take
short trips like camping, fishing, etc.
In conclusion, excessive TV consumption among children is a
contemporary challenge that demands attention. By setting limits, promoting
alternative activities, and spending time with kids, we can successfully mitigate
the negative effects associated with excessive screen time.

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